The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 15, 1956, Image 1
The Battalion Number 103: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1956 Price 5 Cents Local Scoots Planning Trip To Canada A group of local Explorer Scouts are planning an “Ad venture Trail” trip to Can ada this summer. The “jump ing-off point” for the Canada -wilderness trek will be the Charles L. Sommers Canoe Base near Ely, Minn. From the base camp the boys ‘will proceed into the Quetico Pro vincial Pai'k in Ontario, Canada. The entire trip is expected to take from 21 to 24 days, including 10 days in Canada. Each boy is expected to earn all he cap toward paying his expenses for the trip. He must earn at least one-third of the $76.50 cost to be eligible for the trip. Transportation, which would be the major cost of the trip, is being „ furnished by Ford Motor Co. deal ers. Several dealers enroute will furnish transportation for the scouts. Air Force Bases along the - way will furnish meals at mess hall prices. While in Canada the scouts will travel entirely by canoe or foot. The vegetation and game in the park is described as being “quite abundant”. Each group will have an experienced guide and will “live off the land” as much as possible. Military Day Brings Work, Review, Dances ■Miiaii! BORDER WEEK—South of the Border Week in the Memorial Student Center is officially underway. Pictured above is one of the many displays in the Center, this one featur ing Peru. All MSC employees will be wearing Latin American costumes and offices are decorated along this line. South of the Border Week will last through Saturday. Fee Deadline Set March 21 is the deadline for paying installment fees at the Fiscal Office in the Admini stration Building. The total amount due is $60.70 which includes $41.85, board; $15, room and $3.85 for laundry. After the deadline there is $1 a day penalty. JUST LOOKING—The Senior Girl Scouts of Troop 5, Col lege Station helped celebrate their 44th anniversary yes terday by enjoying the festivities of the Memorial Student Center’s “South of the Border” displays. Left to right „ are Miss Dee Morgan, Miss Jeanelle LaMotte, Miss Judy Litton and Miss Bicci Luther. Mrs. Walter Heritage is Troop Leader for the local group. Student Publications Will Move To YMCA Tentative plans have been made azine and Aggieland offices will to move the student publications offices from Goodwin Hall to the YMCA at the end of this week or the first of next week, according to Howard Badgett, physical plants manager. Offices in the move are The Battalion, Commentator, Aggie land, Southwestern Veterinarian, Engineer, Agriculturist and Office of Student Publications. The four magazines and the Ag gieland will have offices in the east wing of the YMCA. These offices are now ready for occu pants. A library, conference room and darkroom also are located in the east wing at the end of the hall. Occupying the north wing will be The Battalion and Student Publica tions offices. Flooring of these offices has begun and should be finished by the end of this week. These offices and the darkroom will be air conditioned. The mag net. New desks, filing cabinets and 29 secretarial-type chairs will be used in the offices. Very little old furniture will be moved from Good win. No new typewriters will be added, although repairs will be made on those that require it. News of the World By The ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON—President Eisenhower made a fervent plea yesterday for moderation on both sides in the dispute over school integration. He asserted at the same time that the “good sense” of the American people will see to it that “progress” is carried out. And he noted that the Southern members of Congress who issued a prosegregation manifesto earlier this week specified that “legal means” will be used to fight the Supreme Court’s ban on public school segrega tion. ★ ★ ★ MANCHESTER, N.H.—“People got mad.” You hear a variety of explanations in New Hampshire for the 22,000 write-in votes given Vice-President Nixon in the state’s presidential primary elections. But this is the one most frequently expressed—“People got mad.” Re publican leaders said they believe a ground-swell of pop ular feeling built up for Nixon as a result of recent re ports that he would be “dumped” from the GOP ticket this year. 'At 'A’ WASHINGTON—President Eisenhower said yesterday American interests in the Middle East/‘are very greatly jeop ardized.” He made the remark in a news conference dis cussion of the Arab-Israeli differences. MSC Plans Special Dance Friday Night Students who do not attend the Combat Ball .tomorrow night will be able to attend a special dance in the ballroom of the Memorial Student Cen ter. The Dance Group is sponsoi’- ing the dance in connection with South of the Border Week which is in progress through Saturday. Admission will be $1 per person. The Capers Combo will px'ovide music. A floor show featuring 28 girls from the University of Texas doing Latin American dances will be presented. Displays picturing life in the Latin American countries of Boli via, Cuba, El Salvador, Argentina and Peru are on exhibit in the main lounge of the MSC as another fea ture of the Latin American pro gram. In addition to these, there is a Latin American art- exhibit sponsored by the Art Group, head ed by Paul Ross and Mrs. Emalita Terry. The Food Department, headed by Mrs. Gladys Black, food direc tor, is featuring Latin American foods. Floral decorations are ar ranged by the Floricultui'e Depart ment, under A. F. Werth. Tonight, the Recital Series, un der chairman Bob Rea, will pre sent the Alard String Quartet. Also tonight the Film Society will show the movie, “Treasure of Sier ra Madre” in rooms 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D of the MSC, said Fleming Smith, committee chairman. The Corps of Cadets will go “Class A” this weekend as A&M presents its annual Spring Military Day. Activities will begin Friday night with the Combat Ball in the main section of Sbisa Hall. The Aggie land Orchestra will play for the ^8-12 dance. It is an annual affair promoted by members of the com-* bat arms companies. Invitations have been sent to ap proximately 300 campus professors teaching senior courses. The in structors and their wives will be admitted free and will sit in a special detention area, guarded by members of the freshman drill team. Dress for the affair is combat style—fatigues, helmet liners and combat boots. Ed Stinnett, general dance chairman, said that “garden- Girl Scouts Honor 44th Anniversary Brazos County Girl Scouts are joining Girl Scouts across the na tion in celebrating National Girl Scout week, Mai’ch 11-17, accord ing to Bob Cherry, president of the Brazos Council. This is the 44th anniversary since the group start ed with 12 members, in 1912. “Our local organization now, has over 700 members and 100 girls taking part in it’s activities, “Cherry said, “and we are con sidering dividing the county further, in order that we can have more room for more troops and leaders.” Miss Alice Mulkey, Girl Scout Field Representative for Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma, is in College Station for a two day workshop for local leaders. Among topics for her discussion are “Board Member’s Jobs”, “Board Plans”, and “A Look at the Fu ture in Brazos County”. “The national organization now has over 2!4 million members,” said Cherry. “In College Station, our only senior troop is Troop 5, and it is greatly overcrowded. This points out the need for more troops and leaders.” A&M Military Day Brings Many Stars Stars will fill the campus this weekend as A&M plays host to seven generals and 12 other mili tary and civilian dignitaries. The generals are Gen. R. M. Pate, commandant, United States Marine Corps; Maj. Gen. ,W. N. Gillmore, acting commanding gen-, eral III Corps, Fort Hood; Maj. Gen. Carl L. Phinney, commanding general 36th Division, Texas Na tional Guard; Maj. Gen. Albert S. Johnson, NG, commanding general, 49th Armored Division; Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckols, commander 33rd Air Division (De fense), Tinker Air Force Base; Brig. Gen. Robert M. Ives, com manding general, 36th Division, Texas National Guard; and Brig. Gen. George Smith, Military Af fairs Committee. Other guests to be here include Olin E. Teague, Congressman Sixth District; W. T. Doherty, president, Board of Directors; Col. John A. Way, Industrial War College; Col. Ormond R. Simpson, Military Sec retary to the Marine Corps com mandant; Capt. Rees Morgan, Bu reau Medical Code, Navy Depart ment; Col. Norman L. Callish, com mander, Headquartei's 3605th Aii'- craft Observer Training Wing, El lington Air Foi’ce Base; Col. James Gunn III, com manding officei’, Bxyan Air Force Base; Lt. Col. Chaides F. Widdeck, Aide to Gen. Pate; Lt. Col. James Burleson, pi'esident, Texas State Guard Association; Geox-ge Fisher, office, Congressman Teague; Mi 1 , and Mrs. Eddie J. Kennedy, moth er and father of ( Lax’ry Kennedy, Coi'ps commander; and Mi's. F. C. Olds, president, Federated A&M Mothers Clubs. Gen. Nuckols will visit the radar meteox’ology section of the Oceanogx-aphy and Meteorology Department while here. He will discuss, with that department’s staff, technical mattex-s in connec tion with the air foi’ce radar me teorology program. Saturday’s Events Start At Early Morning Meal Measles Lead In the Area With 217 III Measles led all other di seases in the Bryan College Station ax'ea for the week ending Maxch 10, according to the Bryan - Brazos County Health Unit. There were 217 cases of xneasles reported during this time. Of these, 134 were in the College Station area and 83 in Bx-yan. Chickenpox was second with 31 cases reported in the county. Only seven were re ported in College Station. Bryan had 24 cases. Strept throat was in third place with 18 cases in the county with only six of these in College Station. Debate Team Wins Second In Tourney Seniors John Wilson and David Bowei's won five out of seven rounds to take second place in the Texas Round-Up Forensic Toux’na- ment last weekend. Thix'teen schools pai’ticipated, each sending one negative axxd one affix-mative team for seven rounds of debate. Wilson and Bowei's made up A&M’s negative team. A&M’s affix-mative team, com posed of Bill Heax-d and E. M. Huitt, won three out of seven rounds, failing to place in the tourney. The next toui-nament is the Piney Woods Debate Tournament, to be held Max-ch 23-24 at Stephen F. Austin College in Nacogdoches. The Southwest Conference Debate Toui-nament will be held at Rice Apx-il 7. Richax-d A. French, English in- stx-uctox-, accompanied the team. Choose Your Combat Ball Cutie Here Weather Today RAIN Thunderstorms and light rain showers accompaxxixxg a moderate cold front ai'e forecast for College Station today. Yesterdays high was 54 degx-ees; low, 49 degx-ees. Temperature at 10:35 this morn ing was 51 degx-ees. Ik' A Beth Watson Tom Roberts Barbara Sue Smith Johnie Ingram Janette Hair Dick Howard Sarah Lonquist Jack Lonquist Sunny Phillips Roy Woodle ing clothes would be fine. Infor mality is the main idea.” A combat “cutie” will be chosen from five candidates, one selected by each combat arms battalion. The gix-ls chosen and their escorts ax-e Barbara Sue Smith, San An tonio, by Johnie Ingram; Sunny Phillips, Houston, by Roy Woodle; Janette Hair, Bx-yan, by Dick How- ax-d; Beth Watson, Gainesville, by Tom Roberts; and Mrs. Sarah Lon quist, Caldwell, by Jack Lonquist. Satux-day’s events start with a bx-eakfast at 7 a.m. at Maggie Pax-ker Dining Hall in Bx-yan. It will be in honor of Gen. Randolph M. Pate, commandant, United States Marine Corps, who will be honor guest for Military Day ac tivities. The breakfast is sponsox-- ed by the Bryan Chamber of Com- mex-ce. Lax-ry Kennedy, Corps comman der, will act as host to Militax-y Day guests at a luncheon later in the day. The group will retire to the main drill field immediately following the luncheon to observe the Corps of Cadets x-eview at 1:30 p.m. Heels fly Satux-day night as Ted dy Phillips, his golden saxophone and his Orchestra, featux-ing Moni ca Lewis, play and sing for the Military Ball. The dance will start at 9 p.m. and end at midnight. Honored guests include Dr. Da vid H. Morgan, president of the College; Dr. J. P. Abbott, dean of the College; Dr. M. T. Hax*i’ington, Chancellor; Dean Robert Kamm, Dean J. D. Adams, C. A. Roeber, Dean W. W. Axmistead, Col. Joe E. Davis, Dean W. H. Delaplane, Dean I. P. Trottex-, Dean C. H. Ransdell, Col. D. P. Anderson, Dean J. C. Calhoun, Col. Henx-y Dittman and Col. Henry Phillips. Distinguished guests w-ill include all visiting military and civilian dignitaries on the campus. Recital Series Presents Quartet The Alax-d String Quartet will be presented by the MSC Recital Series in the Assembly Room of the MSC at 8 p. m. tonight, ac cording to Bob Rea, chairman of the Series. Last year the Quartet won the National Fedex-ation of Mxisie Clubs Young Artists Award in Chamber nxusic. This is the first time in the history of the Fede- x-ation this award has been pre sented in this category. This gave the Quartet a tour with the Na tional Concert and Artist Cox*p. over the United States and a debut in Town Hall, New York City, in the fall of 1956. The Quartet comes to A&M from the University of Texas where they have been teaching and coaching with Horace Britt, inter nationally known cellist and chamber music playei’. This year they ax-e engaged for many appearances throughout the Southwest with two concerts in Cincinnati, Ohio, and a concert in Havana, Cuba, Washington, D. C. and Baltimore. Each member of the Alard Quartet is a gifted artist in his own right. The quax-tet is com posed of Seymour Wakschal, violin; Donald Hopkins, violin; Arnold Magxxes, Viola and Jorge Sicre, cello. Holdex-s of Student Activities Cards will be admitted fx-ee and individual tickets will be on sale at the door for 75 cents each. ‘Thank-You* Given The Civilian Student Council has expressed its thanks to all of the merchants who contributed prizes for the beard competition at last weekend’s Civilian Student Day. Thanks also wex-e expressed for everyone else who had a part in making the day a success.