The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 12, 1956, Image 2
Tl Tt PAGE 2 r "?T7^7ir*~SlkAP WiU PEDERM- iUSPECTtOKl AV^EdT I ruer did IT/ Dt^CAeOED Bet.ds AN* 3LEPr '-S c/ oofiL Dierv SIM^ — TWEV eippeo IT OCJT. OJR'TV WIWtDO^'S THEM out. STUDV OESkL -DtD' M T KJEED OWE. SMAV^O MEADS. WORE OLl\t£~DZA& TOWELS ('NO D'-TTV BKA^S TO# poLJ*SH ) CiOT DRUM fc. SO TUEV COULD MAo/S -, C LX^V STARE. WI4{L€L STAMDiM * AT ATTE-MTlOM. JMSPEC-.: '-:• l’ MEUT-I LiVFASLE Room. MMr-M , C&G D MATER I AM, iA / ** ^ | | , mmmmmimmm ___ _ TRIANGLE BANQUET ROOM Open for all: BANQUETS — DINNERS — LUNCHEONS - RECEPTIONS and WEDDINGS (By Reservation Only) For Information Call: Mr. J. A. Ferrer! _ TA 2 SMS (Between 9 & 5 p.m.) McCarty jewelers m WMkSt 0!k«W %VuV - $pw St<Vl *$ Only becouse of a joeciol quantity purchase could we bring you these mcqnificen* interlocking diamondTJ prices 0, * UC ^ arnax,n 9 l ovv McCarty Jeweler N. Gate perfect position Rings enlarged to show detail Kelt Elected San Jac Head George Kelt has been elected president of the newly-formed San Jacinto Exes A&M Club, composed of former students of the Houston high school. Other officers of the club, which has for its purpose persuasion of San Jacinto students to come to A&M, are Gilbert Steille, vice- president; Frank Wienberger, sec retary-treasurer; and Bob Feeny, reporter. All of the officers are Juniors, except Feeny who is a freshman. U-PAK - M REMEMBER , . . for Eats Nick-Nacks, Cold Beverages OPEN 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. 3800 So. College Gus Ellis, ’37 THURSDAY % VAN JOSEPH J JOHNSON • COTTEN vl RUTH JACK | ROMAN • CARSON l ClIMEMASCOpe-^SS The BOTTOM of The BOTTLE NOW SHOWING SPECTACULAR Surpasses anything ever filmedjjpfo^r The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, dally newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students In the Office of Student 4 Pu hi ic At ions ?ts ft nr»r* rimfit nsi i »**a t a i Kppvif*p Th© Director Student Publications Publications as a non-profit educational service. - Is Ross Strader. The govern! ; of Texas is the Student Pub: _(llliPlF ■ * Chairman; Donald D. Burchard. Tom Lcland and Bennie Zinn. , are Dcrrell H. Guiles Paul Holladay. and Wayne Moore. £ x ' c 1 Charles Rocber. and Ross Strader. Secretary. The Battalion Is s P “^^ r *^5Tacatton a week during the regular scliofti year and once a weekdunng v fnr \h" laUc mg body of ail student publications of the A.&M.^ College jlications Board. Faculty members are Karl^ E.^ Elmquist, anc 'ayn< Tlie THE CONQUEROR TECHNICOLOR ClNEIVt aSCOPE Student members Ex-officio members are for the regular school year anu ouve - ...» - . . Kridav and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday througn * naay regular school year and on Thursday dur, , n 5 U >« ^^" ‘erms ™ed,ate“y I 01 „ Y , . , 4NMC< and vacation periods. Ttie Battalion is not published on tlie semester S6 00 ' W,!,n f MNUC,< preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription * r * A ^ ve ^ismg rate? furnfshed | per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per montn. au on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Offie College Station, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. at Texas, Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City. Chicago, Los | Angeles, and San Fran- The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to *he “se tor^epubli. catiou of all news dispatches J? ^^lUhStoeirBfghi: the paper and local news of spontaneous ongin p reserved of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. xT I Z—• . rmdp bv telephone (VI 6-6618 or V 7 I /. . Q S« ws contributions may be made by t P odwin Ha „ Classified 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, Student Puhliea ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. I Si%?Si S5£SN — Rnmiie Greathouse ." Sports Editor Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds News Dai Lois SAT. NITE PREV. 20th CENTumon OASim f MNUCK GREGORY PECK JENNIFER JONES Mmw in+fa. FREDRIC MARCH Jlj Orv^o^ll ^**5, COLOR by DE LUXE SB B QUEEN TODAY THRU SAT. "’Lonesome Trail WhaVs Cooking The schedule for tonight is as follows: 5:30 Angelina County A&M Club will meet in the lounge of Dormitory 2 and members will eat out, after wards a short business meeting. 7:15 p. m. The Newman Club will hold a j special meeting in St. Mary’s Cha- I pel. The convention to be held at J University of Texas this weekend will be discussed. All members are requested to be present. 7:30 Port Arthur Club will meet in room 105 of the Biological Sci ences Building. CHS Drama Team Wins Second Place Consolidated High School’s drama team won second place Tuesday night in the Interscholas tic Drama Meet with their pre sentation of “The Pot Boiler”, a one-act play. Having won.the district champ ionship earlier, the students from Consolidated were beaten by Deer Park who now advances to the reg ional meet. The Consolidated students v r ere directed by Mrs. Eugene Rush with Miss Sally Puddy as student director. Members of the cast were Charles Delaplane, Bobby Wicki, Marcia Smith, Carol But ler, Maurice Olian, Mark Nye and George McKay. McCALL’S Humble Service Station “Where Service Is First” East Gate VI 6-4922 Hy 6 CIRCLE THURSDAY & FRIDAY “Road to Denver” John Payne — A L S 0 — Canyon Crossroads Richard Basehart THURSDAY & FRIDAY SUSPENSE ROBERT SHELLEY MITCHUM - WINTERS Tfie NIGHT the HUNTER v LILLIAN X3ISH fF Bell County Club will meet in room 125 of the Academic Build ing. Galveston County Hometown Club wall meet in room 3D of the MSC. The meeting is open to mar ried couples. There will be a pro gram, movie and refreshments. No Time Specified Fayette-Colorado County Home town Club will meet in room 206 of the Academic Building. El Paso Hometown Club will meet in the Academic Building. Make her weekend. Complete with flowers for the Prom See Your DORM REPRESENTATIVE Or Come By . . , Student Floral Concession Across from the Main Entrance to New Area “Run by Aggies for Aggies” * GROCERIES ^ In Kitchen Canister OKI SCO . . . . 3 lbs. 89c Kimbell’s—-303 Cans CUT GREEN BEANS . . 2 cans 25c Nelda Brand—303 Cans TOMATOES . . .2 cans 25c Libby’s Cream Style—303 Cans GOLDEN CORN ... 2 cans 33c Lucky Leaf—303 Cans APPLE SAUCE ... 2 cans 35c Lucky Leaf—No. 2 Cans SLICED APPLES . . . 2 cans 49c Armour’s Star—16 Oz. Can CORNED BEEF HASH . . 29c ^ FROZEN FOODS ^ Pet Ritz—24 Oz.—Apple, Cherry, Peach FRUIT PIES each 65c — PICTSWEET — BABY WHOLE OKRA BABY GREEN LIMAS Ford Hook GREEN LIMAS FRENCH CUT BEANS CAULIFLOWER ASPARAGUS SPEARS Pkg. 26c PRODUCE 176 Size Florida ORANGES White Bermuda ONIONS . G reen CABBAGE BANANAS . doz. 37c . 2 lbs. 9c . 3 lbs. 10c . 2 lbs. 25c * GROCERIES + Pound Can MARYLAND CLUB COFFEE . 95c SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT.—APRIL 12 -13 -14 FOOD MARKET CHARLIES NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp now vs; eee wjat that M&AK&, PO'-i'T YOU f U/UHf "*MM> ""AS 0? OATE CP QUTJ-"" e'poee ws nss o? IVg COtf-ZOM&OK Dec. 5, 1955-///5//, TMrj WTMLF7H //ONTU* > * SO "TNI IVg, I m five. one thousahp, m HUHPBBQ MD fifty Five TVs num053 cffreMpnone. TiAfP 05 CN£ TW0USANP, NIM£ mezzp AHjeveNry-Two gxgMPwa. ATSAVSSOO APIgeg*" UM-VCU i coj^d me at kSAsr one miuion ,OHe HUHPgR0WeiGHry-TH#gg TH0U5AM' TWO HUHPEPP MUAM . TAKgN Off rug TOP of \ •Hi vo TAY'A vgay tidy % Star Kist Blue Label—7 Oz. Can TUNA . . . . . . 39c Libby’s Asparagus Style GREEN BEANS . . . can 35c Texsun—No. 2 Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . 2 for 23c Texanne—Homogonized—9 /i Oz. PEANUT BUTTER . Jars 2 jars 39c Folger’s—6 Oz. Jar INSTANT COFFEE . . . $1.23 Woodbury’s Bath Size TOILET SOAP ... 4 cakes 39c it MARKET ★ Decker’s Tall Korn SLICED BACON . . . . lb. 39c Armour’s LARGE BOLOGNA . . . lb. 39c Armour’s LUNCHEON LOAF . . . lb. 39c Armour’s Star WEINERS . . . . . lb. 45c Armour’s—Pure Pork SAUSAGE . . . . . lb. 35c Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST . . .lb. 39c MEATY SHORT RIBS . . lb. 29c Round or LOIN STEAK . . . . lb. 69c