O. & M. Dept, s Telecast Sunday Has Glacier Study “Glacier Study in the Sierra Ne vada Mountains” will be featured in the Department of Oceano graphy and Meteorology Televis ion Show to be presented on KGUL-TV in Galveston Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Richard Tarble, radar meteor ologist in the department, will be moderator of the show. Tarble is a U. S. Weather Bureau meteor ologist and hast done most of his work in California studying glac iers. He presently is doing re search here in the use of radar for detection of precipitation and the predicting of possible floods. The program is designed to give viewers information concerning the work of the weather bureau in the Siena Nevada mountains in plot ting- the advancing and receding of glaciers. Since 1953, each year in Sep- Kream and Kow Leiiiel Harbers has been elected president of the Kream and Kow Klub for next year. Other officers are Don Bayer, vice-president; Bill Coblentz, secretary-treasurer; Al fred Croix, program chairman; Walter Miers, Agriculture Council representative; Arvill Newby, re porter; James Keilers, parliamen- taidan; and Bill Wagnor, social chairman. tember, a party of four men has done research on the glaciers. Ac cording to Tarble the weather bu reau believes that errors in pre dicting the amount of available water for the area are due to he receding and advancing of the glac iers. The research parties found that 20 per cent more water was added to the supply, given by the melting snow, due to melting of the glacier which they studied. Melting of these glaciers is caused by fluctuating temperatures in this hemisphere. The show is a continuation of a series of shows presented by the department. Magazine Editor To Address SDX George B. Gibbs, editor of the Petroleum Refiner, will speak on “Writing for the Technical Maga zine Field” in the Journalism Build ing tonight at 7:30 p.m. The program is being sponsored by the A&M chapter of Sigma Delta Chi and will be open to the general public, according to Dave McReynolds, president of the chap ter. “This program should be of par ticular interest to industrial tech nology and personnel management majors as well as those intei’ested in journalism,” McReynolds said. ! The Batlfilion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas Tlujrsd&y, April 26. 1956 PAGE 5 Eight LSA Aggies Attend Ashram in Round Rock The Ashram (corporate spirit ual quest) of the Gulf Region Luthexan Student Association of America will be held at “Circle R Ranch” in Round Rock, Texas, be ginning tomorrow and continuing thi*ough noon Sunday. The subject for this Ashram will be “Social Integi-ation—Where Do I Stand?” One of the lecturers will be Dx-. John T. Duncan of A & M History Department. His subjects will be: “Historical De velopments Leading to the Su- pi-eme Court’s Decision in ’54” and “The Supx-eme Court’s Decision and Its Current Reaction.” Among those attending from A&M will be Leniel Harbers, El mer Jacob, David Behlen, Bob Goerdel, Wayne Culberth, Terry Spencer, John Ochterbeck, and Pat Mauritz. Leniel Harbors will be installed during a sex-vice on Sunday morn ing as pi*esident of the Gulf Re gion LSA. Elmer Jacob will be installed as financial secretary. Also attending will be the Rev. Thomas H. Swygert and Dr. R. J. Hildreth, Faculty Advisor for the LSA. sit. NEW OFFICE, TOO!—We left out the picture of one of the departments, Student Af fairs, which now is in the basement of the YMCA Bldg - . Surrounding - Bennie Zinn, head of Student Affairs and advisor to veterans, is Mrs. Georgia Benson, left, and Mrs. Virginia McCoy. Both work in the office, which is located in the Housing Office area of the basement. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day .... 2^ per word per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 800 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale 1946 Plymouth with 1950 engine. Excellent condition. New tires: low mileage; pi-iced fox- quick sale, $195. See at Aggieland Magnolia Sta tion, East Gate, College. Phone VI 6-7212. 122t3 Help Wanted Female employees for general iaxxndry work, white, Latin Amer ican, colored, apply A&M Laundry office, located A&M College cam pus. 120t5 Waitress—Aggie wife prefei-red —Nights from 9 to 6. No exper ience necessarv. Applv in person. THE WESTERN RESTAURANT. L18t7 DIAL - A - MATTC Adding Ma chine. Adds up to 99,999 accurate ly. Also subtracts! $2.00 Post paid. Ox-der from: M-LEES GIFTS, Box 6792, San Antonio, Texas. ' 1 122t4 Genex-al Electric Freqxxency Mod ulation Equipment: Tx-ansmitter, Antenna, Monitox-, Transmission Line and Accessox-ies. Sealed bids will be received in the Office of the Business Manager, College Ad ministration Building until 10:30 a.m.. May 14, 1956. Tre x’isrht is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive anv and all technical ities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, Col lege Station, Texas, for further in formation. 122t2 (1) Bookcase, With upright glass dooi-s: (1) Oak Filing Cabinet; (3) Book-case sections; (1) bag Zonolite insulating matexial: (1) Aloe microtome knife-shax-nener. Sealed bids wall be x-eceived in the Office of the Business Managex-, College Administi'ation Building until 10:30 a.m., May 7, 1956. The right is resex-ved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, College Station, Texas, fox- further information. 122t2 For Rent If you ai'e moving, a one way trailer will save yoxx money and get your mei-chandise thex-e safely. Also for local tx-ailei's call Baker’s Tii-e Co. Phone TA 2-8159. 120t22 Sewing machines, Pxaxitt Fabric Shop. 98tf Miscellaneous Electric fans x-epaix-ed. LEE’S ELECTRIC SERVICE. 2219 South College, TA 2-3536. 117tl4 Special Notice SUL. ROSS I.OnOK, NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. College Station Called meetinp: Thursday. April 26 at 7 p.m. Exam inations. Work in the E.A. degree. Members and visit ing brethren cordially invited to attend. 122t2 L. S. Paine. W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Secy. OFFICIAL NOTICES Official noDces must t>e brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive In the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin. VT 6-6415. hours 8-12, 1-6. dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding puhlicaiton. — Director of Student Publications. Apartment range, excellent con dition, $15. VI 6-5486 after 4:30 p.m. 121t4 GRAniATE StHOOI. Richard J. Baldauf. candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology will present his dissertation “Coatributions to the Cranial Morphology of American Bufonidae (Anurai” Tuesday. May 1. 1956 at 2: p.m. in Room 107. Biological Science Building. Interested members of the fac ulty of the Graduate School are invited to be present. IDE P. TROTTER Dean 123tl Extra clean 1953 fordor. Main line Ford V-8. Call V. A. Hervey, VI 6-5622, 8 a.m.—5 p.m.; nights, VI 6-5445. 117tf Work Wanted ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS! Will do baby sitting in my home 35<* an hour or $10 weekly. Call VI 6-4142 or 304 W. Dexter. 117t8 Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my mme. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. ^hone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 {South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf LrOSt Tiny Teax-s Doll at College View. Child’s Best Friend. Retuxn to B-12-V College View. Reward. 123t2 • E.NOrXEERIVa AND | ARCHITECT tTR AI. SCPPCIES * • Bt.CE CINE PRINTS • BCCE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES •03 Old Snlphnr Spring* Road BRYAN. TEXAS By action of tiie Executive Committee of the Academic Council, all undergraduate classes will be dismissed from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday. April 2H, to permit a Review of the Corps of Cadets for dis tinguished visitors—Texas Congressmen and ambassadors from twenty South American countries. 121t4 J. P. Abbott Dean of the College Social Whirl ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Wives Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the YMCA for their last business meeting. ★ AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Memorial Student Centex-. Hos tesses will be Pat Johnston, Joy Bi’own, Betty Chinnock, Mona Monicle, Fay Spears and Mary Norris. ★ AG. ECO. & SOC Wives Club will hold xx picnic at 4 p.m. Sat- ui'day at the Sue Haswell Park in Bryan for club members and their families. The group will play base ball and other various games anti picnic supper will be served at 6 p.m. The committee in chax-ge of the affair consists of Aug-usta Sasser, Helen Priddy, Beth Cash, Marsalee Wright and Billie Mc Donald. ★ AGRICULTURE EDUCATION Wives Club will meet at 7;30 p.xn. Tuesday in room 3 of the YMCA. E. V. Walton, head of the depart ment, will speak on “Job Oppbi’- tunities for Ag. Ed. Graduates.” Hostesses will be Marsalee Delle- ney and Evelyn Bippert. ★ AGRONOMY WIVES Club will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday in the YMCA. ★ BAND WIVES CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. ★ AGGIE WIVES BOWLING Club will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the MSC. Geology will bowl Business Wives and Mechanical Engineers will bowl Dames Club. New Show Planned McCALL’S Humble Service Station “Where Service Is First” East Gate VI 6-4922 Hy 6 SUMMER VACATION . . .? Learn to speak SPANISH, fulfill language requirement. Increase your EARNING pow er, in AIR - CONDITIONED comfort. II weeks course $435.00. Folder free: I.atin- Ameriean Institute Station A, Hattiesburg, Miss. Art Exhibit Ends At MSC Friday April 29 will end the showing of 25 painting appearing in the Me morial Student Center lobby for the Texas Winter Color Society. The paintings, which Were chos en for the circuit from a selection of 98 works, were displayed in San Antonio, Austin and will go next to Lubbock. The Art Gallery Group, sponsors of the show here, and The Texas Fine Aits Association will co- sponsor an exhibition which will be px-esented May 16-20. This district includes Brazos, Falls, Robertson, Madison, Grimes, Washington, Burleson, Lee and Milam Counties. All ax-tists and crafts men 15 yeax-s of age and oldex* are eligible to submit works for the jtii-y to make a selection for display and hanging. Artists may submit two works only. Special printed citation awards will be given to outstanding wox-ks and their winning entries will be px-esented again to the public in a show at Laguna Gloria Museum, Austin, June 15 to Aug. 15. From this last group a special jury will make further awax-ds and select works to be sent on a tour of the State of Texas. Any medium is acceptable but all work must be original. No cop ies will be acepted. Wox-ks must be created without help of an in structor, or other aid, and produc ed in the past two yeai*s. A fee of $2 shall be chax-ged in order to defxay expenses. All en tries must be in on or befox-e to morrow and taken to the Art Gal lery Group, MSC. Entries rejected by the jury will be returned as quickly as possible following the decision of the jud ges. Winding entx-ies will be de livered to Austin and returned to College Station without cost to the exhibitor. Entry blanks and instruction forms may be acquixed from Ema- lita Newton Terxy, general chair man, in the Memorial "Student Cen tex'. . V -? vi. • - TRIANGLE BANQUET ROOM BANQUETS Open for all: DINNERS — LUNCHEONS RECEPTIONS and WEDDINGS (By Reservation Only) For Information Call: Mr. J. A. Ferreri — TA 2-8508 (Between 9 a.m. & 5 p.m.) DYERS'FUR STORAGE MATTERS DIAL TA 2-1585 Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate REGALIA FOR BACCAI.AX RKATL SERMON AND COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES All civilian students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine will wear the doctor’s cap. gown and hood appropriate to that degree. (Hoods will not be worn at the Baccalaureate Ser mon.) Ph.D. candidates are also required to order hoods and leave them with the Registrar no later than 1 :00 p.m.. Tuesday. May 15. The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage. Candidates for the Master’s and Professional degrees will wear the Master’s cap and gown. Can didates for ttie Bachelor's degree will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. All military personnel, or military students who are candidates for any of the above degrees, will wear the appropriate uniform. Rental of caps and -gowns may be ar ranged with the College Exchange Store. Orders may be placed until noon. Saturday. May 12, but It is desirable to place them as early as possible. The rental is as fol lows: Doctor’s cap and gown $3.90; Mas ter's cap and gown $3.60; Bachelor's cap and gown $3.30. The rental for hoods Is the same as that for caps and gowns. C. E. Tishler Chairman Convocations Committee list 14 ALL DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the 1955-56 Student Directory are available 175 cents each) at the Office of Student Publications. 207 Goodwin Hall. 72tf Discover THE SLAXATORIUM For Slacks PRE-FIT or to MEASURE What's Cooking The following clubs will meet tonight: 7:15 Bell County Club meets in room 125, Academic. Plans will be made for party. 7:30 Lower Trinity Valley Hometown Club meets in room 328, Academic. Plans will be made for club social. San Antonio Hometown Club meets in room 125, Academic. Of- ficei’S for 1956-57 will be elected and plans for boat pax-ty will be made. Institute of Aeronauticxxl Sci ences meets in i-oom 208 of the Engineering Building. Guest speaker from Douglas Aircraft Co., Santa Monica will be present. Wichita Falls Hometown Club meets in x-oom 323, Academic. En tertaining speaker will bn provided. Every member is urged to be pres ent. Hunt County Hometown Club meets in the YMCA. Lubbock-South Plains hometown club meets in MSC. Election of of- ficei's for next year and a 1955 football film will highlight the meeting. Tau Beta Pi (Continued fx-om Page 1) Daniel M. Stalmach, Samuel L. Sullivan, Herman J. Veselka, Rich- ax-d M. Wall, Otis D. Wells and Herbert W. Whitney. Tellcpsen, speaker at the ban quet, is one of Houston’s civic leadex-s, as well as a successful business and professional man. He was graduated from Georgia In stitute of Technology in 1934 with a BS degree in civil engineering. Besides being a member of Tau Beta Pi, he was elected to Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Phi Amicron Delta Kappa, and Scxibbard and Blade while in Geoxgia Tech. In 1954, Tellcpsen was chosen “Engineer of the Year” for the Houston ax-ea. Also that year, he served as pxesident of the Hous ton Chamber of Commerce, and at 40 was the youngest president in the group’s 115 year histox-y. Texas Delta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi was established in 1948 at A&M. One of its major achieve ments has been establishment of a scholarship fund to aid any quali fied student to continue his studies in the engineei’ing field. This scholarship award and also the award for the best written paper of the initiates, will be presented at the banquet. )W USED BOOKS \\ AM ED The Exchange Store is in the market a- : for your usere wDing - the lxchaSg): store “Serving- Texas? Maryland Club COFFEE . . . Diamond Brand—Sour or DILL PICKLES . Libby’s—303 Cans- RED BEETS -Whole lb. can . . qt. 2 cans 95c 25c Libby’s—14 Oz. Bottles CATSUP . . Libby’s—303 Cans—Cream Style GOLDEN CORN ... 2 cans Xelda Brand—303 Cans TOMATOES . 2 bottles 37c 35c 2 cans 25c Lucky Leaf—No. 2 Cans—Sliced PIE APPLES .... 2 cans 49c ^ FROZEN FOODS ^ — P I C T S W E E T CUT CORN GREEN PEAS PEAS & CARROTS MIXED VEGETABLES MUSTARD GREENS TURNIP GREENS SPINACH * PRODUCE pkg. 18c ★ 490 Size L E M O N S . BANANAS Large Head LETTUCE Tender, Yellow S Q U ASH . . . doz. 23c . 2 lbs. 25c 2 heads 15c . . Ib. 10c Kimbell’s—303 Cans—W"hole GREEN BEANS ... 2 cans 41c Zatarians Brand—11 Oz. Jar—Green COCKTAIL OLIVES . . Armour’s Star—12 Oz. Can T R E E T 3 Pound Can CRISCO or FLUFFO . . Tex-Siin—46 Oz. Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . . Nu-Zest—46 Oz. Can ORANGE JUICE . . . Dash—16 Oz. Cans DOG FOOD * MARKET Armour’s Star LUNCHEON MEAT Armour’s Star LARGE BOLOGNA Armour’s Star WEINERS .. Decker’s—Tall Korn SLICED BACON . Pen Fed Baby Beef Cuts LOIN STEAK . . . T-BONE STEAK . 7-BONE STEAK . Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . 35c . 35c . . 85c . . 25c . . 32c . . 27c ★ Ib. 39c lb. 39c Ib. 49c lb. 39c lb. 69c lb. 69c lb. 59c Ib. 39c CHARLIE'S FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT.—-APR. 26-27-28