Friday, March 16, 1956 THE BATTALION Page 3 Aggies, Rice UT Clash In ‘Little SWC’ Meet By BARRY HART The Big Three of Southwest Conference track renew their 25-year-old rivalry in Hous ton Saturday when A & M, Rice and Texas get together for the first time this season. The “Little SWC Meet” goes back to 1931 when the three schools met the week before the conference championship meet. Perennial contenders for the league crown, these three are the only ones now in the conference to win a title. Texas leads the field with 23 championships, the Aggies hold 11 and Rice four. A year ago the Longhorns scored 72% points to A&M’s 67% and Rice’s 30 as Dean Smith led the Steer sprinters to sweeps in the 100 and 200-yard dashes, racing to a record-setting 9.2 century. The Aggie Fish take on Rice’s Slimes with the Texas Short horns in Fort Worth for the Southwestern Recreation track and Field Meet. In 1955 the Fish raced past Rice 76-51. Fresh from a close third place finish in the Border Olympics last Saturday in Laredo, Coaches Frank Anderson and Ray Putnam are hoping for their first victory of the new season. A&M took second be hind Texas in the track opener here two weeks ago with the Uni versity of Houston third. The Aggies place their chances for victory in the hands of a tremendous field squad, a crack miler and a fast mile relay team that finished but a stride back of champion Oklahoma A&M in Laredo. Bill Cocke ran his finest colle giate race in the Border meet, finishing third by two feet in the Another Service at Lou’s . . . IF YOU NEED MONEY — Sell to LOUPOT Books may be repurchased at same price until the week after Easter INSPIRING Gift Books From Shaffer’s Thoughtful gifts to keep the Easter spirit alive every day of the year. For Children Catherine Marshall’s—GOD LOVES YOU $2.00 Mrs. MarshaU’s latest—FRIENDS WITH GOD $2.00 THE BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW BIBLE $2.50 Bible for Young People $2.50 Complete Selection PETER MARSHALL’S BOOK from $1.00 All from NORMAN VINCENT PEACE’S Books $2.95 INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS 75 • Daily Food • As a Man Thinketh • In His Steps • Daily Help • Daily Strength for Daily Needs BIBLES from $2.00 to $16.00 BELOVED KING JAMES VERSION REVISED STANDARD VERSION TEACHER’S BIBLES — TEXT BIBLES INDEXED BIBLES—APOCRYTHA CONCORDANCE BIBLES Shaffer’s Book Store North Gate mile and repeating minutes later in the 880. He will be 1 favored in the mile and two-mile tomorrow. The remaining track schedule: March 24—A&M, Rice and LSU at Baton Rouge; April 6-7—Tex as Relays at Austin; April 14— A&M, Rice and SMU at College Station (Also Frosh); April 21— Kansas Relays at Lawrence; April 27—A&M, Texas, SMU and Southern California at Dallas (Night); May 3—A&M, Texas and Rice at Austin (Also Frosh, Night); May 11-12 — Southwest Conference meet at Fayetteville (Also Frosh). NATIONAL CHAMPS—This seven man Aggie pistol team won the National Mid-Winter Pistol Tourney at Tampa, Fla. Members (1. to r.) are Lt. Col. H. L. Phillips, Orville Glaze, Tommy Soutter, Ken Snipes, Don Hawley, Frank Norvell and Sgt. Floyd Adams. Ag Nine to Play Texas Lutheran After postponing their scheduled meeting twice this week, Coach Beau Bell’s un beaten baseballers take the field against tough Texas Lu theran tomrrow night in Seguin at 8. BELL INDICATED that right hander Paul Lang, a junior who took credit for A&M’s 7-6 win over Houston here, will take the mound for the Cadets. PROBABLE STARTERS for A&M are John Hoyle at first base, Dick Bleckner at second, Joe Wor den at third, Joe Boring at short stop, Phil Newport, John Stockton, Clyde Stinson in the outfield and James Smothermon behind the plate. Ags Grab Meet Lead Okamoto Shatters SWC Tank Mark By RONNIE GREATHOUSE Stealing a page from his Olympic scrap book, Tetsuo Okamoto darted to a new Southwest Conference 1,500-meter freestyle record last night in Austin as favored A&M took an early 14-8 lead in the league swim meet. The speedy Brazilian sophomore snapped the old record by 27.1 seconds as he turned in a time of 19 minutes, 21.6 seconds without being pushed.♦ The old record of 19:48.7 was set in 1954 by Texas’ Charlton Hadden in the same Gregory Gym Pool. Another A&M sophomore, Rip Woodard, finished behind Okamoto in second place. The Cadets also took fifth place. Title-defending Texas managed to place third, fourth and sixth. This was the only event held yesterday. SMU AND RICE, the other two entrants in the meet, failed to score a point in the first day’s ac- Ag Grapplers In Meet Here Coach Jim Griffith’s un beaten wrestlers play host to four teams tomorrow in the Southwest Collegiate Wrest ling Tourney in DeWare Field House. The meet is scheduled for 2-7 p.m. and no admission will be charged. Competing in the meet are Tex as, Houston, Rice, Baylor and the Aggie varsity and Fish. So far this year the Cadets have downed Texas and Houston YMCA. Wrestling for the favored A&M varsity are Captain Don Burchard, A1 Clachar, Don Schoenfeld, Mar vin Ansley, Bobby McDowell, Ken Jones, John Watson, Carlton Ha- zlewood and Tilden Stewart. Fish grapplers are Bill Christy, Porter Everts, Luis Perez, Ray Fields, Jim Lovelace, Hiram French, Wal lace DeWilt and Charles Kappel- man. Tiger Track Team A&M Consolidated’s thinlyclads journey to Giddings today to run in the Giddings Invitational Track Meet. Coach Horace Schaffer takes nine of his Tiger tracksters. Bobby Witcher will run the 100, Dan Da vis, 220, Bill Hall and Don Tax, 440, Dick Hickman and John Cay- wood, 880 and Bill Breazeale, mile. Don Patton will heave the shot with Ed Linton throwing the dis cus. Tax, Davis, Witcher and Hall will combine to run the mile re lay. Make her weekend. Complete with flowers for the Prom tion. A full schedule of events is planned for today beginning with the 50-yard freestyle triale and one-meter diving preliminaries at 2:30 p.m. These will be followed by the 50- yard freestyle semi-finals, 200- yard backstroke trials, 220-yard freestyle trials, 200-yard butterfly trials, one-meter diving finals and 400-yard freestyle relay time trials. AT 7:30 TONIGHT the Gregory Gym Pool will be the scene of fi nals in the 50-yard freestyle, 200- yard backstroke, 220-yard free style, 200-yard butterfly, one-meter diving and the 400-yard freestyle relay. The three-day conference meet winds-up Saturday night at 7:30 with seven events to be decided. Tiger, Hearne Nines To Battle At CHS Today A&M Consolidated’s baseball Ti gers open their home season here today, hosting the Hearne Eagles at 4 p.m. THE EAGLES BESTED Consol idated last Friday at Hearne, 3-1, with each team picking up only three hits. The Tigers w T ill be after their first victory. Bobby Potts gets the starting job on the mound with first base- man Alton Arnold moving in to hurl the last three frames. STEADMAN DAVIS WILL open behind the plate with Mike McGurte replacing Arnold at first, David McNeely at second, Manuel Garcia at the hot corner and Edgar Feld man at shortstop. Bill Kavanaugh will be in left field with Bill Hite in the center pasture and Pete Rodriguez in right. Consolidated’s Edgar Feldman took the mound against the Eagles at Hearne last week and gave up but three hits. Feldman moves to short today. SALE FISHING EQUIPMENT Greatly Reduced Prices in . . . 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