The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 13, 1956, Image 6

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The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas
PAGE 2 Thursday, September 13, 1956
Corps Officers,
(Continued from Paga 1) i Sergeants are: Robert Daniel Pur-
Sergeant and Billy Grant Crolley, ! rington, Scholastic Sergeant; Don-
Platoon Sergeant. The five Staff aid Chester Duzan, Squad Leader;
Sergeants are: Geo. David Frese, ! Lawrence Leroy Bobo, Squad
Ordnance Sergeant; Jerome Martin Leader; Earl Martin Huitt, Squad
Pousson, Athletic Sergeant; Terry ! Leader; Vernon Martin Frank,
Michael Wadsworth, Squad Lead- j Guide, and William Henry Foy,
er; James Lamar Roberts, Squad
Leader; and Thomas Barton Coker,
Squad Leader.
“A” Transportation
Capt. Donald A. Weber will be
Commanding Officer with Bobbie
Hardee, 1st Lieut., Executive Offi
cer. Others are: Fred A. Raby, 1st
Lieut., Platoon Leader; 2nd Lieut.
John B. Hendrick, Asst. Plaoon
Leader; 2nd Lieut., Leroy E. Kap
pa, Asst. Platoon Leader; Jerome
J. Lednicky, 1st Lieut., Scholastic
Officer; Benny E. Fichte, 1st.
Lieut. Athletic Officer; Jerry Ar
nold Hayes, 1st Lieut., Supply Of
ficer; James Richard Byrd, Ord
nance Officer; 1st Lieut., Don Ray
Hollister, 1st sergeant; Foils Jo
seph Louview, Technical Sergeant;
Platoon Sergeant, Harold W. By
ars, Supply Sergeant, John rving
Lamoreau, Staff Sergeant; Ord
nance Sergeant, Frank Richard
Knippa, Athletic Sergeant.
“A” Ordnance
Capt. David Eugene Gore is the
Commanding Officer. Second Lieu
tenants are Joe Ned Baker, Asst.
Platoon Leader, and Charles Jared
Wheat, Asst. Platoon Leader. First
Lieutenants are: Bobby H. Nel
son, Executive Officer; Fred Ira
Whitt, Platoon Leader; Daniel M.
Stalmach, Scholastic Officer; Rich
ard H. McGlaun, Athletic Officer;
Monte Owen Darden, PIO, Charles
R. Dollinger, Supply Officer; and
Jerome Dee Harris is a 1st Ser
geant. Technical Sergeants are
Richard Wesley Lott, Platoon Ser
geant; Clyde Eldridge Beal, Pla
toon Sergeant; and Charles Wayne
Scott, Supply Sergeant. Staff
Headquarters Second Regiment
Commanding Officer is Jerry
Mac Betsill, Colonel. Others are:
Larry Dean Piper, Lt. Colonel, Ex
ecutive Officer, Tommy Winston
Smith, Major, Adjutant; Jacob Ot
to Koehl, Major, PI & Scholastic;
Leland Hobbs Pratt, Lt. Colonel,
Operations; William Alfred Mc
Carty, Major, Supply & Safety;
Major Jasper N. Lynn, Regimental
Chaplain; Major George Henry
Boyett, Liason Officer; Master Ser
geant, Charles Ray Smith, Opera
tions Sergeant; Jerry Need Mc
Gowan, Master Sergeant; James
Robert Partridge, Intelligence Ser
geant; Thomas Raymond Harris
Scholastic Sergeant.
Headquarters First Battalion,
Second Regiment
Lt. Colonel John Henry Specht
is the Commanding Officer. Major
Thomas Richard Livingston is the
Executive Officer, Major Jack Wes
ley Lewis, adjutant; Major Warren
W. Chapman, PI & Scholastic;
Maj. Joe Allan Marek, Operations
& Safety; Maj. Clarence J. Mai'key,
Supply; Master Sergeant Robert
Theodore Smith, Sergeant Major,
Technical Sergeant James Alexan
der Clark, Operations Sergeant;
Technical Sergeant Bartolome Gar-
cis, Intelligence Sergeant.
“A” Field Artillery
Tl?e Commanding Officer of this
unit is Capt. Gene L. Jameson. Ex
ecutive Officer is Donald R. West,
1st Lieutenant; Platoon Leader, Joe
Kinchen Moore, 1st Lieutenant;
Platoon Leader, Neal C. Cameron,
1st Lieutenant; Asst. Platoon
Leader, Charles Curtis Felkner, 2nd
Lieutenant; Scholastic Officer, Le
on B. Withers, 1st Lieutenant;
Athletic Officer, Maiwin J. Chla-
pek, 1st Lieutenant; PIO, James
E. Bruer, 1st Lieutenant; Supply
Officer, Richard L. Howard, 1st
Lieutenant; Ordnance Officer, Pat
Jean Farley, 1st Lieutenant; Train
ing Officer, Joe Dan Boyd, 1st
Lieutenant; First Sergeant, Shel
ton Ray Rossberg; Platoon Ser
geant, Sigmund Bernard Harris,
Technical Sergeant, Supply Ser
geant, Darryl Michael Springs,
Technical Sergeant, Athletic Ser
geant, Ray Alphonso McKnight,
Staff Sergeant, Squad Leader,
Charles Clifton Gober, Staff Ser
geant, Squad Leader, Ronald Fred
erick Easley, Staff Sergeant.
“B” Field Artillery
Commanding Officer is James M.
Dellinger, Captain, and the Execu
tive Officer is Walker B. Tagsdale,
1st Lieutenant. Others are: Pla
toon Leader, Robert Lee Glazener,
1st Lieutenant; Platoon Leader,
Thomas W. Goldstone, 1st Lieuten
ant; Asst. Platoon Leader, Joseph
A. Heuman, 2nd Lieutenant; Schol
astic Officer, Glendall B. Rand, 1st
Lieutenant; Athletic Officer, Jo
seph J. Beran, 1st Lieutenant; PIO,
Henry D. Thompson, 1st Lieuten
ant; Victor Patrick Zuckero, Chap
lain, 1st Lieutenant; Ordnance Of
ficer, James M. Lindsay, 1st Lieu
tenant, Finance Officer, Billy
Wayne Ryan, 1st Lieutenant; First
Sergeant, Joe Van Smitherman,
Platoon Sergeant, Rayford Gaines
Anthony, Technical Sergeant; Sup
ply Sergeant, Roy Bennett Davis,
Technical Sergeant; Squad Leader,
Dale Clark Cantrell, Staff Ser
geant; Squad Leader, William
Reaves Hampton, Staff Sergeant;
Squad Leader, Gary Neil Garner,
Staff Sergeant; Guide, James Al
len Burke, Staff Sergeant.
“C” Field Artillery
Capt. James M. Stewart will be
the Commanding Officer of this
upit while Ellison K. Kolinek, 1st
Lieutenant, will be the Executive
Officer. Platoon Leader will be
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Billy Burt Carter, 1st Lieutenant;
Platoon Leader, Guy Hill, Jr., 1st
Lieutenant; Scholastic Officer,
Charles Thomas Beard, 1st Lieu
tenant; Athletic Officer, Ralph
William Clement, 1st Lieutenant;
Public Information Officer, Ronald
Paul Pactor, 1st Lieutenant; Sup
ply Officer, Robert Clark Hill, 1st
Lieutenant; First Sergeant, Doug
las Lamar Smith, 1st Sergeant;
Platoon Sergeant, John Frederick
Buford, Technical Sergeant; Pla
toon Sergeant, John Nicholas Kuch-
ler, Technical Sergeant; Supply
Sergeant, James Dennis Gower,
Technical Sergeant; Ordnance Ser
geant, Charles Kitchens Carter,
Staff Sergeant; Public Information
Sgt. Hugh Ernest Wharton, Staff
Sergeant; Squad Leader, Robert
Lee Sizemore, Staff Sergeant;
Squad Leader, Ewen Durst Hail,
Staff Sergeant; Guide Maxis Allen
Bowen, Staff Sergeant.
“D” Field Artillery
Commanding Officer is William
Adrian Hackney, Captain, and the
Executive Officer is Clark E. Hol
loway, 1st Lieutenant. Other 1st
Lieutenants are: Platoon Leader,
Percy Leon Bartula, Platoon Lead
er, James E. Wheeler, Scholastic
Officer, Gary N. Smith, Athletic
Officer, Jerry Dale Bates, Public
Information Officer, Rollin Khoury,
Supply Officer, Karl P. Kuehn, and
Ordnance Officer, Joseph Leon Cur
tis. David Melton Cox, 1st Ser
geant; Harry James McBrierty,
Technical Sergeant, is supply Ser
geant and Walter George Duble,
Staff Sergeant is Scholastic Ser
Headquarters Second Battalion,
Second Regiment
Commanding Officer for this un
it is Lt. Colonel Douglas R. De-
Cluitt, and the Executive Officer
is Maj. Gerald D. Thornton. Four
other Majors are: Charles Carroll
King, Adjutant, Ronald Casey, PI
& Scholastic; Thomas Neal Sud-
derth, Operations & Safety; Ray
mond Dolezel, Supply.
Bobby Joe Surovik, Sergeant
Major is a Master Sergeant. Three
Technical Sergeants are: Patrick
Ernest Resley, Operations Ser
geant; Thomas Jewell Upchurch,
Supply Sergeant; and Delvin
John Lefner, Intelligence Sergeant.
“A” Anti-Aircraft Artillery
pommanding Officer of this unit
is. Lloyd J. Barnhill, Captain. Oth
ers are Executive Officer, Glynn
R. Chandler, 1st Lieutenant; Pla
toon Leader, Gene Dale Hattox, 1st
Lieutenant; Platoon Leader, Fred
E. Vogelsang, 1st Lieutenant; Asst.
Platoon Leader, David Russell
Goodale, 2nd Lieutenant; Asst.
Platoon Leader, Merritt W. John
son, 2nd Lieutenant; Scholastic
Officer, John Clayton Polk, 1st
Lieutenant; Athletic Officer, Ray
mond A. Van Eaton, 1st Lieuten
ant; Public Information officer,
Herman Dale Avant, 1st Lieuten
ant; Supply Officer, Richard Lee
McGown, 1st Lieutenant; Ordnance
Officer, Billy Wayne Wagnon, 1st
Lieutenant; First Sergeant, Travis
Camp Johnson; Platoon Sergeant,
Richard Payne Mooinaw; Technical
Sergeant, Supply Sergeant; Hector
Armando Cardenas, Technical Ser
geant; Scholastic Sergeant Charles
Floyd King, Staff Sergeant.
“B” Anti-Aircraft Artillery
Commanding Officer will be Cap
tain Nathan A. Offield, The Exec-
tive Officer will be Donald J. Bay
er, 1st Lieutenant. Other lieuten
ants are: Platoon Leader, Donald
G. Mayo; Platoon Leadei - , Robert
W. McCleskey; Scholastic Officer,
Lambert Joe Matl; Athletic Offi
cer, Antonio Gonzales; Public In
formation Officer, Gayle Hodge
Watt; Supply Officer, Richard
Louis Moore; Ordnance Officer,
James R. Gipson, 1st Sergeant is
Ray Olson McClung. Technical
Sergeant John Michael Cunnnig-
ham, Supply Sergeant. Staff Ser
geants are Louis Edwin Biar, Ord
nance Sergeant; Daniel Ephraim
Greenberg, Scholastic Sergeant;
Nicholas Umberto Onofrio, Public
Information Sergeant. Squad Lead
er, Edward Ray Holbein; Squad
Leader, Gilbert Alden Freitag;
Squad Leader, Ramiro E. Salazar;
Squad Leader, Charles William
Sinclair; Squad Leader, Sidney
Edmund Kuntz; and Guide Malcolm
Allen Maedgen.
“C” Anti-Aircralt Artillery
Commanding Officer of this unit
is Captain John Austin B. Terry.
Others are: Executive Officer, 1st
Lieutenant Benjamin V. Alcala;
Platoon Leader, John Curran Sul
livan, 1st Lieutenant; Platoon
Leader, Andrew McConnicO John
son, 1st Lieutenant; Asst Platoon
Leader, Ted Herman Hrabal, 2nd
Lieutenant; Asst. Platoon Leader,
Carl C. Carrico, 2nd Lieutenant;
Asst. Scholastic Officer Richard
Thomas Bernard, 2nd Lieutenant;
Athletic Officer, Lyndle Ray San
ders, 1st Lieutenant; Public In
formation Officer, Bobby G. Wood
ward, 1st Lieutenant; Supply
Officer, Jamo Cash Powell, 1st
Lieutenant; Ordnance Officer, Reg
inald L. Chesser, 1st Lieutenant;
Asst. Ordnance Officer, Martin Lu
ther Hoke, 2nd Lieutenant; First
Sergeant, Thomas Hardie Barr;
Platoon Sergeant, James Lowell
Bawcum, Technical Sergeant; Sup
ply Sergeant, James P. M. Syler,
Phillip Burl Chesher, Staff Ser
Headquarters Third Battalion
Jerry Lee Cremer, Lt. Colonel is
Commanding Officer. Five Majors
are: Executive Officer, Joseph C.
Sanders; Adjutant, John Charles
Niemeyer; PI & Scholastic, Hulon
M. Madeley; Operations & Safety,
Charles Robert Manning; Supply,
McFarland C. Osborn. Three Tech
nical Sergeants are: Operations
Sergeant, Alan Ward Vencil; Sup
ply Sergeant, James Eugene Willis,
and Intelligence Sergeant, Dewitt
Liggett McLallen. Master Sergeant
is Armon Monroe Hewitt, Sergeant
“A” Signal
Commanding “A” Signal will be
Commanding Officer, Captain Bob
by Rex Armer. First Lieutenants
will be William Henry Tullock, Ex
ecutive Officer; Richard Gene
Dilts, Platoon Leader; James C.
Fitzwilliam, Platoon Leader; Don
ald E. Tobb, Public Information
Officer; Janies W. Somers, Supply
Officer. Technical Sergeants are
Platoon Sergeant Bernard Melvin
Kalman; Platoon Sergeant, Jerome
Leroy Winkler; and Supply Ser
geant, Roy Howard Fleetwood.
First Sergeant is Joseph Frank
Venincasa. Staff Sergeants are:
Ordnance Sergeant, Forest Weldon
Appleton; Scholastic Sergeant, Dix
on Wall Coulbourn; Squad Leader,
James Allen Durda; Squad Leader,
Oliver Lemuel Edwards; Squad
Leader, Hubert Henry Bowers, and
William Clyde Kendrick.
“A” Quartermaster
Commanding Officer will be John
H. Pogue, Jr., Captain. Others
are Executive Officer, Robert H.
Milford, 1st Lieutenant; Platoon
Leader, Robert Lee Sinclair; 1st
Lieutenant; Platoon Leader, Joe
Leslie Sebek, 1st Lieutenant;; Asst.
Platoon Leader, James B. Rowland,
2nd Lieutenant; Asst. Platoon
Leader, William Joe Smith, 2nd
Lieutenant; Athletic Officer, Paul
B. Beckman, 1st Lieutenant; Sup
ply Officer, Daniel L. Prihoda, 1st
Lieutenant; Ordnance Officer,
Charles Ray Richardson, 1st Lieu
tenant; First Sergeant, Marion
Wesley Simpson, Platoon Sergeant,
Arthur Ivan Davidson, Technical
Sfsrgeant; Supply Sergeant, Wil
liam Edward McLaughlin, Techni
cal Sergeant; Supply. Sergeant,
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