The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 31, 1956, Image 2

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    The Battalion
.... College Station (Brazos County), Texas f*]j| 0 iriCCF TV)!}
Thursday, May 31, 1956 & f*
Authors For Prizes
(Continued from Page 1)
“When you get to third base,
don’t stop. Run on in and score,”
advised Dr. Robert B. Kamm, Dean
of A&M’s Student Personnel Serv
ices and Basic Division in the
commencement address. Dr. Kamm
was introduced by Dr. Richardson.
Seniors receiving diplomas at
the ceremonies last night included
Margaret Adair Anderson, Barbara
Jean Arlt, Shirley Anne Brown,
Carol Ann Butler. Beth Anne
Caywood, Mrs. Harriet Frost Cox,
Marilyn Fiances Davis, Mildred
Louise Dew and Joan C. Dudley.
Texann Alice Esten, Deliph Ann
Fleming, Janet Doris Folweiler,
Mrs. Mariana Jones Bott, Lelia
Louise Henderson, Rita Joyce
Hughes, Mrs. Barbara M. Neal, Jo
Ann Norwood and Anna Frances
Sallie Lynn Puddy, Alvis Claire
Rogers, Alice Faye Simms, Anna
Darlene Smith, Jean Anne Smith
and Mrs. Bettie Jean Hyden.
Charles Edward Arnold, Julius
Ben Carroll, Norman Baker Floeck,
Manuel Salas Garcia, Richard
Wade Hickman, Bobby Olen John
son, Larry Grant Lindsey, Edward
Allen Linton and James David Mill
John Dick McCannon, Michael
Linden McGuire, George Albert
McKay, John Gordon McNeely, Jr.,
Mark James Nye, Jon Ray Perry
man, David H. Smyth, Bobby Joe
Wade and Robert A. Witcher.
Three female graduates received
diplomas from other schools. The
three, all wives of A&M students,
were Mis. Betty Lou Clift, Mrs.
Mary Lynn Hartung and Mrs. Vi
vian LaRue Sullivan.
City Annexes Land
Enrollment Expected To Increase
Motor Transport
Short Course Set
A course for Motor Transporta
tion Supervisors will be held at
A&M June 11-15 in the Memorial
Student Center.
Conducted by the Engineering
Extension Seiwice, it will provide a
training program which will assist
the motor transportation supervisor
in carrying out the unique, indirect
form of supervision which his du
ties require and give him further
development in employee relations
and public relations.
Eligible to attend are persons
from all supervisory levels within
the motor transportation field.
Winners of the awards for out
standing articles in the 1955-56
Engineer have been named. Each
winner will receive a plaque and
prize money.
Technical article winners and
their cash awards were:
First place, $25, Gary Proffer,
’59, mechanical engineering, for his
article, “Hot Rod Engineering.”
Second place, $15, Frank E. Patter
son, ’56, petroleum engineering,
for his article, “Offshore Oil De
velopments.” Third place, $10,
James L. LoCaste, ’56, civil engi-
neering, for his article, “The Water
Supply Problem.”
Winner in general interest ar
ticle was Harold D. Craig, ’55, pe
troleum-industrial engineering, for
his article, “Automation—Modern
Industry’s Battle Cry.” He re
ceived $15.
(Continued from Page 1)
ephone pole for corner. This cor
ner also being located N 45° W
804 feet from the most westerly
coj-ner of the-Morgan Smith land.
Thence, S 45° W a distance of
1,250 feet to the northeast line of
a new road (Glade Street).
Thence in a southeasterly direc
tion along the fence line on the
northeast line of said new road a
distance of 552 feet to the intei--
section of the northeast line of the
new road with the southeast line of
Orr Street.
Thence S 45° W along the south- |
east line of Orr Street a distance
of 50 feet to the northeast line of
The Knoll Addition to the City of
College Station, Texas.
Thence N 45° W a distance of
392 feet to the east corner of the
Charlie Schwartz land.
Thence S 45° W along the south
east line of the said Schwartz land
a distance of approximately 1,490
feet to the south corner of the said
Schwartz land.
Thence along the present city
limits to the point of beginning.
Passed, approved, and ordered
published this the 30th day of May,
Ernest Langford
Enrollment at A&M for the
1956 fall semester is expected to
be 7,400 persons, according to H.
L. Heaton, registrar.
The expected 7,400 persons will
be about an 8% increase over the
6,846 persons enrolled last fall.
Considering enrollment figures
for a two year period, this shows \
an upward trend in enrollment.
1954 enrollment was 6,159.
The current semester enrollment
is 6,041.
Social Security
in 3 seconds
Quickest, cleanest deodorant
you’ve ever used! Simply glide stick
under arms — it melts in instantly.
ContainsTHIOBIPHENE*, the most
effective anti-bacteria agent. It’s
the New Kind of Social Security
— gives you absolute assurance.
Brazos Co. A&M
Club Sets Schedule
Officers and directors of the
Brazos County A&M Club met last
Thursday at Kelly’s Cafe in Bryan.
They tentatively set the third
Wednesday night of each month as
the regular meeting date of the
club. Other business taken up at
the meeting included a vote to ob
tain liability insurance on the club
house, accozding to K. A. Manning,
MSC Will Go On
Summer Schedule
Lv. N. Zulch 10:08 o.m.
Ar. Dallas . . 12:47 p.m.
Lv. N. Zulch . 7:28 p.m.
Ar. Houston . 9:15 p.m.
Phone 15
I Route
6w Rains of
The Memozial Student Center
will shift into the following sched
ule upon opening of the summez*
The gift shop will be open 9 a.m.
to 6 p.m. on Monday through Fri
day, 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Sat
urday and will not open Sunday.
The telephone center will not
have special opeiatoi*s but will
piovide pay station service.
The fountain z-oom and coffee
shop will open at 6 a.m. Monday
through Friday and 8 a.m. Satur
day and Sunday.
Remodeling will be done in the
assembly room and ballz-oom mak
ing the acoustics and air condition
ing more “controllable.”
Rooms due to z-eceive fi’esh paint
are the coffee shop, guest i-ooms,‘
"post office, balli'oom, assenzbly
room and main lounge.
An incz - ease in shoi't coui'ses,
meetings, and an enlaz-ged summer
progiam for students is foreseen.
Summer Laundry
Pick-up At Leggett
Beginning Monday, June 4, all
dormitory students will tuin in
laundry in the east basement of
Leggett Hall, according to J. H.
Kincaid, laundry manage! - .
The laundi’y will be picked up at
the new annex station to the main
laundry office. All day students
will turn in laundry at the annex
on Monday before 9 a.m.
Brogdon On Staff
Of Police Trainers
William S. Bi’ogdon, well-known
Dallas law officer, has joined the
instructor staff of the Police Train
ing Department of the A&M Col
lege System Engineezing Extension
Duzing 20 years of service with
the Dallas Police Department,
Brogdon started as a patiolman
and worked up thzough the ranks
to assistant police chief, a position
he held for seven yeazs. Since
1942 he has served as secretary
of the Texas Police Association
and presently is diz-ectcrz- of the In
dustrial Plant Pzotection Associ
ation of Texas. He also is a mem-
bei’ of the FBI Academy Associa
TA 2-5089
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At leading department and drug stores.
New York
The Battalion
The Editorial Policy of The Battalion
Represents the \ lews of the Student Editors
Texas and the City of Collese suluon is cubli^if d h U and Mec>,anicai Collej;e o
Publications as a non-profit educational service s J l ’f dcnts ln th e Office of Studen
Is Ross Strader. Tbe governing body of all .u?,'d»r,T h ^ f’ irector Student Publication;
of Texas is tbe Student Publication. SLrd bU i dCnt , P ub >'<= a lio H s of the A.AM. Colleg.
Chairman; Donald D Burchard Tom r eian.r aCU !i t> D Tlernbers are Karl E - Elmqulst
are Derrell H. Guiles. Pa^l Hoilada? and W™ ® ennie Zinn Student member:
Charles Rocber, and Ross S.-ader Secretary ' The ^ x ' ofnc, ° members ar«
a week during the regular school ve«r « he , B ^ i tlalion published four time.*
and examination periods. Days of DublirnM .r, a weel L dur ‘ n S the summer and vacatioi
regular school year and on Thursday dur nc u ^ough Friday for the
and vacation periods. The Battalion is T te tms and during examinatioi
preceding Easter or Thanksgiving Subsrrinr^ 0 lS,l ? d ° n ,lle VVertnes day immediate!}
per school year. J6.60 per fuU year or ™ rates are *3 50 per semester. *6.(M
on request. >ear ’ or * l 00 P e r month. Advertising rates furnisher
Entered as second-class
matter at Post Office at
College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 8. 1870.
Member of
The Associated Press
Represented nationally by
National Advertising
Servicee, Inc., a t New
York City, Chicago, Loe
Angeles, and San Kran-
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ads may be placed bv telephone ( Goo dwin Hall. Classified
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Dave McReynolds -
Barry Hart
Jim Neighbors, Joe Tindel
WeltS'S"’ R “‘ Ph tolC '
Barbara Paige
M 0 ^ n riS e &i^ ,and Boyd : “ Al Chappt'l
F. W. Young
Managing Editor
Sports Editor
News Editor
Has-Beens I
City Editor I
Woman’s Editor |
ju,. Reporters !
Sports Correspondent j
—Circulation Manager |
Fred MacMurray
plus tax
v: .
• ' ' ' .
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pRooucr os America's ieaoimg mamufactufek or CKJAftmts
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