The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 09, 1956, Image 4
The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 4 Thursday, August 9, 1956 Summer Music Series Local Girls Are Soloists Local Pastors Attend Conference The Rev. Nolan R. Vance, pas tor of A&M Methodist Church, and the Rev. Clifford Edge, pastor at Alexander, Wheelock, and Chries- man, attended the 56th session of the pastors’ school and the 16th church music institute at South- westem University, July 30-Aug. 2. Preacher was Bishop Fred Pierce Corson of the Philadelphia Area of the Methodist Church. South western lecturer was Dr. Gerald O. McCulloh of the Genei'al Board of Education, Nashville, Tenn. Seminars were led on sermon preparation by Di\ Albert Hol land, president'of the Irish Con ference, and on music in the church by Dr. J. Campbell Wray, head of the school of music at Southwestern Baptist Seminary, "Fort Worth. Four local ladies will be fea tured in the Memorial Student Center Summer Music Series at 3:30 p. m. Sunday in the main lounge. Misses Claire Rogers and Mar tha Fletcher, a piano duet; Miss Coralyn Thurman, soprano solo ist; and Miss Caralyn Vance, an organist are the featured soloists. Claire, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Rogers, is a graduate of A&M Consolidated. She plans to attend North Texas State College in the fall where she will be majoring in music edu cation. Martha, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fletcher of Bryan, will be a senior at Stephen F. Aus tin, where in addition to her work with the piano, she sings with the A Capella Choir. Both young ladies are piano stu dents of Mrs. A. B. Medlen. Their selections will be Sicilienne by Bach, Dance in G Minor, Gluck; Saint-Saens’ Dance Macabre, Mil haud’s Scaramouche, Koelling’s Rhapsodic Mignonne, and Star Dust by Carmichael. Coralyn, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thurman, is a g-raduate of Stephen F. Austin and attended both the University of Texas and Sam Houston State Col lege on voice scholarships. She has appeared on local radio sta tions and on various television charity telethons over the state. Her most recent undertaking was thg feminine lead in the “Mikado”. Her selections will be “Let all my life be music”, “Velvet Shoes”, “A Swan,” “Setu m’ami, se sos- piri”, and “I heard a Forest Pray ing”. She will be accompanied by Miss Fannie Dou Mainer. Caralyn, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Nolan Vance, is now in her junior year in music at SMU. She was the organist for the A&M Methodist Church for one and a half years before she went to col lege. At SMU she is a member of the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority and also a member of the SMU Concert Choir. Caralyn will play “We all be lieve in one God”, Bach; Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in A Minor; Chopin’s Prelude in E Minor, Bra- hm’s My Heart is Longing, Pur vis’ Pastorale, Dupre’s Antiphon III; and Wilson’s Fantasie on Duke Street. The public is invited and there is no admission charge. Garlic powder is the ground de hydrated product of garlic cloves. Garlic salt is a mixture of gai'lic powder and table salt; sometimes a starch is added to help prevent caking during storage. MSC SOLOISTS—Rehearsing for their parts in the MSC Summer Music Series are the four soloists for Sunday’s program which will start at 3:30 p.m. Left to right are Coralyn Thurman, soprano soloist; Caralyn Vance, organist; Martha Fletcher and Claire Rogers, a piano duet. There is no admission charge for the weekly affair which is held in the Main Lounge. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WAJNX AD KAXJKS One day .... 20 per word 10 per word each additional day Minimum charge—400 DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale (1) 1942 Chevrolet panel truck. May be seen by calling at the Stu dent Activities Office, telephone Victor 6-4751. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Busi ness Manager, College Administra tion Building until 10:30 a.m., Aug- ast 13, 1956. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, College Sta tion, for further information. 151t2 (477) Sealy, tuftless and inner- spring double mattresses. May be seen at the Student Apartment Of fice, telephone Victor 6-6511. Seal- >d bids will be received in the Of- Jice of the Business Manager, Col lege Administration Building until 10:30 a.m., August 13, 1956. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Tex as, College Station, Texas, for fur ther information. 151t2 Well designed two bedroom house, two blocks from campus. Cyclone fenced yard. VI 6-6375. 151t3 Montgomery Ward DeLuxe Iron- er, good condition, $40. VI 6-5633. 1028 Walton Drive, College Hills. 152tl Window cooler $25. R. I. Mont gomery, A-6-B College View. 152tf Apartments for Rent One bedroom furnished southeast ipartment in College Hills. $65. per month. Adults only. Phone VI 6-5031 after 6 p.f. 151tf Wanted to Buy Two-wheel trailer. Mail infor mation and price to Box 6078, Col lege Station. 152tl For Rent Gentlemen please notice! Ex ceptionally cool front furnished room, thi'ee side exposure, private entrance and telephone. Bed linens furnished, 2% blocks from town. One reference, please. TA 3-6862. 150tf Nice clean garage apartment. Two blocks from College Post Of fice. Just i-ight for one Aggie who wants privacy -when he studies. Electric refrigerator, private bath, and garage. VI 6-5431. 150tf Late model typewriters, perform like new. Bryan Business Machine like new. BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE, 429 South Main, Bry an. 143tf Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf Four room apartment, private entrance, bath and garage. Call VI 6-5915. 152tf How Chrisi«an Science Heals “Meeting Our Responsibilities” WTAW (1150 kc.) Tuesday 9:45 a.m. PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 8-1941 BRIAN Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Help Wanted Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. •— 3 p.m. Apply in person West ern Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Female Help Wanted Girl with journalism background for Woman’s Editor. Advertising experience desired but not neces sary. Contact Student Publica tions, YMCA ground floor, or call VI 6-6415 or VI 6-6618. 152tf Beauty Operatoi, Edna’s Beauty Salon or Pruitt’s Beauty Shop. 135tf Work Wanted Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in my home. Own electric type writer. VI 6-5805. 142tf Attention Working Mothers! All Day nursery, $25.00 month. Also )aby sitting by hour, 35 cents. VI 6-4142 or 304 W. Dexter. 128tf Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my Home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 6 p.m. lOOtf Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. SAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Lost “Mark”, a Weimaraner dog last Friday on the campus. VI 6-6835. 150t3 Special Notice SUL ROSS LODGE, NO. 1300 A.P. & A.M. Collepre Station Stated communication, 7 p.m., Thursday, August 9. Members and visiting breth ren welcome. 152tl L. P. Dulaney, W.M. N. M. McGinnis. Secy. Legal Notice ORDINANCE NO. 333 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC ^HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF REZONING BLOCK A. TAUBER AD DITION FROM DISTRICT NUMBER ONE (FIRST DWELLING HOUSE DISTRICT) TO DISTRICT NUMBER THREE (APART MENT HOUSE DISTRICT) AND TO RE ZONE LOT 1, BLOCK 1 AND LOT 1, BLOCK 2 OF THE COONER ADDITION FROM DISTRICT NUMBER TWO (SEC OND DWELLING HOUSE DISTRICT) TO DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE (SECOND BUSINESS DISTRICT). BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission after preliminary consideration and public hearing has recommended the rezoning of certain areas of land hereinafter fully de scribed, now therefore It is hereby ordered that a public hearing shall be held in the City Hall at 8:00 p.m. on August 27, 1956 on the question of re zoning areas within the city limits as fol lows : 1. To rezone or change the classification of Block A, Tauber Addition from District number one (First Dwelling House) to District number three (Apartment House District) and 2. To rezone or change the classification of Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 of the Cooner Addition from District number two (Second Dwelling House District) to District number five (Second Business Dis trict). Notice of said hearing shall be published in the official city newspaper at least fif teen days prior to said date of said public hearing. Passed and approved this the 23rd day of July, 1956. APPROVED: S/Ernest Langford Mayor (Seal) ATTEST: S/N. M. McGinnis City Secretary 150t3 • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN, TEXAS K & B DRIVING RANGE Will Close Saturday, August 11 Will Open Saturday, Sept. 22 ON VACATION Proudest tide in the world! A tribute to the American housewife "Just a housewife” is a term we hear too often. That’s'about like saying "just a doctor” or "just a company president.” The job you’re doing as a housewife is one of the most important anybody is doing in America today. Who is mainly responsible for your family's health? It’s you —the housewife. And our fine national health record testifies to the good job you’re doing on this score. Who sets your family's standing in your community? You do. You not only create an attractive home for your family and plan the entertaining, but also make most of the outside social contacts in church, club and community. How far would the charitable operations of these groups get without your help? And your family's financial standing depends as much upon your ability to manage money as it does your husband's ability to earn it. Your family savings prograrn is as much your responsibility as it is your husband’s. Tliat’s why so many women today are urging their husbands to invest in U. S. Series E Savings Bonds. They know that the principal invested in Bonds is safe —not subject to market fluctuations. And the returns are sure —an average 3% interest, compounded semi annually when held to maturity (9 years and 8 months). With the automatic extension privilege, Bonds will continue to pay that same high interest for 10 years more. That means $1.80 in returns for every $1.00 invested. Remember, you can help your family win financial security tomorrow — by encouraging your husband to invest regularly in Savings Bonds today. And the next time you hear someone say "just a housewife,” stick up your chin and speak up for the job you’re doing. Where would your family or your country be without you? For the big things in your life, be ready with U. S. Savings Bonds The U. S. Government does not pay ior this advertising. The Treasury Department thanJcs, for their patriotic donation, the Advertising Council and The Battalion