The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1956, Image 2
The Battalion .... College Station (Brazos County), Texas PAGE 2 Thursday, April 26, 1956 Meet James Bower Heading The Battalion next year will be a slim brown-haired jour nalism major from Victoria, James JIM BOWER “You May Be Right, But I’m The Editor” (Jim) Martin Bower. The 22-yeai’- old Bower, formerly a pre-vet ma jor before switching to Journalism two years ago, has served The Bat talion this year as news editor. He also is associated with the Aggie- land ’56 as business manager. Good things often come after hard work, Bower philosophizes and this idea applies to him. For he will be married this summer, August 17, after summer ROTC camp. The bride-to-be is Miss Bax*- bara McConnell, a resident of Dal las and now a sophomoi’e advei'tis- ing major at Southern Methodist Univexsity. The wedding will take place in Highland Park Methodist Chuxch, Dallas. Newspaper woxk was no stxaxigex- to the new Batt editor, as he work ed as a repo it ex - for his high school newspaper in Taylor, Tex. “I was only a i-epoitei - , but wrote the edi- tox-ials,” he said. “I even won a national award for an editoi'ial on tubei’culosis.” Bower also woxked last summer Letter to Jim Bower Editor To Be, The Battalion I’m jumping- the gun a little on your new job, but I’d like to take this way to offer my congratulations, plus a little free advice about some matters. Just a few days short of a year ago, I took over the reins of The Battalion; now I am about to relinquish them to you. I’m still too close to my own efforts to decide what I accomplished. After I leave, it’s possible I may not have the desire ever to evaluate this last year. Your work—the way you fulfill your responsibilities— will depend quite a lot on the way you can evaluate this past [ on an internship with the Dexxison Hex-aid. Box-n in McAlester, Okla., Maix-h 30, 1934, Bower lived in that state until he was nine yeaxs old, moving then to Texas. He was gxaduated fx-om Taylor High School in 1952. Activities he has thus far paxti- cipated in while at A&M include membex-ship in the A&M Band; executive secx-etary of the South west Conference Sportsmanship Committee; pax-liamentarian, Jun ior class; vice-px-esident, Sigma Delta Chi; and editor of the Nava- sota-Examiner-Review during the Easter holidays this yeax-. Bower led a gxoup of A&M journalism students thxough one issue of the paper as paxt of lab woxk in a de- paxtmental coux-se. Bower will take over as editox- of The Battalion next week, fol lowing a pxactice of year’s standing that the new staff have about a month to get used to the new work befox-e the “has-beens” ax-e gone. I’ve been satisfied with Battal ion policies this yeax-, and basically, they will not be changed dux-ing the coming. school yeax*. I feel our main objective is to x-epox-t evexy- thing we can find.” Being well-acquainted with the houx-s Battalion staff members nox*- mally keep, Bower informed his fiance that he might not i-eturn home “very eax-ly, very often.” “Bax-bara didn’t believe me,” he said, “but she also added, ‘I’m not worx-ied’.” This summer while Bower is at summer camp and getting married, The Battalion will be headed by MAUREEN O'HARA GEORGE NADER .... « vinod McLAGlEN ■ Bf X IHASON •itn TOBIN THATCHER • EDUARD FRANZ • ARTHUR SHIELDS A UNIVERSAl-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE year. You will be expected to retain any gains the paper may have made, and also to profit by the errors that we let slip in. j David McReynolds, junior agricul- Trying to cover both the campus and the city is an im-| tural journalism major from Pales- possible job, especially since you have course requirements to complete. And yet you must try to cover as much as pos sible, as well as possible, and put it in your four-to-eight-page paper. Some stories don’t get in. You have to decide what the relative importance of each story is and the number of persons that a story concerns in deciding what you run. Don’t ever be scared by someone accusing you of not knowing what you are talking about. You will be in a posi tion to keep many things in perspective. You won’t begin to know it all; but you will find that many persons who ac cuse you of not knowing, come to you when they need in formation. Knowing information, more than you’ll ever have need or time to use. is another of your jobs. Another point which will be charged to you as a fault will be that The Battalion is just a “mouthpiece” for the administration. Don’t worry about this charge; you’ll find yourself expressing opinions that you do wish were the ad ministration’s “party line.” The Battalion is in a middle position between the student body and the administration. Both sides have their own ideas about what is good for A&M College, and these ideas are not always—and often seem never—the same. You have to choose: you can take either, both, parts, or none of the opinions. You have to weigh the merits of “right” and “wrong” in making your decisions about what is best for A&M College—for what is best for A&M is your job. Remember, however, what is best will entail both agree ment and disagreement with others’ ideas. The Battalion is not a publicity sheet; you report on what is happening, and you editorialize if need be for or against—whichever seems to be for the good of the school. Try to be open minded about opinions besides your own. I do not mean, don’t hold an opinion: make your considered decision, and stay by it. If facts prove you wrong, an open mind will then allow you to change your idea. To have no opinion is not having an open mind; it’s having no mind at all. I’ve got to cut this letter short, leaving out much I’d like to remind you of that I’ve throughout the year tried to sup ply you information with. Most of what you need you’ll have to learn for yourself, for some knowledge you have to live Congratulations, and best wishes Bill Fullerton. THURSDAY -! Bing Donald Mitzi CROSBY-O’CONNOR-GAYNOR ANYTHING fe- : * GOES », technicolor/ JEANMAIRE mk §r phil Harris 1 'isuyisiOH, A Paramount MCTUtf , r J l OPEN FOR AUL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL TA 2-5089 “The Oaks” — TA 3-4375 BRYAN Ttie Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors i'Xie Battalion, dally newspaper of the AKricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station. i« published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational aervice. The Director of Student Publications Is Ross Strader. The governing t>ody of all student publications of the A.&M CoHege of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist. Chairman; Oonald D. Burchard. Tom 1-eland and Bennie Zinn. Student members are Derrell H. Guiles. Paul Holladay. and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are Charles Roeber. and Ross Strader. Secretary. Tlie Battalion is published four times a week during ttie regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during tl - summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion Is not puolisticd on the ^Wednesday immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are 53 50 per semester. $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. CIRCLE THRU FRIDAY “MY SISTER EILEEN’’ — Also — “GUN FURY’’ Rock Hudson nTTronra Bryan 2*8$79 TODAY thru SATURDAY Aldo Ray — In — G4 r I’liree Stripes In TheSuii” QUEEN TODAY thru SATURDAY Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station. Texas, tinder the Act of Con gress of March 3. 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City. Chicago. I-oe Angeles, and San Frsn- FILMED ON LOCATION- INSIDE A ^ WOMANS SOUL! M-G-ACs V \ AT A 4 M -AT?-*- ~rUl£> &A n\7 EVER' ) TIME t e>&C-Ovjn , l QtT-o \ DROWMED-OOT 'kff***J _ , | , l ,,, , «i| IMi * ?! * SES1 T14&T TP' *??*• A.CjCilE RAM OVER ME GEYT1W' OL>T?*'?#0 , ^ At coed o. wm&tJ Y*AU_ DOWT U&VC OROWW- OOT'b AT TWfS? -ocqooL.'p l-ook wu&r evjm YOU RE ? r VIUKT Aki UWCUL-TORED DUMP? \ \\ 0 V* ^*w«* , *V. ^ . A y /*— i D , /V^ , \\f A* -i^—-'-raJ** 1 * f w mm mi m ALL TH E IP LEA© tl R EOOII/IE© TH RU v - v -^2 i \l AT E P &EYi filter tir IAREYI0N; m CIGARETTES MOQJERN size lr^.ere you have the best in filtered smoking filter 1 ip Tareyton, the filter cigarette that smokes milder, smokes smoother, draws easier ... the only one that gives you Activated Charcoal filtration. t ^ le pleasure comes thru... the taste is great! ©A ell TH. «T: eq. ruertipTAREYTON PRODUCT OF (ScLcjOO- T'lv’V. neZeerz n *y2Cl- AMERICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES LI’L ABN AB****z IDFEi> ST EAK/. f - THAT'S ALL MV COOK. CAN EVER THINK OF."' G'Dvav A GRAJA/S or /NSTAA/T ROTTEzAJ R/CE LEET/r-J (-"the Rahgs orhuhoer M//AL AWAKEN HE^NODOUET /N THE MJOOLE OR THE /V/GHTTT—) - txISMTTT-TRE /A/57AUT ROTTEA/ R/CE tikes /ts h/deol/s errectoh THE/OEAE or ALL RED -3LOODEP AMERJCAAA boys — p O G O ByAJCapp -H/S RANGERS st/ck-ant>- AT THATMOAfENR-THE EERECT WEARS ORR-rr- I CAN SEE THE CRIMINAL’S MURDEROUS FINGERS AS PLAIN AS THOUGH THEY were mvomirr- ^ The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for xepuhli- cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise exedited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of i-epublication of all othex- mxittex- hex-ein are also resex-ved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI- 6-4910) or at the editoxial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FL'LLERTOX ‘ILL CRY TOMORROW' STARRING Susan HAYWARD RicM CONTE • Eddie TUT To VAN REEI • Don 1X111)11 Ray DAMON 0UG, TViAT IM ‘pQWZ RAY? Editor " $aw6 ^\^ TV&ZVZe WHAT NBVBB e*0Ul,P Ofi HApPBhB?'”- GOME RBMEM&E8& bQ/j vjwH ThSV lovee foLKe t»by nbvbs vviLu &B£ A6A:s 4--2S By Walt Kelly AA5T PART'-' bvbb Gitanv entu X HAvg A PtACg TO *egp s gM‘" ire> a P»iTv you ie a SAwkigTY COOn VCb'O OF , 57)1'- M --iiW