The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1956, Image 1
*r -va >o\ mm mm ! V'* > ^rv "A ft ■ ' p UlJ 1 *f V7^4 > : NO TELEVISION TONIGHT—One of the most often hit “victims” of the tornado were television antennas. Very few antennas in the path of the funnel survived being either torn off or bent over. The above antenna came down with part of the roof. TORNADO TROUBLE—Snapped-off utility poles and shredded roofs were one result of yesterday’s tornado in Bryan. The twister ripped through the city a little after 3 p.m., causing considerable damage. —(All photographs by Guy Fernandez.) The Battalion ROOFS—Roofs of houses in Bryan took a beating yester day. What the tornado didn’t tear off was smashed by debris flying through the air. A hole was knocked in the roof of this house, but the inhabitants could stay. „ . mm \i • • ftp^ • f' ,/. •! Number 112: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1956 Price Five Cents ■■4 Bryan Cleans Up After Tornado Hits & ' r -A Cotton (^neen Entries Due April 10 Deadline for entering girls in the 1956 Cotton Pageant is April 10. The Cotton Queen and her Court will be selected this year during the Pageant. Previously, the winner was chosen from girls nominated at Texas State College for Women by a student committee of the A&M Agronomy Society. Selection for the April 27 pro gram will be from entries of tech nical societies here on the campus, hometown clubs, A&M Mothers and A&M Wives Clubs. A 3x5 inch, or larger, picture, information form and contestant fee are required for each girl en tered in the Pageant. Holman M. Griffin, senior ag ronomy major from Hillsboro, will reign as King- Cotton for the 22nd renewal of the annual show. The program will be held in the Grove. Robei’t Butschek is chairman for the danee. Money received from his year’s Cotton Ball will be used to pay transportation for the jun ior and senior agronomy field trip. # O&M Department Plans Two Trips The Department of Oceano- t graphy and Meteorology will spon sor a.field trip to the Gulf of Mexi co this and next weekend, as part of classroom work in Oceanography 201. The trip will be under the direction of Dale F. Leipper, head of the department. « i ]\o Deaths or Injuries; Damage to Area Heavy Clean-up work continues today in Bryan ’ following a tornado which struck that city about 3 p.m. yesterday, caus ing damage estimated to be more than a million dollars. Miraculously, no one was killed and there were no known injuries. More than 100 homes were damaged by the tornado, which struck for about a three-minute period in a three-quar ter mile-wide path through the south-central part of the city. About a half-dozen warehouses and other commercial buildings were destroyed. Much of the damage was reported to have been done by flying debris. The main places hit were the Fin Feather Road area and an area near Stephen F. Austin High School off Texas-* t Avenue. Preceded by a hailstorm with hail reported as large as an inch in diameter and a heavy rain which almost complete ly odbseured vision, the tornado struck just about the time the high Poultry Jiidgers Competing Today Four members of the A&M Jun ior Poultry Judging Team are par ticipating in the Junior Poultry Judging contest now under way at Mississippi State College. Team members James Beran, Tom Col lins, Don Brockman, and Bob Fos ter. C- B. Ryan, team coach, is ac companying the group. Judging consists of market eggs, live market poultry, dressed mar ket poultry, production hens and breeder pullets. The dressed birds and market eggs were - judged yesterday, and the live birds were to be judged today. The awards banquet will be held tonight and the g-roup will return to College Station tomorrow. • • A f:: -■ im VOCALIST—One of the featured acts for next Friday’s Intercollegiate Tallent Show is Miss Betty Harrison, vocal ist from Texas State College for Women. A Rosebud princess and class beauty at TSCW, she will sing “Lover Come Back To Me” in the talent show. Tickets are on sale at the MSC, and are $1 for general admission and $1.50 for reserved seats. school was to let out. School authorities kept students in the building until the danger from the twister, which was tearing through the city just few blocks away, had passed. SOME STUDENTS went to the windows to watch; others dropped to their knees to pi’ay. No schools suffered damage, ac cording to Leon Hayes, business manager for the school system. The tornado, which passed through Bryan at rooftop level, skipped College Station and the college, although both shared in high winds, some hail and heavy rain. Power was off in some parts of Bryan yestei-day afternoon and night, as lines and utility poles were torn down and all communi cations disrupted. Emergency crews had restored some power by 6 p.m. and the rest, was restored later during the night. A warning was put out to all citizens to be ware of danger from fallen lines. VERY FEW television antennas in the path of the tornado remain ed upright; most were torn from roofs or bent over. Structures smashed were mainly garages and flimsy outbuildings. The first warning received in this area was around 1 p.m. yes- terday, when a tornado danger ar ea 100 miles wide was reported from Houston. Radar Units at the college picked up the storm shortly before 3. The warning that was made possible by radar detection probably was largely responsible for the lack of injuries. Even so, the tornado ripped into inhabited buildings, sometimes tearing off roofs, as in the case of the W. E. Kutzschback Electric Company, without hurting anyone. TIN SHEETING was scattered over the stricken area, some dang ling from power poles and lines. An auotomobile hood dangled from one line. Plate glass was broken in some places, and shrubbery and trees were uprooted or blown down. A garage was lifted up by the twister and smashed into a house. The automobile that was in the garage was left sitting undisturbed on the concrete slab floor of the garage. Bryan lost a famous landmark in the storm—the Fin Feather Club, an old wooden private club and restaurant, collapsed. National Guard and other emer gency units and police went into action at once in maintaining or der and making sure of safety in the area. All was fairly quiet, ex cept for persons surveying damage and others trying to take pictures. Bryan Victims ••4i What They Saw, How They Felt ••••■' ; '.v" ’ '%"< : S \ By WELTON JONES Battalion City Editor What do people think about when they have just sat through a “mil lion dollar” tornado, which literally tumbled their world about their ears ? With this question in mind, we set out yesterday afternoon to re cord some thoughts of Bryan resi dents living in the areas hardest hit by the twister. Brazos DiLeo of 1411 Bennett was rushing home when the storm struck his house and two-car ga rage. At home Mrs. DiLeo and her nine-year-old son crouched in the kitchen and heard “ticking, crackling noises.” They watched the air fill “when the windows cav ed in and everything started flying around the room.” “We found parts of the garage four blocks away,” said DiLeo, who said he carried no insurance. Two blocks down the street, Mrs. A. E. Lucas, of 1411 E. 29th was looking through the heavy rain at what she thought was smoke from a train. “It looked so real, and I could even hi*ar a noise that sounded like a locomotive com«g toward us,” said Mrs. Lucas, whose house was undamaged. “Then the air filled up with stuff.” Also in Mrs. Lucas’ house was Bryan high school freshman Sloan Grim, whose house across the alley was practically a total wreck. The Grim house, at 312 Hoppess, lost most, of its roof and all of its windows. On Leonard Road, near the site of the demolished Fin-Feather Country Club, grim-faced men Requests To Open On MSC Rooms Requests for Memorial Student Center guest room reservations for football weekends and other major events weekends for the 1956-1957 school year will be accepted from May 1 through May 31, according to Mrs. Mozelle Holland, MSC guest room manager. The drawing to determine w)io will receive accommodations will be'held after the May 31 deadline. Following the drawing, notices will be mailed to each person submit ting requests for guest room reser vations, indicating whether they are to get a room in the MSC. The rest of the requests will be placed on the waiting list and will be noti- field to weeks before the event if a room becomes available due to a cancellation. A deposit is required of these persons receiving reservations. The reservation will be cancelled if no deposit is received at least two weeks before the event. worked swiftly to repair power line breaks which had plunged the northeast part of Brazos County into darkness. Liter last night, by the light of flares, car headlights and spot lights, district Rural Electrical As-^. sociation superintendent Robert Pohl estimated that power would be restored by 4 a.m. today. Nearby, Adolf Denk’s Grocery and Cafe carried on business as usual—by the light of candles stuck in beer bottles. HANGING HIGH—Among the stranger products of yes terday’s disaster in Bryan was this automobile hood which was lodged over a telephone cable. Below it is the rem nants of a sign. The area was along Highway 6. . £ — ^ Most of the hushed talk at the grocery was, of course, about the tornado. Everyone agreed that the sound was just like a train on. the nearby railroad. Talk died out around 9 p.m., and everyone went home. Don E. Smith, senior' in “D” In fantry, returned to his garage- apai’tment home at 1104A E. 31st to find the garage leaning at a pertect 45 degree angle. In spite of protests by his. wife, we helped him kick in the badly- twisted door, and went up the shaky stair's with him. Instead of a scene of desolation, we found everything in order, with even the glasses in the cupboards sitting up right. Later last night, the Smiths lit candles like the rest of the neighborhood and settled down for the night. At the National Guard Armory, headquarters of the 386th Armored Engineer Battalion, M/Sgt. E. H. Cox, of the headquarters company told us that Guard personnel along (See,TORNADO, Page 3) Series On Marriage Starts Monday Night Dr. Sidney Hamilton, professor of psychology at North Texas Col lege, will speak at 8 p.m. Monday in the YMCA, second floor. The program is the first session of a YMCA marriage forum. Dr. Hamilton, who was discussion lead er for married students and wives during the Religiops Emphasis Week services last month, will speak on “How Can You Tell It’s Love?”. No admission will be charged. The forums will consist of a lec ture by some authority on mar riage relations with a question and discussion period following each talk. Questions to be considered will be written but unsigned so that personal problems can be dis cussed without embarrassment. Each session will have a differ ent leader and consider a different subject. The program is designed to help those who do not have immediate plans for marriage as well as those who do and couples already mar ried, said J. Gordon Gay, secretary of the YMCA. The need for such News of the World By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS COLLEGE STATION —Line coach Jim Owens of Texas A&M will go to Japan and Honolulu in July as a football clinic lecturer for the Far East Command, col lege authorities announced yester day. Owens is one of three instruc tors chosen to conduct clinics for the armed forces. ★ ★ ★ AUSTIN—About one-fourth of Texas automobiles have not been inspected as required by state law, Col. Homer Garrison Jr., director of the Department of Public Safety, said. Deadline for inspection is April 15. ★ ★ ★ NEW YORK—A 7-year-old boy admitted yesterday, police said, that he set a fire last night behind a Bronx factory where six five- men died and 14 were injured. It was the Fire Department’s worst tragedy in 24 years. ★ ★ ★ OMAHA—Sen. Estes Kefauver appraised his relative strength as a presidential candidate yes terday and said he feels Adlai Stevenson is “still out in front” for the Democratic nomination. the a program was disclosed by RE Week interest locators. April 16, the subject will be “Making Marriage Meaningful.” Dr. Henry Bowman, professor of sociology at the University of Tex as will lead the forum. “How Important is the Sexual Factor in Marital Happiness?” will be discussed April 23. A. D. Jorjorian, chaplain of St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Medical Cen ter, Houston, will be the leader. The last session will discuss “What is the Effect of Interfaith and/or Interdenominational Mar riage?” The speaker has not been selected. The YMCA Marriage Forums are under the direction of Gordon Gay and Newt Harris, Chairman of Student Affairs, YMCA Cabinet. Meteorologists To Meet Tonight The Central Texas and College Station Branches of the American Meteorological Society will hold a joint meeting tonight at 7:30 in Room 107 of the Biological Sci ences Building. Dr. Vance Moyer of the Univer sity of Texas will speak on the re sults of research involving artific ial rain making processes. A second speaker, Lt. Alfred N. Fowler, of the Naval Hurricane Reconnaissance Squadron, Jackson ville, Florida, will discuss Navy Hurricane Reconnaissance. Lt. Fowler, a veteran hurricane ob server, has flown into 25 different hurricanes during the past five years. Japanese Chemist To Visit Campus Dr. Yasuo Miyake, chief of the Geochemical Laboratory • in the Meteorology Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, will visit' the A&M campus April 12-20. The Japanese scientist is coming here under the auspices ' of the Leaders Program of the American Council of Education and of the Department of State. The major purpose of the visit, which is one stop of a tour of 10 or 11 institu tions of higher education in the United States, is to give Dr. Mi yake an opportunity to visit re search facilities and to talk with scientists in his field. He received a Doctor of Science degree from Tokyo University in 1940, and since has made studies tracing the movement of nuclear matter around the earth, reported in Time magazine last month. Weather Today COLDER High scattered clouds with a cold front arriving around 6:30 this evening is forecasted. Winds from the northwest are expected with partial . visiability. Yesterday’s high of 80 degrees dropped to 57 degrees last night. Temperature at 10:30 this morning was 69 de grees.