The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1956, Image 1

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    Number 124: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Fund For William V. Curry
Gets Student Council Support
The Civilian Student Council de
cided last night to give its sup
port to the fund raising drive for
William F. Curry, freshman from
Comanche who was injured in a
gymnastics accident April 12.
In the meeting held in room 3B
of the Memorial Student Senter,
Joe Blair, civilian chaplain, re
ported that Curry was improved
but badly in need of financial aid
to pay for his care and treatment.
Blair reported that as of last
Sunday, cost of care and treat
ment for Curry amounted to about
$2,000 and his family was unable
to take care of the entire expenses.
Curry’s father' is a school teacher
in Comanche and his mother is a
clerk in a bank. Though Curry’s
Dr. Sunday To Speak
For Marriage Forum
Dr. C. Rodney Sunday, pastor of
the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church, Houston, will speak on
“Marrying Outside Your Faith” at
the final YMCA Marriage Forum
Monday, April 30, at 8 p.m. in the
Rev. Sunday was an Army Chap
lain, serving 46 months with the
103i'd Infantry Division and the
20th Tank Destroyer Group. He is
a graduate of the University of
Texas and the Presbyterian Theo
logical Seminary in Austin.
“Will love find a solution to an
Interfaith marriage,” is the ques
tion Dr. Sunday will raise.
Topics for his talk include:
What Is the Effect of Interfaith
on Interdenominational Marriage,
Wholesome Religion and Marital
Stability, Are You From the Same
Religious Background, If Mixed
Marriages Are So Risky Why Are
There So Many, How To Solve
Mixed Marriage After Marriage,
Hill Will Serve
As Insurance Head
John W. Hill, director of work
men’s compensation insurance for
the A&M College System, will
serve as chairman for the National
Committee on Campus Safety at
the third national conference of the
organization, to be held at Mas
sachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Monday through Wed
He will be in charge of sessions
of the conference which will repre
sent some 60 colleges and univer
Hill also will visit the loss pre
vention research conference of the
Liberty Mutual Life Insurance
Company, at Hopkinton, Mass.,
where studies are being conducted
on accident prevention. His trip
is being sponsored by the schools
and colleges of the Texas Safety
and But We’ll Find a Way to Work
It Out.
An open discussion will follow
Dr. Sunday’s talk. Those attending
are urged to participate in the dis
This is the final session in a
sei'ies of four marriage forums
sponsored by the YMCA this
month. Admission is free.
“The results of our forums have
been very gratifying,” said J. Gor
don Gay, secretaary to the YMCA.
There is a real need for such a
program according to Gay. Plans
are being made to expand and im
prove the program next year.
Student Suspended
An A&M student has been indef
initely suspended after facing a
Military Panel Tuesday for taking
a number of articles from the Me
chanical Engineei'ing Shop. The
student, a junior, said he had
“found them on the ground outside
a window” of the shop, according
to military authorities.
father has insurance, it does not
cover the $42 per day nurse bill
($4.50 above insurance on the
room), doctor bills and Mr. and
Mrs. Curry’s personal expenses.
“Curry needs money as soon as
possible and needs our help,” Blair
said. “It is our job to help this
Aggie buddy at a time when the
going is rough.”
Curry is in the Methodist Hos
pital in Houston, paralyzed from
the neck down, and has limited use
of his arms. Any Aggies who are
in Houston may visit him, accord
ing to Blair.
In the near future civilian coun-
cilmen will be by rooms of stu
dents in their dormitories asking
for contributions. Council mem
bers urged students to give gener
ously to help this Aggie in need.
Other business of the meeting
included a report that Senior Bar
becue tickets are in the hands of
Council representatives and may
be obtained by any graduating
Also members decided to sub
mit a letter to the Student Senate
after results of a poll of civilians
to determine seating next fall at
Kyle Field. The results would be
considered by the Senate as a re
quest for seating by the civilian
Next meeting of the Council will
be held Thursday, May 10 at 8:30
p.m., after the Senior Barbecue in
stead of the regular time of 7:30.
ASME Society
Conference In
Student Center
American Society of Me
chanical Engineers parent so
ciety in New York is sponsor
ing Student Conference of six
Southern Colleges and Uni
versities, beginning registration to
day at 7:45 a.m.
Participating in the conference
is Louisiana Polytechnic Institute,
Rice Institute, Southern Methodist
University, Texas Technological
College, University of Texas and
A&M, which is host college for the
meet. These colleges make up re
gion eight of the Southern Tier.
Highlighted in the activities will
will be the awards luncheon in
which winners in the contest of
technical paper presentation will be
announced. A $50 prize will go to
first place winner, $25 for second
prize, $15 for third and $10 for
fourth place.
The welcoming address was giv
en by John C. Calhoun Jr., dean
of the School of Engineering
Presentation of papers began at
9:30 a.m. today. Presiding will be
Harold E. Schildknecht, A&M AS
ME president.
Guest speaker at the awards
luncheon to be held tomorrow at 12
noon in the MSC ballroom will be
Given at MSG
Parents To See
A&M Life Skit
At Aggie Follies
Plans for this year’s Aggie
Follies, highlight of the an-
C. H. Shumaker, vice president of I nual Parent’s Day weekend at
region eight, Southern Tier of AS
ME. In addition to the four
awards for best papers, two mil
eage awards will go to the largest
number of students attending the
conference from the farthest dis
Center A/ews
Sunday at 2 p.m. the Film So
ciety will present Lloyd’s of London
starring Freddie Bartholomew, Ty
rone Power and Madeline Carroll in
the MSC Ballroom. This film com
bines the drama of the Napoleonic
period with the growth of empire
to produce a compelling motion pic-
ture, according to the Film Society.
A talent show for 1,500 Texas
FFA boys will be held in Guion
Hall Saturday, May 5. A&M stu
dents are eligible to enter the show.
Anyone now enrolled in A&M is
eligible to enter. Persons who in
tend to participate in the competi
tion should contact the MSC Di
rectorate office.
Prizes will be given to the top
four acts. There will be $45 first
prize, $30 second prize, $15 third
prize, and $10 fourth prize.
Sc/i o o lS t u dyCro up
Wa n Is L ongerDays
(Editor’s Note: This is the last
in a series of articles on the report
of the College Station Education
Commission after a recent survey
of the A&M Consolidated School
“One change we favo,r which is
not dependent upon additional
funds is lengthening- the school
day for the senior high school ap
proximately 30 minutes, so that
pupils capable of doing so can take
one extra elective without elimi
nating their study period, and
other students that need to do so
can study under the guidance of a
teacher longer.
“A corollary change we favor
is amendment of the Gilmer-Aikin
law to appropriate state school
funds on the basis of average daily
attendance for the current school
year rather than the previous one.
Special provision is made for some
Weather Today
Partly cloudy and warmer is
forecasted for this area. Yester
day’s high and low were 85 and
64 degrees. Temperature at 10:30
this morning was 75 degrees.
additional funds for the most rap
idly growing schools, but it is en
tirely inadequate because expand
ing schools need money for new
facilities in addition to the opera
ting expenses at more stable
schools. We recommend that pa
trons of all growing schools urge
their legislators to pass the amend
ment in the next session of the
“In compliance with a policy set
by the Southern Association of
Secondary Schools and Colleges,
(See SCHOOL STUDY, Page 2)
Initiation Monday
For Tan Beta Pi
Initiation ceremonies for recently
elected alumni and undergraduate
initiates of the Texas Delta Chap
ter of Tau Beta Pi will be held
Monday at 4:30 p.m. in the Chem
istry Lecture room.
A banquet will be held Monday
night at 7:30 in the ballroom of the
Memorial Student Center. Prin
cipal speaker for the banquet will
be Howard Tellepsen, president of
the Tellepsen Construction Co. of
Ayres Will Speak To Phi Kappa Phi’s
Center’s Purpose Defined
In Overall A&M Mission
Eighteen service awards were given at the annual Stu
dent Center Council and Directorate banquet last night.
Five Faculty Appreciation Awards were given. Those
receiving the awards were F. D. Lawyer, John B. Longley,
Dr. Norman T. Huss, Dr. Tyrus Timm and Dr. Ralph Steen.
Those receiving Student Appreciation Awards for their
work the past year were Frank Vaden, Fleming Smith, Wel
don Walker, Bill Fullerton, Bob Rea, Brad Crockett, Frank
daggers, Don McGinty, Dick McGown, Jack Lunsford and
Dick Wall.
Three Distinguished Service Awards, the highest honor
given by the Center were given to Robert Stansberry, Bill
•♦■Willis and John Jenkins.
Outgoing Center President
Herbert W. (Bud) Whitney
spoke on “The Memorial Stu
dent Center and A Changing
A&M.” Whitney was given a gold
Whitney told of the inaugura
tion of A&M in 1876 when Gov.
Richard B. Coke set forth one of
the underlying philosophers of
A&M by saying the mission of
A&M is “to prepare the young men
of Texas for the high duties of
American citizenship.”
He also declared “that a high
moral and intellectual development
of the masses of the people is nec
essary condition to the stability
and excellence of government”.
He also declaied “that a high
moral and intellectual development
of the masses of the people is a
necessary condition to the stability
and excellence of government”.
Whitney went on to add how the
Student Center has helped carry
on these same beliefs and further
the moral, intellectual and citizen
ship growth here on the campus.
He pointed out that, “true, we
are producing technically trained
men to keep America strong in
order to survive the ominous threat
of war.
“But our nation today has even
a greater need—the need for ac
tive and infoi-med citizenship.”
“T h r o u g h the responsibility,
leadership and self-expression giv
en to students here, A&M is pro
viding- the training necessary to
build and keep American ideals
He closed by saying that it had
been his pleasure to work with
men who have felt “that spirit of
unity and closeness which comes
with seeking some far off goal. It
has been my privilege to have had
some part in what you are doing.”
Dick Wall, new Council presi
dent, said that his goals would not
be to add to list of new develop
ments but to improve on the ones
already present.
He listed some of the proposed
changes as being closed member
ship on the Center committees, a
personnel system, better publicity
and better handling of the budget.
In general, “better business meth
ods of handling Center affairs.”
Officers of the MSC Council for
next year are Wall, president; Don
D. McGinty, vice-president and J.
A&M, are rounding - into shape
The show will be presented
Friday and Saturday nights, May
11 and 12.
This year’s production, titled
“Khaki Jungle”, is a take-off on
life on the A&M campus. It fea-
tm - es the trials and tribulations
of a senior trying to get his four-
year course into five. The senior,
portrayed by Rocky Arnold, has
been “harrassed by everything
from freshmen to pizza eating
deans.” His roommate, played by
Bill Fink, has only saving time to
worry about.
The Aggie Players, A & M’s
drhma group, are presenting this
year’s show in cooperation with the
Intercouncil Committee. Members
of the Players have written the
production which closely follows
the trend established by last year’s
Ted Castle is directing the play
with Joe Dannenbaum serving ag
stage manager. Dance scenes are
directed by Bill Swann, and the
musical arrangements by Rocky
Arnold. Sets for the production
are being designed by Paul Ross.
Others in the cast are Dan Ryan,
Vince Giardina, Deloris Schoedel,
Toby Hughes, Connie Eckard, Gene
Logan, Iris Bullard, Jack Swann,
Phil McNemer, Bob Blake, Roger
Claik, Ward Boyce, Frank Eichman
and Dwight Allen.
Hugh Lanktree and Kenneth
George are in charge of the Fri
day night premiere. Floodlights
and side-walk interviews will pro
vide a Hollywood-type premiere.
The Friday night performance has
been named student night and the
Saturday night performance has
been dedicated to parents who will
be here for Parent’s Day, May 13.
Tickets go on sale May 1.
Dr. Clarence E. Ayres, professor
of economics at the University of
Texas and nationally known eco
nomist and author, will address
the annual initiation banquet of
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society in
the Memorial Student Center ball
room Tuesday at 7. He will speak
on “The Values of an Industrial
A graduate of Brown University
and the University of Chicago, Dr.
Ayres taught at Chicago, Amherst
and Reed Colleges before coming
to UT in 1930. He was associate
editor of the New Republic for a
year, 1924-25; with the U. S. De
partment of Labor in 1936; and
has for years been a director of the
San Antonio Branch of the Fed
eral Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Dr. Ayres has written seven
books, his latest ones being “The
Divine Right of Capital” and “The
Industrial Economy.”
Phi Kappa Phi is a national so
ciety for the recognition and en
couragement of superior scholar
ship in all fields of study, a grade-
point ratio of at least 2.25 being
required by the A&M Chapter.
Students admitted into the society
must be in the top 10 per cent of
their class, and good character
also is an essential requirement.
Dr. William E. Street, head of
the Department of Engineering
Drawing and president of the local
chapter, will preside. Members of
the committee on arrangements
for the banquet are Dr. A. W. Mel-
loh, Engineering Experiment Sta
tion; Dr. E. C. Klipple, Mathemat
ics; and Dr. J. H. Milliff, Veteri
nary Anatomy.
Students qualifying for mem
bership in Phi Kappa Phi this year
are as follows:
Veterinary Medicine: Seniors
James W. Ard, Derrell H. Gui
les, James W. Kyle, Wallace R.
Larson, James R. Pearce, Walter
E. Roe, John R. Watkins.
Veterinary Medicine: Juniors
James L. Forgason, William H.
Kirksey, Wallace L. Kleb.
Graduate Students
Daniel M. Bass Jr., James R.
Brazzel, Bruce M. Carswell, Rob
ert D. Carter, Charles B. Ellwood,
William R. Hudson, Lewis W.
Johnson, Charles C. Luther, James
M. Neil, Frank K. Robinson, Ralph
L. Shannon, Garland B. W’hisen-
hunt Jr.
Agriculture: Seniors
Claude Alexander, Homer R. An
derson, Joe M. Auld Jr., Leonai-d
H. Berger, Edwin L. Bieri, Robert
J. Butschek, Monroe H. Fuchs,
Ronald G. Gardner, Stanley P.
Holz, Edward L. Joyce, Leo N.
Namken, Milton W. Nitsch, Jim
L. Renick, Harvey L. Richards,
William R. Stephenson, Allie R.
Thallman, Franklin D. Waddell,
Curtis D. Wilkinson.
Agriculture: Juniors
Jerry M. Bestill, Fritz Eugene
Landers, John C. Montgomery.
Service Test
The final selective service test
for this school year will be given
May 17. Application blanks may
be obtained at the Housing Of
fice. Deadline for applications
is midnight May 7.
Arts & Sciences: Seniors
Vernon D. Anderson, David A.
Bowers, William L. Broaddus, Wil
liam M. Cocke Jr., Robert E. Du-
dek, George W. Ernst Jr., Richard
E. ‘ Gentry, Charles R. Haning,
George H. Hartung, James D. In
gram, John W. Jones, Robert I.
Pender, Ronald L. Robbins, Kerry
K. Whitton.
Arts & Sciences: Juniors
Thomas W. Adair III, Michael
J. August, Jimmy C. Burns, Clif
ford L. Condit, Walker B. Griffith,
Charles L. Heaton, Bernie G. Hew-
ett, Robert J. Hotard, Donald R.
Huffman, Ronald L. Huffman,
George A. Kelt Jr., William A.
McCarty, Richard L. Moore, Gene
C. Nash, Lee H. Smith, Verdis D.
Urban, Drew D. Williams.
Engineering Seniors
Kenneth M. Alder, Raymond C.
Arhelger, Robert C. Barlow, Ash
ley N. Beasley, Allen M. Brandt,
Charles Bremer Jr., Joseph Broe-
sche, Jose R. Castillo, Fred B. Cox,
James S. Crabbe, John D. Cunn-
i rr-K n rvt
Lawrence R. Dausin, Patrick H.
Drake Richard C. Durbin, Jack H.
Edwards, Dale R. Flourney, Melton
t Fly Charles A. Ford, Robert L.
FuHer, James I. Ginnings, Robert
C* 1 Goodman, David ^Crueller,
j "hn R Harris, Alfred O. Hdgers,
John L. Irwin, Charlie F. Jack,
r V,n W. Jenkins, Herman H.
i? Bill W. Kimmey, Sam C.
Jr William B. Ledbetter,
Lade V Leslie, F. L. Lucas, Her-
G E Lynch,' E. F. Lyon, Dan
o McAlexander, Clay McFarland,
S ‘ = M Moffit, G. B. Morns,
Jar ?I n * W Morris, Douglas D.
Weldon r Nauck> Charles
Mounce, w Nitsch, Donald
£ SavaT'David C. Fame...
, B Russell (graduated
d aCO ,_-v q E. Schildknecht, B- Steele, G. S. Teutach,
pth R Thompson, Joe R.
Tucker Weldon W. Walker Edgar
f Wallen. Richard F. Weiek. Cod.e
Cotton Pageant,
Ball In Grove
Tonight at 7:30
Duchesses and their escorts
began arriving on the campus
this morning to participate in
the twenty-second annual Cot
ton Pageant and Ball to be
held here tonight.
This year’s Cotton Pageant and
Ball will begin promptly at 7:30
p.m. in The Grove.
Holman Griffin, senior agronomy
major from Hillsboro, will he
crowned King Cotton and his Queen
and her court will be chosen from
the attending 148 duchesses. Dr.
J. E. Adams, Dean of the School
of Agriculture will place the crown
on the heads of the Royal Couple.
J. J. Woolket, head of the Modern
Languages Department, will serve
as master of ceremonies during
A panel composed of Pat Dun
ham, from Battelstein’s in Hous
ton; Mrs. Jessie Southworth, from
Sanger Bi-others in Dallas; and
Max, of Photo-Associated, of Dal
las, will choose Queen Cotton and
her court.
Immediately following pi-esenta-
tion of the King and Queen and
their couit, The Grove will be
cleared of seats and the Grand
March and Cotton Ball will follow.
Funds from the Pageant and
Ball are used by the Agronomy So
ciety to send junior and senior
agronomy majors on a tour of
agriculture and related industries
in the state.
Tickets are on sale at the Agron
omy Department and at the Office
of Student Activities, on the sec
ond floor of the YMCA. Price is
$2 a couple for the Pageant and
Ball and $1 for spectator tickets.
W. Stark, secretary-treasurer.
Student members of the council
include Bryan Dedeker, Richard L.
McGown, Jim Bower, Don R.
Cloud and John L. Loggins. One
more student councilman will be
elected from the Student Senate.
Faculty members on the MSC
Council are W. F. Berndt, E. D.
McMurry, O. D. Butler, C. H. Rans-
dell and P. J. Woods.
Brownrigg Dewey and one more
representative, yet to be elected,
represent the Former Students As
sociation of the Council.
Commission Filing
Opens On Tuesday
Filings open Tuesday in the Of
fice of Student Activities for posi
tions on the election commission.
Five members from each of the
classes, excluding the class of ’56,
will be elected. Since there is no
run-off in the election, the five
men in each class receiving the
highest number of votes win.
Filings close at 5 p.m. May 7 and
the voting will be held at the Post
Office entrance of the Student Cen
ter on May 16. Students entering
the race must have a 1.0 gpr.
Singing Cadets
Plan Annual
Banquet, Dance
The Sing-ing Cadets have
scheduled their outstanding
social function of the year—
the Singing Cadet Annual
Awards Banquet for Satur
day at 7 p.m. in the MSC assembly
At this banquet, awards will be
presented to members of the
group and next year’s officers will
be announced.
Charles H. Scott, president of
the organization, will serve as
toastmaster for the banquet. W.
S. Barren, former speaker of the
Texas House of Representatives
and District Judge for 15 years,
will be the guest speaker.
Awards to be presented to mem
bers include silver keys, gold
keys, letter sweaters and other
gifts for several members. Silver
keys will be presented to 29 stu
dents who have two semesters of
membership in the group. Gold
keys will be awarded to 11 stu
dents representing four semesters
membership. Three students per
forming with the group for six or
more semesters will be awarded
letter sweaters.
Following the smorgasbord ban
quet, a dance for Singing Cadet
member-s and their guests will be
held in the assembly room and on
the terrace.
Corps Review Set
Twenty ambassadors will at
tend a Corps review- tomorrow
morning at 10:30 on the Main
Drill Field. They will be on
the campus as a part of a
three day tour of Texas. The
group will arrive from Dallas
at 8:30 tomorrow- morning and
will be met by Dr. David H.
Morgan, president of the col
lege. They will leave for
Houston at 11:30, following
the review.