The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 16, 1956, Image 2

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The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), 7 ex as
PAGE 2 Thursday, August 16, 1956
What About Parking Lots?
Having seen a grader at work beside the A&M Press
Building we thought perhaps, college authorities had seen
fit to finally do something about the Day-Student Parking
Lot located in that immediate’area. But, on further observa
tion the grader was just in the act of removing unsightly
grass and weeds around the building. While the grader
was there and working in that area wouldn’t it have been
just as easy to let him try to do something to alleviate the
situation you meet upon trying to enter the parking area
between the old Aero and Press Buildings?
The area entering the Press parking lot behind the
building isn’t much better nor either of the entrances leading
into the Day-Student Lot are in safe condition.
This immediate area surrounding the A&M Press, the
“shacks” and laundry is the poorest and least passable on the
This area is traveled daily by many people for it is a
main thoroughfare leading to the Academic Building, Me
chanical Engineering and Library Parking Lots.
Instead of more sidewalks why not build up the parking
lots and repair some of our streets so the sidewalks can be
Letters to the Editor
Editor, The Battalion:
In the three years I have been
at Texas A&M, I have noticed one
thing particularly wrong — the
streets. Most of you that will see
this are the people who will be in
terested, because you are the ones
that have cars and are forced to
drive over these streets daily.
The college appropriates money
to level and water the drill field in
front of the MSC, strictly for
beautification. However, in order
for people to see the drill field
they will have to drive over some
of the roughest streets found in
the state.
I noticed when White Coliseum
was completed, the College man
aged to provide enough money to
pave the nearest street, but, only
half-way to Anchor Hall. Look at
the street by the “shacks”. That
street seems as if there has h^n
no repairs made since 10 years be
fore the college was founded. The
holes are so deep and rough it is a
hazard and unfit for travel.
Yet the people in College Sta
tion are not doing any better.
At the North, East and South
Gates the streets are so bad it
would shake any car apart. I will
not mention the number of tires
destroyed daily on these streets.
Personally, I had rather drive my
car across my Dad’s plowed fields.
Do you think the people of Col
lege Station will be glad to see
football season get here ? Of
course, any businessman will be
glad to see all the people arrive
for it will stimulate their busi
ness. I do not think the visitors
will appreciate such sorry street
conditions which they will find
Now, haven’t your driven over
these streets many times and
(See LETTERS, Page 3)
, - '' Iff |
M H iliifi
liams, oldest surviving Civil War Veteran, is comforted by
his wife, Ella, 84, in their home near Franklin. Williams,
113, has been suffering from dropsy and low blood pressure
for several weeks. A veteran of the CSA Army Williams
and two other men have outlived the survivors of the Union
Army as the last survivor died last week. (AP Wirephoto)
■flMIBIII 111! I III
Hobby Shop
3706 Texas Avenue
Sporting Goods and
Hardware Co.
Financed at Bank Rates
Phone TA 3-3299
The Battalion
The Editorial Policy of The Battalion
Represents the Views of the Student Editors
The Battalion, daily newspaper ol the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student
Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications
is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College
of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist,
Chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn. Student members
are Derrell H. Guiles, Paul Holladay, and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are
Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary. The Battalion is published four times
a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation
and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the
regular school year and on Thursday during tl«! summer terms and during examination
and vacation periods. The Battalion is not puolished on the Wednesday immediately
preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00
per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished
on request.
Entered as second-class
matter at Post Office at
College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 8, 1870.
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The Associated Press
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The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in
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News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI-
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Barbara Paige - Woman’s Editor
Bob Stansberry Staff Photographer
Maurice Olian .. CHS Sports Correspondent
Vol (Smokey) Davis, D. G. Gilleland, Shirley Gumert,
J. W. Osborn, George Reoh Staff Writers
Law Wins Title 5-3
Law Hall wrapped up the softball
title Tuesday night by beating Col-
legeview “B” by the score of five
to three. The game was judged to
be the most thrilling game of the
current session. Danny Valdez, the
winning pitcher, gave up only two
hits and three runs while receiving
magnificent backing in the Held.
Bill Evans, the. looser gave up
only three hits, and aside from an
error filled first inning- received
good aid from his team.
Walton and Collegeview “A” and
“B” are tied for second, followed
by Dorm 16 in third, and Puryear
at fourth.
The last games will be played
Thursday night at the A&M soft-
ball diamond across from the Grove
To test whether a syrup is at
the hard-crack stage, drop half a
teaspoon of it in cold water. If the
syrup separates into hard brittle
threads it’s at the specified stage.
TASTES PRETTY GOOD—A new type cantaloupe sherbet
is being- tested by Steve and Scott Burns (left top to
bottom) and Evelyn and Bob Logan. Devised by two A&M
food technicians, Dr. E. E. Burns and Dr. A. V. Moore the
sherbet is being met with considerable favor in many cities
over the state.
Beef Short Course
New Market Methods
More than 200 b«ef producers at
tended the Beef Cattle Short
Course held in the MSC to hear
talks about new methods of market
ing, consumer preferences and ex
panding outlets for beef during
the two day sessions.
The cattlemen, representing
areas from all over the state, heard
W. C. Haase, of Swift & Co., at
Tuesday sessions on the methods
of marketing being introduced by
Swift & Co. Haase explained that
the housewife spends less time in
the kitchen in food preparation,
and therefore she shops for foods
that are easy to prepare and take
less time. This factor caused the
Swift Company to introduce frozen
prepackaged meat.
Haase stated the frozen pre
packaged meat came out in Feb.
1955 on the Detroit market and met
with reasonable success so that the
company increased markets. The
lecturer added “the nationwide use
of frozen prepackaged meat was
not only beneficial to the Company,
but could also aid the producer”.
Since beef that is slaughtered
must be disposed of in one week
to make room for new beef coming
in, the processing of frozen pre
packaged meats could be utilized
to store the beef at zero degrees
temperature without any deteriora
tion. Thus the beef could be bought
and processed during the period of
high production and sold during the
low production periods.
Topics discussed included “Econo
mic Outlook with Reference to Cat
tle” by John McHaney and “Re-
lationshop of Conformation to Cut-
Out-Values in Beet “by O. D. But
ler. Both are from A&M.
L. N. Hazel of Iowa State Col
lege discussed dwarfism and Dr.
H. O. Kunkel of A&M reported on
A&M’s research on dwarfism at
Tuesday sessions. L. A. Maddox
outlined the Texas Extension Beef
Cattle Program and Stewart Sherer
of Houston spoke on the Texas
Beef Cattle Improvement Associa
The influence of progeny and
performance testing work on beef
cattle was discussed by A. D. Weber
of Kansas State College. Other
speakers from A&M during the
short course were R. E. Branson,
C. M. Patterson, J. K. Riggs, and
W. T. Berry, Jr.
The Grove
Arrow in the’ Dust in technicolor
starring Sterling Hayden.
The Big Chase, starring Glenn
Langan and Adele Jergens.
The Great Jesse James Raid,
in Ansco Color starring Willard
Parker, Barbara Payton and Tom
The Case of the Red Monkey star
ring Richard Conte.
The Grove will be closed after
Wednesday night and Guion Hall
will re-open Saturday, Sept. 15.
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