/Vic Battalion College Station (Brazos Ciounty), Texas PAGE 4 Thursday, April 26, 1956 List Of Duchesses (Continued from Page 1) Billye Smitherman representing the A&M Collegiate FFA Club; Mrs. Barbara Young representing the A&M Band Wives Club; Mrs. Dawn Gilleland representing the Agricultural Education Wives Club; Mrs. Mary Ragland repre senting University Dames Club. BRYAN—Miss Atelia Prince rep resenting the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Miss Cora- lyn Thurman representing the Sen ior Class of the School of Veteri nary Medicine; Miss Fannie Lou Mainer representing the Brazos County A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Gene Ann Hart represent ing the Bryan Women’s Club; Miss Jane Gibson representing the Ex tension Service Club; Miss Jo Ann Moore representing the Student Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Miss Kath leen Seale representing the Bryan Garden Club; Miss Martha Wormeli represent ing the A&M Social Club; Miss El sie Beard representing the Bryan Chamber of Commerce; Miss Ann Gray representing the San Antonio Hometown Club; Miss Mary Kath erine Seeman repi'esenting the Bry- an-College Station Business and Professional Women’s Club. ABILENE — Miss Regina Cook representing the Agricultural Eco nomics Club; Miss Leah Wood rep resenting the Abilene Hometown Club. AUSTIN—Mrs. Juanita Graham representing the Trans-Pecos A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Nancy Mc Guire representing the Austin A&M Mother’s Club. BAYTOWN—Miss Nancy Tomp kins representing Alpha Beta Al pha from Texas State College for Women; Miss Tobye Fram repre senting Baytown A&M Mother’s Club; BEAUMONT—Miss Jimmy Ann Wat wood representing the Beau mont A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Bonnie Schlenger representing the Beaumont Hometown Club. BROWNWOOD — Miss Kathryn Brim representing.the Agricultural 0 Council; Miss Margery Evans rep resenting the Northeast Texas Hometown Club. CORPUS CHRISTI—Miss Bar bara Ann Martin representing the Corpus Christi Hometown Club; Miss Marilyn Clark representing the Brush County Club. DALLAS — Miss Norma James representing Southwest Texas A&M Club; Miss Elise Lore rep resenting the Rusk County Home town Club; Miss Annette (Rusty) Skinner representing the Dallas Club; Miss Beverly Manning rep resenting the Knights of Colum bus; Miss Phyllis Frankfurt rep resenting the PreMed-PreDent Club; Miss Nancy Wynona Jones rep resenting the Agriculture Engi neering Society; Miss Anita Allen representing Phi Eta Sigma; Miss Sara Cardwell representing the Sophomore Class of the School of Veterinary Medicine; Miss Aggie McGuire representing the Chi Ome ga House of Southern Methodist University. DENTON — Miss Martha Bick- ley representing Denton-Wise County Hometown Club; Miss Jo Ann Jennings representing Pin Sigma Iota at TSCW; Miss Sarah Jane Davis representing Associa tion of Children Education Inter national at TSCW; Miss Jerri Mc Clain representing the Sophomore Class at TSCW; Miss Bonnie Isaacs representing the Women’s Recrea tion Association at TSCW. HOUSTON—Miss Sylvia Davis representing State Society, Chil dren of the American Revolution; Miss Sylvia Kelley representing the Amarillo A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Dorothy Falkenberg repre senting the Sophomore Class of School of Veterinary Medicine; Miss Joan Hardy representing Tyler-Smith County Hometown Club; Miss Mary Lou Schuenemann representing Houston Hometown Club; Miss Ann Collins represent ing Sam Houston State College Student Council; Miss Jeanette Hillman representing the Universi ty of Houston. Mrs. Sheridan Taack represent ing the Wichita Falls A&M Moth ers Club; Miss Gwendolyn Sue Mays representing Houston A&. Mother’s Club; Mrs. Cora Ann Rand representing American Ins i- tue of Industrial Engineers; MLss Margaret Jeter representing the Saddle and Sirloin Club; Mrs. Nan cy McCarty representing the Aggie Wives Council. KINGSVILLE — Miss Wanda Coward representing Rio Grande Valley A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Carol Sue West representing Kingsville A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Carol Dee West representing Kappa Kappa Gamma. LARPDO —Miss Rosaura Imelda Garcia representing Laredo Club of TSCW; Miss Laura Magnon rep resenting Laredo Hometown Club. L O N G V I E W—Miss Marianne Muse representing Deep East Tex as A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Ann Dobbs representing Trinity Univer sity. PORT ARTHUR—Miss Sandra Fuller representing Port Arthur A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Nell Le- moine representing Port Arthur A&M Hometown Club; Miss Eliza beth Latimer representing Shreve port A&M Club. SAN ANGELO — Miss Barbara Terrill representing Baylor Uni versity; Miss Georgia Rakagist, San Angelo Hometown Club. SAN ANTONIO—Miss Mimi Ga- ribay representing the Lower Rio Grande Valley A&M Club; Miss Minta Curtis representing the Hi- dalgo-Starr County A&M Home town Club; Miss Rosa Maria de la Fuente representing Student Coun cil of Our Lady of the Lake Col lege; Miss June Durst representing San Antonio A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Betty Ann Burke represent ing Junior Chapter, American Vet erinary Medical Association; Mrs. Marilou Harris representing Aero nautical Engineering Wives Club. SONORA—Miss Barbara Schwie- ning Beckham representing Sonora A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Nancy Hunt representing The Agricultur ist. TEMPLE—Miss Carol Kristinek representing Bell County Home town Club; Miss Marsha Gerloff representing Bell County A&M Mother’s Club; Mrs. Charlene Ragsdale representing Animal Hus bandry Wives Club. WACO — Miss Evelyn Darlene Bertrand representing Waco-Mc- We need USED BOOKS See us before you sell! STUDENT CO-OP North Gate Flowers for those special dances See your dorm representative or come by STUDENT FLORAL CONCESSION Run by Aggies for Aggies Graduating Seniors'. . . CADE MOTOR COMPANY is now ready to deliver your NEW 1956 FORD at your special prices! SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS Cash or Trade-In with finance terms tailored to fit your Budget CADE MOTOR COMPANY Lerman County A&M 'Exe’s; Miss Camille Hudson representing Waco- McLennan County A&M Hometown Club; Miss Marilyn Frey represent ing Waco A&M Mother’s Club; WICHITA FALLS—Miss Reva Joyce Wright representing Wichita Falls Hometown Club; Miss Bar bara Sue Elam representing Wi chita Falls High School. Miss Rose Anthony Kubecka, Shiner, Lavaca County A&M Club; Miss Nancy Butler, Quinlan, Hunt- County A&M Club; Miss Carol Ann Tanksley, Del Rio, Del Rio A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Adeline Mar- tinka, Granger, Williamson County A&M Club; Miss Alice Quay Min- ter, Fort Worth, Fort Worth A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Sarah Jane Davis, Omaha, Association of Childhood Education at TSCW. Miss Patty Whigham, George town, Southwestei-n University; Miss Juanita Jones, Greggton, Rice Institute; Miss Jo Anne Costa, Na- vasota, Senior Class of Navasota High School; Miss Marilyn Slaugh ter, Humble, Agronomy Society; Miss Jan Houck, Midland, Poul try Science Club; Miss Anna Lee Skaggs, Sherman, Petroleum En gineers; Miss Cherry Stinnett Brenham, Aggie Mother’s Club Miss Margaret Ann Ammer, Lub bock, T-Association. Miss Jane Wood, Arlington, Dal las A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Vir ginia Kaye Baker, Alice, Brush Country A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Madge Channing, Ox-ange, Orange A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Jimmye Colbuin, Cameron, Milam A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Mary Ann Ci*awford, Kauf man, Kaufman County A&M Club; Miss Diane Emmons, Breckeni’idge, A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Jackie Jean Oualline, Kingsville, Ax*ansas Pass A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Jan Sullivan, Marshall, Harrison Coun ty A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Nancy Rydell, Taylox-, Wil liamson County A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Sandra Spillex - , Alpine, Junction A&M Mothei - ’s Club; Miss Alrene Kiee, Tyler, Tyler A&M Mother’s Club; Miss Dixie Perry man, Foi’t Worth, Texas Chi'istian Univex-sity; Miss Joyce Downey, Huntsville, Elks Lodge of Huntsville; Miss Pa- tx-icia Zappe, San Antonio, San An gelo Mother’s Club; Miss Wilma Fortman, Lockhart, Kream and Kow; Miss Joan Shiflet, Boyd, Nox*th Texas State College. Miss Gail Beagle, Nederland, 4-H Home Demonstration Club; Miss Becky Allison, Stephenville; Tai’le- ton State College. Miss Mai’tha Yowell, Gilmer, Philomathia; Miss Elizabeth Whitley, Fax-well, Ai't Club TSCW; Miss Martha Judd, Kilgox-e, East Texas A&M Club. Miss Ox-a Belle Fx-edex-ickson, Gax-wood, Associated Genex-al Con- tx-actors; Miss Wanda Sue Perry, Overton, FTeshman Class of TSCW; Miss Suzanne Cauthen, Italy, Flori- cultux-e & Landscape Architect So ciety; Miss Artie Dollinger, Silsbee, Beaumont A&M Club; Miss Gail Bender, Texarkana, Junior Class of TSCW. Miss Bettye Ann Mai'shall, Deni son, Kappa Epsilon Mu, TSCW; Miss Sylvia Mai’cella de la Garza, Hebbx-onville, Lax-edo A&M Exe’s; Miss Baibai’a Jean Oi’tscheid, Jas per, Senior Class TSCW; Miss Joyce Lehmann, Rosenbex-g, Fort Bend County Hometown Club; Miss Ariebeth Barrett, Madisonville, Madison County A&M Club. Miss Ada Cax-ole Thomas, Wel lington, Panhandle A&M Club; Miss Margai*et Jane Rodgers, Ama rillo, Amarillo A&M Club; Miss Kate Staples, McKinney, Collin County A&M Club; Miss Norma Russell, Port Neches, Midcounty A&M Club. OUT-OF-STATE—Miss Eleanor Randel, New Jersey, Hillel Club; Miss Carol Ryley Gi*een, West Memphis, Ark., Chaparx*al Litei-ary Social Club; Miss Ruth MacDonald Sykes, Jackson, Miss., Magnolia Club. — SEE US TODAY — Your Friendly Ford Dealer Corner of Texas Ave. Burnett St. TA 2-5229 TA 2-1333 That “new suit” I “bought’ for Dad is really an old one I had rejuvenated at . . . C A M PUS CLEANERS GROCERIES Ranch Style Beans 300 can 10c Uncle William Pork & Beans 300 can — 3 for 23c Val-Vita Peaches No.2V2can 27c Libby Spinach 303 can — 2 for 23c Le Grande—Cut Green Beans . . 303 can 10c Morgan's R.S.P Cherries . . . 303 can 19c Del Monte Cream Style Corn .... 303 can - 2 for 29c Libby's—Mixed Chopped Greens . . . . 303 can 10c Texsun Grapefruit Juice . No. 2 can 10c Crisco ... 3 lb. cannister 87c Aunt Jemima Flour . 5 lbs. 35c Sugar ..... 5 lbs. 47c Bama Strawberry _ Preserves .... 12 oz. Jar z/c Phila. Cream Cheese . . 3 oz. pkg. - 2 for 23c Bdllard or Pillsbury Biscuits . . 8 oz. can - 2 for 19c Hunt's Catsup .... 14 oz. bottle 17c Diamond i/iamona _ _ _ ^ ^ Napkins . . . 80 count Box 10c Van Camp Tuna . . V2 can 19c Hi-C Orangeade 46-oz. can 23c NBC Crackers . . 1 lb. box 25c nuLt .Speclctis Choice Baby Beef Pot Roast Lb. 29c Choice Baby Beef Shoulder Steak Lb. 45c Rath Black Hawk Sliced Bacon Lb. 37 Fresh Gulf Trout Lb. 39 Choice—Pin Bone Cut Loin Steak Lb. Choice Round Steak Lb. Armour's Star Vac Pac Bologna 6 oz. pk. 19-: - Frozen Food — Libby's—6 oz. Can Libby's Libby's—Peas, Mixed Veg., Spinach, Cut Corn—10 oz. Pkg. Vegetables . 5 for 75c - Produce - 29c No. 1 Cucumbers . 2 lbs. :7c No. 1—Yellow Onions . . . 3 lbs. 10c 33c Home Grown Mustard Greens . . Bunch 10c 75c Extra Fancy—Largo Delicious Apples . . . 2 lbs. 25c MILLER’S SUPER MARKET Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, \Y ednesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday—7 a.m. to 9 p.m. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SAT. — APRIL 26 - 27 - 28 415 N. Main St.