The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 14, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 102: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
Ellington Visit
Planned by
100 AF Cadets
Final arrangements have
been made for an airlift of
100 junior and sophomore air
force ROTC students at A&M
to Ellington Air Force Base
at Houston, Thursday and Friday,
for a two-day briefing, Col. Henry
Dittman, profesosr of air science
at A&M, has announced.
The briefing will be under the
supervision of Col. Norman Cal-
lish, commander of Ellington Air
Force Base and will acquaint the
cadets with the training they will
receive in the aircraft observer
program after graduation from
The training is designed to pre
pare air force officers for duty in
radar navigation and eventual duty
with radar-interceptor 'aircraft in
the defense system.
Maj, Edward W. Rodgers, assist
ant PAS, is project officer for the
flight and will accompany the ca
dets to Ellington.
Easter Seal Drive
Now Under Way
The 1956 Easter Seal Appeal for
crippled children is now under way,
according to Mrs. Dwight W. An
dres, chairman of the drive in
Brazos County.
“Letters with seals have been
mailed out to all of the residents
of the couny,” Mrs. Andres said.
“We hope that everyone will re
spond with a donation.”
Last y§$r the program, carried
on in Sbisa Hall and supported by
Easter Seal donations, helped more
than 350 children and 11 adults,
according to Taylor Riedel, presi
dent of the Brazos County chap
ter of the Society for crippled
“We helped eight per cent more
children last year than in 1954,”
Riedel said, “and we hope to be
able to offer even more treatments
this year.”
The society offers orthopedic and
other treatments to children and
adults crippled by any disease.
Tz-ansportation and appliances
needed for treatments are also
Graduate Work
Five hundred and seventy-two
students are registered for grad
uate work as of March 9, 1956,
and for the same period in 1955
the registration was 437, Dr. Ide
P. Trotter, dean of the Graduate
School announced today. The in
crease of 135 represents a per
centage increase of 30.89 per cent.
More Than
5,000 Expected
Military Day
Combat Ball To Start
Activities Friday Night
AGGIE EX—Col. Ormond R. Simpson, class of ’36, will be
another of A&M’s honored guests for Military Day activi
ties this weekend. He spent time during WW II in the
South Pacific and ended up in Japan. He has been in
command of the sixth Marines (Infantry Regiment) in
the Second Marine Division at Camp Lejeune during 1952-
53 and command of the First Marines (Infantry Regiment)
in the First Marine Division in Korea in 1953-54.
Kiwanis Clubs Plan
Pancake Supper Soon
More than 5,000 persons are ex
pected on the campus this week
end for A&M’s annual Fall Mili
tary Day activities, which start
Friday night With the Combat Ball.
Seven generals will be among
militai'y dignitaries attending Mil
itary Day ceremonies here. The
ranking man is Gen. Randolph M.
Pate, commandant, United States
Marine Corps.
Gen. Pate, one of the outstand
ing military men of the nation will
see the Corps of Cadets review
Saturday at 1:30 p.m. on the main
drill field. Visiting dignitaries
The Kiwanis Clubs of College
Station and Bryan will hold their
annual Pancake Supper on Satur
day, March 24, at the Bryan Coun
try Club, according to W. E.
“Woody” Briles, co-chairman of the
Supper committee.
“Price of the tickets will be 75
cents for all but pre-school child
ren,” Briles said. “Seconds will be
served on everything but milk.”
History Classes
Double This Year
The spring history enrollment
is 2,850 stduents, Dr. Ralph Steen,
head of the History Department,
has announced. The 1955 spring
enrollment was 1,450 and the fall
enrollment, 2,250.
Prior to World War II the de-
pai’tment tried to hold sections to
30 and after the war to 50.
“Now most sections run between
45 and 55 and sections of 60 are
not unusual,” Dr. Steen says.
In the course in Texas history
the smallest section is 145 and the
lai’gest is 206.
Sponsored jointly by the Bryan
and College Station clubs, the sup
per will feature, in person, Quaker
Oats’ Aunt Jemima, according to
A. M. Madely, of the publicity
committee. Quaker Oats will also
fuimish the flour and personnel to
mix the batter, Madely said.
Proceeds fro the supper will go
to the local Kiwanis clubs for their
youth activities program. P a n -
cakes will be served from noon tb
2 p.m., and again from 6 to 9 p.m.
Included on the menu will be
pancakes, maple syrup, eggs, ba-
'con, sausage, milk, coffee and oth
er items.
“Tickets may be purchased from
any member of the club,” said
Briles. • “We want everyone to
come out and support it even more
than they have in the past.”
Co-chairmen, other than Briles,
include W. F. Adams, B. J. Lloyd,
Cal Ti’ossen and Gus Lampe.
Briles and Adams are members of
the College Station club, while
Lloyd, Trossen and Lampe belong
to the Bryan club.
Tickets On Sale
Tickets for the Combat Ball
for non-combat seniors will be on
sale at the Student Activities
Office, until 5 Friday afternoon.
Pi-ice for tickets is $1.
RANKING GUEST—Gen. Randolph M. Pate, 21^t com
mandant of the United States Marine Corps, will be the
honor guest for Military Day activities Saturday. He will
take the 1:30 p.m. review on the main drill field. Gen.
Pate is a veteran of WW II and Korean fighting and as
sumed his present duties Jan. 1, after 35 years of service
as a marine.
Democracy Day
Draws A&M Men
Eleven staff members from A&M
will participate in a “Democracy
for Action Day” program Friday
at Howard Payne College, Brown-
wood. Also taking part in the ac
tivities will be a College Station
church pastor and a color guard
from A&M. ' * - '
Dr. Robert B. Kamm, dean of the
Basic Division and Pupil Personnel
Services, will deliver a chapel ad
dress, “Leadership in Democracy,”
and also serve on a panel for high
school career day guidance.
Clifford H. Ransdell, associate
dean of the Basic Division, will
be principal speaker at a dinner
that evening. He will speak on
“The Role of Church Related Col
lege in a Democracy.” Ransdell
will receive an honorary doctor of
science degree, following the .night
convocation address by U. S. ; Sen.
Price Daniel, who is to receive an
honorary doctor of law degree.’
Rev. Robert D. Longshore of the
First Baptist Church, College Sta
tion, will deliver the invocation at
the dinner.
Dean Walter H. Delaplane,
School of Arts and Sciences, will
be the principal speaker at the
noon lunchean. His subject wall be
“Democracy South of the Border.”
Staff members from A&M, Har
din-Simmons College and Abilene
Christian College will lead semi
nars. From A&M will be Raymond
O. Berry, Animal Husbandry De
partment; Bardin H. Nelson, Rural
Sociology; Ammon B. Medlin, Biol
ogy; Dr. Ide P. Trotter, dean of
the Graduate School; John R. Bow
en, Basic Division; and Allen E.
Denton Jr., Basic Division.
William J. Dobson, Biology, and
S. Auston Kerley, associate director
of guidance, Basic Division, will
help to coordinate “Texas A&M
College Day” at Howard Payne
with college officials there.
A color guard fz-om A&M will
lead a parade through downtown
Brownwood Friday afternoon.
Today through Saturday
‘Border Week’ Underway
Activities of South of the Bor
der Week began today in the Me
morial Student Center and will
continue through Saturday, ac
cording to Don McGinty, directoi - -
ate- assistant.
Tommy Short’s Hi-Five Com
bo started the activities this af
ternoon with a program of music
accompanied by a feature singing
Tomorrow night, the Recital Ser
ies, under chairman Bob Rea, will
present the Alard String Quartet.
Also that night the Film Society
will show the movie “Treasure of
Sierra Madre” in room 2A, 2B, 2C
and 2D of the MSC, said Fleming
Smith, committee chairman.
BRYANITE—Lt. Col. Charles F. Widdecke, born in Bryan
on May 11, 1919, will be among military dignitaries visit
ing the campus this weekend to observe Military Day ac
tivities. He was graduated from the University of Texas
in 1941 and commissioned a second lieutenant in the
Marine Corps. He served in the Pacific theater during
WW II and in Korea in 1954. He was assigned as Aide-
de-camp to the commandant of the Marine Corps in Jan
uary of this year.
Discussion Set
Dr. John Q. Andei’son of the
English Department will discuss
the writing of his book, “Broken-
burn,” at 7:30 p.m. Thui’sday in
room 306 of the Academic Build
ing. The meeting will be spon-
soi*ed by the poetry gz-oup, being
taught by Chaides Hurley and Bar
ry Targan of the department. In
terested persons are invited.
Fi’iday night, a double feature,
“Cheaper by the Dozen” and
“Treasure of Sierra Madre” will
be shown in the same room3. Fri-
Weather Today
Partly cloudy, warmer and no
rain is forecasted for College Sta
tion today. Yestei’day’s high of
44 degrees dropped to 41 degrees
last night. Temperature at 10:30
this moz-ning was 47 degrees.
day afternoon all Latin American
students are invited to join the
combo in the main lounge for an
hour of Latin American music.
The Dance Group is sponsoring
a special dance Friday night for
all students who do not attend the
Combat Ball. Admission is $1
per person. The Capers Combo
will provide music. A floor show
featuring 28 girls from the Uni
versity of Texas doing Latin Amer
ican dances will be presented.
Charles Burleson of Huntsville
has' been invited to play Latin
American music on the oi’gan in
the main lounge after the Coi’ps
Review Saturday.
All MSC employees will be wear
ing Latin American costumes and
their offices will be decorated along
this line through Satui’day. The
Browsing Libi'ary will feature a
collection of Latin American books
and magazines.
A Latin American ai't collection
will be on display for the i-emain-
der of the week. The exhibit is
sponsoi’ed by the Art Group, head
ed by Paul Ross and Mrs. Emalita
Engineering Dean
Elected Chairman
Dr. John C. Calhoun Jr., dean
of Engineering, has been elected
chairman of the Mineral Indus
tries Education Division of the
American Institute of Mining and
Metallurgical Engineers.
At the annual meeting in New
York, Dr. Calhoun was in charge
of the program for the division,
which include a discussion of the
report on evaluation of engineer
ing educatiozz, put out by the Amer
ican Soicety for Engineering Edu-
cation and a discussion of the
training engineers for manage
The American Institute of Min
ing and Metallurgical Engineers
is one of the Engineering Found
ing Societies which encompasses
peti’oleum and geological engineers
as well as mining engineers, me
tallurgists, geophysicists and allied
technical engineers. The educa
tional arm of the Institute is the
Mineral Industries Education Di
vision which acts as a forum and
clearing house for all educational
.matters of the Institute.
Morgan Receives
Institute Invite
Pi'esident and Mrs. David H.
Morgan have been invited to attend
the 1956 Presidents’ Institute,
which will be held June 19-27 in
Boston, Mass.
The Institute was offered last
year for the first time, conducted
by the Institute for College arid
University Administrators under
the direction of Robert W. Merry
of the Harvard Business School.
Sponsoring agency is the Asso
ciation of American Colleges.
will be luncheon guests of Larry
Kennedy, colonel of the Corps, be
fore the review.
Kennedy will escort Gen. Pate
and other guests to the campus
frozn Washington, D. C., Friday.
They will be met at Easterwood
Airport by an honor guard com
prised of Ross Volunteers and
commanded by Ernest F. Biehun-
ko, R. V. commander. A second
R. V. honor guard will meet Gen.
Pate’s party at the entrance of the
Memorial Student Center. Frank
Westmoreland, R. V. executive of
ficer will command the second hon
or guard.
Gen. Pate has been awarded the
Legion of Merit, a Gold Star in
lieu of a second Legion of Merit,
the Distinguished Service Medal,
and the Order of Military Merit
Taiguk from the Republic of Ko
Other generals to be on the
campus include Maj. Gen. Caid L.
Phinney, commanding general, 36th
Division, Texas National Guard;
Maj. Gen. William N. Gillmore,
acting commanding general III
Corps, Foi’t Hood; Maj. Gen. Al-
bei’t S. Johnson, commanding gen
eral, 49th Armored Division, Na
tional Guard, Dallas; Brig. Gen.
Robert M. Ives, commanding gen
eral, 36th Infantr-y Division, Texas
National Guard, Houston; Brig.
Gen. George Smith, Military Af
fair's Committee, Houston; and
Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckels,
commander 33rd Air Division (De
fense), Tinker Air Force Base,
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Maj. Gen. Gillmore has a wide
reputation as a combat leader, dip
lomat and athlete. He was grad
uated from the United States Mil
itary Academy in 1925 and com
missioned a second lieutenant in
the field ai'tillery. He was then
assigned assistant football coach
at the academy.
After various tours of duty as a
battery officer and football coach,
Gen. Gillmore attended sevei’al ser
vice schools, served as an instruc
tor at the Field Ai'tillery School,
Fort Sill, Okla., and then served a
tour of duty in the Philippine Is
lands. He entered WW II on the
Anzio beachhead in Italy in May,
In August, 1953, he was named
chief of the military mission to
Thailand, returning to the United
States in August, 1955 to com
mand the Fourth Armored Divis
ion, Fort Hood.
This series will be continued
in tomorrow’s Battalion.
. 4 W i
MONICA LEWIS, Singer for Military Ball