The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 14, 1956, Image 2
I l Tl G JS/L irsi eci ■ter’ Me ^ep 3 F nso mt VYxe y -* •tlx< Page 2 THE BATTALION Wednesday, March 14, 1956 — Letters to the Editor To: The Student Body, Aggies, through the years I have seen letters written to the Batt by Corps members chewing on the non-regs for not speaking, and those written by the non-regs beating their gums about the Corps’ not speaking. Like most of you, these letters had little ef fect on me, except for occasionally making me a little teed off. Most of the outsiders I have talk ed to in the past, who had visited our campus, commented on what a friendly campus we had. Now I know as well as anyone that speak ing at A&M, in a lot of cases, is not just being friendly, rather a point of necessity. Right? Again, through necessity, many of A&M’s traditions have been dropped. Speaking is one tradi tion that should never be dropped, and I truthfully feel it has been neglected more in the past years than it ever has. It is not the sole fault of either the corps or non- regs, but both. The sooner we both learn to pull together on mat ters concerning the school, the greater Texas A&M will be. As far as speaking goes, here is my solution. Instead of all of us griping about others’ poor speak ing, why not take that same energy to say a simple “Howdy.” I am proud of this school myself, and I’d hate to see this tradition espe cially, dwindle to nothing. Dudley Thomas, ’56 Editor, Battalion: How many hicks are in this in stitution ? Are these hicks a rep resentative cross-section of the civilian student body? We ask j;hese questions with reference to what was called Civilian Student Week-end. With the exception of the barbecue (and who doesn’t like to eat) how many students at A&M are interested in the type of en tertainment that was offered this past weekend? We think that the popularity of this entertainment among the civilian students is clearly shown by the fact the dance had to be opened, not only to the Corps students, but also to the gen eral public. If this type of thing is to be done, why not call it the “Brazos Bottom Barn Dance” in stead of the Civilian Ball ? Bill Bardin ’57 Charlie Brown ’57 Charles Seaberg ’58 Clarence Shumbers ’58 Allan Jackson ’59 SALE BARGAINS . . . in SPORT SHIRTS Long & Short Sleeves MEN’S SOCKS—GREATLY REDUCED STUDENT CO-OP m (The GREEKS had a word for it) the word is SPEEB... yours when you fly CONTINENTAL AIR LINES FT. WORTH 2 hrs * 8 mins. /\BSLENE! ^ ^ rs ' ^ mins.” E L PAS O 4 hrs - 52 mins ' Call Continental at Victor 6-4789. Flying Time Effective April 1. Continental \ TF 5 W -AIR iiisrins The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist, — — — " id Bennie Zinn. Student members es, Paul Mouaday, and Way Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary. The Battalion is published four times alty Chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn are Derrell H. Guiles, Paul Holladay, and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately pub preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are S3.50 per semester, §6.00 per school year, §6.50 per full year, or §1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds .News Editors Welton Jones City Editor Barbara Paiee - Woman’s Editor Barry Hart Assistant Sports Editor Jim Neighbors, John West, Joe Tindel, Leland Boyd Reporters Maurice Olian CHS Snorts Correspondent F. W. Young Circulation Manager James Schubert, Mike Keen, Guy Fernandez Photographers Editor, Battalion: In your article and editorial of March 9, regarding various short comings of the Student Senate, we note you failed to mention some thing which we feel needs “look ing into.” In a recent article in your paper it was stated that there were about 3,001 military and 3,040 civilian students enrolled currently—almost a 1-1 ratio. I say “about” because I do nqt have the clipping before me at this time. Now, what we feel you should have included in your article and/ or editorial is the unfair ratio of military and civilian Student Sen ators seated on the Senate. Let’s “de-segregate” the Student Senate! Very truly yours, J. W. Osborn ’57 Editor, Battalion: I would like to air a few frank opinions that I’ve arrived at after spending three and one half years in the corps at A&M. I’ve learned recently that we as corps seniors have been found guil ty of apathy and inadequate lead ership in the corps. Let me admit, we’re not perfect by any means, and "therefore subject to criticism. We’ve made false starts and wrong decisions in our relations with freshmen, sophomores and juniors. But, we as a group and as indi viduals within the corps can only operate and carry out our respon sibilities under the policy frame work set up by the college offi cials. I entered A&M as a freshman in the corps in September of 1952. After entering A&M I found that I hated the discipline and the con formity that being a member of the corps called for. I had two choices, I could quit A&M and go some place else and face the shame I associated with quitting or, I could stay and conform. For the time being I chose to conform. It took me more than a couple of weeks to figure out how I was benefitting by conforming. In fact, it took around a year and a half to two years to learn that by submitting to discipline, I learned self-discipline. I don’t know oth er’s experience along this line. It may have taken longer for some and a shorter time for others to realize this. The point I’m tryih’g to make is that discipline is something that isn’t learned overnight. Evidently, the authorities think it is, for they have given a man the right to get out of the corps, if he doesn’t like it at the outset, and still stay at McCarty Jewelers recommends Stax j4fruc<z* INTERLOCKING DIAMOND RINGS A wonderful vctlu^! y 2 Carat $210.00 §3.00 per week TOTAL WEIGHT EASY CREDIT An exquisite beauty! % Carat $312.00 §4.35 per week TOTAL WEIGHT EASY CREDIT Amazing low price 1 Carat $387.50 §5.00 per week TOTAL WEIGHT EASY CREDIT W0«N MPAIATUY 0 YOU NEVER SEE THE LOCK PERFECT POSITION McCarty Jewelers A&M. Granted, that some men simply are not disposed to military life. If that’s so, why get in the corps in the first place? I knew what I was in for when I came to A&M. It was a challenge to me to be able to stick it out. It doesn’t take brains and courage to graduate from A&M now, just a minimum of brains. Present policy, handed down to us from above, has put the bee on our back; it’s made a molly coddling bunch of beggers out of us. We must bow and scrape to the all-high God of Enrollment. This gives discipline and cadet au thority a rather facetious meaning. Did we, as corps members, set up this policy of “you can get out if you don’t like it?” If not, then are we to blame for carrying out a policy, to the best of our ability, that we had no say so on ? Just what is the policy of Texas A&M College and what is the role of the corps within that policy ? Is this college interested in turning out quality or quantity? I don’t know the answers, that’s why I’m ask ing. Either College authorities must give us the power to carry out our responsibilities as they see them WEDNESDAY ■ fr ,- WILLIAM liffl SHAKESPEARE'S Romeo “iJuliet k TECHNICOLOR’ A J. Arthur Rank Presentation Organization Release J tkru Unite J Artist* or quit their belly-aching. This is the way I see things. This is per sonal observation from “within the ranks” out of my own experience, which is really the only thing I can draw from with authority. Let the authorities look to them selves for the fault, they’re the ones who set the policy. You’ve got to consider your raw materials before you put any plan into oper ation. If a policy doesn’t work through us, your raw materials, then you better re-examine your policy; it’s rather hard to change the raw materials. Let us set corps policy exclusive ly, and then we’ll have no excuse to protest your criticism of poor leadership on our part, which un der the present situation is a rather bitter pill I personally refuse to swallow. I’d like to know if my protests are legitimate ? Even if I am wrong, I’ve at least had my little say. Sincerely, James A. Collins ’56 PALACE Bryan 2'$S7% TODAY thru SATURDAY JCAYE Mj 1 THE COURT JESTER lift nr# Manila hemp, source of strong marine rope, comes from a Philip pine banana plant. Black BOW TIES 95c for the MILITARY BALL LOUPOT’S CIRCLE THRU FRIDAY “Tender Trap” Frank Sinatra — Also — “Jupiter’s Darling” Esther Williams McCALL’S Humble Service Station “Where Service Is First” East Gate VI 6-4922 Hy 6 thru THURSDAY Colot' W technicolor. W GLYNlS JOHNS-raimbome QUEEN LAST DAY Rod Cameron in “Short Grass’ PARADE of 1956 # IN PERSON! # Ifj; INAT KING COLE JUNE CHRISTY v” sjjp %/ l The 4 FRESHMEN % GARY MORTON # PATTY THOMAS TED HEATH ittfruxcCucuty- AND HIS FAMOUS BRITISH ORCHESTRA White Coliseum Wednesday, April 4, 8:30 p.m. $2.50 $2.00 $1.25 TICKETS AT STUDENT ACTIVITIES AN OPPORTUNITY An executive from the War ner & Swasey Company, leading manufacturers o f machine tools, textile ma chinery, earthmoving equip ment, and other precision machinery, will visit Texas A&M College on March 15th to interview high caliber men with technical backgrounds or mechanical interests who are looking for a career in research, development, engi neering, sales, manufactur ing, or finance. This medium-sized company offers a program planned to prepare you rapidly for posi tions of responsibility in line with your background, train ing, and objectives. See your Placement Director to arrange an interview, or write direct to: C.W.Ufford, Director of Industrial Rela tions, THE WARNER k SWASEY COMPANY Cleveland 3, Ohio LPL ABNER By A1 Capp IT WAS A BLOCK LONG,AND HAD TEN LEGS."'- I'LL STAKE MY WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION ON - sHo d ^R.V - THAT.V' North Gate SE.E.r. r - EVER SI NCE HE RETURNED FROM THE- ROCKIES.HE'S SUFFERED FROM THAT HALLUCINATION.? HALLUCINATION- HA'/- I WISH YOU'D BEEN ATTACKED HE SCREAMS ^ WE MUST ) AT NIGHT/.'- ) TAKE HIM HOW CAN -Y B ACK THERE, WE CURE )\ AND PROVE HIM r* > TO HIM HIS FEARS 'Jj > My' ARE ' ^NON-EXISTENT. VOU WILL ACCOMPANY ‘ US, DAISY MAE ■ (-THAT'LL GET HER AWA'V FROM THE r woLF-PACK.rr-) P O G O By Walt Kelly HAwk. GvWBCw