The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 05, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 147: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Sloan Speaks
To Lions
About Korea
Jack T. Sloan, Visual Aids
Specialist with the Texas Ag
ricultural Extension Service,
spoke to the College Station
Lions Club Monday about the
recent “Texas Friendship” voyage
to Koi’ea.
The voyage was a good-will ges
ture and was intended to help in
itiate more interest and work in the
newly formed Korean 4-H Clubs,
said Sloan.
Sloan showed slides of the trip
showing many of the highlights
and spectacles of Korean customs
and people. The visit in Korea was
highlighted by an hour talk with
President and Madam Syngman
Rhee at their home in Seoul, Sloan
The Voyage was not a relief op-
ei’ation even though the Koreans
were furnished supplies and live
stock. The livestock will not be
given to them until they furnish a
like animal which will in tmm be
given to another Korean 4-H Club,
said Sloan.
Fourteen Texans, including eight
teenage 4-H boys, made the voyage
which originated in Houston and
ended in Pusan Harbor. This was
the lai’gest shipment of livestock
ever to be shipped to Korea, said
“This work was started in Ko
rea by Col. Charles A. Anderson,
a retired Army officer from Ne
braska. He set up the fh'st 4-H
Clubs in the Pusan, Seoul area
and is still working in Korea now,”
Sloan said.
Another ship is leaving for Ko
rea from Galveston on July 13, he
Ticket Application
Mailed to Faculty
And Employees
Applications for tickets to Aggi*e
home football games have been
mailed to all faculty members and
employees of the A&M System by
fhe Athletic Department.
In order to receive top priority
fickets applications must be re
turned to the Athletic Department
by July 31.
Faculty and employees also will
be admitted to all other Athletic
DepartmiMit sponsored events
throughout the school year if they
purchase a season book. Top prior
ity will not apply to single game
Each faculty member and em
ployee will be limited to two season
books under the top priority rating
and these are not transferable.
This fall A&M will host Villa-
nova, TCU, Arkansas and Rice on
Kyle Field.
Season tickojjt books, with reserve
seats, are. $14 each. Season ticket
books, with jjetieral admission seats
are $8 each.
COMMITTEE VIEWS HOSPITAL—Members of the site selection committee for a pro
posed $19,000,000 animal disease laboratory of the USDA visited facilities of the college
here this morning. The committee consists of T. C. Byerly, chief, animal husbandry and
research and C. D. Van Houweling, director of livestock regulatory programs, both with
the USDA; Don Collins, Wilber B. Plager, Lloyd Avila, Merrill N. Varnick, W. B. Young,
Dr. G. H. Good, Dr. H. E. Kingman, Don Turnbill, Harold Hutton, and Carl Neumann.
Tour Farms, Research Centers
Turks Inspect Ag Facilities
Six Governors and officials of
the Ministry of Agriculture from
Turkey visited on the campus ear
lier this week. The men inspected
teaching and research facilities of
the System, met college and system
officials and saw films on research
carried on by the Experiment Sta
Elmer A. Starch, technical di
rector for the travelers and for
merly in charge of agriculture ad
visers in Turkey, is traveling with
the group which includes Ibrahim
Sargut, Under-Secertary of Agri
culture for Turkey; Abdi Bozoglu,
counselor for Agricultural Rela
tions with Foreign Countries; Ni-
yazi M. Aki, governor of Erzurum
Province; Uhsan S. Cagliyangil,
governor of Bursa Province; Semal
Gokten, governor of Ankara Prov
ince; Mehmet H. Incesulu, governor
of Balikezir Province and Mehmet
S. Kelesoglu, governor of Konya
Construction Shack
Burns Saturday
A construction shack owned by
the R. B. Butler Construction Co.
of Bryan, burned to the ground
Saturday morning at the site of the
new Dairy and Biochemistry Build
The morning blaze consumed the
small house, used to store work
men’s tools, as hundreds of curious
summer students gathered to watch
the blaze.
College Station Volunteer fire
men brought the blaze under con
trol before it spread to neaiby dry
grass and stacked lumber.
Origin of the fh - e was undeter
mined and the loss was estimated
at $1,500.
Two interpreters, Oran Ozdemir
they were met by D. A. Adam and
party. They checked into the MSC
and held a brief discussion of their
program and confirmed appoint
ments for Sunday.
Monday morning Chancellor M-
T. Harrington, D. W. Williams
vice - chancellor for agriculture,
greeted the group and traveled to
and Ali Arman, are with the group.
The visitors arrived Saturday
night at Easterwood Field where
Skunk Does
In Library
In consulting our files we
could find no record of July 3
being “Be Kind to Animals”
Week” or anything of the sort,
but apparently Cushing Me
morial Library officials felt
the need for such a day.
As you entered the library
you were instantly aware that
the library was observing some
sort of unusual “day.” It
wasn’t pictures on the bulletin
board or anything of the sort,
just “atmosphere” in the main
Traveling upstairs the air
became thickei 1 , and employees
working the main circulation
desk were almost on the verge
of tears due to the presence
of the visiting royalty.
A check could not uncover
the culprit, but speculators say
that apparently a skunk had
made its way into the air-con
ditioned ducts of the library.
(Probably in search of knowl
the Beef Cattle, Horse and Sheep
and Goat Centers where Dr. J. C.
Miller, head of the Animal Hus
bandry Department conducted in
spections of facilities and answered
questions concerned the various
animals and their management.
Leaving there the group traveled
to the Poultry Center, Dah*y Cen
ter anti the Brazos River Field
Laboratory to inspect work being
cerried on there in agricultural re
Monday afternoon the groups
met in the Senate Chamber of the
MSC to discuss various phases of
agriculture and were shown several
films dealing with agriculture re
search here on the campus and the
An informal reception honoring
the guests was held in the MSC
Monday afternoon from 4 p.m. until
5 p.m. The visitors left Tuesday
moming for Dallas.
Married Student
Seriously Injured
A father of five children and a
sophomore floriculture student at
A&M is in the Veterans Hospital
in Temple following a car wreck
at Peach Creek Bridge, on High
way 6, Sunday morning.
Charles L. Burrow, 27 of X-l-B,
College View is in seidous condition
in Temple after his 1952 Nash sta
tion wagon hit a guard rail on the
bride and toppled 20 feet into a
I'ocky stream-bed.
Buitow was carried to Bryan
Hospital and transferred to Tem
ple and is suffering from a crack
ed hip, broken leg and brain con-
) cussion.
Steen Defines
For Kiwanians
Defining - interposition a s
the “1956 model of nullifica
tion,” Dr. Ralph Steen, of
A&M’s History Department,
explained and gave a short
history and problems involved in
the writing of the United States
Constitution at Tuesday’s meeting
of the College Station Kiwanis
Speaking to the group in ob
servance of Independence Day,
Steen drew a picture of the era of
confusion that led to the writing of
our Federal Constitution.
John Longley, acting president of
the Kiwanis Club introduced Steen
to the members and urged them to
“stop and think about what the
constitution means to every Amer
The period immediately prior to
the meeting of the body that wrote
our Constitution was described by
Steen as “an era when debtors
chased their creditors and paid
them without mercy.”
Such was the six years the Uni
ted States lived through before the
writing of our Constitution and the
setting up of our present form of
Federal Government. At the time
congress had no powers and could
only ask the separate states to
honor their pleas for money, taxes
and soldiers. Usually these pleas
fell on deaf ears and the central
government was quickly bank-
This period convinced the men
that something had to be done and
the Constitution was the result of
a 3-month meeting in Philadelphia
in 1787.
The signing of the Constitution
compared to “the rising of the
sun,” according to Ben Franklin.
During the program Bill Adams,
chairman of the Kiwanis Safety
Committee, gave a report on the 25
percent decrease in accidents in
Brazos County as compared with
a similar period during 1955.
An error in last weeks
Battalion stated the second
semester of summer school
will begin on Tuesday July 17.
Registration will be held on
Monday, July 16, with classes
beginning on Tuesday, July 17.
Burns Presents
Dr. E. E. Burns, food technol
ogist of the Depax-tment of Hoxti-
cultui'e at A&M, presented a paper
dealing with irradiation of foods
during the x-ecent Sixteenth Annual
Meeting of the Institute of Food
Technologists in St. Louis, Mo.
Sec. Benson To Receive
Committee's Report Soon
Members of the United States Department of Agricul
ture’s Site Selection Committee have inspected A&M’s offered
site for the proposed $18,915,000 cattle disease laboratory
to be built by the USDA.
Ten committee members and two officials for the USDA
arrived at Easterwood Field last night and checked in at
the MSC prior to their inspection this morning.
Greeting the men upon their arrival last night were
Chancellor M. T. Harrington, D. W. Williams, vice-chancel
lor for agriculture and Dr. W. W. Armistead, of the School
of Veterinary Medicine. Mayor H. C. Dishman headed a
group of Bryan officials present.
Headed by committee chair
man Don Collins, from Kit
Carson, Colo., the “site-seers”
traveled by air - conditioned
bus to A&M’s land for the
proposed laboratory (located south
of, and adjoining Easterwood
Field) this morning.
Next on the itinerary was the
School of Veterinary Medicine and
its facilities. A loop was taken
through various Agi’icultural Cen
ters of the College; Dairy, Poultry,
Swine, Sheep and Goat, Horse, Beef
Cattle and Horticulture Centers
were visited.
Traveling next to downtown Bry
an through the bxxsiness and resi
dential districts the committeemen
arrived back at the MSC and were
scheduled to boai’d their MATS
plane around 11 a.m.
Members of the committee mak
ing the inspection txdp ai’e Collins,
Wilber B. Plager 1 , Lloyd Avila, Mer
rill N. Varnick, W. B. Young, Dr.
G. H. Good, Don Turnbull, Dr.
H. E. Kingman, Harold Hutton and
Carl Neumann.
Gifts, Grants
Accepted For
A&M System
A total of $103,026 in gifts,
grants-in-aid, fellowships and
scholarships was accepted for
parts of the A&M System by
the System’s board of direc-
toi's at their meeting recently in
College Station.
Of the total amount, $42,100
went to the Texas Agricultural Ex
periment Station as grants-in-aid
from industry to support i’eseax*ch
in twenty-three fields ranging from
stxxdies of controls for cotton in
sects to research on vii’us diseases
of poultry. In addition the Station
received $4,286 worth of supplies
and the loan of equipment and cat
tle for use in x’eseareh studies.
A&M received a total of $56,-
640 in gifts, fellowships, scholar
ships and awards funds. Of this
amount $2,375 was given fox-
equipment and furnishings of the
Memox-ial Student Centex-, $11,700
was for support of the Student
Conference on National Affairs,
September to December, 1955;
$2,000 was given to defray expen
ses of a thx-ee-weeks tour of mid-
westex-n industries for a selected
gx-oup of senior industrial engi-
neex-ing students, and the remain
der was eaxmiaiked for scholar
ships and fellowships.
Books Presented
Honoring Hahn
Cushing Memox-ial Library has
received 12 books in memory of the
late Ira C. Hahn, ’32, an employee
of the Kelley Manufacturing Co. of
Houston. The company presented
the books to Librarian Robext
Houze x-ecently.
Among the 12 books are such
titles as “Savorla” by Sir Winston
Chux-chill; “Lincoln Reconsidex-ed”,
by David Donald; “The Px-esidency
Today”, by E. S. Cox-win and L.
W. Koenig; and James B. Conant’s
“The Citadel of Learning.”
Not members of the committee,
but traveling with them, are Di\ T.
C. Byerly, Head of the Animal and
Poultry Husbandry Research of
the USDA and Dx-. C. D. Van How-
weling, Dix-ector of the Livestock
Research Division of the USDA.
The committee arrived at Col
lege Station from Georgia, whex-e
they inspected the University of
Georgia’s site at Athens. Yester
day mox-ning Oklahoma A&M was
visited at Stillwater, Okla.
Other sites px-eviously inspected
by the committee included Kansas
State College, University of Mis
souri, Iowa State College, Univer
sity of Wisconsin and Michigan
Denver, Colo., (home of Colora
do A&M) is the next stop for the
committee, according to Chairman
Collins. They will ax-rive thex-e this
afternoon and spend the night.
The committee will recommend
one site and possibly two alternates
to Secretary of Agriculture Ezra
Benson next week.
Li verm an Elected
James L. Livex-man, of the Bio-
chemistiy and Nutrition Depart
ment, was elected Secretary-treas
urer of the Southern Section of the
American Society of Plant Physiol
ogists for 1956-57.
Summer Musical-The Mikado-Opens Tuesday in Grove
Battalion Staff Writer
Gilbex-t and Sullivan’s stoxy of
several mixed-up x-omances, “The
Mikado,” will be seen on the stage
of the Gx-ove next Tuesday and
Wednesday nights, July 10 and 11.
As has been the case in year’s
past, the director is Bill Tux-nei’,
A&M’s well-known dix-ector of the
Aggielaxxd Oi-chesti*a and Singing
Cadets. This year, Turner is most
ably assisted by Mx-s. Billie Jean
Bai-i-on and Miss Shix-ley Cannon.
The Summer musical has been a
Summer Session tradition in Col
lege Station for 14 yeax-s. They
have all been joint College and
community undertakings. And they
have all been enjoyable. The Mi
kado will, we’x-e sure, live up to
this tradition of fine entertain
The cast contains several mem-
bers noted locally for their w-ork I
in church choirs. Sevex-al have had
musical training at various col
leges. Some are students and will
be no-doubt x-ecognized from their
work in many of the Aggie Players
productions of recent years.
Worthy of special attention is
the ox-chestra which is also com
posed of some of the community’s
best musical talent. The orchestra
is directed by Turner and will in
clude Claix-e Rogex-s at the piano;
Toby Hughe*
organ—Margax-et Berry; violins—
Mx-s. Ross Strader, Mrs. John Hill
and Jim McDonald; viola—Melvin
Eisner and cello—Beatx-ice Lxxthex-.
Other membex-s of the ox-chestra
are: flutes—Johnny Holick, Chax--
lotte Baty and Mary Varvel; clari
nets—Stewax-t Jeraigan and Bob
Alexander; trumpets—Carl Zeitler
and Mi-s. C. E. Yost; trombone—
Dan Hanna; dx-ums—Tom Pax-ish
and horns—Betsy Burchaid and
Kathryn Gould.
No Gilbex-t and Sullivan operetta
would be quite as effective without
the pioper costuming. The Mikado
will be presented in full costume
with Mx-s. Ron Logan filling the
duties of Mistress of Costumes.
This yeax-’s sets have been de
signed by Miss Marcia Smith. The
stage manager is B. B. Smith and
members of the set crew and pro
duction assistants include Joe De-
lotte, Janet Folweiler, Joel Spitzer,
Bill Swann and Robert Wenck.
Lighting is also being handled by
Shirley Cannon, progx-am con
sultant at the MSC for the past
year will dix-ect the dances for
The Mikado. Miss Cannon is well
known for her dancing and chore
ography in the Aggie Follies of
The Mikado would definitely not
be complete without a chonxs. This
talented group features A&M stu
dents and many local girls. In
cluded in the chorus are Fx-ank
Dahlbex-g, Binnie Ann Dansby, Bob
Moody, Ann Hite, Bill Swann and
Jean Ann Smith.
Othex-s in the chox-us ax-e Bax-ney
Blackbux-n, Richard Reiser, Sally
Millex-, Larry Leighton, Eve Pox-tex-,
Joel Spitzex-, Rita Stitlex-, Geox-ge
Davis and Virginia Ridings.
Principal membex-s of the cast
are Cox-alyn Thux-man as Yum-
Yum, Camille Kennedy as Pitti
Sing, Cax-oline Vance as Peep-Bo,
Iris Bullaxd as Katisha, Toby
Hughes as Nanki-Poo, Harry Good
ing as Ko-Ko, Nox-man Jacobson as
Pish-Tush, Warner Dahlbexg as
Pooh-Bah and Robex-t Boone in the
title role of the Mikado.
The Mikado has been in rehearsal
for almost a month and the pro
duction has been most effectively
aided by Claix-e Regex's, Eve Pox-ter
and Margaret Berry, all acting as
rehearsal accompanists.
The Mikado will be presented in
the Grove next Tuesday and Wed
nesday nights at eight o’clock. Reg
ular student activities Summer sea
son tickets will be honored at the
gate. Or, single performance tick
ets may be pux-chased at the gate
for twenty-five cents each.
Norman Jacobsen
Weather Today
Partly cloudy with widely scat
tered thunder showex-s is forecast
ed for College Station today. Yes
terday’s high and low were 99 de
grees and 76 degrees. Tempera-
tui-e at 10:30 this moxning was 89
| degrees.