The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1956, Image 5
I Talent Show (Continued from Page 2) “Early Birds” show will appear for SMU. Linda Potts of Bryan will repre- j* _ Hoffman Diomond Cutting Co. a low overhead! OFFICE OPERATION^! y ;: Saved, you. / Mfx *7a! On Engagement Sets i Fine Diamond Jewel Diamond Jewelry sent the University of Texas with her semi-classical and jazz harp solos. The University of Arkan sas will present impersonator Bob Green, and Betty Hax-rison, classi cal singer, will represent TSCW. Director for the show is Dick McGown. His staff includes Jim Hancock, lighting; Gary Anderson, publicity; Tom Smith, tickets; Frank Eichman, guests; Dudley Brown, corresponding secretary; and Randy West, prpgrams. Job Interviews Job interviews to be held Friday in the Placement Office include: The SUN PIPE LINE CO., Beau mont, will interview chemical and electrical engineering majors. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA has opportunities for graduates in accounting, business administration (sales), chemistry, DIAMONI DIAMOND CUTTING CO. 3rd Floor Banker's Mortgage Building "Next to the Gulf Building" * 708 Main Street Houston McCALL’S Humble Service Station “Where Service Is First” East Gate VI 6-4922 Hy 6 For the first time . . . WESTERN SHIRTS at LOUPOT’S Low As $:i.95 Pearl Buttons Western Tailoring Washable CacUfiA ujftttLnA wyu&t. in comfortable maternity-wear that glorifies their "NEW LOOK" from JOYCE'S maternity department Suits - Skirts - Jackets Play Clothes See our complete selection of maternity wear JOYCE’S 608 So. College Phone TA 2-2864 industrial technology, electrical, mechanical, chemical and indus trial engineering. HALLIBURTON OIL "WELL CEMENTING CO. will interview mechanical, electrical, chemical, and petroleum engineering chem istry, physics and math majors. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND and the PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. will interview civil, electrical, mechan ical and industrial engineering and accounting majors for the two- year training program outlined in the company brochure. GEOPHYSICAL SERVICE Inc., Houston and Dallas, have positions as seismic computers and engi neers for interested geological and electrical engineering, math, phy sics and geology majors. STANOLIND OIL AND GAS CO. will interview electrical engi neering, geology, math and phy sics majors for geophysicist class ifications. CUTLER-HAMMER, INC. have opportunities in sales, application, development and manufacturing engineering for electrical, mechan ical, and industrial engineering, and business-engineering majors. BENDIX AVIATION CORP., Bendix Products Division, will in terview electrical, mechanical, aeronautical and industrial engi neering majors for the position of Junior engineer. Watkins To Attend Dr. T. D. Watkins of the Ani mal Husbandry Department, will attend the quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tex as Sheep and Goat Associati m. in Bandera tomorrow and Saturday. He is taking his animal husbandry 410, sheep and goat production class, on a field trip to Brackett- ville, Sabinal and Ingram. Salute to EASTER W. S. D. Clothiers Select your EASTER wardrobe from our complete selection of men’s wear 108 N. MAIN — BRYAN Thursday, March 22, 1956 THE BATTALION Page 5 M.E. and B.A. Wives Winners in Bowling Grid Star (Continued from Page 3) a sophomore and now have two children, Russell, 12 and Lynda, 8. Barney just happened on to the job he now holds. In the summer of 1947, with one semester remain ing toward his degree in Agricul tural Economics, Welch met Spike White, then director of intramur als, and worked as an umpire for him. White was on his way up to di rector of student activities, and, with his old job soon vacant, of fered the position to Barney. Welch accepted and took over the day after graduation in January, 1948. “It was strictly fate that I got this job,” says Barney, “I was only a semester away from grad uation with absolutely no idea what I was going to do when Spike of fered me the job.” A&M’s intramural director did n’t need fate to carry him up the military ladder. Welch started as a private in 1942 and came out of the war a T/Sgt. Since then Bar ney has held every possible rank to the captain bars he now wears on his shoulders as Company Com mander of Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 143rd-Infantry Regi ment, 36th Division of the National Guard. Barney played some sei’vice foot ball in Europe, receiving all-Euro pean Theater of Operations honors before returning to his halfback spot under Coach Homer Norton in 1946. A Texas boy who played his high school athletics at Stephenville, Barney has developed A&M’s in tramural program into one of the top five in the world. Aggies everywhere can tip their hats to Barney Welch and the mag- nificant job he does as A&M’s di rector of intramural athletics. Fenner Elected Arlan Fenner was elected presi dent of the San Angelo-West Tex as Hometown Club at their last meeting. Other officers elected at that time include Larry Wheeler, vice-president; Jerry Lonon, treas urer; C. C. Koehler, secretary; Ver non Taylor and Leon Hardman, en tertainment committee and Ward Boyce and Frankie Wheeler, pro motion. Mechanical Engineering Wives an d Business Wives are weekly winners in the Aggie Wives bowl ing tournament held in the Memor ial Student Center Tuesday night. M.E. Wives outbowled the Dames Club three games to one while Bus iness Wives won their set of games by forfeit over Geology Wives. Dames Club is in first place so far this semester with M.E. Wives taking the second spot for the round robin tournament. Trophies will be awarded in May to the teams with the highest scores for the evening. Janette Williams was elected secretary at the Tuesday session. She replaces Joy Jones who re cently resigned from the position. Karen Tetter had high indiv idual game for the night with a score of 175. She did not have a handicap. Individual series and team high game and series were not announ ced. The wives clubs bowl every first and third Tuesday a month, for the charge of $1.10 which includes regulation shoes and four alleys. Ten cents is used toward the fro thy fund. TRIANGLE BANQUET ROOM Open for all: BANQUETS — DINNERS — LUNCHEONS * ‘ RECEPTIONS and WEDDINGS (By Reservation Only) For Information Call: Mr. J. A. Ferreri — TA 2-8508 (Between 9 a.m. & 5 p.m.) CASH FOR YOUR BOOKS Repurchase After Easter LOUPOT’S DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS DIAL TA 2-1585 Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate * GROCERIES ^ Yam-Brosia Brand—No. 2*/2 Cans SWEET POTATOES . . 2 cans 39c Lucky Leaf—303 Cans APPLE SAUCE ... 2 cans 35c Lucky Leaf—No. 2 Cans SLICED PIE APPLES . 2 cans 49c Lucky Leaf—Quart Bottles APPLE JUICE . . . 2 bottles 49c Kimbell’s—Red Pitted—303 Cans PIE CHERRIES ... 2 cans 49c CRISCO— . . . .3 lbs. 89c (In Kitchen Canister) Woodbury’s—Bath Size TOILET SOAP ... 4 cakes 37c + FROZEN FOODS * Pictsweet—6 Oz. Cans ORANGE JUICE ... 2 cans 35c BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY POT PIES Each 27c SLICED PEACHES Pkg. SLICED STRAWBERRIES . . 27c * PRODUCE * Florida ORANGES doz. 35c California Sunkist LEMONS doz. 21c California CARROTS . . 2 cello bags 15c White Bermuda ONIONS 2 lbs. 15c + GROCERIES + Libby’s—Asparagus Style GREEN BEANS .... can 35c Libby’s—14 Oz. Bottles CATSUP 2 bottles 39c Libby’s—Petit Pois—303 Size Can GREEN PEAS 27c Libby’s—No. 1 Cans SLICED PINEAPPLES . 2 cans 31c Duncan’s—1 Lb. Pkg. ADMIRATION COFFEE . . . 89c Texsun—No. 2 Cans GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . 2 cans 25c Star Kist—Blue Label SOLID PACK TUNA . . can 39c it MARKET it Armour’s Star FRYERS Ib. 45c Decker’s—Tall Korn SLICED BACON .... lb. 35c Armour’s Star—All Pork SAUSAGE lb. 35c — Pen Fed Baby Bed Cuts — MEATY SHORT RIBS . . . lb. 29c Square Cut JHOULDER ROAST . . . lb. 39c ( ALVES LIVER lb. 49c ROUND STEAK .... lb. G9c LOIN STEAK Ib. 69e SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT.—MARCH 22-23-24 CHARLIE’S NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — FOOD MARKET COLLEGE STATION