The Battalion PAGE 4 College Station (Brazos County), Texas Wednesday, April 11, 1956 l his man can give you dependable delivery of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR an inter ndt ional daily ftrwspapet Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read ond enjoy this international newspaper, pub lished doily in Boston. World- famous tor constructive news Stories ond penetrating editorials. Special features for the whole family. The Ovation Science Monitor One Norway St.. Boston IS, Moss. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year SIC Q C months $8 Q i months J4 Q ■ , . i.i m, Nome Address City State ri-i» Churches Announce Mid-Week Services A&M Presbyterian Church Westminister Fellowship will hold a brief business meeting at 7:05 tonight followed by a “Fel lowship for Fun.” B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation Hillel Cultural meeting will be held tonight at 7:15 in the YMCA. Barry D. Targan of the English CHADWICK record corp. ORDER BY MAIL AT LOW PRICES WESTMINSTER WAL and 5000 series FACTORY FRESH RECORDS SWN series $2.98 WWN series $3.85 REDUCED PRICES (U per IU record original list price $5.95 LIST $4.98 DIAMOND NEEDLES-40% OFF LIST LIST UP TO $4.98 LHMV's Q50 VANGUARD OUR BACH GUILD W price OPERAS AND SHOW TUNES CAPITOL MGM* RCA VICTOR EPIC* LONDON* DECCA* COLUMBIA CL MERCURY ‘OPERAS AND SHOW TUNES $3.50 COLUMBIA ML* 198 OUR PRICE si record for each additional. NO CHARGE lor packing. All records shipped in polyethylene si WRITE FOR COMPLETE ANGEL RECORD CATALOG sleeves. CHADWICK record corp. > 1123 Broadway*New York 10, N.Y. . BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day . ... 2