THE BATTALION Wednesday, March 7, 1956 Undefeated This Year Swimmers Rest; SWC Meet Next A&M’s unbeaten swimmers rest on their laurels this weekend in preparation for the all-important Southwest Con ference meet in Austin March 15-17. Coach Art Adamson’s speedy splashers raced past the hapless Rice Owls to the tune of 61-23 last Saturday in Hous ton to capture their ninth straight meet of the season. The Aggies took nine of 10* firsts against the Owls, losing only the 200-yard individual medley relay to the Houston school. The Aggie Fish swept to a 52-21 victory over the Owlets, winning seven of the nine events. Peru’s Jose Merino drove to three firsts, capturing the 100, 200 and 440-yard freestyle races to pace the Aggie win. Dick Hunkier won the 50-yard freestyle with Joe Middleton plac ing third while Rip Woodard swam second to Merino in the 220, Jerry Mount came in behind him in the 100 and LeRoy Fletcher was third in the 440. Bob Martin and William Card placed one-two in three-meter div ing as did Charles Cook and Roland Baird in the 200-yard backstroke. Charles Price took second in the 200 individual medley and finished second behind John Barlow in the 200-yard breaststroke for the Ag gies. A&M raced to a victory in the 400-yard freestyle relay wth Cook, Baird, Middleton and Hunkier swimming. Thurman Pever paced the Aggie Fish in their one-sided win, racing to firsts in the 200-yard freestyle and the 150-yard individual med ley. The Fish captured both the med ley relay and the freestyle relay, with Charles Hundley, Joe Steen and Teofil Strauss winning their races. Soccer Team Nips UH Cougars 3-2 The Aggies soccer team plays host to Chance Vaught of Dallas Sunday afternoon on the A&M Soccer Field. Last weekend the Aggies nudged the University of Houston, 3-2, at Houston as Carlos Salinas kicked the winning goal in the last 40 sec onds of the game. Salinas had also booted a goal earlier and led the Cadets in scoring for the day. Jacintho Tacovone accounted for A&M’s other score. Other outstand ing players for the Aggies were Chuck Horgan and Nick Hopkins. It was the third straight win this season for the soccer team. HOSTESS RESERVATIONS ECUMENICAL STUDENT CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE I am willing to provide: Mar. 9-11 □ Sleeping quarters Fri. and Sat. with breakfast Sat. and Sun. □ No preference as to race Number of people "Some have entertained Signed angels unawares.” Heb. 13:2 Address Phone City , Battalion Classifieds WANT AD RATES One day per word 1< per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.ra. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Tomato plants, 307 Cherry St., Walter Johnson, VI 6-6653. 97T Th For Rent Office building at North Gate— College Station. 500 square feet of space. Contact W. S. Edmonds. VI 6-7033. 96t3 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tf Apartments for Rent Available April 1, unusual one bedroom furnished apartment in College Hills. $75 per month. Bills paid. Adults only. Phone VI- 6-5031. 98tf Room For Rent Southeast upstairs bedroom, pri vate bath. Meals. Mrs. Maggie Parker. 75tf Tropical Fish Hobbyist: Tropi cal Fish, aquatic plants and sup plies C-15-X College View. Phone VI 6-5683 week days after 5 p.m. 9813 Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Watch, near day student parking lot. Owner may claim at C-16-Z. 98t3 NOr.VEKRIVO AND BCHITECTtrRAI, SUPPUKS • BLUE LINE PRINTS LITE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS [DATES INDUSTRIES •03 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN, TEXAS Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th Call TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Work Wanted Nursing or baby sitting in your home or mine. TA 2-3864. 97t3 Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf Special Notice Four-hour service on cleaning and pressing on request. Aggie Cleaners. North Gate. 93tl8 Persons interested in joining an A&M European Tour should con tact Dr. Breitenkamp, Room 101A Academic Building. 90t23 One - day service on Rubber Stamps. We make them at Marion Mangrum’s Brazos Printing Co. VI 6-5280. 86tf DOGS BOARDED: Clean com fortable quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate to “Aggies”. 49tf •LL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. * A.M. College Station Stated meeting Thursday, March 8th, 7 p.m. Members and visiting brethren cor dially invited. L. S. Paine, W.M. 98t2 N. M. McGinnis, Secy. OFFICIAL NOTICES ug] or telephoned so as to arrive In the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin. VI 6-6415. hours 8-12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publicaiton. — Director of Student Publications. “All students who expect to receive a in June are reminded that orders be taken for graduation announcemnts de wilt be 1 at the Department of Student Activities through March 22nd. 97t8 ALL DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the 1955-56 Student Directory are available !75 cents each) at the Office of Student Publications, 207 Goodwin Hall. 72tf PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 8. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1B41 BRYAN ★ FINE FOOD ★ Z A R A P E Mexican-American 4 blks. E. of Hwy. 6 SOUTH AMERICAN SWIM STARS—Jose Merino, (left) from Lima, Peru, checks his time with Tetsuo Okamoto a native of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A-Engineer Gridders Win By JOE DAN BOYD A-Engineers trounced Sqd. 2, 30-0, yesterday in a furious bid for a slot in upperclassman foot ball finals. Dick Sorrells and John Budwine headed the Engineer’s victory march with three aerial scores and one on the ground. Budwine placed the pigskin beau tifully and glue-fingered Sorrells held on for 25 and 35 yard touch downs. A one-yard jaunt by Bud wine and another short pass ended scoring until the Engineer’s chalk ed up a two-point safety. D-Field’s high-riding gridders will try to stop the Engineer drive in today’s championship tilt. Jim Spencer’s eager artillerymen down ed A-Infantry yesterday, in anoth er upperclassman football feature. Wrestling finals begin tonight at 7:15 in DeWare culminating some 400 preliminary bouts. Fresh men competition will usher in the grappling events with upperclass man action following at 8:00 In the Class A 123-pound division, defending champion A1 Clachar of Milner will meet D-FA’s Jim Ter- Don’t forget. .. • SANDWICH MEATS •COLD BEVERAGES • CRUSHED ICE • ASSORTED NICK-NACKS OPEN 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. U-PAK-M 3800 So. College Gus Ellis, ’37 MoCALL’S Humble Service Station “Where Service , Is First” East Gate VI 6-4922 Hy 6 ry. Terry JTrabal of C-AAA will clash with Sqd. 22’s Don Bur- chard, 130-pound defending tital- list. Dick Cappel, Sqd. 17, Dub Bailey, C-Inf., and Kenneth Jones, D-Inf., are ’other champions from last year who will be grappling for 1956 honors. .^HoOmon Diomonj CuMing Co. K m WERHFAD | OFFICE OPERATION 1 I 40 % I | On Engagement Sets w Hi and Fine Diamond Jewelry ^ ii * . diamond curing-co. .. 3rd Floor Banker’s Mortgage Budding "Next to the Gulf Building" 708. Main Street Houston . $50,000 COLLEGE CONTEST/ The judges’ decisions are in! Here are the 50 students who wrote the best names for Viceroy’s filter ... a filter made from pure cellulose—soft, snow-white, natu ral! . . . and the college organizations named by the lOThunderbird winners to receive RCA VICTOR Big Color TV Sets. Dorothy Wingate Newell, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif. Jim Melton, Stanford University, Los Altos, Calif. Garry C. Noah, Emory Univ., Emory University, Ga. P. Robert Knaff, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Md. Dan Hubert Hinz, Harvard Univ., Cambridge 38, Mass. Alex Levine, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. James A. Vaughan, Akron Univ., Akron 19, Ohio James D. Williams, Oklahoma Univ., Norman, Okla. James L. Ayers, Roanoke College, Salem, Va. Robert S. Syvrud, Washington State College, Pullman, Wash. winners of p 10 R.CA jr * ; Victor ft COLOR I TV SETS I I ■vV»t « \ k. ’ Alumni House, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif. Palo Alto Hospital, Palo Alto, Calif. Emory Medical School Office, Emory Univ., Emory Univ., Ga. The Student Union, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Md. Lowell House, Harvard Univ., Cambridge 38, Mass. Rho Fraternity, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Student Bldg., Akron Univ., Akron 19, Ohio Oliver House Women’s Quads, Oklahoma Univ., Norman, Okla. Smith Hall Girls’ Dorm. Lounge, Roanoke College, Salem, Vf.. Alpha Epsilon Sigma, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn. WINNERS OF 40 , COUJMBfA Mi-Elf” PHONOGRAPHS V k -~ ^ f : ‘ ... in this great contest— congratulations! To all the students who entered—our sincere thanks for your in terest and efforts! The overwhelming response, literally tens of thousands of clever and original names for the exclusive Viceroy filter tip, has proved beyond a doubt that Viceroy is King of the Filter Cigarettes on every college campus in the land. Joy Crump, I Bluff, Ark. • An of Fn Florence State College, Florence, Ala. • Robert T. Tucker, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. • William H. Rai Angeles City College, Los Angeles, Calif. • Gilbert Lasky, U.C.L.A.. Los Angeles 8, Calif, lini, Univ. of California, Oakland 18, Calif. • John Posnakoff, Univ. of California, Oakland, ( _ l/:.. lit..:. o r? • ■ i* «r Randle. A. M. & N. College, Pine ilif. • David Lum. U.C.L.A.. Los Calif. • I). Rhea Johnson. Univ. of California. San larry havvagoe. University ol Cahtornia. San Newark, Del. • Donald L. Chappell, Florida S- 1 ■ '-'ll, I-'ClIWIl iTXIV.Il. Robert M. Jeremiah, Fordham Univ., Baton Ro Lewis & Clark ' Rhode Island School miah, Fordham Univ., Vlt. Vernon, IN. Y. • Johnson C. Greene. High Point College, H ouge 3, La. • Judith Koucky, Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland 6, Ohio • Pete Vernia. College, Portland IS. Ore. • Gerrie T. D’Alio. Pennsylvania State Univ., University I :hool of Design, Providence 6, R. I. • William Everctte Hunt, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashvill ~ —i s , Univ. of Virgin’- * “ " ge. High Point, N. C. • Rodney H. Abshire, 'ernia, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Ohio • R Park.’PaV"’*" Dip S. Chin, I . VTchristy, Jr.. Univ. of Texas, Austin. Texas • Fred L. Garris, Univ. of Virginia. Arlington, Va. • John Vl. Gurley. Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville. Va. • James H. Foster. Virginia .Military Institute. Lexington. Va. • John R. Lee. Univ. of Wisconsin. Madison 3, Wis. • Clarence W. Dekarske. Univ. of Wis., Madison 4, Wis. • Roberta Hugh Lawless. Mary Washington College. Fredericksburg, Va. Only VICEROY gives you that smooth, fresh taste— that Real Tobacco Taste you miss in every other filter brand!... Because VICEROY has twice as many filters as the other two largest-selling filter brands! Vic EROY ...WITH 20,000 FILTERS MADE FROM PURE CELLULOSE-SOFT, SNOWrWHITE, NATURAL! Viceroy \7ilter < \7ip CIGARETTES KING-SIZE