The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 31, 1956, Image 1
Ill’" —■ ' ■ Number 142: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1956 Price Five Cents rchitecture Awards Given For 1955-56 Awards in the Division of irchitecture for 1955-56 went fto the following - students: Weldon Cecil Steward of Pampa received the $200 J. ; ‘Itodney Tabor Scholarship. Jack R. Yardley of Bryan re- jHceived the $250 Tile Council of H|America Competition award. Carroll M. Sinclair of Jackson- Iville and David B. Morris of Yoak- im received the books of the Fac- ilty Award. Kirby M. Keahey of Bluff Dale received the $150 Texas Concrete Vlasonry Association Competition inwards. Michael J. Pizzitola of Houston |was named winner of the Milton R. IfBpatterson $250 Scholarship. Chris J. Carson of San Antonio and ^William B. Croslin of Dallas [received the option one and two Davidson Fellowship of $250 each. Charles C. Newton of Tyler re- iceived the American Institute of Architects School Medal and a Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. Frand E. Whitson Jr. of Dallas received a Mont-Saint-Michel and ’hai-tres award. Paul A. Kennon of Shreveport, |La., received the Alpha Rho Chi fScholarship medal and the Ernest Langford Books Award. Erskine W. Riveire of Fort Worth received the Houston Chap ter of Associated General Contrac- i tors Silver Medal. Charles D. McMullen of Rice and i Edward W. Wyatt of Houston re- ! ceivsd the $000 Mosher Scholar- [ ships. CLASS ’56 PRESENT TO THE PRESIDENT—Here Bill Swann, Allan Greer and Dr. Da vid H. Morgan, president of the college, talk over the set of Wedgewood Plates presented to Dr. Morgan by members of the Class of ’56. Dr. Hubert Schmidt Retires After 43 Years With System Police Raid Frosh’s Room, Nab Six Keys In a swift move early yes terday afternoon, campus po lice raided a freshman’s room | in Hart Hall and confiscated six keys, three of which have ■f already been identified as belong- a ing to classroom buildings here. Two members of the military I science department accompanied J the police in their raid. Of the three keys identified, one H belongs to the chefistry building |[ and two belong to Francis Hall, 1 according to the campus security |1 office. Officers this morning were con- 'I fcinuing their investigation to learn ‘ which biuldings the other three , * keys would open and to determine 1 why such an assembly of keys ; would be found in the student’s ’ room. According to the police, the , chemistry building key was found 4 in a desk drawer and the other l five on a ring in the dresser. Police also said the student in- Jvolved told the investigating offi- |] cers that the keys were not in his jt room at noon yesterday and that 1 they must have been planted there. It has been reported that other keys have been taken from stu- ■ dents in the past several days. No K disciplinary action has been an il! nounced. Weather Today THUNDERSHOWERS Widely scattered thundershowers iare forecasted for College Station this aftemoon. Yesterday’s high [of 95 degrees dropped to 71 last |night. Temperature at 10:30 this I morning was 86 degrees. Dr. Hubert A. Schmidt, recog nized as one of Texas’ great men of veterinary science will retire from the A&M System staff, to morrow. Dr. Schmidt has seiwed the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and the A&M School of Veterinary Medicine for 43 years. A 1908 graduate of A&M, he re ceived his D.V.M. degree from the Royal Veterinary School of the University of Berlin in 1912, and was first employed by the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station as a research veterinarian on Jan uary 5, 1913. With the late Dr. Mark Francis, who at that time was director of the Station, Dr. Schmidt worked on the problem of Texas tick fever, and for 20 years was in chai-ge of experiments in veterinary science. The work of Dr. Francis and Dr. Schmidt is credited with making possible the modern-day Southwest ern cattle industry through eradi cation of the Texas tick fever that wasted herds and prevented many types of cattle from being raised in the area during the early part of the century. Dr. Schmidt is an internationally known authority on loin disease in cattle, having discovered that the disease originated from a toxin found in bones eaten by cattle with phosphbrous-deficient diets. Particularly in the Gulf Coast area, this disease cost ranchei’s hundreds of thousands of dollars annually until a few yeai-s ago. Discovery of the toxin by Dr. Schmidt resulted in the practice of feeding sterilized bone meal to cat tle, standard operation in today’s industry. Dr. Schmidt’s work in discover ing the source of “X” disease, or Safety Stickers “Slow down and live” stick ers were distributed by the committee members of the Campus Safety Council yes- tei-day. CHS Honor Students MARGARET ELAINE BERRY Salutatorian MARCIA JANE SMITH Valedictorian Hyperkeratosis, and his evaluation of the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease are of extreme impor tance to the cattle industry. . It was found that the disease origi nated with a highly toxic substance found in gear lubricants for ma chinery used in cottonseed meal processing and on farm imple- Ad Returns Spectacles To Owner Lari Wester, senior in White Band made a 48 cent invest ment that brought returns val ued approximately at $30. Over a week ago, Wester lost his glasses while practic ing for intramural track in Kyle Field. Not knowing who might have found the spec tacles, Wester felt there was no hope. However, trying a last fling before buying new glasses. Wester placed a classified ad in The Battalion which read: “Lost — brown rimmed glasses in Kyle Field. Contact Lari Wester, 11-209, Box 5498.’’ Beginning on Wednesday, the ad ran each day through Friday. Friday, the glasses were returned to him in his dormitory. “The ad worked,’’ he said. ments. Primai-ily as a result of his studies over a number of years on soremouth in sheep and goats, his co-workers Dr. I. B. Boughton and Dr. W. T. Hardy developed a suc cessful vaccine against thi£ disease. A pioneer in study of pathologi cal conditions and related vitamin deficiencies, Dr. Schmidt’s find ings have influenced present feed ing formtalas for livestock. He is also an authority on ana- plasmosis, the disease commonly known as “cattle malaria’’ and si milar to the old Texas tick fever. College Station Council Votes To Annex Land Publications /«*>//«n<W Acres Added Board Changes Salesmen Pay The Student Publications Board changed the method of determining payment for Bat talion advertising salesmen in a meeting earlier this week, according to Ross Strader, direc tor of Student Publications and secretary of the board. Under the new set-up the ad salesmen will receive a 15 per cent commission on each sale they make. Salesmen formerly received a 10 per cent commission and a share of the “walk in” advertising under the old plan. The reason for the change was to equalize the rates for Battalion salesmen with the payments re ceived by salesmen for the other student publications. Action starting the terms of the student members of the boai-d was taken at the meeting. Student members are cadet L. E. Shepperd Jr. and his alternates J. R. Clegg Jr. and William R. Setzler, who will serve dui-ing the first and sec ond terms of the summer session respectively and Murray Milner and his summer alternate Joseph King. The graduate member of the board is John W. Gossett. Changes in two by-laws were recommended by the board. The recommended changes would re word the “members of the board are appointed by the president” to “faculty members of the board are appointed by the president”. The other is an addition which states “faculty members of the board will normally be appointed Horn the Departments of Business Adminis tration, English, Journalism and Student Personnel Services. Misses Smith, Berry CHS Honor Seniors; Miss Marcia Jane Smith was an nounced valedictorian of the 1956 A&M Consolidated Senior High School senior class at graduation exercises held last night in the high school auditorium. Miss Mar garet Elaine Berry. is the class salutatorian. Miss Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis H. Smith, maintained a grade average of 93.05 throughout her four years of high school. She received a tuition scholai*ship of four years to the state school of her choice, awarded to highest hon or graduates of accredited high schools by the State Legislature. The Texas Council of Church Re lated Colleges awards scholarships for church-supported schools of $100 to $800, depending on the school, to the valedictorian and sa lutatorian. In case both are girls or both boys, the Council awards another scholarship to the highest boy (or girl). Miss Smith and Miss Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Berry, received these scholarships, and Michael Linden McGuire, son of Mi’, and Mrs. J. G. McGuire, received the scholarship awarded to the highest male . graduate. Mc Guire’s average was 88.29. A&M Consolidated school super intendent, Dr. L. S. Richardson, presented the graduates to school board president J. S. Rogei*s, who awarded the diplomas. (See GRADUATION, Page 2) City Water Tax May Rise; CS Council Passes Budget City tax rates remained the same, but a possible raise in water rates appeared at the monthly meeting of the College Station City Council in the city hall last Mon day. The 1956-57 city budget for the City of College Station was passed unanimously. Expected revenue from the budget is $311,402.60 and expected expenditure will be $294,- 033.00, with a reserve of $17,369.60. Tax rates will be the same as they have been in the past. A tax of $i for each $100 worth of prop erty in the city will be levied. Of this, 80 cents will be for the city government and 20 cents for in terest ancl the sinking fund. Mayor Ernest Langford read a letter which he had received from Mayor H. C. Dishman of Bryan, calling the council’s atiention to the fact that, under the terms of the water contract with Bryan, a com mittee made up of representatives from both city governments should meet periodically to study uniform water rates in the two towns. Mayor Dishman’s letter said that Bryan Councilman B. F. Vance had pointed out the clause in the con tract, which has recently been re newed. The letter said that omis sion of the committee was due to oversight of the Bryan City Man ager and/or the Bryan City Sec- retary. At present, water rates for College Station residents are lower than those of Bryan. Mayor Langford appointed Coun- cilmen J. A. Orr and Marion Pugh to the proposed committee. City Annexation Ordinances 225 and 226 had final action taken on them. Ordinance 225 includes land near Lincoln School in the south part of the city, and 226 covei's property belonging to Edward L. Putz in north College Station. Farm Road 2154, Old Highway 6, ! running by West Gate will be paved and cux-bed, according to State ; Highway Department Minute 40153. College Station has agreed to pay for cui'bing on one side fi-om Jersey Street southeast to the city limits. The Council asked Mayor Lang- foi’d to discuss with David Moi'gan, px-esident of the college, a plan for accommodating student automobiles which have been banned fi-om the campus. At px*esent the students leave the cars along Sulphur Spi’ings Road and Jersey Street, creating a hazard, the Council agi'eed. City Manager Ran Boswell was given permission to attend the an nual meeting of the Municipal Fi nance Officers Association on June 3-7 in Washington, D.C. Council man Joe Sorrels will accompany him. Mayor Langfox-d adjourned the meeting, subject to his call, in or der that the Council could meet again yesterday afternoon to dis cuss “an oixiinance incorpox-ating certain areas within the city limits.” To (College Station Limits Approximately 500 acres was voted to be annexed by the City of College Station at the continuation of the City Coun cil’s monthly meeting yesterday afternoon in the City Hall. This move, which will become official in 30 days will bring into the city limits of College Station about a third of a square mile of land east of Highway 6 and a little more than half a square mile on the western side of the highway. The motion, brought before the Council by Mayor pro tern J. A. Orr, was explained, and after a short discussion as to the location of the land being annexed, carried by unani mous vote. Explaining why the annexation included a part of both ^sides of right-of-way south ward down Highway 6, Orr said this was because, the city otherwise would not have the right to place speed signs on both sides of the highway. This would also constitute a traffic'haz ard, Oil" fuxther explained the signs would be at the top of a hill now instead of at the bottom.' To avoid possibility of any com plaints on the paxt of persons own ing property involved in the move Mayor Finest Langford ordered that each person involved would receive a copy of the Ordnance Number 231, the official name of the annexation motion. The Ordnance, as it reads in full is as follows: Lincoln High Senior Class Get Dipl omas The* 18 member senior class of Lincoln High School re ceived their diplomas last night at graduation ceremo nies held in the Lincoln gym nasium. Esther Ray Steen was named valedictorian of the class. Miss Steen maintained an “A” average for all four years of high school. Salutatorian was Lorenzo Wilborn. Dr. W. L. Cash, of the Prairie View A&M department of council- ing and guidance, spoke to the class- Miss Steen will attend Prairie View this fall on a scholarship and will study home economics. Wil born also plans to attend Prairie View. Also graduating last night were Beathea Lee Washington, Onie Mae Heai’d, Bobbie Nell Smith, Mary Francis Moss, Coxa Lee McGi’udei’, Mamie Lee Brown, James Daniel Robinson, Foress Johnson and Ruth Pearl McGill. Othex*s include Jeremiah Waldon, James Curtis Thompson, Minnie Ruth Calhoun, Ella Mae Lott, James Roosevelt Watson and Mor ris Ray Caldwell. Kiwanis Starting Plea For Old Toys The College Station Kiwanis Club is stalling its plea for used toys and repairable playthings, ac- coxding to Dr. John Speiry, chaix-- man of the Kiwanis Undei’pi’ivileg- ed Childi’en’s Committee. “We would like all persons hav ing old toys ax-ound the house to call us rather than throw them away,” Dr. Sperry said. “If we can get a large enough number this early in the yeax - , we will be able to expand our annual Christmas gift pxogx-am for the underpx-ivi- leged childi’en of the area.” Sperry asks pex-sons wishing to contribute toys or volunteer their sex-vices for the work sessions next December to call either VI 6-4144 or VI 6-7334. Each year the club collects th6se toys and lepaii’s them in work ses sions held at the Consolidated Schools. In past yeax*s more than 20 families have benefitted each Christmas. ORDNANCE NO. 231 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Upon compliance with Ai’ticle II, Section 7, of the City Chaitex-, the following territory shall be incor- porated within the city limits: Beginning at the east coiner of Lot 16, Woodland Estates Addi tion to the City of College Station, Texas. f Thence S 45° E a distance of 1,826 feet to the line between the Richard Carter and Morgan Rec tor Surveys. Thence S 45° W along the line between the Richard Carter and Morgan Rector Surveys a distance of approximately 5,280 feet to the northeast line of State Highway No. 6. Thence in a southeasterly direc tion along the northeast line of State Highway No. 6 a distance of 1,124 feet. Thence S 45° W a distance of 100 feet to a fence corner in the southwest line of State Higlnvay 6. This fence coiner also being a common corner to the F. Dobx-ovol- ny land and the F. S. Kapchinskie land- Thence approximately S 78° W along a fence line between the F. Dobrovolny and F. S. Kapchinskie land a distance of 1,928 feet to a fence corner. Thence S 45° E along a fence line a distance of 994 feet to a tel- (See CITY, Page 2) Dorms To Close Saturday, 6 p.m. All dormitories except those used for summer school will be closed and locked at 6 p.m. Sat urday, according to Harry Boyer, chief of housing. Students who wish to turn in their room key may do so by presenting their key and the yel low receipt showing their room deposit at the housing office on the ground floor of the YMCA. THS Honor Students ESTHER RAY STEEN Valedictorian LORENZO WILBORN Salutatorian