The Battalion Number 98: Volume 55 eart Attack alal To J.W. Barger J. Wheeler Barger, 56, pro fessor of agricultural econom- Jics at A&M, College, died of a fheart attack at his home in jCollege Station about 8 p.m. [last night. He had been with A&M (since 1929. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 Price 5 Cents A native of Liberty, Tenn., Bar- |ger received his college degree from Kansas State College and Stanford University. He was on the staff at Montana State College for six years prior to coming to A&M. He also served for short periods as a visiting professor at Michigan State College and North western University. Barger was an attorney at law and was senior author of the Tex as General Lease Form. For the past 12 years he had been city at torney for College Station. In 1935 he was made head of the Agricultural Economics Depart- bnent in the teaching division and in 194(?'when the research, exten sion an'd teaching work were co ordinated at A&M, Barger contin ued as professor of agricultural economics. Barger served as a member of the Texas Commission on biter- state Cooperation, 1940-41, eco nomics consultant, Good Neighbor Commission, 1943-44. * Survivors include his wife, a son, John, 15 and a sister, Miss Alta Barger of Houston. ^ Funeral services will be held at A&M Methodist Church at 10 a.m. tomorrow under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral H o m e, Inc., of Bryan. President To Speak Dr. David H. Morgan, pres ident of the College, will ad dress the Corps of Cadets to morrow at 5 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseum. SPB Appoints Editors For Aggieland, Batt POINT OF ORDER—Yesterday’s meeting of the A&M Student Publications Board result ed in the election of editors for The Battalion and the Aggieland ’57. The board is, left to right around the table, Charles Roeber, Bennie Zinn, Paul Holladay, Donald Bur- chard, Tom Leland, Chairman Karl Elmquist, Student Publications Director Ross Strader, and Derrell H. Guiles. Absent was the graduate student representative, Wayne Moore. Last In Series Hospitalization Explained (This is the last article written by John W. Hill, Workmen’s Compensation director for the A&M System, explaining the re vision of group hospitalization coverage.) The revised group hospitalization plan for employees of the A&M System, which goes into effect April 1, is designed to give the insured more for their money. The insurance committee reviewed nu merous proposals by insurance car riers before renewing the contract with Pan-American Life Insurance Company. It is their opinion that the premium rates produce the greatest benefits available under the new contract. The new coverage has a slight increase in premiums and a great increase in benefits. For example, the old Plan II provided a $7 room benefit, a $105 hospital special charge and a $225 maximum sur- gival expense at a cost of $19.05 for an employee with two or more dependents. The same coverage, under the new plan is known as Plan I. This will provide a $7 room benefit, $400 hospital special charge (with the $25 deductable) $225 maximum surgical allowance with the addition of a $4 per day in-hospital medical care with a maximum of $200 and a $5,000 dreaded disease benefit at a cost to the employee with two or more dependents of $21.90. Most em ployees who are carrying a dreaded disease policy are paying for this alone more than the $2.85 per quar ter totM increase in the premium. All employees have received a Four-Point Resolution TISA Acts on Segregation The Texas Intercollegiate Stu dents Association has passed a four - point resolution concerning desegregation. The resolution asks that mem ber schools strive toward elimina tion of racial discrimination, un dertake any study or action which can be prudently persued with haste and sincerity of purpose which the compelling nature of this problem demands. To look with disfavor upon any plan of interposition as related to Segregation which would seek to nullify the strides toward racial integregation which have been made by our constitutional courts and to look upon any scheme which would have for its purpose the re placement of public education with private education in an attempt to evade the decisions relating to in- Corps To Start Holding Pass-Rys The Corps of Cadets will begin holding graded pass-by’s tonight and each Wednesday thereafter, according to Ernest (Buddy) Bie- hunko, Corps Operations Officer. Pass-bys were discontinued dur ing winter months because of shorter days but now, with longer days, will be continued until the end of the semester. ■Bfi : . CONFERENCE SPEAKER—Dr. Elton Trueblood, pro fessor of philosophy and noted author-lecturer from Earl- ham College, Ind., will be the principal speaker for the ^fourth annual Ecumencial Christian Conference which starts Friday at the A&M Methodist Church. Dr. True blood also will speak on the Great Issues Series in the Memorial Student Senate at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. His topic • will be “A Positive Answer to Communism.” tegregation as announced by our constitutional courts. Another resolution passed at the convention held last weekend on the Abilene Christian College campus was in relation to the sub ject of freedom of the press. The resolution was passed urging all member schools to write letters to their congressmen and take any other legal steps deemed advisable in furthering freedom of the stu dent press and student govern ment. The A&M Student Senate will discuss these important resolu tions at a meeting Thursday night. A usually reliable source said the Senate would probably discuss the matter but would not take action “to avoid conflicting with any present policy of the Board of Di rectors, concerning segregation.” Officers elected for 1956-57 are Max Sherman, Baylor University, president; Howard Horton, Abilene Christian College, vice-president; Sharlene Williamson, Texas Tech, secretary; Orland Gilbert, McMur- ry College, treasurer; and Fred Long, Southwest Texas State, par liamentarian. Next year’s convention will be held at Lamar Tech, Beaumont. Advanced Contract Tests Thursday All Air Force and civilian stu dents that desire an advanced Army contract must take the RQ 3 test to be given in the Physics Lecture Room at 4 p.m. Thursday afternoon, according to Col Del- mer P. Anderson, PMST. Air Force students interested in applying for an Army contract may take the test provided they are in the fourth semester but not past the sixth semester of AF ROTC. Civilian Students who have completed either MS I and MS II, or AS I and AS II or who have received credit for these courses, are eligible to take this qualifying- examination. letter and a booklet describing the benefits and premiums. It is hoped that a careful study will be made of the revised plans so that each individual may select the plan which best fits his needs. Employees presently enrolled in the old coverage should complete a new application in order to have continuous coverage effective April 1. Those not participating in the old plan will need to complete an application form if they wish to participate. These fonns are to be completed and submitted to your fiscal offices before March 15. Employees not taking advantage of the enrollment at this time are asked to complete the bottom sec tion of the enrollment card, indi cating they waive their opportunity to enroll in the plan. Anyone now on the payi-oll wishing to enroll in the plan after March 15 will be required to furnish satisfactory evi dence of good health, at his own expense. It is doubtful if this hospitaliza tion plan will be open for re-enroll- ment again without evidence of good health. New employees en tering the service of the System have 31 days in which to enroll without evidence of good health. Burt, Bower Will Hold ’56-57 Top Editorships The Student Publications Board yesterday named two editors for the school year 1956-57. Named editor for The Battalion was James M. Bower, senior journalism major from Victoria. Bower will take over as editor of the newspaper in May for the traditional month of breaking - in which has been followed during the year. He will return as editor for the fall and spring semesters next school year. During the summer, David T. McReynolds, junior agri- cultural-journalism major from Palestine, will be editor for The Battalion. McReynolds and Bower both arb news editors on this year’s staff. ^ Don Charles Burt, junior agricultural-economics major from Crandall, was named by the Publications Board as ed itor for the Aggieland ’57. Recommendations for top editorships for the four school magazines, The Commentator, Ag riculturist, Engineer and South western Veterinarian, were delayed until the April meeting of the boai'd. Concurrence of the appro priate school councils is needed for the men to be named, and it has not yet been returned to the Of fice of Student Publications. Members of the A&M Student Publications Board are Karl E. Elmquist, chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn, all faculty members; Derrell H. Guiles, Paul Holladay and Wayne Moore, student members. Ross Strader, director of Student Publications, serves as secretary and ex-officio member, as does Charles Roeber, business manager for the college. Short Course Features Town Meeting A simulated town meeting was one of the features of the 38th Texas Water and Sewage Works Association Short School being held here this week. Dr. Kenneth F. Herrold, profes sor of education, Columbia Uni versity, New York, led the dem onstration meeting which dealt with a community problem of fluoridation of the public water supply. Purpose of the simulated meet ing was to demonstrate utilizing group procedm-es in handling com munity problems. At the public hearing on the issue of fluorida tion of the town’s water supply were representatives of different community groups including the local Medical Society, Small Bus iness Men’s Club, Dental Society, Parent Teachers Association, church representatives and many other community groups. Charles B. Frasher, personnel consultant, American Public Health Association, New York, discussed services of the APHA with re spect to professional examination services. This service can be ap plied to municipal water and sew age works employees and is al ready in use in New Jersey and Oklahoma, Frasher said. Regis tration for the school exceeds 800. BULLETIN Alva Mitchell, 86, retired head of the Engineering Drawing De partment, died at 8:50 this morn ing in a local hospital. Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at A&M Metho dist Church under the direction of Hillier Funeral Home in Bry an. He is survived by three sons, W. C., Bryan; R. H., College Station, and W. H. Mitchell of Houston. Directors Let $1,606,565 In Contracts A total of $1,606,565 in con tracts for new buildings, was let by the A&M System Board of Directors recently. The directors also confirmed a $59,949 construction contract let by the Chancellor since the Board’s last meeting. The contracts cover appropria tions for buildings, improvements and repairs at the colleges and ag ricultural experimental substations in the A&M College system. Appropriations for A&M includ ed $1,174,843 for new bio-chemistry and dairy buildings and equipment, $264,000 for an all-faith chapel and $15,000 for air-conditioning and re modeling the basement 'of the Col lege Administration Building. Arlington State College was giv en an appropriation of $25,000 for building changes and increased maintenance costs. An additional $42,000 was appro priated for construction of a foun dation seed building for the Ag ricultural Experiment Station to be built at College Station, for which $130,000 had previously been appropriated. Tarleton State College Hrew an appropriation of $3,200 from its special fund created by student en dowment for use for student organ ization travel, Religious Emphasis Week expense and scholarships. Prairie View A&M College was appropriated $55,750 for dormitory repairs and landscaping. Civilian Day Saturday Prizes for Beards Listed Prize for winners of the beard growing contest, part of the Civil ian Day program this Saturday, have been announced by Bill Lilly, chairman of the beard-growing contest. The prizes, and donors, will be listed following this statement by Lilly, which he intended should be directed to all students entering one of the three classes—gambler, prospector and badman: “All con testants should register at the en trance of Sbisa Mess Hall, whether at the barbecue or the dance. Offi cial registration cards, which will carry the class to be entered, will be issued. All contestants are to dress to fit the character they wish to portray with their beard. No makeup will be allowed, other than the clothing.” Prizes and donors are: Western belt buckle, College Sta tion Shoe Repair; pipe, Aggieland Pharmacy; free shave and hair cut, Aggieland barber shop; 8x10 Sore Arms Order Of Day For Juniors Sore arms are the highlight of the week as juniors take shots in preparation for summer camp. All Army ROTC cadets who will attend an ROTC Summer Camp this year will take their complete immunization prior to attending the camp. The senes will last over a period of four weeks. The shots started yesterday and end March 27. Required* serums include tetanus and typhoid shots and a small pox vaccination. framed black and white portrait, interest shown in the Civilian Stu- A&M Photo Shop; cuff links, C. W. dent Day. Bonner and Sons, Jewelers; Aggie The barbecue is at 6 p.m. in belt buckle, McCarty Jewelers; $15 Sbisa, and the dance at 8:30 there, in merchandise (western shirt, Lee Beards will be judged at 10 p.m. Rider pants, washable dress pants at the dance, and others), Loupot’s Trading Post; gold western belt buckle; Dobyne Jewelers; $5 certificate on dress pants, Zubik Tailors; Cuff link and tie clasp, MSC gift shop; western belt made to order, Holick’s Boot Shop; T-Bone steak, A&M Grill; three sirloin steaks, Texan Drive-In; 10 gallons of Ethyl gasoline, Triangle Service Station. Other prizes will be announced in a later issue of The Battalion. In Friday’s paper, the division of the spoils among the winners of the three classes also will be an nounced. Jack Quinn, ticket sales chair man, said that barbecue tickets which have not been sold will be available Thursday morning at the Office of Student Activities, for those still wanting to purchase them. The number is limited. Ray Carroll, general chairman, said he is extremely pleased by the Schedule For Sophs Announced The Aggieland Studio has announced the following sched ule for Corps sophomore pic tures: March 12-13—Maroon, White Band; A, B, C, D Infantry; A and B Armor. March 15-16—C Armor, A, B, Engineers; A Transporta tion; A Ordnance; A, B, C, D Field Artillery. March 19-20—A, B, C Anti aircraft Artillery; A Signal; A Quartermaster Corps; A Chem ical; E Infantry; A, B Com posite; A, B Athletics. March 22-23—Squadixms 1- 13. March 26-27—Squadrons 14- 25. Weather Today COLDER Partly cloudy with dust in the air and winds from north-north west up to 35 m.p.h. are forecasted for College Station. Low tonight is expected to be around 33 de grees. Yesterday’s high of 79 de grees dropped to 64 degrees last night. Temperature at 10:30 this morning was 48 degrees. FEARLESS HUGH—Hugh Lanktree, entertainment chair man for the Civilian Weekend activities, poses for a pic ture of what may turn out to be the winnah! Civilian beards will be judged during intermission at the Civilian Dance set for Saturday night in Sbisa Hall. John Forbes and Elaine Walker, stars of the movie “Hell on Horse back,” will help judge beards.