The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 28, 1956, Image 2

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    The Battalion ...
_ College'Station (Brazos County), Texas
Thursday, June 28, 1956
Squeeze, Old Army!
There is no doubt where this scribe thinks the Cattle
Disease Laboratory should be located. This opinion, we ad
mit, is a bit biased. As the case develops more than just
we people here at A&M have this opinion.
As the qualifications^ are read we see A&M described to
a letter. The officials of the System have done their best to
present a case before the side committee that describes our
school as the only choice to be made. These men that got out
the brochure Chancellor Harrington presented in St. Louis
are to be commended for a job well done. To the organiza
tions that have come to the fore and are backing us in this
quest, together with the individuals over Texas and the Uni
ted States we say “Thank you” for your help.
The case has gone to the jury now and all we can do is
hope that the committee will make its choice on merit, not
politics. —dtm
Leaves Without Pay
Approved By Board
The board of directors of the
A&M System, approved the follow
ing leaves without pay for staff
members at their meeting Satur
Texas A&M College
School of Arts and Sciences, de
partment of economics: Professor
Aurelius Morgner, leave of ab
sence from September 1, 1956 to
May 31, to teach in United States
air bases abroad; School of Engi
neering, department of civil engi
neering, Professor Henry J. Miles,
leave of absence from September
1, 1956 to August 31, 1957, to con
duct a special project for the Corps
of Engineers in the San Francisco
Bay area.
Prairie View A&M College
School of Arts and Sciences, Ma-
ble Jones Henderson, instructor of
English, leave of absence from Sep
tember 1, 1956 to August 31, 1957;
Geoi'gia B. Leavy, assistant pro
fessor of political science, leave of
absence for advanced study, from
September 1, 1956 to August 31,
1957; James E. Nix, assistant pro
fessor of political science, leave of
absence from September 1, 1956 to
May 31, for advanced study.
Tarleton State College
Division of Fine Arts, Winston
T. Redwine, instructor of music,
l^ave of absence from September
1, 1956 to May, 1957, for contin
uing graduate study.
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Robert L. Atkinson, assistant
professor, leave of absence from
July 16, 1956 to August 31, 1957,
for work on doctorate in nutrition;
Arden A. Baltensperger, junior ag
ronomist, additional leave of ab
sence through August 31, 1956 for
work on doctorate in plant breed
Texas Engineering Experiment
Donald M. Vestal Jr., research
engineer, leave of absence fro m
August 31, 1956 through June 30,
1957, for study toward a Ph.D.
Ulich Granted PhD
By Harvard Univ.
W. L. Ulich, agricultural engi
neer for the Texas Agricultural
Extension Sei'vice since January
1949, was awarded a PhD degree in
public administration in absentia
by Harvard University in gradu
ation exercises recently.
Ulich holds both BS and MS de
grees in agricultural engineering
from A&M and is a Carnagie Fel
lowship winner. During his youth
in Burleson county he was one of
the nation’s most outstanding 4-H
club members. He was awarded two
trips to National 4-H Club Con
gress, Chicago and in 1939 was a
delegate to National 4-H Club
Camp, Washington, D. C. In 1939
he was named the nation’s top 4-H
boy from the standpoint of leader
ship and was awarded the Moses
Trophy and a college scholarship
which he used at A&M.
Ken Bartholomew of St. Paul
has won 11 national outdoor speed
skating titles, seven of them in
succession. He’s 36.
Besf for
Appointments Made Guardsmen Return Sunday
By Board Saturday
The Battalion
The Editorial Policy of The Battalion
Represents the Views of the Student Editors
The Battalion, dally newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Texas and the City of College Station, la published by students in the Office of Student
Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications
Is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College
of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist,
Chairman: Donald D. Burchard, Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn. Student members
are Derrell H. Guiles. Paul Holladay. and Wayne Moore. Ex-offioio members are
Charles Roe be r. and Ross Strader. Secretary. The Battalion is published four times
a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation
and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the
regular school year and on Thursday during summer terms and during examination
id vacation periods. The Battalion is not puolished on the Wednesday immediately
preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscrip
per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00
on request.
per semester. $6.00
per montb. Advertising
rates are $3.50
Entered as second-class
matter at Poet Office at
College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March S. 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally by
Services. Inc
Services, Inc., a t New
York City, Chicago,
Angeles, and San
■ Lo.
The board of directors of the
A&M System, met Saturday and
approved the following appoint
School of Agriculture: Miss Gail
Scott, Mrs. Nancy Smith Graham,
Mrs. Rebecca Richardson, Mrs.
Rosemary Smith, Mrs. Joann Nel-
da Wagner, all clerical; James
Stanley Williams, instructor in gen
School of Arts and Sciences: Bi
ology, Hinton D. Hoese, teaching
fellow; Chemistry, Ivan Thayer
Collier, Instructor; Dr. William H.
McCoy, Dr. Edward A. Meyers, Dr.
Norman Carl Rose, all assistant
professors; History and Govern
ment, Allen C. Ashcraft and
Charles E. Frazier Jr., instructors;
Lloyd C. Taylor, assistant profes
sor; Mrs. Nancy Jane Hungerford,
Mathematics, Orville L. Baugh
and Carl M. Pearcy Jr., instruc
tors; James C. Bolen, William E.
Coppage, Walter S. Lang Jr., all
teaching fellows; Mrs. JoAnn Jones,
clerical; Modern Languages, Mrs.
Eunice J. Huffaker, clerical; Phys
ics, Charles Thomas Butler, grad
uate assistant; Dr. Joe S. Ham,
assistant professor; James R.
Henderson, teaching fellow.
Basic Division: Wilbur D. Ku-
tach, director of group guidance;
Mrs. Nola Gail Campbell, M r s.
Patsy Ann Hutto, clerical.
School of Engineering: Engi
neering Drawing, Mrs. Mary Ann
Gralka, clerical; Electrical Engi
neering, Mrs. Pat T. Currin, cleri
cal; Geology, Douglas D. Mounce
and Robert A. Noble, instructors;
Industrial Education, Mrs. Mary
Stewart Brown, clerical; Mechan
ical Engineering, John R. Massey,
School of Veterinary Medicine
and Surgery: Veterinary Anat
omy, Mrs. Sally Rau McIntosh,
clerical; Veterinary Medicine and
Surgery, Miss Clara Adams, tech
nical assistant; Dr. Alvin L. Grif
fith, instructor; Dr. Carl William
Schultz, px-ofessor in charge of
clinic; Mrs. Mary Mayfield, cleri
Buildings and College Utilities,
Forrest W. Lewis,, assistant ma
chinist; College Information, Mrs.
Barbara Johnson, clerical; Fiscal
Department, Mrs. Myrtle S. Muel
ler, Mrs. Marjorie L. Stratton, cler
ical; Main Library, Mrs. Polly W.
Boaz, cataloger, Warner T. Dahl-
berg, library assistant, Mrs. Lor
etta M. Hendrick, Miss Ophelia Mc
Gee, Mrs. Doris Morrill, Mrs. Myra
Starks, Mrs. Wanda Wieland, Mrs.
Doris L. Ramsey, clerical; Miss
Jacqueline Clark, cataloger; Mrs.
Barbara J. Simpson, acting cata
loger; Registrar’s Office, Mrs. Ev-
ie C. Henson, Mrs. Beneita A. Wil
liams, clerical.
Registrar’s Office, Miss Pat
ricia Walker, clerical; Fine Arts
Department, Mrs. Helen Schrickel,
clerical; Information Office, Miss
Sarah Watkins, clerical.
School of Arts and Sciences:
Office of the Dean, Miss Faye M.
Bennett, clei’ical; Department of
Economics, F. A. Jackson, A. W. i
McDonald, visiting pi-ofessors; De
partment of Education, Charles D. j
Moore, Fannie M. Edmerson, Hat- i
tie B. Flowers, Mable Kilpatrick, 1
Lillian T. Orme, Earline D. Wright,
Doris B. Yancey, all visiting pro- j
lessors; Department of Music, T.
L. Hines, visiting professor; A. J.
Murry, visiting instructor; Depart- j
ment of Political Science, Jewel j
Prestage, associate professor.
School of Home Economics: Far-
nese H. Lumpkin, E. B. Christoph- |
er, Alberta Turner, all visiting pro
fessors; Division of Industrial Ed-j
ucation, J. Mosby, Mary Clark,;
Mary Hall, all visiting professors; j
Division of Nursing Education, {
Lollie Z. Marshall, Annie R. Nor
ris, Maggie B. Williams, all in
structors; Mary W T . Houston, as- j
sistant instructor; Library, Yvonne j
Ransom, order assistant; Robbie L. j
Johnson, serials librarian; College;
Hospital, Lela Johnson and Max
ine Matthews, nurses; College Ex-1
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi
cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in
the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights
of republieation of all other matter herein are also reserved.
News contributions‘may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI-
6-4910) or at the editorial office room, on the ground floor of the
YMCA. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or a*
the Student Publications Office, ground floor of the YMCA.
Barbara Paige
J. B- McLeroy
Joe Dan Boyd
Maurice Olian
Woman’s Editor
CHS Sports Correspondent
Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 a.m.
Ar. Dallas . . 12:47 p.m.
Lv. N. Zulch
Ar. Houston
7:28 p.m.
9:15 p.m.
Phone 15
''change, Clarence Jones, clerical.
Recreation Center, Vivian L. Mc
Millan, clerical; Fiscal Office, Her
man L. Selman, Dinah R. Young,
clerical; ICA-Liberian Project, Si
las W. Cullins, technician (auto
mechanics); Maintenance Depart
ment, Cecil Lang, Noah Williams,
Albert R. Bean, all janitors.
Department of Chemistry, Sam
R. Mclnnis, Professor and Head;
Division of Engineering, James M.
Foust, acting assistant professor;
Department of Social Sciences,
Charles W. Fehrenbach, acting in
structor; Dining Hall, Sibyl H. Po-
teet, salad supervisor; Faye O.
Summers, Vera J. Lowery, bakers;
Rozella James, Pauline E. Blan-
ford, assistant cooks.
Agricultural Economics and So
ciology, Frederic O. Sargent, as
sistant professor; Jesse L. Buffing
ton, Research Assistant; Dorothy
M. Holick, Kathleen White, Mary
E. McDonald, clerical; Agricultural
Engineering, Edward C. LaBarre,
laboratory and field assistant; Ivan
L. Winsett, research assistant;
Agronomy, Joe C. Eller, research
assistant; State Chemist, Evelyn
0. Sandlin, Frances A. Courtney,
Lutrell S. Feldman, June C. Sea
born, technical assistants; Marjor
ie W. Gunter, clerical; Andrew
Waldon, laboratory helper.
List of appointments will be
continued in next week’s Bat
Monday morning some 81 men
from College Station and Bryan,
members of the Headquarters and
Headquarters Co. 1st Bn. 143rd In
fantry Regiment, took to the field
for their second and final week of
W field training for 1956.
I They will return to North Fort
| Hood and their “tent-city” after a
| four-day bivouac, including all-
night operations late Thursday af
The men left College Station
June 18 and are due to return Sun
day morning.
Duties of the members of the
company are varied and include
knowledge of all types of elec
tronic equipment as the main func
tion of the company is to furnish
the “line” companies with com
munications. Capt. Fowler B.
(Barney) Welch commands the
W. Taylor Wilkins, assistant com
mandant at A&M, is battalion com
Members of the company at
tending schools while at Fort Hood
included Sgt. Morris B. Taylor,
motor sergeant, Capt. William
Ross, who attended intelligence
school conducted by Fourth Army
instructors; Sgt. William D. Gas
kin, Jr., Specialist 3/c Mack E.
Abbott and Specialist 3/c Jerry
C. Novosad, all attended ordnance
Upper left is Specialist 3/c
Robert E. Wilkins, son of the bat
talion commander operating the
battalion’s switchboard. Bottom,
left is Sgt. Gordon B. Clark, A&M
student from Denison operation
sergeant for the battalion and be
low is Specialist 3/c Bobby
Mooney, left, and Pfc. Roy G.
College Station outfit and Lt. Col. Courim operating radio equipment.
Your car cost a lot of money.
So, when you stop for gasoline . . .
when you have it washed and lubricated
. . . when you have the oil changed . . .
you want to do business with folks you
can depend
There’s one way to be sure: shift the
care of your car to the shoulders of the
Humble dealer in your neighborhood.
You’ll discover that his station is
staffed with men who know their busi
ness; that he himself is a man you can
rely on to keep your car running right
and looking good.
Stop for service under the Humble
sign. You’ll meet your friends and neigh
bors there.
Famous Esso Extra Gasoline —No. 1 "Premium" Gasoline in Sales, in Quality.