The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 23, 1956, Image 19

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    The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas
Thursday, August 23, 1956 PAGE 5
Basic Division Aim—to Ease
WHAT’S UP DOC?—Donnie Powell, right talks over his problems with Dr. William J.
(Jack) Dobson of A&M’s Basic Division. Located in the old Aggieland Inn building Dr.
Dobson and other members of the Basic Division staff specialize in helping students with
their personal, academic and whatever problems may arise during their stay at A&M.
It is not an easy step from high
school to college. It was with this
in mind that the creation of A&M’s
Basic Division took place in 1950.
It is not the purpose of he Basic
Division to hinder a student but the
opposite, to help him in every
possible manner so that he may
benefit and find himself better
equipped when he enters a degree
granting school of the college.
The most important responsibility
lying with the Division is furnish
ing assistance, both personal and
academic, to students pertaining to
schedule planning, substitutions for
required courses, irregular class at-
h School to College
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A&M Since 1891
North Gate — College Station
Two Post Offices
Available at A&M
While a student at A&M you will
be wanting to hear from your
folks, your girls and other friends.
This problem brings the ques
tion of just how does a person
receive his mail at A&M.
There are two places mail is de
livered on the campus. One is at
the main post office at North Gate
and the other is in the Memorial
Student Center post office.
You will have to go by either of
these two places and fill out an
application for a box. This is where
you will, receive your mail.
Be sure to go by the first chance,
you get so you may pick the post-
office which will be closer and
handier to your room.
The college has a special delivery
service and special delivery letters
should have your correct dormitory
address complete, with room num
ber on them for immediate de
All incoming long distance calls
come through the Housing Office
on the ground floor of the YMCA,
where messengers are on duty at
all hours of the day and night to
contact the. person being called.
In addition, a telegraph office is
located in the MSC which receives
telegrams during the; day. At
night and on weekends you can
It has been our privilege to serve the
students of Texas A&M for many years. We have.set for our
selves the task of creating the most friendly relations possible
with the students. We have done this by conscientious service
and honesty in every possible way. Visit us soon and enjoy the
friendly cordiality of our store. Remember —
Scmheit jewelers
111 North Main/ Bryan
Phone TA 3-6835
send or receive telegrams at the
Housing Office. At the MSC tele
graph office a battery of long
distance telephones are at your dis
posal around the clock.
Large parcels and boxes, such
as footlockers, should be shipped
to school and be sure to ship them
early enough to allow them time
to get to College Station before you
need them. Address them to your
self Texas A&M College, College
Station and send them by rail.
tendarfce and decisions by students
about remaining in college.
Every student entering A&M for
the first time, without previous col
lege credit, enrolls in this division,
where normally he will remain for
two semesters. Those students not
making progress toward a degree
are not permitted to advance until
their work provides evidence of his
being able to progress toward
graduation satisfactorily.
Many students come to A&M
with a specific course or major of
study in mind. On the other hand
most students do not really know
what they want, or are.unable to
pin their goal down to one major
subject. This is where the Basic
Division can aid you in selecting a
course suited to your aptitude and
within your reach.
Many students will have this
course of study already planned,
and those who do not know the
course to study they plan to follow
will enroll in a General Curriculum
course that will ultimately allow
them to follow through to a de
Testing and counseling services
provided by the Basic Division aid
those students who. do not have a
set degree in mind. Wih the addi
tional aid of aptitude and achieve
ment tests administered Sept. 8
(you ma^ have been one of those
that took these tests duiing the
ING MARDI GRAS—Leading the parade down world fa
mous Canal Street in New Orleans the Ross Volunteers of
A&M during Mardi Gras activities served as honor guard
to His Majesty King Rex. Eligible juniors and seniors are
chosen annually for membership in the crack military drill
company, named for A&M’s first president Lawrence Sul
livan Ross.
The Sportsman’s Center
2018 Texas Ave.
Located in Plantation Shopping Center
• Hunters
• Fishermen
• Shooters
Our Specia by
summer) the division counselors
can better advise a student.
Professional workers in the
Division, assisted by members of
the Department of the College in
which a student wishes to study,
review each students’ test results
and high school transcript individu
Those students whose records
show they need additional back
ground in certain fields ar*e advised
to select from the Divisions’ courses
designed to aid in building know
ledge in this direction.
Those students whose test re
sults show a proficiency in a parti
cular subject are allowed to sub
stitute other courses for he one
usually taken during the semester.
Before a student reaches a de
cision about these suggestions made
to him, he is given an opportunity
to discuss in groups and individu
ally, the matter both pro and con.
Past records show that chemis
try, English, mathematics and
reading serve as a stumbling block
to many students. The Basic Divis
ion has courses designed to bolster
students weak in these and other
courses ( as well.
Regarding reading, you may be
surprised to know many students
graduate from college without being
able to read. By this we mean a
student doesn’t take in or “soak”
what he goes over. Every year and
every day you will hear students
gripe about flunking a quiz or
missing a question because he
didn’t read the question. Over 2,000
students have taken Basic Divis
ion’s Basic 102, Remedial Reading
and Basic 103, College Study.
Ninety-five per cent of these stu
dents have been enthusiastic about
the way their reading and com
prehension speed has been increas
THE TABLES TURN—Freshmen get their turn at getting
even with upper classmen on April Fools’ Day each year.
Here “Misters-for-the-day” (left to right) Bob Royal, Jack
Beasly, Richard Myers, and Henry Koster see just how
sharp a sophomore can be as Bob Stone gets a good going
Just a Good Place to Dine
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Let "Our Flowers Say It For You" On Any Occasion
Corsages (For Dances) • Cut Flowers
Mum Corsages (For the Games) • Flowers by Wire
# Potted Plants
Next to Campus Theatre
North Gate