The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1956, Image 1

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    r JT' T J Ifll -JLJL H 6
1 he Mattalian
Number 123: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
MEAT CUTTERS—Ken Killion, president of the Saddle and Sirloin Club; Stanley Keese
and Melvin Lebo (left to right) are shown getting their hams into shape for the annual
Little Southwestern Livestock Show and Ham Show and Sale. The hams will be shown
in competition on the morning of May 12.
Al so Banquet, Monday
Tau Beta Pi Initiation Set
Recently elected alumni and un
dergraduate initiates of the Texas
Delta Chapter of Tau Beta Pi will
New Managing Editor
be honored at initiation Monday at
4:30 p.m. in the chemistry lecture
A banquet in honor of the new
members will be held at 7:30 that
night in the Memorial Student Cen
ter ballroom. Principal speaker for
the banquet will be Howard Tel-
lepsen, president of the Tellepsen
Construction Co., Houston.
Tau Beta Pi, national engineer
ing - honor society, admits persons
who have had distinguished schol
arship, leadership and exemplary
character as undergraduates in en
gineering, or by their attainments
as alumni in the field of engi
Alumni who have been invited to
become members are Hugo W. H.
Zapp, ’12; Bonner H. Barnes, ’21;
William E. Simmons, ’22; Oscar T.
Hotchkiss Jr., ’24; Junius F. cs-
till Jr., ’25; C. E. Buck, ’28; Robert
M. Dixon, ’28; Clay McFarland,
’28; James W. Aston, ’33; John C.
Bibbs, ’40; and E. E. Monteith,
McReynolds Chosen
Batt Managing Editor
Senior undergraduate members,
who must stand academically in
the top fifth of their class, who
have been* invited to join are Ed
ward J. Bunn, Jose R. Castillo,
Jimmie L. Cavitt, Cecil V. Chap
man, Alfred O. Hilgers, Sherman
A. Maley and Albert B. Robertson.
A junior, to be eligible for elec
tion, must stand academically in
the top eight of his class. Juniors
who received invitations are Geo.
E. Bahlmann, Jerry Mac Betsell,
Tom W. Brumfield Jr., Marvin J.
Chlapek, Douglas R. DeCluitt, Jack
M. Dreyfus, Paul M. Duke, Charles
L. Edwards, Ivo M. Ferreira, Rob
ert L. Glazener, Eddie V. Gray,
Charles R. Haines, Billy J. Harris,
Cyrus H. Holley, Martin G. Hop
kins, Merion L. Johnson, John M.
Kelley, Randolph S. King, Ronald
S. McCarter, Joe A. Marek, Kirby
T. Meyer, Leonard D. Miller, John
C. Montgomery, Joe K. Moore, Jon
D. Neely, James M. Peacock, Larry
D. Piper, Edwaid W. Reeder, Rob
ert L. Ridings, Karl J. Springer,
(See TAU BETA PI, Page 5)
Dave McReynolds, junior agri
cultural journalism major from
Palestine, has been chosen man
aging editor of. The Battalion for
1956-57. He begins his work Mon
day, after one year of experience
on the paper.
Not new to A&M, McReynolds
started his cai’eer as an Aggie in
1948. His brief stay here was in
terrupted by a three year hitch in
the United States Marine Corps.
He entered as a private and was
discharged as a sergeant, after
serving in Europe and Korea.
Married, and the father of one
child, a boy, McReynolds is past
president of the Journalism Club
and is now president of Sigma
Delta Chi, national journalistic
fraternity, and advertising man
ager of The Agriculturist.
He was born in Waco but moved
to Palestine at the age of five. He
was graduated from Palestine High
School in 1946, then attended Kil
gore Junior College and Hender
son County Junior College until
entering A&M as a petroleum-geo
logical engineering major.
Journalistic experience includes
one summer on the Conroe (Tex.)
Courier and two field trips—one to
Conroe last year and one to Nava-
sota this year. He has also served
as co-editor of The A&M Journ
alist, publication of the Journalism
After serving his three years
with the first and second marine
divisions, McReynolds entered
A&M again in the fall of 1954. He
expects to graduate in June next
Annual Colton Pageant, Ball
To Be Held Tomorrow PSight
School Study Group
Urges Tax Increase
(Editor’s note: This is the sec
ond in a series of articles on the
report of the College Station
Education Commission’s School
Study Group. The remainder of
the report will be presented in
the final article, to appear in to
morrow’s Battalion.)
“The members of this special
study group believe that additional
funds should be secured to meet at
least part of the list of urgent
needs (Ed. note: These were print
ed in yesterday’s Battalion). We
therefore recommend that the citi
zens of the community urge the
Board of Education of the A&M
Consolidated Schools to increase
the school tax rate of this district
from $1.05 to at least $1.30 per
$100 valuation. Additional reasons
for favoring an increase in the tax
rate are:
“1. To avoid the necessity of
floating another bond issue in the
immediate future.
“2. To make unnecessary so
many special fund-raising pro
grams, which often interfere with
academic instruction, and put a
drain on a few conscientious pa
“3. The tax increase would be
nominal to most citizens compared
to the necessity of giving the next
generation a sound public school
education. Taxes of $1.30 per $100
valuation would result in the fol
lowing increases:
Present Tax
New Tax
“These are
small inci - eases com-
pared with most families’ expendi
tures for recreation and luxury
items. Yet this rate of increase
would produce an estimated $20,500
of additional revenue to improve
the education of our children.”
News of the World
DALLAS — The Dallas Transit
Co. ordered segregation ended on
its 530 city buses yesterday and
began’ removing the “white” and
Ticket Deadline
Tickets for the Phi Kappa
Phi initiation go off sale to
day at 5 p.m. The banquet is
scheduled for next Tuesday
at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Stu
dent Center ballroom. Dr.
Clarence A. Ayres, professor
of economics at the University
of Texas, will speak for the
Weather Today
Partly cloudy and warmer is
forecasted for this area. Yester
day’s high and low were 79 and
64 degrees. Temperature at 10:30
this morning was 75 degrees.
Vanity Fair
The requirements for Van
ity Fair pictures have been
changed to no longer include
the standing pose, according
to Kurt Nauek, Aggieland Edi
Nauck said the change was
due to the fact that there were
very few entries for Vanity
F air.
The only pictures now need
ed for Vanity Fair competi
tion are one 8 x 10 bust pose
and another picture of a dif
ferent pose. Only one of the
pictures has to be 8 x 10. The
Tau Beta Pi Speaker
Awards Given
Awards to members of the
1955-56 Town Hall Staff were
made this week at the annual
steak fry for the group, spon
sored by the Student Activi
ties Department.
Les Richai’dson, this year’s stu
dent entertainment manager, was
presented a watch. Dean Robert
B. Kamm, Student Personnel Serv
ices, made the presentation.
Richardson awarded to senior
Town Hall members their choice of
an album, “Songs of Texas A&M,”
or George Session Perry’s book,
“The Story of Texas A&M.” Sen
ior members are Harold Sellers,
Ken Burke, Don Driggs, Bobby
Watkins, Bill Huskey, Walter Par
sons, James Henderson, Val Can
non, Ben Allen, John Brannen, Bob
by Lee, Hughes McCrary, Dexter
Lackland, Harry Scott, and Bob
Juniors were awarded Town Hall
keys. These students are John
Heard, Brad Crockett, Gilbert
Steile, Bob Best, John Loggins, Bill
Rasco, Charles Skillman, Doug De
Cluitt, Bill Alsup, Lee Hilgartner,
Warren Johns, Jerry Cash, Larry
Lee and Jimmy Dillengei*.
The fry was held at the home of
C. G. (Spike) White, director of
recreation and entertainment, Stu
dent Activities Department. About
15 guests also attended the af
“colored” signs that afternoon.
“There is no question that the U.
S. Supreme Court’s decision ren
ders invalid all local and state seg
regation laws relating to city bus
transportation,” Sam Burford, at
torney for the transit firm, said in
a statement.
HOUSTON — A scholarship
program at Rice Institute, the
University of Texas, and Tex
as A&M was announced yes
terday by Mission Manufactur
ing Co. No A&M recipient of
an award has been announced.
MONTGOMERY — Montgomery
City Lines yesterday 'faced the
threat of court action to revoke
its franchise unless it backs away
from its newly announced policy
of racial integration. The City
Commission declared the bus com
pany will have to abide by city and
state segregation laws if it con
tinues to do business here. Mean
while, there was still no report of
race mixing on the buses despite
the company’s integration order.
MSC Council, Directorate
Banquet Scheduled Tonight
The sixth annual banquet for
the Memorial Student Center Coun
cil and Directorate will be held at
7 tonight amid the smoking haze
of a 16-foot volcano in the MSC
ballroom. About 95 persons are
expected to attend the affair,
which will have a Hawaiian theme
this year.
Those attending will hear ad
dresses by the retiring president,
Herbert W. Whitney, and by Rich
ard M. Wall, president-elect for
next year.
Highlight of the program will
be, besides the Hawaiian food and
decorations, recognition of stu-
other students, faculty members
and former students will receive
Appreciation Awards for service to
the Center programs.
Special guests to be at the ban
quet include Dr. M. T. Harrington,
chancellor of the A&M System; Dr.
David H. Morgan, president of the
college, Dr. J. P. Abbott, dean of
the college; Dr. Robert M. Kamm,
dean of Student Personnel Ser
vices; members of the A&M Board
of Directors, here for a board
meeting tomorrow; and several
other distinguished out-of-town
Besides the volcano and Ha-
Senate To Meet
The Student Senate will hold a
special meeting tonight at 7:30
in the Senate Chamber of the
MSC to discuss amendments to
the constitution. All members
are urged to be present.
Holman Griffin Is King;
Queen Will Be Selected
Holman Griffin, senior agronomy major from Hillsboro,
will be crowned King Cotton at the twenty-second annual
Cotton Pageant and Ball in the Grove tomorrow night at 7 :30.
Queen Cotton will be picked from among the 148 at
tending duchesses, representing clubs, schools and organiza
tions from the college and over the state.
Following the crowning of King Griffin by Dr. J. E.
Adams, dean of the School of Agriculture, the duchesses from
the A&M Hometown, Campus and Wives Clubs will be
presented to the King.
After this presentation a Central American trio of
Miguel Muyshondt and Alegario Baiselier will give a musical
f number.
The duchesses representing
A&M Mother’s Clubs, A&M
Exe’s, local women and local
civic clubs and schools will
then be presented, followed by the
presentation of the Queen’s Court.
The Queen and her Court will be
selected from the duchesses by Pat
Dunham, from Battelstein’s in
Houston; Mrs. Jessie Southworth,
Sanger Brothers of Dallas and
Max, Photo-Associated of Dallas.
Miss Chai-lene Seth of Texas
State College for Women, the Ag
gie Sw r eetheart, will present flow
ers to the Queen and her Coui-t.
Attendants for King Griffin’s
Court will be Ronnie G. Bradley,
Robert B. Metzer, R. J. Butschek,
Alan Taylor, Fausto Yturria, Jr.,
Walter J. Beaty, Jules R. Viterbo,
and Tommy C. Drapei\
Joe Woolket, head of the Mod
ern Languages Department at
A&M will sei - ve as master of cere
monies during the presentations.
After the presentation and
crowning of the Queen and her
Court the Grand March will open
the Cotton Ball.
Funds from the Pageant will be
used to send junior and senior
agronomy students on a tour of
agriculture and related industides
of Texas.
Tickets are on sale at the Agt-on-
omy Department and at the Of
fice of Student Activities on the
second floor of the YMCA. Price is
$2 a couple for the Pageant and
Ball and $1 for spectator tickets.
Duchesses and the areas they will
represent are as follows:
erly Jean Nickle representing the
William Scott Chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revo
lution; Mrs. Beverly Noack, repre
senting the Architectural Wives
Club; Mrs. Eunice Word represent
ing the Eta Zeta Chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi;
Mrs. June Walton representing
the Aggie Wives Biddge Club; Mrs.
Betty Ann Davis representing the
Agi-onomy Wives Society; Mrs.
Sandra Sue Crim representing the
Mechanical Engineer’s Wives Club;
Miss Claire Rogers representing
the Daughters of the American
Revolution, La Villita Chapter;
Miss Margaret A. Anderson rep-
i - esenting the College Station Kiwa-
nis club; Miss Sallye Puddy repre
senting the A&M Camera Club;
Miss Janet Folweiler representing
the Campus Study Club; Mrs. Nan
cy Bowen representing the Petro
leum Engineering Wives Club;
Miss Kerstin Ekfelt, representing
the American Society of Aeronau
tical Engineers. Mrs. Vivian Sul
livan representing the Senior Class
of A&M Consolidated High School;
Mrs. Georgia Johnson representing
the Business Administration Wives
Club; Miss Cathy Konecny repre
senting the Newcomers Club;
(See LIST, Page 4)
Medical, Dental
Awards Made
William D. Willis Jr., sen
ior pre-medical major from
Dallas, and Charles H. Moel
ler, junior pre-dental major
from Columbus, have been
awarded medals as the outstand
ing students in their respective ma
The awards, which were present
ed by Dean Walter P. Delaplahe,
were made at the banquet of the
Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental Society.
The affair, held at the American
Legion Hall in Bryan, was attend
ed by 151 persons, the largest
number of persons ever to attend
the society’s annual banquet.
Representatives from every med
ical and dental school in Texas
were present. From Baylor Medi
cal School was Dr. S. A. Wallace;
University of Texas Medical
School, Galveston, Dr. J. C. Fin-
erty; UT Southwestern Branch,
Dallas, Dr. R. L. Lackey and Dr.
H. C. Tidwell; Texas Dental
School ,Dr. J. B. Olson and Dr. J.
C. Miller; Baylor Dental School,
Dr. H. B. McCarty.
Representatives from about a
dozen medical fraternities also at
tended the banquet.
CS Dry Cleaners
Help Fire Victims
Members of the families living
in Aparament house A-8 College
View, which was damaged by fire
last week have expressed their ap
preciation to North Gate Cleaners.
North Gate Cleaners picked-up,
cleaned and delivered approximate
ly $50-$60 worth of cleaning free
of charge for those whose clothing
was damaged by the water and fire.
latter may be of any size, just I a en t s who have made outstanding waian food, the theme will be car- i
.. . ^ I . . ... ».^ I ■ i _j k: „<■
so it is a different pose, ac- [ contributions this year to the MSC
cording to Nauck. j program, based on “tenure of ser-
Deadline for Vanity Fair j vice, devotion to duty, and capa-
pictures and Senior Favorites i bility for personal growth and
is Tuesday at 5 p.m. j leadership.”
Six winners and six run- Distinguished Service Awards, . • .u
ner-ups will be in the Vanity j the highest given by the MSC, will | Hawaii, is prepared ,n the
Fair section of the Aggieland. I be given to several students, and [ MSC kitchen.
ried out with decorations of coco
nut fronds and a load of orchids
flown here from the Hawaiian Is
lands. The special £ood for the
banquet, which has been described
as “might well have come from
COMMENTATIN’—Here is the man who will lead the
Commentator staff next year. John Elvin Smith, sopho
more business administration, major, who lives in College
View, will be editor for the magazine of the School of Arts
and Sciences.
Spring Dairy Show
To Be Saturday
The Annual Spring Dairy Show
will be held Saturday at the Dairy
Center. Judging will start at 1
Members of the Kream and Kow
Club have reported that the show
w-ill be larger than last year.
The club will sponsor a barbe
cue after the show at the Dairy
Center instead of Hensel Park as
previously announced. Everyone
is invited to attend the show and
the barbecue, according to Walt»«r
Miers, reporter.