The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 23, 1956, Image 17
Dedicated to WW 1, s Livin BY ROY DAVIS MSC Public Relations Committee Built in memory of those A&M men who died in World Wars I and II the Memorial Student Center is known as “the living- room of Texas A&M College.” Located south of the main drill field the MSC, as it is known on the campus, is a spacious, modern building, housing many facilities for your convience while a student at A&M. Operated on the idea of “a home away from home” with all built-in extras the MSC has music rooms, dances, crafts, a library, bowling and game-room and a hotel where you can house your girl. In addition, -two television lounges are located in the building together with a regular dining room and coffee shop just off the main lounge. The Fountain Room, which serves short orders and cold drinks is off the main corridor lead ing to the bowling alleys. The Student Center is ggvemed by a Council of eight students, five faculty members and two former students. One student is selected president of the MSC Council; this year’s president is Richard M. Wall, ’57, and he will be assisted by Dick McGinty ’58, vice-president. Fa culty members include W. F. Berndt, E. D. McMurry, O. D. But ler, C. H. Ransdell and P. J. Woods. Former students sitting on the Council are B. H. Dewey, Jr., and Dr. Tyrus Timm. A chairman is selected to head each of the 18 committees and these, together with the president and vice-president comprise the MSC Directorate, which plans and directs the various activities. All freshmen are invited to sign up for these committees and activi ties. There is always something you can do to help and the wide pro gram of the MSC is designed to meet the tastes and interests of everyone. PERSONNEL BUREAU A new organization composed of students who will help you find a position which will interest you in the MSC. This committee’s job is to keep all standing committees filled up to quota. Robert Glasgow will be in charge of this committee. HOUSE Under the direction of Irving Rasower it is the responsibility of the House Committee to sponsor student-faculty coffee hours for various departments of the college. This group decol-ates the MSC dur ing Christmas holidays, f o r Mothers’ Day and Freshman Open House. The Manning Smiths CHILDREN'S BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 10TH Register Now For ’56 - ’57 Season Call VI 6-6214 VI 6-4051 “Dial Mrs. Dial’ MUSIC If you don’t like the music being played over the loud speaker sys tem in the MSC talk to Dudley Brown, committee chairman. This service is one of the duties they perform during the school year. Selection of records for record playing rooms and sponsorship of all musical programs for the MSC come' under this committee. The Intercollegiate Talent Show, held annually, is the highlight of the year for this committee. ART David Morris will serve as chair man of this committee. They give free instructions in all types of art to interested students. Instruc tion is given in various medias-oil, watercolors and sketching. Several Art Displays are held during the year. BOWLING—TABLE TENNIS This committee doesn’t set the pins in the Bowling Alleys, but it is one of their responsibilities to be sure the pins are in place. Under the direction of John Redden many tournaments are scheduled among the students here on the campus, and with other colleges and uni versities. Anyone interested in learning how to bowl or anyone wishing to join the MSC - A&M Bowling Team is welcome to be come a member of this committee. PUBLIC RELATIONS Success of all the various activi ties which take place in, or through the MSC, depend upon this com mittee. Through this group all radio, newspaper and billboard ad vertising for the MSC is handled. Roy Davis heads this group in 1956-57. SPEECHMASTERS Patterned after Toastmasters International and designed to build a successful foundation for public speaking and communication this group will be under in charge of Frank daggers. They meet weekly in the MSC at an inexpensive luncheon with every member of the Committee participating in the program. FILM SOCIETY Fleming Smith heads this com mittee wdiich presents films rang ing from older classics to more re cent movies. These films are pre sented in the MSC weekly. All phases of these presentations are WELCOME CLASS of '60 WATCH YOUR MAIL . . . WE ARE SENDING YOU A DISCOUNT CREDIT CARD WHICH ALLOWS YOU 25°/o OFF ON . . . LAMPS SHOWER SHOES WASTE BASKETS A-3I-C BRASS TAYLOR'S CAMPUS VARIETY NORTH GATE COLLEGE STATION TEXAS handled by members of the com mittee. RECITAL SERIES A sub-committee of the Music Committee this group of students, under direction of Norman Jacob son, presents a program of music recitals for those interested in “long - haired”, serious type of entertainment. Artists of regional and national fame are presented throughout the year. GREAT ISSUES Jon Hagler and the members of his Great Issues Committee will present nationally and internation ally known speakers who provide information on world wide topics of interest. Selection, entertaining and presenting these speakers falls on each member of the committee. In addition, a series of radio bi-oadcasts on controversial issues are presented throughout the year by this group. STUDENT CONFERENCE ON NATIONAL AFFAIRS (SCONA) SCONA IT will be held during the month of December in the MSC. Last year approximately 50 repre sentatives from as many, colleges and universities over the nation at tended these lectui-es and discus sions. Eminent leaders in foreign affairs from government, industry and education guide discussion of the delegates. This committee is responsible for publicity, corres pondence, research, financing, se curing speakers and arrangemen of this conference. STUDENT FORUM Th| responsibility of this com mittee, headed this year by Willi Tlsup, is to bring- speakers to thr campus to better inform and en able the student body to discuss intelligently cmrent political, so cial and economic affairs. JUNTO Composed of a small group of students under William Meals this committee meets bi-weekly to dis cuss a wide range of topics. Crea tive thinking is the main prere quisite toward joining this com mittee. DANCE Boasting one of the most widely- accepted activities on the campus David L. Brothers will head the popular Dance Committee this year. This group makes possible the dance classes held during the se mesters. Ballroom dancing is taught and this committee spon sors the popular “Rue Pinalle”— A&M’s French Nightclub, twice a month and other dances throughout the year. CRAFTS Both novice and masters are welcome to join the Crafts Com mittee and use the facilities of the Craft Shop. Leather work, ceramics, metals, plastics and wood work are some of the various medias with which you can work. Many students find this committee useful to make their own Christmas presents. CAMERA CLUB Anyone with the tag of a “shut ter- bug” wall enjoy this work. The MSC has four completely- equipped darkrooms for your plea sure. Under the direction of John West this group sponsors many photography exhibits through the year. Instruction is available for those who need it. Thompson’s SINCLAIR Service Station THOROUGH LUBRICATION HOBBY SHOP Texas at North Ave. Adjacent to Miller’s Super Mkt. The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, August 23, 1956 PAGE. 3 iiiipii IpiSl i ' **■ ; -asaPf FRESHMAN OPEN HOUSE-CAMERA CLUB BOOTH—Ron Logan, (white shirt, cen ter) explains the workings of a 35 mm came ’a to unidentified freshmen at the Freshman Open House held annually in the Memorial Student Center. Here newcomers to the cam pus see what and how each of the various groups and committees of the MSC work and operate and an opportunity is extended to each one to join. Voice of the Students A&M's Student Senate A&M’s student government is composed of the Student Senate. It is the voice of the students at A&M and acts as an executive group for them. Composed of representatives from each class and dormitory the members are elected in the spring general elections. Both military and civilian students are represented in ;he group. Freshmen are represented in this senate by their vice-president, who is elected during the fall semeser. The Student Senate meets monthly for their regular meet ings and special sessions may be called by the president of the organization. During regular ses sions the senate discusses and votes on matters of student life, campus improvements and" other facets of college life. Action taken by the senate is passed on as a recommendation to the Dean of Student Affairs who then acts on or passes the recom mendation to the proper college officials. RENT-A-CAR LATE MODEL CARS 1 Hour ... $1.00 + 7c per mile 12 Hours .. 3.50 + 7c per mile 24 Hours .. 5.50 + 7c per mile Weekly ... 25.00 + 7c per mile Monthly ... 75.00 + 7c, per mile DIAL TAylor 3-3414 If No Answer Call TA 2-7559 AT THE TRIANGLE South College HILL CREST Sporting Goods and Hardware Co. RIFLES, SHOTGUNS REVOLVERS AND AUTOMATIC PISTOLS Financed at Bank Rates 2013 S. COLLEGE Phone TA 3-3299 WELCOME From The Official Photographer For The Aggieland 'ST Once again, we have been chosen to do the photography for the “Aggieland” . . . the yearbook of Texas A&M. Portrait schedules will begin soon, starting with freshmen. Plan to have your portrait in the annual this year. REMEMBER, YOU MAY ORDER PORTRAITS FROM YOUR ANNUAL SITTING North Gate Phone VI 6-6412 The Home of Fine Photography For A Quick Bite— SUGAR N SPICE DRIVE-IN