Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1956)
t 1 The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Thursday, August 23, 1956 The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College ol Texas and the City of College Station, ia published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications Is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist, Chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom JLeiand and Bennie Zinn. Student members are Derrell H. Guiles, Paul Holladay, and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary. The Battalion is pnblished four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during tl e summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-clasa matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 8, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally bj National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Lot Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. DAVE McREYNOLDS Editor Barbara Paige Woman’s Editor Barry Hart , Sports Editor Bob Stansberry Staff Photographer Maurice Olian CHS Sports Correspondent Vol (Smokey) Davis, D. G. Gilleland, Shirley Gumert, J. W. Osborn, George Reoh, John Gumert, Dud Stewart Staff Writers BIG FIRES FROM LITTLE STICKS GROW—This is no little stick (right) but just a sample of the logs used in building the Fightin’ Aggie Bonfire each Turkey Day. The picture was taken from the top of the bonfire so you can see how tall it was at that time. The picture on the left shows the results of two weeks work going Up in flame the night before the TU game. Bonfires are built on the drill field south of Duncan Hall as the Main Drill Field is used only for parades and reviews—and growing grass. 4 PHOTO SHOP NOW LOCATED AT THE NORTH GATE ACROSS FROM THE POST OFFICE Portrait Studio Frames Darkroom Supplies Cameras Films Camera Repairs ONLY COMPLETE CAMERA STORE AND STUDIO IN BRYAN OR COLLEGE STATION ONE-DAY FILM DEVEL