The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 19, 1956, Image 4
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Wednesday, September 19, 1956 Consolidated Parents Club Plans Reception for Teachers Sept. 24 Major David E. Philips, presi dent of the A&M Consolidated Mothers and Dads Club has an nounced that the club will honor the teachers with a reception on September 24th from 7:30 ’til 8:30 p.m. at the slab. In case of rain it will be held in the gym. Mrs. M. T. Hai’rington is general chair man and will be assisted by Mr. R. L. Elkins and Mr. L. P. Du laney. In addition to the president, the officers of the club are Mesdames .Tames Alexander, vice-president for elementary school T. S. Burk- halter, vice-president for junior high, Sam M. Cleland, vice-presi dent for senior high, Geo. Hueb- ner, recording secretary, Walter T. Matzen, corresponding secretary, and Mr. Roy Hagler, treasurer. At a recent meeting this group completed plans for the club ac tivities. throughout the coming year. The following chairmen have been named: Mrs. J. M. Bevans, Christmas cards; Mrs. Wm. R. Mc Neil, health; Mrs. Robt. M. Stev enson, community supper, and Mr. John K. Riggs, pet show. Mrs. Bevans is at present arranging for the Christmas card coffees which are held each year. The community supper will be held on March 7th and the pet show on April 6th. The dates have been set for three general meet ings: November 19th with elemen tary school in charge of the pro gram, February 11th with junior high in charge, and April 29th for election of officers and program arranged by senior high parents. Zapalac Speaks To Kiwanians Aggie assistant coach Wil lie Zapalac spoke to the week ly meeting of the College Sta tion Kiwanis Club in the Me morial Student Center yester day. He discussed “The 1956 Football Situation at Texas A&M”. “The tempo is picking up,” the former Aggie great said. ’“It’s so soon before the first game that some of us are getting hard to get along with. But the situation itself is better than at any time during the last 10 years, I would say.” In other business, a nominating committee report was read, a mo tion concerning the officer election time passed and plans for the an nual football games box lunch sale discussed. The club passed a motion moving up elections to Oct. 1, after nomi nations from the floor at the next meeting. I*S YURO TYPE RITE$R ON HTE B’LINK T)00.? “Mine was, until I took it to Davis. Man, what a repair job. It types like a new one now.” Yes, Aggies, we can put your typewriter in perfect operating condition at a minimum of cost to you. Bring it in today — estimates don’t cost you a thing. — S E E — Robert L. Davis ’50 Davis Office Equipment North Gate The Mothers and Dads Club bud get has been discussed and a ten tative goal set for income and ex penditures. In the past the club has provided many items of vital importance to the school. For this reason the officers feel that all of the parents should have an oppor tunity to voice opinion on the bud get. Lists of proposed purchases will be available at the teachers recep tion, and at 8:30 following the re ception, a brief budget meeting will be held in the cafeteria for those interested. Artificial Rain Is Big Gamble Says Physicist Artificial I’ainmaking is “a gam ble,” Dr. James E. McDonald, as sociate director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Uni versity of Arizona, told members of the Second Annual “Water for Texas” Conference yesterday in the MSC. Dr. McDonald was speaking on the increasing of rain ai’tificially at the 11:30 a.m. session of the Conference. “If you’re desperate and have to do something, cloud seeding may be the answer, but it is still a gamble,” he says. The cloud physicist told his aud ience that years of research and lots of money will have to go into finding the answers to the ques tion about artificial rainmaking. He concedes that it is possible, under certain conditions, to in crease rainfall, but maintains that despite 10 years of intensive re search “we still don’t have the answers.” Dr. McDonald also appealed for a widespread educational effort on the pai*t of the press, radio and television stations to disseminate only factual information on the subject to the public. BATTALION CLASSIFIED TPiANT AD RATES r ” = TTni* T?,Ant WANT AD RATES One day .... 2^ per word It per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 pjn. day before publication Classified Display 80* per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 Room For Rent Work Wanted T would like to keep several children in my home for working mothers. Will do baby sitting also. 1104 Milner, CS. 157tfn Room in private home. 401 Dex ter S., College Station. Call VI- 6-4322. 159tfn Room for rent, for couple or two single boys. If preferred, kitchen piavileges for couple. 307 Glade St. Call VI 6-7076 or TA 2-1501. 158t4. Wanted opportunity to play with string band. Must have job to en- tre school. Experience on instru ment and vocal. Write Raymond Yanowski, Bremond. 157t6 For Sal© 17” DuMont Console TV Set, $65. 504 Park Place, VI 6-4065. 158tfn Help Wanted Aggie student’s wife will keep children at her home. 4104 College Main. 157tfn. Part-time experienced grocery workers. No Sunday work. FOOD TOWN, 516 North Main St., Bryan. 156tfn Harley Davidson ‘“165” motor cycle. Up to 80 miles per gallon and 60 mph. Perfect for commut ing. Saddle bags, windshield and speedometer. Reasonable. 907 E. 31st St., Bryan. 157tfn Let me keep your children in my home 416 Taubei’, by the month, day or hour. Very reasonable rates for expert care. Just 2 blocks from North Gate. I will keep children duiing all football games and all social affairs. References. For further information call VI 6-4430. 157tfn. Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. — 3 p.m. Apply in person West- em Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf A. B. Dick Duplicating Mimeo graph Machine. May be seen by calling Student Publications, VI- 6-6415. Sealed bids will be re ceived in the office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10:30 a.m., October 1, 1956. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A&M College of Texas, College Station, Texas for further information. 157tfn Female Help Wanted Beauty Operator, Edna’s Beauty Salon or Pruitt’s Beauty Shop. 135tf Attention Working Mothers! All - day nursery. $25.00 per month. Fenced yard, two blocks from campus. 304 West Dexter, Phone VI 6-4142. 155tf Special Notice Are you looking for a place to park your kiddies during football season ? Try Kiddie Korner at the corner of Clay & Aspen. Phone VI 6-7108. 159tl Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in my home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf Cash and Carry Sale from Aug. 20th through September. Sherwin- Williams outside white paint, gal lon, $5.85; Kem-Glo, gallon, $6.98; Super Kem-Tone, gallon, $4.89; deep colors slightly higher. 3’ Red picket fence, roll $9.25; 3’ Green picket, roll $9.75; 3’ White picket, roll $12.75; 4’ Red picket, roll $10.25; 4’ Green picket, roll $11.25; 4’ White picket, roll $15.25. Fan tvpe trellis, each 89c. COX LUM BER COMPANY, 2705 South Col lege Avenue, Bryan. 153tl3 For Rent OFFICIAL NOTICES Fuimished room in College Park, private entrance, private bath. Southwest exposure, garage. Call VI 6-5556. 158tfn Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive In the Offlc« of Student Publications (Ground Flool YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-13, 1-5, dallj Monday through Friday) at or before thi, deadline of I p.m. of the day preceding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. If you have any moving to do, local or long distance, do it with a trailer and save money. See Baker Co., Bryan Phone TA 2-8159. 158t8 Laboratory assistants are needed for the fall semester in the Physics Department. Men who have completed sophomore physics courses with superior records are wanted to assist with instruction, grading and the handling of apparatus in the laboratories. The scale of compensaion is $.90 per hour for new assistants and $1.00 per hour for experienced assistants. The opportunity for experience, as well as earnings, should be considered. Applicants for assistantships are invited to bring tentative schedules to the office of the department as soon as possible. Head, Physics Department J. G. Potter 157t5 Large bedroom, comfortably fur nished. $5.50 a week. 200 Mead- owlane, Call VI 6-5559. 157t3 G.E. 30” rotary ironer. Perfect condition. Cost $187. Make offer. VI 6-7356. 156tfn Late model typewriters, perform like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bry an. 143tf Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 Routh, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main St. (AeroM from Railroad Tower) PROVE TA S-1S41 BRIAN A&M Men’s Shop 103 Main — North Gate AGGIE OWNED Wanted Graduate students to teach en gineering drawing. Contact W. E. Street, VI 6-4416. 157t5 Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 308A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) j • KVGIN'KEKIVG AND AKCHIT K CT l K AI, SCPPI-IKS • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUR PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES MS Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN, TEXAS FOR... Paints, Sign Materials, Shelv ing and Building Products of all types—see the . . . MARION PUGH LUMBER CO. 4 Blocks South of Kyle Field Old Hlway 6. — Ph. VI 6-5711 Mid-week Services Churches Invite Aggie Attendance A&M PRESBYTERIAN STUDENT CENTER Dick McGown will lead the dis cussion tonight at 7 at the Center. Topic discussed will be “And Now We Act As Men”. Ginny Jones will direct the fellowship activities. A council meeting is scheduled for Thursday morning at 6:30. Murray Milner will lead the break fast meeting to be held in the Center. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH “The Man Who Refused To Do God’s Will” is the sermon topic for the service tonight at 7:45 p. m. LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER The Lutheran Student Forum meets tonight at 6:45. ST. MARY’S CHAPEL Today at 5:15 p. m. Catholic students will staif the school year by solemnly invoking the assistance of the Holy. Spirit God. This Mass popularly referred to as “The Red Mass” because of the color vest- meiits worn during its celebration Methodist Men Have Banquet 6:30 Tonight The Rev. Robert O. Monk, Wes ley Foundation Director of the A&M Methodist Church, will ad dress members of the A&M Meth odist Men at a banquet tonight at 6:30. This first meeting for the fall will be held in the fellowship i-oom of the Educational Building at the Methodist Church. Rev. Monk will speak on “Meth odism to Students Through the Wesley Foundation.” President of the organization is Howard Whitney. Bob M. Calla way is vice-president and Leslie Hawkins is secretary-treasurer. In charge of the yearly programs are Jarvis Millei’, Ben Wormeli, and R. E. Leighton. The Methodist Men will meet regularly the third Wednesday of every month. has been the customary way for Catholic students to begin their new year of studies. Probably the most famous Red Mass is that offered in Washing ton, D. C., held at the opening of a new Congress of the United States and which is attended by the Senators and Congressmen, members of the Supreme Court and the President. The Newman Club will have their first meeting tonight at 7:30 in St. Mary’s Student Center. ST. THOMAS CHAPEL The first 7’egular meeting of the Canterbury Association will be held tonight at 7:15 p. m. in the Parish Hall following Evening Prayer in the Chapel, Refreshments will be served. Special services will be held Friday at 10 a. m. to obseiwe St. Matthews Day and Holy Com munion. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Preceding the 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting tonight, a Workers supper will be held at G p. m. followed by a Teachers and Officers meeting at 6:30. A&M CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Aggie Religious Study Group directed by Dr. W. C. Jones will meet tonight at 7 in the YMCA. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Prayer meeting begins at 7:30 p. m. tonight. WESLEY FOUNDATION Dr. Lee Phillip, Prairie View A&M, will be guest speaker at the Foundation meeting tonight at 6:45. His topic concerns “Dis cipline”. Dr. Phillip is an annual speaker and is very popular with Aggie students, Wesleyian presi dent Houston said. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Mid-week services will begin at 7:30 tonight. CHURCH OF CHRIST The weekly prayer meeting starts at 7: 15 p. m. Anniversary Sale “Price Was” “SALE PRICE” “You Save” 1953 BUICK SUPER FORDOR; Dyflo, P/Steering, H. Radio . . $1495.00 $1095.00 $400.00 1953 BUICK ROADMASTER Riveria H’dtop coupe, all Power . $1595.00 $1095.00 $500.00 1955 MERCURY MONTEREY Fordor, Overdrive, H. & R. . . $2395.00 $1995.00 $400.00 1953 CHEVROLET 210 FORDOR, R. & H r. . . . $1195.00 $ 995.00 $200.00 1956 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR, 8 cyl., Air Conditioned, Radio . $2900.00 $2050.00 $850.00 1952 FORD, 8 cyl. Tudor .... . $ 895.00 $ 695.00 $200.00 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Your Friendly Ford Dealer Texas Ave. at Burnett Tel. TA 2-5229 208 W. 24th St., Tel. TA 2-7136 415 N. Main St., Tel. TA 2-1333