Battalion Number 100: Volume 55 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1956 Price 5 Cents Church Group Opens Meeting Today at 3 The fourth annual Ecu menical Student Christian Conference will open this afternoon at 3 as approxi mately 400 students and guests, representing some 30 col leges and universities, register at A&M Methodist Church. All college students, ministers, faculty or other persons associated vcith college student groups are in vited to attend the conference. The opening worship will begin at 7:30 tonight with a choric dram atization entitled “I Believe in God” by an Ecumenical Aggie team, directed by Bill Libby. Dr. Elton Trueblood, professor of philosophy and noted author- lecturer from Earlham College, Ind., will be the principal speaker. He will speak at 8 tonight on “The Present Status of the Chris tian Cause;” 10 a.m. Saturday, “Movement in Depth;” 2 p.m. “A Personal Discipline;” 8 p.m. “The Formation of a Task Force;” and Tl a.m. Sunday “The Meaning of a Commitment.” Dr. Noel Keith, head, Depart ment of Religion, Texas Christian University, will lead Bible discus sions. Meetings wil be held in the Wes ley Foundation and the A&M Meth odist church. The conference will adjourn Sunday, following the noon meal. Second Annual Civilian Tomorrow In Sbisa Day Hall SERGEANT MAJOR— Jack Lunsford, right, junior chemi cal engineering major from Houston, has been named Corps sergeant major, effective today. He was chosen from a group of six juniors interviewed by the School of Military Science. Col. Joe E. Davis, Commandant, made the an nouncement. Letting Off Steam Senate, Good or Bad? By RALPH COLE Battalion Managing Editor Texas A&M’s Student Senate has done one thing all year that this writer agrees with. And that was done last night. Byron Parham, Senate president, has appointed a committe to look into and “criticize” efforts of the Senate to live up to its standards of governing the student body. So far this year, the Senate has done exactly nothing in the way of governing the student body. Un less arranging for Kyle Field seat ing could be classed as governing ®f the student body. The Senate could be, and should le, one of the most powerful or ganizations on this campus. As it now stands, nothing is ever ac complished by Senators who meet as two different groups — Corps and Civilians—when any contro versial issue between the two arises. The Senate met for exactly one hour and forty minutes last night. One hour and thirty minutes of this time was spent discussing Kyle Field seating and the price of date tickets, which the Senate has no authority over at all. This year’s seating plan was revised after every home game. Some good points of the Senate Employees Dinner Set For Thursday Rue Pinalle of the Employees Dinner Dance Club will be held ^next Thursday in the ballroom of the Memorial Student Center. It will be a costume affair carrying the theme “Moulin Rouge.” The dinner will start at 7 p.m. and tickets are $1.50 per person. They may be purchased at the main desk of the MSC before noon Wednesday. There are only 300 tickets available for the dance. Music will be provided by Bill Tm’ner’s Aggieland Orchestra. All part time employees and graduate students are invited. Weather Today CLOUDY Scattered clouds and windy is the forecast for College Station. Yesterdays high was 62 degrees * and low was 29 degrees yesterday morning. Temperature at 10:30 this morning was 61 degrees. include backing of the local tuber culosis drive, campus beautifica tion, naming of Aggie Sweetheart escort for the Cotton Bowl game on Jan. 1 and election of new of ficers each year. Other things, such as who will keep Reveille and Kyle Field seat ing arrangements are foolish and a waste of time for a student gov erning body. The Senate could, but avoided it in their meeting last night, discuss resolutions concerning segrega tion, as outlined at the recent Tex as Intercollegiate Students Asso ciation conference at the Abilene Christian College. They could try for something besides, end zone seats .for A&M. students, better living facilities in dormitories, de termine powers and allocate pow ers to other councils over the cam pus. The constitution of the Student Senate states, “The object of the student government will be to act in an executive capacity for the student body, represent the stu dent body both on and off the cam pus and to serve as a liaison or ganization between the faculty. the student body and other col leges in matters relating to stu dent activities. The Senate now has ten stand ing committees. Of these ten, only two are important—the Executive Committee and representatives to the Student Life Committee. If a governing body, represent ing the entire student enrollment of a college can’t act in some ca pacity to help those represented, then what’s the use of having a governing body at all ? Lunsford Takes Over As Corps Sergeant Major Jack Lunsford, junior chemical engineering major from Houston, has been named sergeant major of the Corps of Cadets. Lunsford, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lunsford of Houston, was Corps scholastic sergeant before his appointment, which is effective today. He attended Stephen F. Austin (Houston) High School where he was president of the National Hon or Society. Activities at A&M in clude, member of Aloha Club, vice- chairman of the Student Confer ence on National Affairs held here last December, temporary chair man of the Executive Committee of next year’s SCONA, A&M dele gate to West Point’s Student Con ference on United States Affairs, member of Tau Beta Pi, recorder for Senior Court and a member of the Ross Volunteers, honor mili tary guard. “I am looking forward to a great year,” Lunsford said, “and if everyone works together, we will move forward together.” Lunsford was outstanding sopho more in the First Wing, best drill ed sophomore in squadron 10 and a member of the outfit winner of the Gen. George F. Moore trophy during his sophomore year. He was a member of Phi Eta Sigma during his freshman year and his present over-all ^grade point ratio is 2.81. “We feel he is the man for the job,” Larry Kennedy, Corps com mander said. “He is fully capable of carrying out the duties of ser geant major.” The Corps sergeant major, usu ally, becomes Corps commander during his senior year. He was selected from a group of feix jun iors interviewed by the School of Military Science. Great Issues Has Sunday Lecture The Great Issues Committee will present Dr. Elton True blood in an address Sunday in the ballroom of the Memorial Student Center at 2:30 p.m. He will talk on “A Positive Answer to Communism.” Traeblood has been chief of religious information, U. S. Information Agency, Wash ington, D. C. and director of the Yokefellow Foundation. Announcement Orders Now Taken Thui'sday, March 22, is the last day to order graduation announce ments, according to the Office of Student Activities. Students are reminded that they must pay in full when they place their order. Any number of an nouncements may be ordered, but the personal cards, either engrav ed or printed, may be ordered only in groups of hundreds. Prices of the announcements ai’e: leatherbound, 75 cents each; cardboard, 40 cents each; French fold, 10 cents each. Printed personal cards are $1.50 per hundred and engraved per sonal cards are $2.50 per hundred. Praise, Stern Talk A- Morgan Talks To Corps Texas A&M’s president, David H. Morgan, gave praise and stern talk to the Cadet Corps assembled together in White Coliseum yester day afternoon. “You officers have more than authority—you have responsibili ty,” he told told the 3,040 members of the Corps, “A&M is the largest military college in the country, t “Last year, of the hundreds of colleges and universities in. this country, A&M confen-ed the larg est number of B. S. degrees in ag riculture to men. “We led the nation. Agriculture is important in the future—addi tional responsibilities for us, in cluding the Corps of Cadets. Barbecue Starts at 6, Dance Follows at 8:30 Beards, barbecue and billies (hill-, that is) will be the menu tomorrow evening as the second annual Civilian Student Day program opens to the twang of guitars and the strum ming of banjos. The first course of fun is the barbecue at 6 p. m. in Sbisa Hall. A full house is expected to enjoy the food which is being prepared by the college dining hall. No barbecue tickets will be sold at the door. During this part of the evening’s entertainment, the eaters will chew their food in tune with a whole array of "♦■western singers and instru mentalists. Carlton Norris and John Jay Crawford will pick the electric guitar, Frank and Jeannette Amarello of Dallas will dance, John Montgomery from Paint Creek will give with the songs, the Aggie Ramblers will play and Cowboy Lloyd Weaver from station KCUL in Fort Worth will provide more guitar music. United Artists' stars, John Foibes and Elaine Walker will not be able to make the program, having got ten an urgent call to go to Holly wood, according to Hugh Lanktree. AND COLLEGE STATION’S own Manning Smith will be master of Ceremonies for the proceedings. For those who can still move after the meal, the big dance, “Western Shindig,” will be held at 8:30 in Sbisa, featuring Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys in the big room, with Dallas’ Buster Satan and his Rhythm ’n Blues rocking and rolling in the mess-hall ban quet room for “Nightclub ’56.” Intermission will be at 10, but the fun goes on as the two-month- old beards of the students pass un der the critical eyes of six judges. The judges are Charlene Seth, Ag gie Sweetheart; Bill Lawrence, constable of Snook; Buster Kern, sheriff of Harris County; and “Six- gun” Annie, champion lady truck- driver from Hempstead. Two local men, well known for their ability to judge men, will be asked to come up from the audience to help. The contest is divided into three categories: gambler, prospector and badman. Contestants should reg ister with Bill Lilly at the mess hall door by 9:30 at the dance, and secure an official registration card. No make-up is to be allowed, other than that of clothing which is in keeping with the type of beard grown by the student. Prizes rang ing from a western belt buckle to 10 free gallons of gasoline will be awarded to the first and second- place winners. Tickets for the dance for stu dents are $2, stag or drag. For visitors the tickets are $3. Tickets may be purchased from members of the Civilian Student Council, dormitory floor and ramp repre sentatives, row representatives in College View, at the Office of Stu dent Activities in Goodwin Hall, and at the door tomorrow night. Ray Carroll, senior veterinary medicine major from Italy, Texas, is chairman for the program. John Jones, a senior accounting major from Dallas, is president of the Civilian Council, which sponsors the event. Prize Division For Winners Announced The following is the “Divis ion of the spoils” for winners and second places in the three- category beard - growing con test of the Civilian Student Day program tomorrow. GAMBLER First place: 8x10 black and white framed portrait; $15 dollars worth of merchandise; Aggie belt buckle; Texan Special sirloin steak, free shave and haircut. Second place: Western belt buckle; cuff links, $2.50 down on n pair of dress trousers. BAD MAN First place: 8x10 black and white framed portrait; gold belt buckle; 10 gallons of Ethyl gasoline; Texan Special sirloin steak; free shave and hair cut. Second place: Western belt buckle, made to order; $2.70 worth of cleaning; T-bone steak. PROSPECTOR First Place: 8x10 black and white framed portrait; Levi western out fit (A. M. Waldrop & Co.); $36 worth of savings on records; Tex an Special sirloin steak; free shave and haircut. Second place: cuff links and tie clasp; $5 reduction on dress pants; smoking pipe. The beards will be judged during intermission at the dance tomor row night in Sbisa Hall. EDUCATION COMMISSION—Pictured above is the education Commission of A&M Con solidated Schools. The Committee met yesterday afternoon to hear reports on improve ments for the school system. From left to right on the near side, they are Mrs. D. F. Weeks, Mrs. Melvin Eisner, W. A. Tarrow, Charles Workman, Dr. Charles LaMotte, W. T. Riedel, Mrs. T. S. Burkhalter, Dr. Melvin Brooks, J. J. Skrivanek, E. D. McMurray, Mrs. H. S. Creswell, Mrs. Stewart Brown, Mrs. R. M. Holcomb and Dr. Les Richardson, stand ing. A story will be carried in next Tuesday’s Battalion. “A&M last year was the sixth ranking land-grant institution in the number of bachelors conferred in engineering. “These distinctions place greater responsibility on us, including the Corps of Cadets. “Visitors to Russia report back that education is spelled there with all caps. “Are the people in this country —in Texas—as conscious of the need for education as are the Rus sians ? “I am not talking of going to college or university—but of edu cation. Dr. Morgan gave figures on the performance of sophomores on pre liminary report for the fall semes ter of 1955. In the upper 25 per cent of the sophomore class, 83.3 per cent of civilian students passed their work while only 63.9 per cent of Corps students passed. In the second 25 per cent of the class, 72 per cent of civilian students passed while only 60 per cent of Corps students passed. “A&M prides itself on being one fraternity. What have you done to your brothers?” Dr. Moi’gan said. “You should have helped them, but you not only let them sink—you may have helped them go under. Three hundred and forty-eight sophomore cadets failed to make their grades, 87 of them in the top 25 percent of their class. If they fail this semestei’, they will not be back next year,” he added. “Compulsory ROTC should not be necessai-y. “Membership in the corps should be a privilege sought by all—a con tinuous privilege to be earned each semester. (See SPEECH, Page 2) Two Scholarships For Ag Journalism The Journalism Department will offer two $500 agricultural jour nalism scholarships for the next academic year. The awards are to be paid for by the Clayton Fund, established by W. L. Clayton, former chairman of the Board of Anderson, Clayton and Co. Candidates for the award must have completed at least two years of college work. The schol arship may be given to assist a student in either undergraduate or graduate work, said Donald D. Bur- chard, Journalism Department head. Applications for the Clayton Award scholarships must be filed with the Journalism Department by April 5. Forms may be secured by writing to the department. ‘Basis of selection will be scho lastic record of the candidates, sin cerity of purpose, outstanding po tentialities in the field of agricul tural journalism, and financial need,” Burchard said. Carroll said, “We’ve spent about $2,100 to make this a fabulous event. We hope the students will appreciate these efforts and sup port this second annual Civilian Student Day.” W. D. (Pete) Hardesty of the Student Activities Department, who has been working closely with the CSC on the program—and who, in the words of Council President Jones, “has done a fine job”—is very pleased with the results of the planning for the activities. Batt Safe-Driving Issue Wins Third The Battalion has been noti fied that its entry in the 1955 Lumbermans College News paper Safe Driving Contest has won third prize. The is sue was put out in December. The third prize award is for $100. Singing Cadets To Give Concert The Singing Cadets, 55 strong, under the direction of Bill Turner, will give programs in Dallas, Mount Pleasant and Tyler, this weekend. They gave a program at the North Dallas high school auditor ium, Thursday; Mount Pleasant High School auditorium, today; Tyler City Auditorium, Saturday and at the Tyler Marvin Methodist church, Sunday. The Singing Cadets are being presented by the A&M Mothers clubs of those cities. School Conference To Start Monday A conference for Texas public school administrators on problems involved in organization and ad ministration of guidance services in smaller schools will be held here Monday and Tuesday. About 80 public school admin istrators are expected to attend the conference which will be held in the MSC. Dr. W. P. Ewens of the Educa tion and Psychology Department at A&M will serve as general di rector of the conference.