The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 13, 1956, Image 7
Corps Officers, Non-Coms Announced (Continued from Page 2) William Kdward McLaughlin, Tech nical Sergeant. Staff Sergeants are Ordnance Sergeant, Elmer La- Warren Jacob; Athletic Sergeant, Logan Wayne Lacy; Scholastic Ser geant, William Hersey Cooper; Public Information Sgt., Gerald Robert Still; Squad Leader, Rus sell Loran Somers. “A” Chemical Commanding Officer will be Cap tain Jack Leighton Waytt. First Lieutenants are, Executive Officer, Elmor D. McCullough, Platoon Leader, John Charles Bain, Platoon Leader Ray C. Winburn; Scholastic Officer, Charles L. Edwards; Ath letic Officer, Charles L. Edwards, Public Information Officer Paul James Mason; Supply Officer, Elroy Ruit Villa, Arlen Charles Cornett is First Sergeant. John William Foster and John Mallory Long are Technical Sergeants and Platoon Sei'geants. Staff Sergeants are; Ordnance Sergeant, Joel Stephen Spitzer, Athletic Sergeant Jorace Earl Willis; Scholastic Ser geant, Charles Thomas Tucker, Public Information Sgt. Kenneth Lloyd Haggard, Squad Leader, Richard Word Roberson; Squad Leader, Walter James Godfrey, Squad Leader, Ronald Edward Smith, Squad Leader, Terry Wil liams Lamkin; Squad Leader, Robert Coffey, II, Guide, Milton Ray Roberts, and Squad Leader, Robert Hall Swaim. Headquarters Fourth Battalion, Second Regiment Commanding this unit will he Lt. Colonel Jon David Neely, Com manding Officer. Five Majors are Executive Officer, John C. Mont gomery; Adjutant, Philip Joseph Haas; PI & Scholastic, Eddie Vaughn Gray; Operations & Safety, Randolph S. King; Supply, Robert Granville Gattis. Operations Serge ant Sam Paul Nave, and Supply Sergeant Ripley Ezra Woodard are both Technical Sergeants. “A” Athletics The commanding officer will be Captain Norman B. Ufer. Executive Officer is Robert B. Matin 1st. Lieutenant; Platoon Leader, Robert E. McKnight 1st Lieutenant; Pla toon Leader, Field Rene Rul, 1st Lieutenant; Asst. Platoon Leader, Jerry Chris Durbin, 2nd Lieuten ant; and Asst. Platoon Leader, Samuel L. Sullivan, 2nd Lieutenant; Scholastic Officer, Richaid E. Hunkier; Athletic Officer, John Allen Roberts 1st Lieutenant; Sup ply Officer Marcelino O. Moreno, 1st Lieutenant; First Sergeant, William Bruce Gard, 1st Sergeant; Platoon Sergeant, Donald Wayne Carver, Technical Sergeant; Supply Sergeant, X. B. Reed, Technical Sergeant, Ordnance Sergeant, Joe Thomas Simmons Staff Sergeant; CORSAGE ClUB Save 20% On Corsages!! For Details and FREE Membership Card, fill in % Space Below and Mail to — NAN’S BLOSSOM SHOP .. 1105 So. College Bryan, Texas Please send membership card and details about the “Corsage Club” to — Name Address NAN’S BLOSSOM SHOP 1105 So. College Bryan Dial TA2-1658 Athletic Sergeant, Homer D. Smith, Staff Sergeant; Squad Leader, Robert Dunn Cleland, Staff Serge ant; Squad Leader, Charles D. Wright, Staff Sergeant. “B” Athletics Captain Lloyd Ray Hale will be the Commanding Officer. First Lieutenants will be Executive Of ficer John Stephen Henry; Platoon Leader, William D. Granberry; Platoon Leader, Eugene C. Stall ings; Athletic Officer, John Perry Paidee; Public Information Officer. George Jefferson Penfield. 1st Ser geant is A. L. Simmons. Technical Sergeants are Bobby Joe Com'ad and John Robert Gilbert, both Platoon Sergeants. “A” Composite Commanding this Unit will be Commanding Officer Gene Court ney Nash. First Lieutenants are; Executive Officer Harold Douglas Henson, Platoon Leader, Marvin Fred Kolinek, Platoon Leader, Fred Wylie Standard; Athletic Officer, Donald John Ranly, Public Infor mation Officer Johnny Ed Cates; Supply Officer Jerry Lee Neal. First Ser-geant is Jimmy D. Bos well. Technical Sergeants are Pla toon Sei-geant, David Carroll Vonnen;[ Platoon Sergeant Wallace Roland Beasley, and Supply Ser geant, Allen Henry Williford. Staff Sei’geant is Ordnance Sergeant Gordon Calhoun Graham. “B” Composite Commanding Officer is Byron R. Wilkinson, Captain. Others are Executive Officer Joe Donald Hall, 1st Lieutenant, Platoon Leader, Donald E. Flower, 1st Lieutenant; Platoon Leader, Ben Thomas Baty, 1st Lieutenant; Athletic Officer, Julian N. Carsey, 1st Lieutenant; Supply Officer, Frank A. Opoupalik 1st Lieutenant; First Sergeant, David Michael Currin, 1st Ser geant and Supply Sergeant Arthur Damon Gowan, Technical Sergeant. Headquarters First Wing Commanding Officer of Head quarters first wing will be Byron William King, Colonel. Others are Executive Officer, Alvan Edgar Richey, Jr., Lt. Colonel; Adjutant, John Hampton Keathley, Major; PI & Scholastic, Allen Clayton Lee, Major; Operations Jack Tibbit Steel Lt. Colonel; Supply & Safety, Jack Faith Lyle, Jr. Major; Chap lain, Carl FrahMin’Jaggefs, Major; PI & Scholastic, Sgt. Lawrence Leon Patton: Master Sergeant, Operations Sergeant, Donald Brent Kirby; Master Sergeant,' Supply Sergeant, Robert Rix Wunderlich; Master Sergeant, and Intelligence Sergeant, Ford George Daab, Master Sergeant. DRAPES Slip Covers-Upholstering Refinishing Wood Shutters Herman’s Interiors TA 3-2171 2606 TEXAS AVE. Headquarters First Group, First Wing Commanding this unit will be Jack Chewning, Lt. Colonel, Com manding Officer. Four Majors are Executive Officer Jerry Richaid Weatherby; Adjutant, Donald Earl Hicks; PI & Scholastic, James Duke Willborn; Operations & Safety, Louis Herrera Benavides. Master Sergeant Gary Porter Lemmon is Sergeant Major and Dimetrios Achilles Armenakis, Supply Ser geant. Squadron 1 Commanding officer for Squad ron 1 is Captain Vardanian Francis Johnson. First Lieutenants are; Executive Officer, Irving Burns Ramsower, Flight Commander, John Anthony Dillard, Flight Com mander, Mirl Ray Kimberling; Athletic Officer, David Carl Car penter; Scholastic Officer, Robert McCombs Schverak, & Public Infor mation Officer, Charles Edwin Williams. Jack Mahoney Heald is 1st Sergeant. Three Technical Ser geants are Flight Sergeant, Weldon Hale Justice; Flight Sergeant Robert Joseph Beal and Supply Sergeant Billy Joe Jones. The Staff Sergeants are Scholastic Sergeant Kenneth Alton Dalcbau; Public Information Sgt. Wayne Mason Talbert, and Squad Leader, Dannie Francis Gansky. Squadron 2 Captain Thomas Edwin Norton is the Commanding Officer of this unit, First Lieutenants are Exe cutive Officer, Earl Lynn Pixley; Flight Commander, J. B. McLeroy, Flight Commander, Larry Fabian McLendon, and Alberto Patricio Cardenas, Public Information Of ficer. David Wright Dixon is 1st Sergeant, while James Wright Dixon is Flight Sergeant; Austin Manuel Reid, Squad Leader; and Lewis Bland Epps, Staff Sergeant, Squad Leader. Squadron 3 Captain Kirby Thomas Meyer is Commanding Officer for this Unit. Others are Executive Officer Wil liam Tandy Ayres, 1st Lieutenant; Flight Commander, Richard Arthur Platt 1st Lieutenant; Scholastic Officer, Billy Don Williams, 1st Lieutenant; First Sergeant, Robert John Balhorn; Flight Sergeant, Frederick Van Lue Baird; Technical Sergeant, and Supply Sergeant, Bruce Allen Buell; Guide, John August Alterman; Staff Sergeant; Public Information Office! - , James Edgar Windle, 1st Lieutenant and Guide, Barry Thompson, Staff Ser geant. Headquarters Second Group, First Wing Lt. Col. Karl J. Springer will be Commanding Officer with William K. Easley, Major, serving as his Executive Officer. Other Staff Of ficers will be Maj. Dale R. Ullrich, Adjutant; Major Paul J. Creel, Operations and Safety; T/Sgt. James W. Anz, Operations Ser ACCREDITED BIBLE COURSES — FALL SEMESTER 1956-1957 — (You May Receive Six Hours of Credit Toward Your Degree) Course Section Credit Time Title Place Teacher 305 500 1 W10 Obi Testament Character Studies Church of Christ Whitson 312 500 1 Th8 Gospel of John Baptist Student Center Smith 312 501 1 F9 Gospel of John Baptist Student Center Smith 313 500 2 TTh8 Survey of New Testament Wesley Foundation Monk 313 501 2 TThll Survey of New Testament Baptist Student Center Smith 313 502 2 TThlO Survey of New Testament Y. M. C. A. Workman 313 503 2 TThll Survey of New Testament Y. M. C. A. Darwall 313 504 2 WF8 Survey of New Testament Baptist Student Center Smith 313 505 2 WF9 Survey of New Testament Church of Christ Whitson 314 500 3 MWF10 Survey of New Testament Baptist Student Center Smith 317 500 2 MW11 Minor Prophets Church of Christ Whitson 318 500 1 T10 Book of Acts Church of Christ Whitson 318 501 1 W9 Book of Acts Y. M. C. A. Workman 318 502 1 M9 Book of Acts Baptist Student Center Smith 320 500 1 T8 Book of Revelation Baptist Student Center Smith 323 500 3 MWF9 Life of Jesus Wesley Foundation Monk 323 501 3 MWF9 Life of Jesus St. Mary’s Student Center Elmer 323 502 3 MWF10 Life of Jesus Church of Christ Whitson 323 503 3 MWF11 Life of Jesus Baptist Student Center Smith 323 504 3 TThS9 Life of Jesus Y. M. C. A. Workman 324 500 3 MWF8 Major Prophets Wesley Foundation Monk 327 5 0 2 TTh9 Introduction to Bible Y. M. C. A. Darwall 327 501 2 TThll Introduction to Bible Y. M. C. A. Darwall 335 500 3 MWF10 Comparative Religion St. Mary’s Student Center Elmer geant; T/Sgt. Dimitri Pappas, Supply Sergeant and T/Sgt. Geo. Marshall Ragsdale, Intelligence Sergeant. Squadron 4 Capt. James S. Cassity will command the squadron with First Lt. J. H. Kirkpatrick and First Lt. Thomas J. Speed, III, as Flight Commanders. First Lt. Richard N. Andrew will be Athletic Offi cer, Frank M. Weinberger, Scho lastic Officer, Philips A. Lane, PIO, Bert J. Hoff, Supply Officer, all with the rank of First Lieu tenant. Don D. McGinty will be First Sergeant, T/Sgt. James Paul Gat lin will be Flight Sergeant, S /Sgt. Carlos S. Pena will be Athletic Sergeant; and S/Sgt. William W. Lofland, Scholastic Sergeant. Squadron 5 Capt. Harold L. Klinksiek will be commanding officer with 1st Lt. Allison F. Smith as his Execu tive Officer. First Lieutenants James C. Gregory and Georg’e Al len Kelt, Jr. will be Flight Com manders with 1st Lts. Edward C. Priest and Herbert Adolph Fuchs serving as Scholastic Officer and PIO, respectively. Donald Wayne Jones will be First Sergeant while T/Sgt. Claude W. Creamer and T/Sgt. Thomas E. Giles will be Flight Sergeant and Supply Sergeant, respectively. S/Sgt. James H. Munnerlyn will be Scholastic Sergeant; Charles J. Cheatham, Teddy Ray Lowe, John William Paige, Dean Franklin Por ter, William A. Sansing, will have the rank of Staff Sergeants and sei’ve as Squad Leaders. S/Sgt. Vaynus D. Bradley will be Guide. Squadron 6 Capt. James L. Hudeon will be commanding officer, assisted by 1st Lt. Robert W. Opitz as Flight Commander. Second Lt. Gene L. McMichael will be Asst. Flight Commander and 1st La. John B. Whitwell will be Athletic Officer. Carrol P. Killough will be Scho lastic Officer; Keith F. Niss, PIO; Leonard D. Lewis, Supply Officer- all with First Lieutenant buttons. Richard W. Stephens will be First Sergeant assisted by T/Sgt. Milton M. Jones as Supply Ser geant and CpI. Jimmy Cloud Jack- son and Cpl. William E. Reed as Guidon Bearer and Squadron Clerks. Headquarters Third Group, First Wing Lt. Col. John R. Sandhop will be commanding officer of the group with Maj. Robert D. Williamson as his Executive Officer. Other members of the staff include: Maj. Tom M. Connor, Adjutant; Maj. Jack C. Cook, III, Operations and Safety; M/Sgt. Louis C. Stipp, Sergeant Major and T/Sgt. Char les S. Lessard as Operations Ser geant. Squadron 7 Commanding the unit will be Capt. Jack W. Thomas with 1st Lt. John H. Voss as Executive Of ficer. Other officers in the squad ron will include: First Lieutenants Jerry R. Steart, Flight Command- The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, September 13, 1056 PAGE 3 er; William B. Goode, Jr., Flight Commander; Robert C. Wakefield, Athletic Officer; Johnny L. Dye, Scholastic Officer; and Thomas C. Barr as Supply Officer. Sergeants include: Joe W. Can trell as First Sergeant; S/Sgt. Gary E. Thomas as Scholastic Sergeant; Peter C. Noble, PIO; Jan H. Jackson, Squad Leader; Arthur Marrey Wilcox, Squad Leader. William M. Redditt, III, Squad Leader; Charles R. Hilland, Squad Leader; James A. Baytes, Squad Leader; and Conrad S. Call- icoatte, Guide. Squadron 8 Capt. Robert N. Hancock will command the unit with 1st Lt. Bu ford D. Fisher as his Executive Officer. 1st Lt. Alberto T. Fer nandez will be Athletic Officer. James L. Rankin will be First Sergeant with T/Sgt. Donald H. Corbell as Supply Sergeant. Staff Sergeants include: Joseph R. Kim ball, Athletic Sergeant; William B. Sides, Scholastic Sergeant; Robert J. Matus, Squad Leader; John Louis Schattel, Squad Lead er; and Winston P. Odom, Squad Leader. Squadron 9 Capt. William E. Schier will command the squadron with 1st Lt. James L. Pruitt as his Eexecu- tive Officer. First Lieutenants and their jobs include: Donald F. Keprta, Flight Commander; Stan ley C. Schwartz, Flight Comman der; Gerald T. Haynes, Athletic Officer; John P. Weatherford, PIO; Walter L. Shuler, Supply Of ficer. William E. Kuykendall will be First Sergeant and Gary Bern hardt Emerson will be Flight Ser geant. Headquarters Fourth Group, First Wing Lt. Col. James M. Peacock will command the group with Maj. Richard B. Thornton as his Ex ecutive Officer. Other staff mem bers include: Maj. Henry F. Grupe, PIO and Scholastic Officer; Maj. Jack M. Dreyfus, Operations and Safety; and T/Sgt. Joe E. Ward, Supply Sergeant. Squadron 10 Capt. Lester L. Mays, command ing officer, will have 1st Lt. Jon F. Cobb as his Executive Officer. Other officers include: 1st Lts. Rober A. Foster, flight comman der; Charles E. Fox, flight com mander; Charles W. Kugler, Ath letic Officer; James A. Crews, Scholastic Officer; George N. Manitzas, PIO; John A. Ocone, Supply Office!*. Jack W. Montgomery will be First Sergeant, T/Sgt. Herbert T. Minyard will be Flight Sergeant and T/Sgt. Phil D. Fisher will be Supply Sergeant. Staff Sergeants include: David E. Booty, Scholas tic Sergeant; Arnold J. Barnett, PIO; and Robert T. Brown, Guide. Squadron 11 Capt. Leroy C. Foerster will com mand the unit with 1st Lt. Harold Sattler as his Executive Officer. Other officers include First Lieutenants Herbert H. Acheson, Flight Commander; William R. Ratcliff, Flight Commander; Mel vin M. Driskell, Athletic Officer; Kenneth Bernard Nolen, Scholastic Officer and Ernest R. Rickel as PIO. 2nd Lt. Robert G. Goster will be assistant Flight Officer. Ray W. Laird will be First Ser geant, other sergeants include: T/Sgt. William F. Hughes, Flight Sergeant; Paul Burnside, Flight Sergeant; S/Sgt. Wayne R. Thomp son, Scholastic and S/Sgt. James E. Owen, Guide. (See CORPS OFFICERS, Page 6) PAINT < SALE Rubber base wall paint (Regularly $4.95) $3.75 per gal. 7" roller and tray set (Regularly $1.98) $1.49 per gal. Free City Delivery — Plenty of Parking M&W Paint &. Glass Co. 423 S. Main TA-2-1252 WELCOME. AGGIES TO ELLISON PHARMACY SCHOOL SUPPLIES • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE • DRUG NEEDS • RX Free Delivery Call VI 6-4727 ELLISON PHARMACY North Gate—College Station 101 South Main—Bryan