The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1956, Image 1

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    Number 118: Volume 55
Price Five Cents
Construction Work
Started For Chapel
Construction has beprun on the
A&M Chapel, a $250,000 prift of
the Association of Former Stu
dents, by the R. B. Butler Con
struction Co. of Bryan. The build-
in}? is to be located on the south
west corner of Houston and Jones
Streets, across the street from the
President’s Home and immediately
behind Law and Puryear Halls.
- With ground-clearing: now going-
on, the foundation is expected to
be completed in about five weeks
to be ready for the scheduled de
livery of structural steel.
The chape] will he approximate
ly 107 by 48 feet, and will face
Houston Street. Building plans
call for stone walls and a copper
roof. In a south wing will be two
offices and a prayer room; in the
east wing, a waiting library, me
chanical room, and women’s and
-men’s lounges.
A fence, six feet hig-h made of
perforated brick will separate the
building on the south and west
sides from the dormitories.
Campaign for the building was
started by the Former Students
Association in 1952. Since then,
thousands of Aggies all over the
world have contributed to it, ac-
coi'ding to J. B. “Dick” Hervey,
secretary of the Association.
“Of all the gifts that former
students have presented us, this is
the finest and most wonderful,”
said W. T. Dougherty of Houston,
president of the System Board of
Plans for the Chapel were drawn
by Richard Vrooman of the A&M
Architecture Division. The
layout calls for the removal of
Peniston Presented
Gift Certificate
J. G. Peniston, supervisor of
A&M dining halls, was presented
a gift certificate by the College
Station and Bryan Kivvanis clubs
'Tor his help on the recent Pancake
Fiesta at the weekly luncheon
meeting -of the College Station
,club yesterday.
“Mr. Peniston has been extreme
ly helpful to us in putting on the
Pancake Fiesta for the past three
years,” said Dr. Charles LaMotte,
president of the College Station
club who, along with Jerry Mas
sey, president of the Bryan Ki-
wanians, presented the award.
“I don’t know what we would
have done without the help of Mr.
Peniston’s knowledge of group
Booking and serving,” Massey said.
. Kiwanis members saw a movie,
“Tornadoes”, shown by R. D. Tar-
ble, local representative of the U.
S. Weather Bureau. Tarble also
, outlined steps taken in receiving
warning of the April 5 Bryan tor
few trees in the area, with a stone
curb around the trees which are
not removed. Vrooman designed
the plans so that it would fit with
in the trees and shrubbery of the
Assisting Vrooman were Howard
R. Meyer, consulting engineer; A.
M. Martin, structural engineer; J.
W. Hall Jr., mechanical engineer;
Richard N. Lane, acoustical en
gineer; and Robert F. White, act
ing college landscape architect.
Art Gallery
Will Sponsor
New Exhibition
The Art Gallery Group of
the Memorial Student Center
and the Texas Fine Arts As
sociation will co-sponsor an
exhibition of work of all mter-
erested artists and craftsmen of
this district next month, according
to Mrs. Emalita Terry, MSC art
All artists and craftsmen, re
gardless of experience and formal
study, 15 years old and above, are
eligible to submit two works for
a jury to select for display and
hanging in the MSC from May 16
to May 30. Special printed cita
tion awards will be given for out
standing works and winning en
tries will be presented in a show
a Laguna Gloria Museum, Austin,
June 15 to Aug. 15. From this
group, a special jury will make
further awards and select works to
be sent on a tour of the state.
Counties in the district include
Brazos, Falls, Robertson, Madison,
Grimes, Washington, Burleson, Lee,
and Milam. Objective of the exhi
bition is to give all artists and
craftsmen of the district a chance
for recognition. Any medium is
acceptable for exhibition. This in
cludes leather work, paintings,
sculpture, metal work and all oth
er kinds of arts and crafts.
Deadline for entries is April 27.
All entries should be sent to the
Art Gallery Group of the MSC.
The jury that will pick the out
standing works will be selected
from a roster of established artists
approved by the Art Gallery Group
and the Texas Fine Arts Associa
Run-Off Elections
Run-off elections for class of
ficers are being held today in the
Memorial Student Center. Voting
booths will remain open until 5:30
this afternoon. The class of 1957
has six run-off positions, the class
of 1958 has eight and the class of
1959 has four run-off positions.
T. V.
Tonight In Center
T. V. Smith Speaks
For Great Issues
Dr. T. V. Smith, the “Sage of
Syracuse”, will make his second
public appearance tonight in the
Memorial Student Center ballroom.
Sponsored by the MSC Great Is
sues Committee, he will speak on
“Capitalism Unbloated”.
His speech will include an eval
uation of the distribution, produc
tion and consumatory systems of
A native of Texas, Dr. Smith
was born in a log cabin 10 miles
from Blanket, Tex.—a city of 229
population. He received his B.A.
and M.A. degrees from the Uni-
versity of Texas and later taught
thei*e. He also taught at Texas
Christian University before mov
ing north.
Before teaching at Syracuse Uni
versity, where he has been a pro
fessor of poetry, politics, and phil
osophy for the past eight years, he
taught at the University of Chi
cago for 25 years, where he had re
ceived his Ph.D.
“I am happy to be back on the
A&M campus. I have been here
several times and have always
been made welcome,” said Dr.
Smith. He also praised the MSC
saying, “Your Student Center is
one of the grandest architectural
structures I have had the privi
lege to be in.”
Employees Dance
Tomorrow Night
Tickets for the A&M Employees
‘last-Chance” Dinner Dance went
off sale at noon today. The dance
will be held tomorrow night in the
MSC at 7:30 p.m. It is the last
dinner dance of the year for col
lege employees, several of which
are held during the year.
Dr. Smith made his first ad
dress last night in the biology lec
ture room. He spoke on “Politics,
Poetry, and Philosophhy”. Thurs
day, he will speak at a meeting of
the Arts and Sciences staff in the
biology lecture room at 4 p.m. and
Friday morning he will hold in
formal meetings with members of
the English Department.
There will be a reception held
in his honor at 8:30, following his
address in the MSC Birch Room.
Admission to the Great Issues
presentation is by season ticket or
Filings Now Open
For MSC Council
Filings are now open for two
positions on the Memorial Student
Center Council. Saturday is the
One councilman will be chosen
from the two classes ’58-’59, and
one from the class of ’57. Broken
down, this means that one will be
selected from those students hav
ing been here more than four se
mesters and one from those having
been here less than four semesters.
All candidates must have a 1.0
Those interested in running for
the two offices heve been urged
by Center president, Herbert W.
(Bud) Whitney to file their appli
cation in the Directorate Office.
The election will be held Tuesday
with the voting booth in the hall
near the Post Office.
Whitney added that candidates
should be interested in improving
the MSC program and formula
ting policy for the Center.
Meeting Rooms In 'V
Honor ‘Contributors’
AIRCRAFT SPOTTERS—Joe and Bill White and Johnnie
Krenitsky are being shown aircraft spotter forms by T/Sgt.
John L. George, S/Sgt. Robert E. Moore and Lt. Col. Percy
Goff. Moore and George are here from Houston to help
establish a ground observer squadron. Lt. Col. Goff is
post supervisor for this area. —U.S.A.F. Photo
News of the World
MOSCOW—The Soviet Union yesterday brged Israel
and the Arab states to settle their conflict and offered to join
other nations seeking peaceful solution of unsettled problems
in the Middle East. At the same time, it pledged support of
a U. N. program “to find ways and means of strengthening
peace in the area of Palestine.”
"A - "At
LONDON—Britain has rejected a Chilean protest
against the establishment of two new antarctic bases
west of Grahamland, a Foreign Office spokesman said
★ ★ ★
WASHINGTON—Russia’s offer to back peace efforts in
the Middle East received a cautious welcome in Washington
yesterday. And the Moscow announcement of the abolition
of the Cominform, the international Communist organization,
was dismissed as a rather meaningless gesture.
★ ★ ★
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector — Dag Hammarskjold
talked with top Israeli leaders twice yesterday in his
search for peace in the Middle East. As the U.N. sec
retary general began his conferences here, backing came
from an unexpected quarter. The Soviet Union pledged
support for U.N. peace efforts.
★ ★ ★
LONDON—Britain’s Conservative government last night
established a state-run “no losers” lottery of cash prizes
based on national savings bonds. The bonds wall earn no
interest. This novel appeal to the public’s sporting instincts
aimed at two financial goals: to boost savings quickly and
to check inflation by curbing the demand for consumer
| goods.
Studcnl Activities Dept.
Now in ‘ J ’ Bldg. Home
Five meeting rooms in the YMCA Building are to be ;
named after local persons, who it was felt contributed most I
to making a success of the A&M ‘Y’ program.
“When the new rooms were built into the new quarters,
it was decided to name them in honor of persons who had
made large contributions to the program”, said W. L. Pen-
berthy, head of the Student Activities Department. “We also
decided to name them for local people, rather than for nation
al personalities in the YMCA,” he said.
Those selected, and the inscription to be put on a bronze
plaque outside of each room, are as follows:
* First Floor
R r o o ks Room, “honoring
Dr. T. D. Brooks, Dean, School
of Arts and Sciences, who as
Chairman of the YMCA Ad
visory Board for twelve years ren
dered invaluable service through
his vision and inspiring leadership.
Second Floor
ANDERSON ROOM, “honoring
Rev. Norman Anderson, whose un
selfish life and wise counsel for
many yeai's has challenged students
to do their best.”
GAY ROOM, “honoring J. Gor
don Gay, Associate and General
Secretary of the YMCA, who, by
his example and untiring efforts
has promoted the cause of Chris
tianity on the campus and in the
CASHION ROOM, honoring Ma
son L. Cashion, General Secretary
of the YMCA “who for twenty-six
year’s promoted the brotherhood of
man on our campus and served as
a Campus Father to a multitude of
Dr. Charles Perkins Fountain, Pro
fessor of English, “whose great vi
sion and initiative made this YMCA
building possible.
The CABINET ROOM, “honoring
all former members of the YMCA
Cabinet,” also is on the first floor.
Latest addition in the YMCA
Building is the Student Activities
Department, headed by Walter L.
Penberthy. The new quarters,
which include besides a main office
five private offices and a store
room, are on the second floor.
Offices are for Penberthy; C. G.
(Spike) White; Mrs. Ethelee Swil-
ley, bookkeeper; W. D. (Pete) Har
desty; and for the president of the
Student Senate, B. A. (Scotty) Par
Watkins EondllCtS All of the furniture for the rooms
# „ is new, and a long “half-moon”
SnCCial Program in the middle of the main
office. Combination light and dark
Dr. T. D. Watkins of the Ani- green paint briefly complete the
mal Husbandry Department will color scheme,
be a student in one and will con
duct another special study pro
gram this month.
He is participating in the Live
stock Market study program of
fered at the Swift and Company
plant in Ft. Worth through Thurs
day of this week. April 28, he will
conduct a wool school at the Kerr-
ville Centennial sheep show.
Walton Paper
Has Aroused
A paper presented by Prof.
E. V. Walton, head of the Ag
ricultural Education Depart
ment, at the Southern Region
al Conference of agricultural
educators held recently in Houston,
has aroused southwide controver
sy, according to participants in the
Walton attacked the 35-year-old
basic purpose of vocational educa
tion in agriculture. The basic pur
pose of vocational agriculture as
originally set forth maintained that
vocational agriculture should exist
for the purpose of establishing
young men in farming.
Walton maintained that vocation
al agriculture should get in step
with the times and ti’ain for pro
ficiency in farming and related ag
ricultural occupations. He pointed
out that declining college enroll
ment in agriculture was a source
of national concern to agricultural
industry and that local vocational
agriculture programs should accept
responsibility for career guidance
into professions closely connected
with agriculture but not necessarily
in the producer’s field.
Other educators in the south felt
that deviation from the original
purpose would weaken the voca
tion program. Many observers felt
that the division of opinion con
tributed to the interest of the par
ticipants in the Southern Regional
Weather Today
Partly cloudy with little change
in temperature is forecasted for
College Station. Yesterday’s high
of 73 degrees dropped to a low of
52 degrees last night. Tempera
ture at 10:30 a.m. was 65 degrees.
Many Persons
Expected For
A&M’s Muster
More than 5,000 persons
from all over Texas are due
to attend the Muster cere
mony to be held here at 6:30
a.m., April 21.
J. Earl Rudder, state land com
missioner, is the principal speaker
at the ceremony which will be held
in front of the Memorial Student
Center. The ceremony will last
about 45 minutes.
Introductory remarks will be
made by Herbert W. Whitney, sen
ior from Big Spring; the invocation
by Harry Scott, senior from Amar
illo; Allen Greer, senior from Dal
las, will give “The Muster Tradi
tion”; W. L. Ballard, class of ’22
and president of the Association of
Former Students, will deliver a
talk; and Byron A. Parham, senior
from Dallas, president of the Stu
dent Senate, will give a talk.
Larry Kennedy, senior, cadet col
onel of the Corps, from Houston;
and John Jones, College Station
senior and president of the Civilian
Student Council, will deliver short
David H. Morgan, president of
the college, will introduce Rudder.
After Rudder’s speech, the band
will play “The Spirit of Aggieland”
and Paul Holladay, head yell leader
from Baytown, will give the “Roll
Call for the Absent.”
One platoon of the Ross Volun
teers will file a volley followed by
Silver Taps which will close the
ceiemony. The other platoon of
the RV’s will be in Liberty, Texas,
participating in the San Jacinto
Battle anniversary observances.
Three Named For
AwardsAt Banquet
Award winners at the annual
banquet of the A&M Future Farm
ers of America Chapter were James
R. Sewell, senior; Glen C. Mea
dows, junior; and C. R. Ryan of
the Poultry Husbandry Depart
Sewell was selected as the out
standing senior of the year arid
Meadows the outstanding junior.
Ryan was chosen outstanding pro
fessor. The awards are made an
nually by the Agricultural Edu
cation Department.
Sewell is an Agricultural Edu
cation major from Fort Worth and
Meadows is an AE major from
Another junior AE major was
honored at the banquet. Dale M.
Harill, from Saint Jo, Texas., was
awarded a $125 scholarship, given
by the Future Farmers of Amer
FACILITIES—Included among the conveniences of the new Student Activities
°<-r- ce > sec ? n< ^ floor of tbe A MC A, is this curved main desk at which most of the
otfice s business is transacted.