The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 30, 1956, Image 1

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    Number 155: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Ihe Mattahon
THE CHAPEL—A&M’s new chapel, made possible by the Former Students Association
nears the halfway mark in construction. Richard Vrooman of the Architecture depart
ment designed the building.
City Council Accepts Bids;
Approves Hiway 6 Speed Zone
■Educator Cites Need For
High School Scientists!
DETROIT—The problem of sup
plying’ the country with much
needed scientific talent should be
tackled at the junior and senior
high school levels, a well-known
educator and science editor said
here Saturday.
Addressing a group of educators
and General Motors executives at
the GM Summer Program for High
School Science Teachers, Dr. Paul
F. Brand we in sand difficult prob
lems lie ahead for industry, gov
ernment and education because
modem technology demands more
scientists and engineers.
“It will be up to the schools and
students of today to supply the
scientific leadership of tomorrow,”
he said.
He added that the years ahead
“are also years of challenge and
Hiway Dept. Men
In Short Course
Four men from the Austin of
fice of the Texas Highway Depart
ment were at A&M recently at
tending a three-day short course
in charge of Jack K. Gilbert and
H. G. Stallings of the Highway
Research Center.
The men, Willard H. Moore, C.
W. Chaffin, Ted W. Becker and
A. H. Pollard were given a famil
iarization course in handling radio-
graphic is tope cameras for testing
the strength of welds on Texas
Good Walker
MURRAY, Sask. (AP) — Joe
Richard, a Murray district farmer,
walked 45 miles to Paducah in nine
hours and 50 minutes. Offered $100
to repeat the performance, he
walked it again in eight hours, 35
oppoi'tunity for our young people—
our future scientists.”
He spoke before 21 high school
science and mathematics teachers
from Michigan, Ohio and Indiana
who have been employed on sum
mer jobs in 13 GM divisions, giving
them first-hand knowledge of in-
Draft Re gistrar
In Housing Office
Miss Geraldine R. Pianta of Col
lege Station has been appointed
registrar for the Brazos-Grimes
county draft board for students
attending A&M College.
Boys who reach the age of 18
can register by calling Miss Pianta
in the Housing Office, Monday
through Friday between the hours
of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., and on Sat
urday between the hours of 8 a.m.
and 12 noon.
A local board is maintained for
the two-county area because one
board can take care of the work.
The state dh’ector of Selective Ser
vice says that “a board in each
county in many areas would prove
to be a waste of governmene
Col. Morris S. Schwartz, state
director of the draft system, ex
pressed public appreciation of the
services of Miss Pianta.
“People of A&M College should
appreciate the services she renders
to them,” Col. Schwartz said, “as
she is doing this work without pay
as a public service to her country.”
All males are required to register
under the draft on their 18th birth
day or within five days thereafter.
Maximum penalties that can be
applied for failure to register are
$10,000 fine, or five years in prison,
or both.
dustrial applications of science.
They worked on jobs directly re
lated to the subjects they teach—-
mathematics, chemistry and phys
A professional educator with 20
years of science teaching experience
with high school and university
students, Dr. Brandwein explained
that an important school and col
lege responsibility is to discover
more adequate means for identify
ing and preparing young people
with ability to meet the challenge.
“If our schools embrace a uro
gram of science instruction which
is geared at the levels of intelli
gence annd interest . . . for scien
tific careers, those youngsters with
potentiality will be stimulated to
go into these fields,” Dr. Biand-
wein declared.
He said experience shows that
gifted students, placed in a favor
able environment, rapidly develop
selw reliance, self direction annd
maturity, and a pattern appears in
their ways of approaching a prob
Dr. Brandwein said the success
ful science teacher is neither
authoritarian nor easy going. Aside
from his superior training and
wide interests, he very often must
develop a fathei’-son relationship
with his students.
In addition to his duties as chair
man of the science department of
Forest Hills (N.Y.) High School,
Dr. Brandwein also is on the staff
of Columbia University’s Teachei’s
His study, “The Gifted Student
as a Future Scientist,” reports re
sults of more than 20 years of
teaching and research on problems
of identifying, stimulating and pre
paring gifted students for science
Civil Service
Positions For
The United States Civil
Service Commission has an
nounced an examination for
Geophysicist ( Exploration )
for filling- positions in the
Geological Survey, Department of
the Interior, and various other
agencies in Washington, D. C., and
throughout the United States. Some
positions may be filled in United
States Territories and Possessions,
and in foriegn countries. The en
trance salaries range from $3,670
to $11,610 a yeai\
Appropriate education and ex
perience are required. For positions
paying $3,670 and $4,525, educa
tion alone may be qualifying. No
written test is required.
Further information and applica
tion forms may be obtained at
many post offices throughout the
country, or from the U. S. Civil
Service Commission, Washington
25, D. C. Applications will be
accepted by the Board of U. S.
Civil Service Examiners, Geologi
cal Survey, Department of the
Interior, Washington 25, D. C.,
until further notice.
LULL BEFORE THE STORM—The picture above shows a view of the empty Registrar’s
office during the pre-enrollment lull. Mrs. Christine Echols, shown in the picture,
works in the office.
Dr. Adams Accepts
Nevada Position
Dr. J. E. Adams, dean of the
School of Agriculture, has resigned
to accept the post of director of the
Agricultural Experiment Station
and the Agricultural Extension
Service, and dean of the Max C.
Fleischmann College -of Agricul
ture, at the University of Nevada
He will take up his new duties
about Sept. 15.
“It is with deep regret, personal
as well as professional, that I ac
cept the resignation of Dean Ad
ams,” Dr. David H. Morgan, presi
dent of the college, said. “I feel
his going is a loss to the State of
Texas as well as to the college.”
Dr. Adams was named dean April
25, 1955 to succeed Dean Charles N.
Shepardson who resigned to accept
appointment as a member of the
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.
A graduate of William Jewell
College, Liberty, Missouri, Dr. Ad
ams received his M.S. degree from
Purdue University and his Ph.D.
degi-ee from Iowa State College.
He has a varied background of ex
perience in agricultural research,
extension and teaching.
March Of Dimes
Gives Batt Plaque
A Certificate of Appreciation
was recently awarded to THE
BATTALION for recognition of
outstanding service to The March
of Dimes.
The certificate, signed by Basil
O’Connor, president of the Nation
al Foundation For Infantile Pa
ralysis and M. Heritage, Jr. local
chan-man, reads as follows:
“This testimonial is awarded to
THE BATTALION whose volun
tary and wholehearted efforts have
given impetus to an historic step
toward the conquest of a vicious
disease, signaling a new era of hope
that our homes soon may be freed
from the threat of epidemic, and
inspiring a dedication to the ser
vice of tens of thousands of polio’s
victims, whose struggle to walk
again continues uninterrupted in
the shadow of victory.”
Weather Today
Forecast for College Station area
is partly cloudy with fresh south
erly winds. Yesterday’s high and
low were 98 degrees and 79 de
grees. Temperature at 11:30 this
morning was 90 degrees.
School Children To Have
Guide Across Highway 6
Members of the College Station city council voted Mon
day night to accept bids on a 2-ton truck and a :5 /j.-ton truck
to be purchased by the city. The low bid of 33,524.87 for
both trucks was submitted by Chevrolet. The bids were
trade differences since the city will trade in a 1947 Chevro
let and a 1949 Studebaker. Chevrolet stated delivery within
20 days.
Council members also authorized city manager Ran Bos
well to hire an electrician’s helper. Need for the extra elec
trician was pointed out because of the growth of College
Station and the increasing need for electrical work such as
installing and replacing transformers.
♦ Councilmen pointed out that
because of the load on the city
, Couch
Selected To
Predict Trends
Dr. J. R. Couch, Poultry
Husbandry Department and
Dr. I. W. Rupel, head, De
partment of Dairy Husbandry,
have been selected to serve
on the College Feed Survey Com
mittee of the American Feed Man
ufacturers Association.
Dr. Couch will serve on the Poul
try Committee, and Dr. Rupel on
Dairy Committee. They are two
of 24 outstanding college men care
fully selected to represent geo
graphically every major feeding
section of the United States.
The committee will meet in Chi
cago, October 25-26, 1956, to fore
cast production trends during the
coming year for each type of live
stock and poultry and the balance
between feed use and supply. AF-
MA has sponsored similar studies
by Feed Survey Committees every
year since 1942 and the remarkable
accuracy of their reports have
made them aluable to all seg
ments of agriculture.
When the group meets in Chica
go, an area-by-area report of px-o-
duction and feeding trends will be
given by each membei-. USDA
and other reports and fox-ecasts
will be taken into considex-ation.
The committee will be divided into
smaller groups to develop individ
ual studies of px-o^pects for dairy,
poultry, swine, beef and sheep pro
After two days and one night of
intensive study, all data will be in
tegrated and the combined repox-t
will be given to the nation’s press
and radio. A more detailed edition
will be published later. AFMA
expects to disti-ibute neaidy 80,000
Dollar A Year
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Dr.
A. F. Mahan, former pastor of Cen
tral Baptist Chui’ch in suburban
Fountain City, found out how it
feels to be a dollar-a-year man. On
his 82nd bii’thday, he received $82
from his foxiner congregation.
electrical system, there often
times was power failure on
such items as air conditioners.
In other action the council voted
to accept the resignation of Dr.
Melvin S. Brooks as chairman of
the city Human Relations Com
mittee. Dan Russell of the Rural
Sociology department was appoint
ed to fill the position. Other mem-
bei's of the committee are Benny
A. Zinn and L. D. Trevino.
Utility Supply Co. submitted low
bids of $1,763.60 for 4,000 feet of
two inch galvanized steel pipe and
$640 for 1,000 feet of two inch cast
iron pipe which was accepted by
the council.
City manager Boswell said the-
pipe will be used for water line
extensions when and where it is
Highway 6 School Crossing
After some discxxssion as the best
method of getting school children
safely across Highway 6 near the
blinker light, the council voted to
pay half the salaxy required to hire
someone to act as a guide to help
the children aci’oss the highway
during the hours when the school
ti’affic was heaviest which figured
at about two hours and 15 minutes
per day.
Provisions in the agreement were
that the city’s half of the salai'y
was not to exceed $37.50 and they
would make the man a deputy so
as to give him authority for the
job. They stated that his was not
a job of directing traffic but rath
er to guide the small children
across the road. The school will
pay the other half of the salai'y.
As futux-e plans, council members
agreed to look into the possibili
ties of having an underpass for
the childx’en at that point in the
Also, the council decided to es
tablish a speed zone on Highway
6 beginning 1,000 yards south of
the blinker light. At that point
there will be a sign indicating
speed reduction to 55 mph with
graduated 5 mph reductions every
1,000 feet to the 40 mph limit which
exists on into Bi’yan.
Boswell said a speed check had
been made at these points and the
newly adopted speed zone genexally
coiTesponded with the speeds of
motorists at the present time.
Rogers Named
Head of
Agron. Dept.
John S. Rogei'S has been named
to head the combined teaching, re
search and extension activities in
agi’onomy of the A&M System ef
fective September 1. He succeeds
J. B. Page who recently was made
dean of the Graduate School of
A&M and professor of soil physics
in the Depaxtment of Agronomy.
Dr. Rogers has been the leader
for several yeaxs in x’esearch on hy
brid seed corn pi’oduction for the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station, and an employee of the
A&M System since September 1938.
Sevexal corn hybxids were devel
oped under his supervision which
ai’e 20 to 30 per cent more px*oduc-
tive, under Texas’ growing condi
tions, than the better open-pollina
ted varieties formerly grown.
Less than 1 per cent of the Tex
as coi’n acreage was planted to hy
bxids 15 years ago. Now about 75
per cent of such aci’eage is planted
to Texas Station hybxnds.
One of the most important ad
vances in i-ecent years is Dr. Rog
ers’ development of male-sterile
irbreds. This method, which is
now widely used in the corn-pi’o-
ducing states, eliminates the labor
■xnd cost of detasseling.
Dr. Rogers was born at Monti-
cello, Axkansas. He obtained a
bachelor degree in agronoxny in
1948 and a master degree in gen
etics in 1940 from the A&M Col
lege of Texas. A doctorate in bi
ology was conferred upon him in
1949 by Harvard Univex’sity.
Boswell To Attend
Canadian Meeting
Ran Boswell, College Station
City Manager, was given permis
sion Monday night by council
members to atend the Intexnation-
al City Manager’s Association’s
meeting in Baxxff, Canada, Sept.
16-20. He will travel by plane.
Attended by city managers
from all coiners of the world, the
four day meeting will be spent
mainly in discussing - problems com
mon to city managers.
Also to play a big - part at the
meeting will be discussions on fi
nance, planning and the newest
trends and developments related
to city governmental problems.
The last three meetings -Boswell
has attended have been in Califox - -
nia, Florida and New Hampshire.
The 1957 meeting will be held in
Washington, D.C., with the 1958
meeting coming to Dallas, Texas.
In Owl City
*‘Hooters ” LikePogo’s Policy
Special to The Battalion
July 59—(Special)—The Cxy of
“Hoot Mon!” x - ang across this
pi'aii’ie town today as a convention
of Owls, many with decided ti’aces
of Scotch in their bx - ogans, endors
ed the Okefenokee Possum, Pogo,
for Superintendent of Garbage iix
Beanfxy, North Kadota. A brooding
group of Liberals, Owls who re
fused to give a hoot, lodged a
strong protest movement on the
gi - ounds that the job had originally
been offei’ed to a pig. “You do not
have to be a pig to be a pig!” point
ed out Ahem Koffigan, prominent
gai'bage lobbyist. “We offei - ed this
job to the best man available. We
believe that so far as general “pig”
ability is concexned, Pogo is about
as piggy as they come.”
What effect this new demand on
the popular Possum’s time will have
is at this point somewhat debatable.
It was rumored that Pogo, if elect
ed Pi - esident of the U. S., would
appoint a Fedei'al Gaxbage Counter
as one means of x - etaining his con
stituency in Owl City and Beanfiy.
“We are pi'oud of the activity
shown in Owl City and in Beanfry,”
declared Pogo in an off-the cuff
addx-ess before gaxbage woxkers.
“We have seen other places
wrestle with the evex - -present pi'o-
blem of garbage and we have seen
a gi'eat many vast communities
come a cx - opper on the issue. But
when we look at Owl City, we see
a REAL dump. Owl City can be
pxoud. And Beanfx-y has a col
lection second to none. Each city
has an atomosphere of its own.”
Authoxities and othexs familiar
with paxliamentary law are both
plussed and non-plussed on the
subject. Some have pointed out
that if Pogo were elected President
thei - e would be nothing to prevent
him fx - om resigning his duties as
Chief of State to take over the job
in Beanfry. Gaxbage Producers
thxoughout the wox - ld have their
noses to the wind, savoxing the
political bx-eezes. As one, who would
not give his name, i - emarked:
“It’s Chicago all over again!”