The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 14, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 144: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
4-H ROUNDUP TALENT SHOW CONTESTANTS—(left to right) Joyce Hodges, Wan
da Bryant, Lu Stubblefield, Pat Pointer and Betty Byars rest in the MSC Lounge after
competing in the annual Roundup Talent Show last night.
^ Jurors Disagree
Hung Jury in Menter Trial
After 34 hours of deliberation the
trial of Ronald Edward Menter, ac
cused slayer of Aggie senior Jan
David Broderick last Dec. 31, end
ed Saturday night in a hung jury.
Four of the jurors were in favor
of giving Menter 10 years and eight
for giving him five years for the
The jury, consisting of 10 men
and two women, was dismissed by
District Judge Finest Coker at
Jl:15 p. m. Saturday in Livingston.
Driscoll Improves
t Nicely After Wreck
Julian D. Driscoll, junior geol
ogy major from Houston, is “re
covering nicely” from injuries re
ceived in a wreck south of College
Station June 2.
Still a patient in St. Joseph Hos
pital in Bryan, the special nurses
attending Driscoll were dismissed
Saturday and he is able to walk a
few steps in his room.
Driscoll had taken his last final
exam and started home for the
semester when his car went out of
fontro', crashing into a tree near
I Swindler’s Farm on Highway 6.
He was admitted to the hospital
in critical condition, but began im
proving early in the week.
According to his father, J. O.
Driscoll of Houston, “Julian is on
ly worried now as to how soon he
can go home.”
No new date has been set for re
Menter had gone to trihl over
the protests of his appointed de
fense lawyers, J. Robert Liles of
Conroe and Ross Hightower of Liv
ingston, who sought a five-year
suspended sentence in the case.
As the trial opened, June 4,
Liles and Hightower first sought a
chance of venue and then a post
ponement. Both wei’e denied by
Judge Coker who ordered the case
to trial.
During the trial state and de
fense attorneys drew sharply con
flicting pictures of Menter, a form
er mental patient. District At
torney Robert D. Simpson of Polk
County, demanding the death
penalty in the slaying of Brod
erick, described Menter as a “man
with a heart based on mischief”.
Defense counselors came back
stressing Menter’s unstable back
ground and the boy’s story of the
shooting backing up his self-de
fense plea.
Weather Today
Forecast for College Station is
partly cloudy with no precipitation.
Yesterday’s high and low were 91
degrees and 70 degrees. Temper
ature at 10:30 this morning was
80 degrees.
Inju red Fresh m a n
Moved To Home
William F. Curry, (Bill)
freshman architecture major
who was injured last semester
in an accident in the gym, has
been moved from Houston to
Comanche, according to Calla-
way-Jones Funeral Home in
Curry had been in Houston
55 days, suffering from a brok
en neck, when the move was
He stood the trip “fairly
well” and seemed in “good
spirits, according to Callaway-
Jones. Curry is still paralyzed
from the neck down, but has a
small amount of feeling in his
left arm.
Last 4-H Club Round up Session
To Be Held in Kyle Field Today
2,000 Members Complete
(Contest Activities Today
October Billing Will
Include New Rates
Simpson emphasized what he
called conflicting testimony on
Menter’s part Thursday and in
sisted the bullet wound in the Ag
gie’s head could not have been made
from the position from which
Menter said he fired it. This was
borne out by the statements from
state witnesses indicating that a
gun would have to have been pres
sed against Broderick’s head to
make the wound like it was.
Powder burns extended from in
side the wound to nearly two inches
into the brain of the victim.
Menter told of a night of drink
ing as he and Broderick drove from
El Paso, where Broderick met
Menter in a bar, to Hempstead.
Broderick was found, still breath
ing on a lonely farm road near
Hempstead by a negro woman. He
lived for a short time and never
I'egained consiousiouness. Mean
while a manhunt for Menter center
ed around Montgomery County as
posses and sheriff's officers search
ed the dense wooded area.
Unknown to the officers at that
time Menter had traveled to New
Orleans in Broderick’s auto where
he hocked the German Luger which
fired the fatal bullet and then to
New Jersey where he was arrested
by an alert State Policeman who
became suspicious of the youth as
he was attempting to sell a radio.
He asked Menter for his drivers’
license and Menter was unable to
state the birth date on it. On
further questioning he said, “I kill
ed that guy in Texas.”
He was returned later to jail in
Waller County.
The case was moved to Polk
County on a change of venue last
Phone rates in College Station
will be increased approximately 25
percent with the October billing
following a compromise agreement
which was reached at a joint meet
ing of the College Station and
Bryan City Councils Friday night.
Representing the Southwestern
States Telephone Co., E. H. Utz-
man, from Brownwood headquart
ers of the company, left with the
statement to the effect, “It we
can’t make a go of it on these rates,
we’ll co’me back.”
Mayor Ernest Langford presid
ing at the meeting, said that Col
lege Station councilmen would be
certain to approve the rates at the
next regular meeting.
Rates will be increased as
Business one party; from $7.25
to $9.
Business two party, from $5.50
to $6.75.
Business extension, from $1.25
to $1.50.
Residence one party, from $4
to $5.
Residence two party, from
$3.25 to $4.
Private To
In 1 Minute
Have you ever heard of a
man being a “buck” private
one minute and a second
lieutenant the next? c
Well, such a thing is possible
it seems.
Former A&M student, John
ny A. Flores, chemical engi
neering major .from Fort
Worth who graduated in
January, accomplished this
feat last week in Fort Carson,
Colo., according to Head
quarters of the 8th Infantry
' To explain, this pecular
situation Flores applied for
his commission after receiving
his degree from A&JW and be-
“ fore any'action was completed
on it was inducted and sent to
Fort Carson for basic training.
His commission was approved
last week.
The only bad thihg now Lt.
Flores must finish his basic
training before be can start
acting like an officer.
Residence four party, from
$2.25 to $3.
Residence extension, from 75
cents to $1.
As the meeting opened Utzman
repeated the phone company’s
original request for a 55 percent
increase in rates to give the com
pany a return on their investment
of 5.99 percent. (Maximum allow
able return on utilities is 6.0 per
This offer was met with a flat
refusal on part of the councilmen
who assured Utzman such a re
quest would not pass. Utzman then
lowered his request to a rate scale
of approximately 33 percent.
Councilmen Joe Sorrells of Col
lege Station and Roland Dansby
of Bryan came up with the approxi
mate 25 percent increase that was
accepted by Utzman.
Southwestern States’ request for
increased rates was based on the
fact that the company wanted a
higher return than the 3.32 return
company figures show for 1955.
The new rates will have to rati
fied by College Station council-
men at their next meeting, be read
twice, then published. Another 30
days will then have to elapse be
fore the new rates will go into
effect, thus the October billing
Five Finish Duty
As AS Instructors
Three officers and two enlisted
men in the air science department
are being transferred to other
Lt. Col. Robert G. Goforth will
leave in August for Headquarters
Air Force ROTC, Maxwell Air
Force Base, Montomery, Ala.; Maj.
John S. McGannon will leave June
28 for Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage,
Alaska; Maj. W. F. Burt will leave
in July for Hunter AFB, Savannah,
M/Sgt. John P. Collins left June
10 for McChord AFB, Washington;
S/Sgt. James E Mercer will leave
June 22 for the air force base at
Battalion Reporter
Nearly two-thousand 4-H members are completing short
course and contest activity in today’s final sessions of the
1956 annual 4-H Club Roundup. Skills in 20 different fields
of agriculture, home life and 4-H development highlight in
struction for the rural boys and girls.
A reunion tea at 4:30 p.m. is scheduled today for 4-H
members who attended the Texas 4-H Junior Leadership
Training Laboratory, the National 4-H Club Camp, Danforth
Camp. Texas 4-H Council and National 4-H Congress.
The Texas 4-H Recognition Committee is sponsoring a
chuck-wagon dinner at 7 p.m. The dinner will be held in the
park area south of G. Rollie White Coliseum.
+ Kyle Field Stadium will
host today's final entertain
ment, courtesy of the Sears-
Roebuck Foundation where
an official appreciation cere
mony will be extended to the 4-H
Recognition Committee.
Improving Family and Commun
ity Living” has been the theme
of the three-day conclave and was
stressed when Dr. Sterling Price,
University Baptist Church, Abilene,
Texas, delivered the first address at
Tuesday’s opening session.
Bobby Wilson of Edinburg, nar
rated a skit entitled “Building My
Life's Book” planned by the Round
up Committee and used as a “key
note” introduction to initial activ
ities. Edward Pope, specialist in
Child Development and Parent Ed
ucation, Federal Extension Service,
extended the primary theme in
Wednesday’s main address at Gui-
on Hall.
G. G. Gibson, director of the
Texas Agricultural Extension
Service, provided the official wel
come to the 4-H’ers Tuesday chal
lenging them to do their best in
making the 1956 Roundup the best
in history.
Short Courses were provided in
agricultural engineering, agrono
my, animal husbandry, daily , hus
bandry, entomology, horticulture,
poultry, and range management.
Civic courses included community
improvement, family life educa
tion, farm and home development,
home management, homestead im
provement and recreation. Other
courses were in the fields of cloth
ing, foods and nutrition, rifle shoot
ing, exploring the role of the 4-H
citizen, role of the 4-H leader and
training 4-H officers.
Dairy Month
Observed By
Kiwanians observed June
as Dairy Month during the
program at their regular
meeting Tuesday noon, in the
Ballroom of the Memorial
Student Center.
Presiding in place of Charles La-
Motte, together with W. E.
(Woody) Briles, who is in Cali
fornia attending the annual con
vention of Kiwanis International
was John Longley.
Dr. A. V. Moore, of the Dairy
Husbandry Department, was intro
duced by Dr. I (Ike) Peters. He
spoke on the importance of the
Dairy Industry in Texas.
Dr. Moore pointed out strides
taken and problems faced by dairy
men in this section of the state
toward placing a better product on
the market for the consumer.
Consumer education was brought
out as one of the largest prob
lems facing the dairy industry to
day in Moore's talk. He outlined
the work of the American Dairy
Association and its part in our so
A. F. Isbell reported to the mem
bers that his vocational guidance
committee was in need of more
summer jobs for interested stu
dents. Several had been placed
so far and more have inquired
about summer employment.
Summer Camps Set
Efmquist Resigns Position
Head of SPB; Work on PhD
Karl E. Elmquist has requested
to be relieve^ of the chairmanship
of the Student Publications Board,
effective August 31, in order to
devote more time to the completion
of his doctorate degree, according
to Dr. David H. Morgan president
of the College.
Elmquist has held the office 11
months, before that time he served
as manager of the SPB.
“I could do no more than ap
prove Elmquist’ request, said Dr.
Morgan, “He has given freely of
his time to organize our board and
he is to be commended on an ex
cellent job.”
Elmquist, in addition to his posi
tion on the SPB, is Editor of The
Texas Aggie, member of the Eng
lish Department and is active in
other extra - curricular activities.
He began teaching at A&M in 1935
and been here since, except for
graduate study and serving as a
Captain in the Army Security
Agency* during World War II. He
was graduated from Southern
Methodist University with a bache
lors degree and took his masters
work at the University of Texas,
where he is now working toward
his PhD.
A successor for Elmquist has not
been named.
FACELIFTING PER SE—Leggett Hall, located on Mili
tary Walk, gets a muchly needed summer outlook on life
as workmen tear down the old to make way for the new.
Milner Hall is also slated to get new steps. Hart Hall is
receiving revamping as new plaster and paint is scheduled
| to be finished this summer.
Junior and senior members of
the Corps of Cadets, some 579
strong, will be leaving the latter
part of this month to attend sum
mer camps over the United States.
The camps last for six weeks
and in most cases will be attended
by one or two members of the
A&M Military Science Department. 1
Fort Hood Texas, near Killeen, j
will serve as “home” for the largest |
number of ground force cadets with ;
Infantry, Anti-Aircraft Artillery
and Chemical cadets attending |
training there. Sixty-six students!
in Infantry, 44 in AAA and 16 j
Chemical students, in addition to
A&M’s PMS&T, Col. D. P. Ander- j
son, who will serve as executive
officer for the ROTC camp.
Other officers attending summer |
camp at Fort Hood are Majors T.
A. George, D. E. Philips, E. Wright, I
Captains F. J. Bloom, W. R. Me- i
Neil and B. Wright.
Field Artillery cadets, some 69 (
strong, will attend camp at Fort
Sill, Okla. Lt. Col. G. H. Watson,'
Maj. K. Edwards and Capt. F. A.
Walker will also attend camp with ,
the students.
Seventeen Signal Corps students
will attend summer camp at Fort
Coition, Ga. Lt. D. A. Slingerland
will go with this group.
Fort Knox, Ky. will get 47 cadets
in Armor.
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. will get
35 Engineering cadets along with
attending officers Maj. G. F. Moore
and Capt. H. A. Pate.
Some 25 Quartermaster cadets
will attend Fort Lee, Va. and Maj.
J. F. Birkner will travel there too.
Aberdeen Proving Grounds,
Maryland, will be the summer home
of 25 Oi-dnance cadets and Capt.
A- A. Hord will attend this camp.
Summer training for 16 Trans
portation Corps cadets will be Fort
Bustace, Va.
Most of the Air Force officers at
A&M will attend summer camp at
Bryan AFB. Cadets will be scat
tered over Texas and California.
Air Force cadets will number 219.
Captains G. G. Cowles and T. A.
Wright, M/Sgt. D. D. Christiansen
M/Sgt. T. C. Duran, M/Sgt. T. H.
Williams and S/Sgt. M. K. Wilson
will attend Bryan AFB this sum
Maj. H. Somerville will attend
summer camp at W’ebb AFB, Tex.
Maj. E. W. Rodgers will be sum
mer training at Harlingen AFB
Maj. R. K. Conoley will attend
second session at Webb AFB.
Capt R. .A. McCauley, Capt. J.
M. Palmer and C. W. Jeffries wil
attend the second session at Bryan
AFB. *
Cadets will attend summer train
ing at the following bases: March
AFB, Calif., Williams AFB, Ariz.,
Bry’an AFB, Harlingen AFB, Webb
AFB, Big Springs; James Connally
AFB, Waco; Hamilton AFB, Calif.;
Ellington AFB, Tex.
New Member Joins
A&M Ag Eco Dept
Dr. Frederic O. Sargent will
join the research staff of the De
partment of Agricultural Econo
mics and Sociology Monday accord
ing to department officials.
Dr. Sargent his wife and two
small sons arrived in College Sta
tion today.
A native of the state of Ver
mont, he holds a bachelor degree
from Colby College and a doctorate
from the University of Wisconsin
He spent a year as a Fullbrighl
Scholar at the Sorbonne Univer
sity in Paris.
Professional experience of Dr
Sargent includes a year at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, four yean
with European Credit Associatior
in France and Germany and twe
years at Colorado A&M in teach
ing and research in agricultura
Local Schoolmen
Active In Meeting
Three Brazos County School me
will take an active part in tli
sessions of the 1956 conferences t
the Texas Association of Count
Superintendent, Texas School A<
ministration and the Texas Ai
sociation for Instructional Supe
visors, to be held here next wee!
The men, W. R. Carmichae
superintendent of Bryan school
L. S. Richardson, superintendei
of the College Station schools ar
W. D. Bunting, Brazos count
superintendent, will be consultan
on group discussions.