The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1956, Image 5
Social Whirl The Battalion College Station (Brazos County), Texas Thursday, May 17, 1956 PAGE 5 Read Battalion Classifieds Daily BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD KATES pne day .... 2^ per word 10 per word each additional day Minimum charge—40# DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display > 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Living room drapes to fit C.V. Ivindows. See at C-7-C after 5 ).m. 134-t4 Kelvinator Refrigerator in good (condition. Approximately 5 years, 1125-00. Divan, nice cover, $25.00, [wall stoves. VI 6-7213 from 8-5, IIP Ellinger Street. 134t2 3,000 CFM Ward’s water cooler, lused one summer. B-7-A College iView. 136t3 15 foot Lakewood Vacationette Itrailer. Sleeps 5, stove, ice box, Jauxiliary water tank. Ideal for vacations, camping, fishing trips or [home for couple. See H. L. Stod- Idard, C-5-D College View. 130tf May is bargain month at our [store. All Sherwin-Williams Paint including Kem-glo and Super Kem- Tone at 10% off. COX LUMBER [COMPANY, 2705 South College Avenue, Bryan, Texas. 125tl2 One I. H- air conditioner, % ton, [used one year. Call VI 6-4391. 135t3 Typewriter, bookcases, end table record cabinets, carpet sweeper, kilx-hen table, storage cabinet, two red scatter rugs, VI 6-5067 between 5 and 6:30 p.m. 135tf Two AKC registered Boxer pup pies, 10 weeks old, fawn, black mask, $25. See at 306 Live Oak or call VI 6-7048- 135t3 Instruction Courses Art Classes, children over 6, 3 days a week, 9-12 a.m. 18 lessons, $15. Start June 4. Jane Eisner, VI 6-6156. Adult evening classes. 135t3 Help Wanted Waitress wanted. Hours 6 a.m. .— 3 p.m. Apply in person West- ei - n Restaurant. Interested in em ploying Aggie Wife. 126tf Work Wanted Neat accurate typist desires typ ing in mv home. Own electric type writer. Call VI 6-5805- 129t8 Attention Working Mothers! All Day nursery, $25.00 month. Also baby sitting by hour, 35 cents. VI 6-4142 or 304 W. Dexter. 128tf Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf n .. Wanted 1954 Leather Graduation Invita tion. Contact Charles Saxe. Room 6, YMCA. 130t4 Male and Female employees to work in the A&M Laundry. Ex perience preferred but not neces- | Furnished apartment. Available June 1st. Phone VI 6-5915. 136t4 OFFICIAL NOTICES Official nuticcs must b« brought, mallei, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (firound Klool YMCA, VI 6-6 415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dail; Monday through Friday) at or before thf deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preredine publication — Director of Student Publica tions. sary. 130tf NOTICE TO MAV OR A D CATES At 8 a.m. Thursday. May 24. there will be posted on a bulletin board in the Reg istrar’s Office a list of those candidates who have completed all academic require ments for a degree. Every candidate is urged to consult this list to determine his status. II. L. HEATON. Registrar 131t8 Female Help Wanted Beauty Operator, Edna’s Beauty Salon or Pruitt’s Beautv Shop. 135tf Lady for part time -kennel work. Office duties and some light phy sical work. Call VI 6-5535 for appointment) 135t3 GOING PLACES? . . . Get your Slacks at the SLAXATORIUM 110 College .Main PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1941 BRYAN Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, veekiy, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivex-y. 3AYAED KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Male Help Wanted We would like to contact a gi’ad- uate Engineer who would be in terested in the field of Hot Work ing of Metals. . If employed, he would be trained in Tool and Die designing. Write Mr. Perry M. Simonds, General Metals Corpora tion, P. O. Box 198, Houston 1, Texas. 125tl7 •Special Notice Visit our bax-gain shed where you will find many items at greatly re duced prices. COX LUMBER COM PANY, 2705 South College Avenue, Bryan, Texas. 125tl2 MSC Recognition Keys may be picked up at the Cashiers Office of the MSC now. 135t3 Starting June 4, Zaxape’s Res taurant will be open noon hours from 11 a.m. til 2 p.m and 5 p.m. til 10 p.m. Closed on Sunday dur ing summer months. Open Monday through Saturday. Air Conditioned. 135tf For Kent Bedroom for x-ent, adjoins bath. Prefer Aggie or young wox-king man or gix-1. TA 3-6598 after 4 p.m. 134t3 Nicely furnished foux* room apartment with gai-age. $60.00 plus utilities. 306-A Second Street, Col lege, VI 6-5481. 134t3 Available June 1 unfurnished two bedroom, five room brick house, front and back screen porches, fire place, attic fan, $75 per month. Located at 701 Park Place, College Pax-k. Phone Mrs. Sullivan, VI- 6-6441 for appointment. 132t5 1 suite, sitting room, sleeping- porch, pxivate bath, gaxage, 2 meals per day, maid sex-vice. 1 southeast bedroom, private bath, 2 meals per day, maid sex-vice, gar age. Mrs. Maggie Pax-ker, 200 Congi’ess, Bryan, Phone TAylor 3-4375. 126tf If you ai’e moving, a one way trailer will save you money and get your merchandise there safely. Also for local trailex's call Baker’s Tix’e Co. Phone TA 2-8159. 120t22 Sewing machines, Pioxitt Fabric Shop. 98tf CHAMPIONS—Winners in the Aggie Wives- Bowling Tournament were an nounced Tuesday night with Dames Club the winning team. Karen Tedder, Dames, left, won high game for the semester while Evelyn Bra dy, Mechanical Engineering Wives, right, won high se ries. Left to right are Mrs. Tedder, Norma Lumpkin, Billie Gaddy, Pat Wallace, Audrey Lindner, and Mrs. Brady. Mechanical Engi neering Wives placed sec ond. Saxton Wins TKO Over Turner in 10 CHICAGO — ( 2P)— Welter-weight champion Johnny Saxtor, a re treating boxing master, won on a lOth-round technical knockout over middleweight Gil Turner at the Chicago Stadium last night. The. ring doctor, Irving Slott, ruled that three cuts—on the right eye, nose and mouth—were enough to keep Turner from coming out for the 10th and final round of tjpe nationally televised non-title bout. It was a fairly dull fight in which Saxton won x-evenge for the fii'st defeat he ever suffex-ed—in 1953 by Turner—after he had won 40 straight bouts. Turner kept pressure on Saxton most of the way, xepeatedly flail ing him against the x-opes, but Sax ton’s sharp counter-punching kept him in contx-ol. Dr. Slott, inspecting Turner af ter the ninth, reported there was excessive bleeding from the nose and mouth and a bad laceration over Gil’s right eye. During the National Basketball Assn, campaign the Boston Celtics broke thair own record for field goals attempted and field goals made. They scox-ed on 2745 in 6913 attempts. AERO WIVES CLUB will meet at 8 tonight in the Aero Lounge. E. E. Brush, head of the depart ment, will present the PhT degxees to graduating members. An elec- 1 tion of offieex-s will follow. * AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 tonight for the club‘pai - ty. Hostesses will be Vio let Palmex-, Erma Ingram, Janice King, Jann Hall, Ann Ginnings, and Nelda Loopei*. Pxizes Were won last week by Virginia Tucker, high; Kathy Rowin, second high; Mary Norris, thiid high and Lou Stein, low, in i-egulars. Intex-me- diate winners were Janice King, high, and Jan Clemens, low. Lillian Powers was x-ecently elected president for the summer session. Assisting her ax-e Ann Kinney, vice president; Kathy Rowin, secretary-ti-easufer; Janie Perkins, reporter, and Dixie Evans, Council repxesentative. * * DAMES CLUB elected Mary Ragland to seiwe as president for the summer and fall sessions. As sisting her are Elaine Wardlow, vice president; Nina McCaxter, sec- retaxy; Vix-ginia Johnson, treasux-- ex - ; Pat Wallace, x-eporter; Norma Lumpkin, social chaixman and Max-- jox-ie Stubbeman, council represen tative. The new and old officers will meet at Bevex-ly Humphries, B-2-X College View, tonight to plan the schedules. The annual picnic will be held at 6:30 p.m. Friday at Hensel Park. Membex-s are ask ed to make x-eservations with Dor othy Mills, VI 6-6297. Food will be 250 and cold drixxks will be served. * * ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Wives Club elected June Robson to sex-ve as px-esident next yeai\ Other officei-s include Beverly Humphx-ies, vice px-esident; Nox-ma Koch, secie- tary; Nina McCarter, ti-easurer; Billie Gaddy, reporter; Dorothy Mills, social chaix-man; and J’nene Morgan, council repx-esentative. Graduating members will receive their diplomas in the Social room of the MSC at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Norman F. Rode, piofessox- in the E.E. department, will speak while M. C. Hughes, head of the depax-t-^ ment, will px-esent diplomas. * sjt ARCHITECT WIVES Club re cently elected Baibax-a Jones pxes- ident for the Fall semestex-. Other offieex-s included Lillian Powers, vice px-esident; Sue Cox, secretary; Ann McMinn, treasuxer; Beverly Jenkins, px-ogi'am chairman; Bev erly Noack, social chairman; Jua- nice Midkiff, x-eporter and Jean Waldxop, council representative. 5jc * AG. ECO. & SOC. Wives Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Mx-s. Baxdin H. Nelson, 306 Dextex-, for the presentation of Ph.T. Degx-ees. Dx-. T. R. Timms, head of the department, will make the px-esentations. AVMAA, American Veterinary Medicine Association Auxiliary, will hold their gxaduation exex-- cises at 7:30 p.m.. Tuesday at the New Science Building. Ever add a little puxe vanilla ex- ti'act to sliced peaches? Haunting flavor! Add a dash of curry powder to your maiinade for lamb or beef kebabs. Anita MoweryW ins National Award Miss Anita Joy " nverv. 13-y^ar- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mowery of College Station, is a winner in the .1956 Intel-national Piano Recording Festival. This year 43,166 pupils wer^ en tered by sending x-ecordings of their playing for judgment against all throughout the country. Anita won a First Rating Gold Medal and a cash award in one event in which she was classified as a high school junior level. In another event she won a bronze medal. She was x-ated in the uppex* one fourth of all the contestants. She has entexed the National Piano Guild Auditions for thi-ee years as a national entry and has won a superior xating each time. GROCERIES Armour’s Star—16 Oz. Can Corned Beef Hash 29e Yambrosia Brand—No. 2'/2 Sweet Potatoes .. Can 22c Armour’s Star TREET—12 Oz. Can 39c Libby’s—303 Can Pear Halves ..26c Armour’s Star—12 Oz. Can Chopped Ham 49c Libbj-’s—303 Can Fruit Cocktail .... 25c Armour’s Star—4 Oz. Can Vienna Sausage—3 for ... 50c 3 Pound Can CRISCO or FLUFFO ..85c Nabisco-Premium—Lb. Pkg. Saltine Crackers 25c Kimbell’s—303 Cans Cut Green Beans- —2 Cans. ..25c Duncan’s Admination COFFEE—1 Lb. Bag 89c Nelda Brand Tomatoes—3 No. 1 Cans... 25c Van Camp’s—No. 2 Cans Pork & Beans—2 for 35c Libby’s—46 Oz. Can Pineapple Juice ..29c FROZEN FOOD PICTSWEET Orang-e Juice Lemonade Limeade 2—6 Oz. Cans 35 Cents BEEF, CHICKEN or TURKEY POT PIES—Each 27c PRODUCE Home Grown Yellow Squash—Lb 6c Valley Grown Cantelope—Lb. ...‘ 5c California Sunkist LEMONS — Lb 21c Red Delicious APPLES — Lb 15c GROCERIES MEAT MARKET PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS — Loin Steak—Lb. Round Steak—Lb. ... Porter House Steak- VEAL CHOPS—Lb. Lb. Square Cut Shoulder Roast- Armour’s Star FRYERS—Lb. . Armour’s Star Weiner — Lb... Lb. Armour’s Star Bolosrna - Lb. Decker’s Tall Korn SLICED BACON—Lb. 69c 69c 49c 59c 39c 49c 1 49c .39c 39c CHARLIE’S FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT.—MAY 17-18 - 19 ALL, DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the 1955-56 Student Directory are available <50 cents each» at the Office of Student Publications. Ground Floor Y1ICA. 72tf Legal Notice I.EGAI. NOTH !•!> Notice is hereby given that a hearing | will be held in the City Hall of the City of College Station. Texas, at 9:00 p.m.. May 28. 1956. on the city’s budget for the fiscal year 1956-57. 136tl Sl'L ROSS LODGE. NO. 1300 A.F. * A.M. College Station Called meeting Thursday. May 17. at 7 p.m. Work In F.C. degree. Mernlrcrs and visiting brethren cordially in vited to attend. L. S Paine. W.M. 13512 N. M McGinnis. Secy. ■ engineering and ARCHITECTl-KAL SCPPLIES • BIJPE LINE PRINTS • BL.CE PRINTS • FHOTOSY**^ SCOATES INDUSTRIES •03 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN.TEXAS When June rolls around And you’re homeward bound. For the best smoke you've found Have a CAMEL! jWqn,-fait putepleoQitel It's a psychological fact: Pleasure helps your disposition. If you're a smoker, remember — more people get more pure pleasure from Camels than from any other cigarehe! No otl ii^orerie- is so rich-tasting- ye; so mild? ; .Fur