The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1956, Image 1

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Number 160: Volume 55
Band To Share Half
With Reagan Girls
The Fighting- Texas Aggie Band
will be honored with some, femin
ine assistance at halftime as the
John Reagan Red Coats, girls’ drill
team from Houston add their tal
ents in the first six and one-half
minutes of the show at the Villan-
ova game Saturday on Kyle Field.
Arrangements were made by the
Athletic Department for the girls
to perform since Villanova will not
bring their band.
The second half of the program
will consist of a simple but effec-
Police School
Ends Sent. 28
The 16th annual Texas Municipal
Police School ends Sept. 28, for 14
peace officers who are attending.
The school started Sept. 3. Dur
ing the period police are receiving
instruction in latest crime detection
techniques, public relations, handl
ing racial tension problems and
constitutional and state law.
Other Texas officers are in
The Engineering Extension Ser
vice Police Training Department is
sponsor of the school.
In addition to the regular study
the police “students” are to tour
the Huntsville Prison and The
Department of Public Safety.
Attending the school are Barney
Blount and Winded Smith of
Corpus Christi; Johnny Cawyer
and D. R. Meharg of Wichita Falls;
B. C. Doninguez, N. O. Wuerten-
burg, E. G. Zuniga and George C.
taimes of San Angelo; Larry Evans
sf College Station; A. J. Fowler of
Levelland, J. W. Jolly of Little
field; H. O. Lauste of Harlingen;
J. M. Payton of Pharr and Donald
Stanley of Bryan.
Future Farmers
To Meet Monday
The A&M Consolidated High
School chapter of the Future
Farmers of America held their first
meeting of the school year Monday
night, according to Donald Barker,
Alton Arnold was elected sentinel
to complete the slate of officers
elected last spring. Barker also
appointed committees for the year.
Officers, of the chapter, which
has 25 members, are Barker;
Arnold; Edgar Feldman, vice presi
dent; Michael Walton, secretary;
James Arnold, treasurer; and Keith
Kidwell, reporter. James House is
sponsor of the club.
Tonight At 8
five performance by the Aggie
Band, according to Lt. Col. E. V.
Adams, band dii-ector. The band
will execute continuous, double-de
layed and single delayed counter
marches, but will not end the per
formance with the trademark of the
band, the marching “T” due to only
five days practice with the 119
freshmen in the band, he said.
Villanova will be saluted during
the pi-ogram by spelling out then-
name. Then, switching to spell
out “AMC” the band will salute
The Aggie Band boasts 272 men
on its roster, but as last year, it
will have only a 240-piece marching-
Leading the band as head drum
major is Gary December from San
Antonio. Drum major for the Ma
roon Band is Jerry Cloud from
Weslaco while John M. Cornwall
from Dallas will lead the White
Band commanding officer is Cy
rus, H. Holley of Taft and com
manding officers of the Maroon
and White Band are Murray Den
ton of Lockhart and Charles W.
Rasco of DeWitt, Ark.
Picture Enlarger
On Way For Batt
Contract for leasing a more ver
satile engraving machine was au
thorized this week by the Student
Publications Board.
The Scan-A-Sizer has two
screens, one for newspapers and
one for magazines, and will en
large and reduce photographs. It
will produce a plastic engraving
as large as 18" x 22%".
Largest engraving possible on
the present Fairchild equipment is
.three columns wide and photo
graphs which are the “wrong”
size must be used as is or rephoto
Jim Bower, editor of The Bat
talion, said the new equipment will
result in a marked improvement
in the reproduction photography of
The Battalion.
“Whenever we receive an 8" x
10" photograph too late for re
photographing we have to play the
picture at least two columns wide.
Other pictures are often too small
and must be printed too small,”
Bower said.
In February, when the new
equipment is expected to ari'ive,
The Battalion and the four maga
zines will be able to use any size
photograph and will be able to
“edit” or “crop” to get the most
out of each picture.
Price Five Cents
t ; -
Dulles Asks
HEADACHE—Above is the best sign of the week displayed
by “A” Chemical. Second place honors went to “A” Ath
letics and Squadron 24 while “B” Field Artillery won third
Rotary Club Offers Study
Abroad To Local Students
Students from Bryan and Col
lege Station schools have opport
unity to compete for a year of
study abroad. The contest is for a
fellowship offered by the Bryan-
College Station Rotary Club, ac
cording to Dr. Joe Cox, president.
The Rotary fellowship is offered
to students who meet certain re
To qualify, a student must be
between 20 and 29 years old and
either have a degree or be a high
school senior. He must rate high
scholastically and know the lang
uage of the country in which he
decides to study.
“The applicants must also win
friends easily, be interested in
world affairs and possess leader
ship qualities,” Dr. Cox said.
He said selections are made
without regard to race, creed or
The selected applicant will com
pete with winnex-s from 28 other
Aggies Hit Rodeo Trail
Battalion Managing Editor
The Texas Agg-ies ax-e again on
the i-odeo trail raising- the curtain
on the fall semester and the first
football weekend with the 35th An
nual All-Aggie Rodeo tonight at
Sponsored by the Saddle and
Sirlion Club to finance judging
team tz-ips this year 45 contest
ants will be vying for All-Around
Cowboy honoi’s and its px-ize of an
Aggie Blanket given by the Ex
change Store.
Wayne Wax’d won this honor
last year. Runner-up cowboy will
be presented with a Western Hat
given by Whitten Hat Shop in Bry
Trophy buckles will be awarded
to winners in each of the follow
ing events—bull-riding; bai’e-back
bronc riding; tie-down x-oping; rib
bon-roping and bull-dogging. These
awax-ds are made possible by Shaf-
* r ■«
THRILLS AND SPILLS—Billy (Iron Man) Steele, who
graduated in May, hits the dirt to provide the crowd an
extra laugh at last Spring’s NIRA Rodeo.
fers Book Stox-e; L. White Saddle-
ery in Fort Woi’th; Aggieland
Grill and Cooley’s Conoco Station.
Between-the-acts humor will be
provided by Tom Montgomery and
Royce Hudson who will clown the
rodeo. These boys, both of which
are members of the professional
Rodeo Cowboys Ass’n. ax-e no
stx-angers to the Aggie Rodeo
Arena. Without the sex-vices of
the clown no x-odeo would be com
Providing soft-talk and ad-libs
will be Don Bisett, who will do an
nouncing honors for the thx-ee pex--
formances scheduled for tonight,
Fx-iday and Saturday nights.
E. A. Sladek, of La Grange, Tex.,
will fux-nish stock which is to be
used in the three pexfoimances. A
former student at A&M and no
stranger to the ax-ena Sladek woi’k-
ed as a professional rodeo cowboy
during the 1940’s.
Ax-ena Director for the rodeo
will be James Dickey and Cullen
Robinson and Billy Hanover will
seiwe as pick-up men. Other offi
cials were not known as the paper
went to px-ess.
Ticket prices for the three per
formances ax-e $1 for adults and
GO cents (at the gate) for stu
dents; pre-sale student tickets are
50 cents each.
Tickets may be purchased at
Loupot’s, Cooley’s Conoco Station,
12th Man Inn, Aggieland Grill,
Shaffers’ Book Store and in Bryan
at Grubbs’ Feeds, Guarantee Store
and Vincents’ Service Station on
College Avenue.
clubs in Southwest Texas.
The fellowship is for $2,500.
It was established in 1947 in
memory of Rotary founder Paul
Hai'i-is. Fellowships have been
awai'ded to 827 men and women
fi’om 61 countries in Europe, Asia,
South and North Amex-ica, Africa
and islands in the Pacific.
Applicants in Bryan and College
Station may contact Dr. Cox or
J. J. Woolket of College Station.
‘Trial’ Casting
Completed By
Aggies Players
Jack Gladwell has been selected
by dii'ector Vic Weining to play
the lead in Trial, Aggie Player pro
duction to be px-esented Nov. 5, 6
and 7 in the Memoxial Student Cen
ter Ballroom.
Gladwell will lead a cast of 32 in
the production to be presented in
expex-imental theater on a series of
six levels beginning on the Ball
room floor and extending back onto
the stage.
Costuming will be done with ex-
pressionism, Weining said. Each
costume will be x-epi-esentative of
each individual character.
Women’s paxfs in the three act
dx-ama will be handled by Iris
Bullard, Robin James, Laui’a Lynch,
Gene Logan, Jean Martin, Betsy
Bux-chard, Amaryllus Robex-ts, De-
loris Schoedel and Baxbara John
Cast in the male parts are Bill
Fink, Mike Kuick, John Sax-avanja,
Connie Eckard, Rip Woodwax-d,
Buddy Lundigren, Rocky Arnold,
Jack Campbell and Toby Hughes.
Chax-les Ware, Don Reynolds, Don
Fisher, Jack Loxms, Fx-ank Eich-
man, Chuck Kincaid, David Dan-
nenbaum, Ronald Ruth, Jim Leis-
sner. Dick Runkler, Max-vin Redditt,
Newt Harx-is and Clyde Adams.
Dix-ector Weining announced that
the production has only been px-o-
duced by one other college group
in the United States. The play was
written in French fi-orn Franz
Kafka’s novel of the same title.
It was first presented on Broad
way thx-ee years ago.
Shix-ly Cannon will assist Wein
ing with the directing of the play.
Shix-ley Px-ucell will handle the
To Share Suez Control
Presents Six Point Plan
To London Conference
Weather Today
Clear to partly cloudy is the
foi'ecast for today. The temper-
atux-e at 11 a.m. today was 90
degrees. High and low for yes-
tex-day were 101 degxees and 70 de-
LONDON, (TP) — Secretax-y of
State Dulles asked 18 nations
yesterday to press Egypt for a
shax-e in control of Suez Canal
traffic. He plainly indicated the
canal might be boycotted if Egypt
refused to coopex-ate.
Dulles added an emphatic warn
ing that an eventual Suez solution
must conform with justice and law
as well as with peace.
Five of the countries at the con-
fex-ence balked at the Dulles out
line of the project.
He chai-acterized the canal dis
pute as a test case of the woxld’s
ability to deal with its problems.
“If thex-e is no substitute fox-
force in achieving just solutions
the woi’ld will relapse into chaos,”
he said.
This is the six-point Western Big
Thx-ee plan presented by Secretary
of State Dulles to the London Suez
confex-ence yesterday.
1. The 18 conferring nations
should band together until an ac
ceptable settlement is reached
with Egypt.
2. The 18 should stick to their
proposals for international control
of the canal as the basis of a
final settlement.
3. The 18 should create an opex--
ating staff to coordinate with
Egypt on the pattern of canal
traffic. The staff, headed by a
maritime expert and including
pilots, would guide the ships of
member nations through Suez, col
lect dues and shax-e thq income
with Egypt. The expei't, as admin
istrative agent of the 18, could
supexwise detoux-ing ships around
South Afx-ica if it is decided to
bypass the canal.
4. A small governing boax-d
should be set up to develop long-
tex-m alternatives to the Suez
Canal-including the use of big
tankers which would sail aroxxnd
the cape and the constx-uction of
new oil pipelines to Mediterranean
tex-minals, if necessax-y.
5. A modest working fuxid should
be created.
6. Membex-ship of the associa
tion would bind no country to
wider obligations - such as, px-e-
sumably, joining in measuies
against Egypt if Egypt x-efuses to
While Dulles was speaking in
London, the Soviet Union came out
for a six-nation Suez negotoatioxx
confex-ence composed of the United
States, Britain, France, the ^Soviet
Union, Egypt and India.
In Cairo, Egypt’s Px-esident Nas
ser summoned his Cabinet to a
special night meeting oxi the dis
pute. Before the Egyptiaxxs pre
sumably was Dulles’ London out
line of the users’ association plan.
Nasser alx-eady has rejected it as
illegal and a danger to world
Texas Teacher
Shortage Gets
Video Program
The first of a series of pro
grams designed to meet the
challenge of teacher shortage
in Texas, will get under way
Sunday, Grady Parker, head,
Department of Education and Psy
chology, at Texas A&M, said to
KPRC-TV, Channel 2, Houston,
will telecast the program from 12
noon to 12:30 p.m. The second of
the sex-ies will begin Feb. 3.
J. W. Edgar, state commissioner
of education, has announced the
appointment of a Southeast Texas
area committee to woxk with the
Texas Education Agency on the re-
cx-uitment and teacher education by
television project, designed to qual
ify bachelor degree holdex-s, lack
ing professiosnal requix-ements, fox-
teaching through an accelerated
teacher educatioxx program. En
rollment in the television education
progranx will make the degx-ee hold-
ex- eligible fox- employment on an
emergency teacher’s permit.
“Students wives with bachelor
degrees may be interested in com
pleting this program and receive
a permit to teach which will be
good for thx-ee years after comple
tion of the program, Dr. Paikex-
says. “Potential teachei's may be
housewives, persons, desirous of
changing careers and persons who
earlier tuined thumbs down on a
professional career but would now
like to enter a profession such as
teaching, as well as student wives,”
he declared.
Any person interested, may con
tact Di\ Parker at 5 p.m., Fx-iday,
Sept. 21, in x-ooni 102 of the Aca
demic building.
f 111 - w* -*
'll srr IS
-.■« A
Being Sold
At Discount
A&M chapter of Sigma Del
ta Chi, professional journal
ism fraternity, is selling sub
scriptions to Time, Life and
Sports Illustrated magazines
to raise funds to carry out chapter
plans this yeai\
The group is conducting the sales
on a room to room basis and plans
to cover all dormitories.
Px-esident David McReynolds
says his group has an attx-active
discount for students.
Life and Sports Illustrated rates
ax-e eight cents a copy on a yeax-ly
basis. Time subscription x-ate is
six cents an issue.
Anothex- feature is the “buy now
and pay later” plan. Subscx-ibers
will be billed after they begin re
ceiving issues, says McReynolds.
He says funds will be for send
ing the chapter’s delegates to the
state and national SDX conven
A booth for selling subscriptions
is in the Battalion office. Intex--
ested pex-sons may call at the booth
for subscx-iption information, Mc
Reynolds says.
Extension Service
Adds B.M. Hackney
B. M. Hackney, former district
supex-visor of vocational industrial
educatioxx for the Texas Education
Agency, has joined the Engineer
ing Extexxsioxx Service, at A&M as
a teacher-tx-ainer for the EES.
In his new post, Hackney will
provide instruction to vocational
industrial teachers over the state.
He is replacing M. D. Dariow,
who has assumed new duties as an
instructional material and visual
aids specialist for the EES.
Hackney is a graduate of the
class of ’40 at Baylor University,
Waco, having xxiajoi-ed ixx business
administration. He also complet
ed , graduate work at A&M.
He is a Mason, Shriner and a
member of the Fox-t Wox-th Chap
ter of the American Society of
Training- Dix-ectors. Hackney is
affiliated with the Iota Lambda
Sigma, a national education fi-.a-
tex-nity, and the Texas Vocational
Association and the American Vo-
eational Association.
is *
S 'K-ufafS
READY FOR PAINTING—Sophomores in Squadron 13 watch as freshman wash and
polish “Sully”. Sophomores in front are (left to right) Bob Lynd and Bob Schmid.
Freshmen are (front row) Joe Goodin, R. J. Taylor, M. D. Browning, Jr., Jimmy C.
Douglas, Charles Pollard, Hadden Winckler, Benny Bankston, and William Miley. Second
row: Lewis Reddell, Pete Wedemeier and John Sion. On top: Bruce Demeng, Glen
Williams and Jerry Ford. Squadron 13 has made an annual affair of washing and pol
ishing “Sully”.