The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 07, 1956, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, March 7, 1956 Rheba Boyles Appointed Extension Specialist Miss Rheba Merle Boyles of Chil- licothe, has been appointed Exten sion clothing- specialist effective Mar. 15, it was announced recently by Director G. G. Gibson. Miss Boyles completed her un dergraduate work at Texas Tech nological College in Lubbock with a major in home economics. She holds a masters degx-ee from Texas State College for Women with a major in clothing and textiles. Oth er post graduate work was done at the University of Syracuse and the University of Wisconsin. After entering the Texas Agri cultural Extension Service in 1937, she served as county home demon stration agent in Grimes and How ard Counties. In 1947 she became ROPED IN BY WASHDAY WOES? LET US SET YOU FREE! Thanks to our quick efficient service, your laundry is done in a jigtime. r l-l 564 Extension clothing specialist for New Mexico, where she seiwed eight years. Last year she accept ed a similar position in Honolulu in the Territory of Hawaii, from which she has just recently re turned. ESC Conference Needs Housing Hostess reservations are still needed for out-of-town guests at tending the Ecumenical Student Christian Conference Mar. 9-11, according to the Rev. Charles Workman, Director for Presbyte rian students. Anyone who has any sleeping quarters available for these stu dents should contact Rev. Work man at VI 6-5631. Sleeping quarters are needed for Friday and Saturday with break fast seiwed Saturday and Sunday, if possible. AERO Wives Elect Pat McKinney Pat McKinney was elected pres ident of the AERO Wives Club Wednesday in their first organ izational meeting for wives of aeronautical engineering majors. Assisting her are Helen White, vice-president; Janice Gordoa, sec retary; Mary Lou Harris, treas urer; Joyce Chevalier, reporter; Pat Burke, representative to coun cil and Nancy Bamhouse, social chairman. Bishop Goddard Speaks Tonight The Rt. Rev. F. Percy Goddard, S.T.D., Suffragan Bishop of Texas, will be the guest preacher at the special Lenten service tonight at 7:15 in the chapel. Bishop Goddard is a graduate of Yale and Berkeley Divinity School. In 1928 he came to Marlin, Tex. as priest in charge of St. John’s Church where he remained until he was elected Suffragan Bishop of Texas. “Roy Henry’s clearing his used car lot all the way from the latest to the oldest models. Here’s a chance for you to pick up a good clean used car, with plenty of miles left in it at a very low cost. Look at this: 1949 FORD TUDOR—excellent condition, paint in perfect condition,. $425 1951 PONTIAC CATALINA—beautiful interior, fully equipped, just like a new one 1953 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN-unbelievably A clean, one car owner, extra low mileage 1950 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN—many _ good miles left in it Roy Henry Pontiac Co. Hearne, Texas $295 Serial Whirl CIVIL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet tonight at 8 at the Bryan Sewing Machine Co. in the Ridgecrest Shopping Center for a demonstration of Necchi sewing machine. ★ CORRECTION: The Chemical Engineering Wives Club will not meet tonight at the Bryan Sewing- Machine Co. Instead it is the Civil Engineering Wives. Our apologies. ★ AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 p.ra. Thursday at the Memorial Student Center. Hos tesses will be Bonnie Douglas and Byrdie Sojourner for beginners; Ann McMinn and Shirley Ham for intermediates; and Pat Henderson and Barbara Cloninger, regulars. Prizes were won last week by Polly Muirhead, first; Jann Hall, second, and Darlene Armstrong, low, in the intermediates. Regu lar division awards went to Kathy Rowin, first; Gwen Collins, second, and Frances Brummerhop, low. ★ ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Wives Club will meet in the ladies lounge of the YMCA at 7:30 p.m. Thurs day for a social. ★ A&M GARDEN CLUB will meet at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the Memor ial Student Center social room. ★ AVMAA, American Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary, will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the social room of the Memorial Stu dent Center. Mrs. Grocie Boyd, district manager for World En cyclopedia, will speak on “How to Judge Encyclopedias”. Mrs. Boyd is from Texas City. Junior Class of AVMAA is in charge of the program. Church Briefs Mid-week Services Plannet A&M Presbyterian Church Youth meeting tonight at 7 will feature a panel discussion entitled “Let’s face it, how Latin Americans view USA . . . good neighbor? big bully? soft touch? imperialistic?” The panel is composed of Konrad Losen, Peru; Fernando Montez, Honduras; Jan de Lassen, Vene zuela and Ruben Rocha, Mexico. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel The Rt. Rev. F. Percy Goddard, S.T.D., Suffragan Bishop of Texas, will be the guest preacher at the special lenten service tonight at 7:15 in the chapel. Preceding the lenten service will be a covered dish supper in the Parish Hall be ginning at 6:15. Christian Science Society Services will be held tonight at 8 at the church. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Lenten worship service tonight at 7:30 will be based on the Fourth Word from the Cross, “My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me.” Bethel Lutheran Church Vesper services will be held to night -at the church at 7:45. Church of the Nazarene Services will be conducted at 7:30 tonight at the church. First Baptist Church Young People’s Auxiliary of the Women’s Missionary Society will be in charge of the prayer meeting- tonight at 7:30. Supper and teach ers’ meeting will begin at 6 and 6:30 respectively. A&M Christian Church Disciples Student Fellowship will meet at 7:15 tonight in the YMCA for bible study. Also any last min ute plans relating to the Emume- nical Conference will be discussed. Church of Christ Mid-week services will be held tonight at 7:15 at the church. College Heights Assembly of God Prayer meeting will begin to night at 7:30 at the church. Wesley Foundation Three Aggies will talk on sum mer service projects tonight at 7:15 at the foundation. Jack Weather ford, Joe Blair, and Paul Mason will relate their caravaning experi ences under the Methodist Youth Caravan program. This is another one of the programs under the World Christian Community Com mittee. Dan Thompson is chair man of the affair. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapa Mass will be said at 5:15 this ernoon in the chapel. Station the Cross and Benediction wil held Friday night. B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundatu Rabbi Yonah Geller of Co: Christi will speak at the Hillel tural meeting tonight at 7:li the YMCA. He will discuss meaning of Passover customs ceremonies and the Jewish con of freedom. Rabbi Geller was the Relig Emphasis Week Jewish represe tive last year and proved a i interesting speaker, according Marvin Noble, Hillel presic Social hour will follow the spe KNOX • WHIRLPOOL • CROSLEY • O’KEEFE & MERRITT “Furniture to suit any taste” COME IN AND LOOK AROUND 26th & Bryan Dial TA 2-3581 Mr. W. B. Kno £ SI, r—jgr- f A&M Goes Western.., with the second annual presentation of . . . CIVILIAN STUDENT DAY FEATURING 3 GIGANTIC EVENT! 1. Barbecue - 6 - 7:30 2. Dance - 8:30 -12 3. Beard Contest with . . . MANNING SMITH As Master of Ceremonies BOB WILLS and His Texas Playboys “The Daddy of Western Swing” with his America’s number one western dance band will storm Sbisa Hall Saturday night to give you the dance thrill of a life time, playing everything from “Steel Guitar Rag” to “San Antonio Rose”. BUSTER SATAN Rhythm & Blues “Night Club ’56” featuring Texas’ top rhythm and blues men will be held in Sbisa Annex for those who pre fer softer tones to the music of the west, or those who want both. Buster Satan is currently featured at the Three by Twelve Club in Dallas. SATURDAY MARCH 10 PRESENTED BY: ADMISSION A&M CIVILIAN STUDENT COUNCIL BARBECUE . .. $1.00 per plate DANCE — Students . . . $2.00 - Visitors.. $3.00 COURTESY OF: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bryan, Texas ■ Member F.D.I.C.