The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 06, 1956, Image 3
Tuesday, March 6, 1956 THE BATTALION Squadron 10 Cagers Win Freshman Title By JOE DAN BOYD John Crews dunked six points as Sqd. 10’s defense-minded quintet wrestled the freshman basketball championship from Sqd. 16, 18-17 in Friday’s intramural action. Both teams played outstanding ball and Sqd. 16’s Herbert Taylor paced the runners-up with three baskets and three free throws. Duncan Wat- wood was the defensive stalwart for Sqd. 16, while Don Soland starred as the champion’s right guard. Chuck Brown and A1 Wil liams contributed much to the fast- moving Sqd. 10 offense. Jim Willborn crossed the double stripe for Sqd. 2 in upperclassman football, deadlocking a quarter final tilt with defending champion D-Infantry. D-Infantry’s Ken Kuy kendall made the score even, but a costly penetration handed the de cision and a semi-final berth to powerful Sqd. 2. Don Hicks, Tom Norton, and Steve Long were other outstanding gridders for the vic tors. Besides Kuykendall the In fantrymen boasted fine action from Bill Owens and Don Butter. A-Engineers will clash with Sqd. 2 today after decisioning a stubborn Sqd. 15 via the penetra tion route yesterday. Dick Sor rells was the Engineer’s star, play ing quarterback and halfback with equal ability. Arvill Newby, J. D. Gray, and Bob Yates looked good in the Sqd. 15 line-up, but the game airmen never crossed the Engineer 20-yard stripe. Sqd. 9 defeated Maroon Band, 2-1, ushering freshman volleyball into the 1956 Intramural schedule. Sal Esparza, Vic Lucas, Bob Busby, Roy Anderson, and Leo Ygnacio made the points for Sqd. 9. Maroon Band scorers were George Calhoun, Joe Guinn, Nolan Gamble and Wil liam Smith. Sqd. 12 downed Sqd. 1 in another volleyball match, 2-1. Noi*man Smith, Ken Sutton, Jerry Powledge, Max Cornelios and Keith Cecil composed the winning lineup. In other volleyball games, B-FA beat Sqd. 2, 2-1, Sqd. 10 defeated A-Infantry. In civilian horseshoes Walton defeated Milner and Mitch ell tied College View B. The Sowings Bond that went through matic washer does a pretty thorough job on a Savings Bond. But it takes more than damp ness, decolorants, or detergents to destroy its value as this story illustrates. The above photograph shows what happened when a U. S. Savings Bond, left by mistake in a man’s shirt pocket, went through the family washing machine. It looked like a real blue Monday for that Bond-owning family —until they told their story to the U. S. Treasury. The Government replaced the Bond. The familyj realizing more than ever the value and safety of Bond ownership, stepped up their Bond buying program. And they all lived happily ever after. This true story illustrates why Bonds are said to be “Safer than Cash.” Each year the Treas ury replaces thousands of Bonds lost either through carelessness or through the whims of nature. Every major flood, tornado, explosion or fire brings a wave of applications for Bond replacement. So here’s something to remember. Any of your Savings Bonds that are lost, stolen or destroyed will be replaced by the United States Treasury without charge. U. S. Savings Bonds are not only safer than cash but one of the best investments you can make. You can be sure of the principal, sure of the returns (an average 3% interest when held to maturity) — and sure of the future when you invest regularly in Savings Bonds. So start investing in Savings Bonds today— either on the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or at your bank. That’s the safe and sure way to dean up. FOR THE BIG THINGS IN YOUR LIFE —BE READY WITH U. S. SAVINGS BONDS The U. S. Government does not pay for this advertising. The Treasury Department thanks, for their patriotic donation, the Advertising Council and The Battalion @ 1 * Page 3 WINTON THOMAS, Aggie pole-vaulter, sails over the 13- foot mark during last Saturday’s triangular track meet between Texas, Houston and A&M on Kyle Field. Thomas tied for first place with James Clark, also of A&M, at 13-6. Aggie Vets Win 25-0 Intrasquad Game Muddles Saturday night’s annual Maroon- White intrasquad clash on Kyle Field proved one thing at least— A&M’s quarterback situation is just as perplexing as ever. “We had no explosive speed, in the backfield or the line. We just weren’t coming off the line fast enough,” Coach Paul Bryant said, after watching his veteran Maroons blank the Whites 25-0. QB Job with 46 yards in 16 tries and in ad dition passed for 61 yards. Wright scored the first Maroon touchdown in the second period on a one-yard plunge. Osborne made the second Maroon score in the third period and Pardee the third on a 3-yard blast minutes later. Crow’s 22-yard jaunt capped the night’s scoring. A&M Baseballers Ride Long Undefeated Skein Coach Beau Bell’s baseballers go after their 12th straight regular season victory tomorrow afternoon at 3 on Kyle Field, taking on the tough Sam Houston State Bearkats for the second time this season. The Cadets have now won 11 straight regularly scheduled games dating back to last year’s mid-sea son loss to Baylor at Waco. So far this season the Aggies have stop ped two opponents, Sam Houston and the University of Houston. After opening the season with a 6-3 win over the Bearkats at Huntsville behind the stylish twirl ing of veterans Dick Munday and Doug Mullins, the Aggie nine post ed ja thrilling 7-6 victory over Houston Saturday before an over flow Sports Day crowd. Coach Bell will probably start Munday against Sam Houston again, having in relief Mullins, Lynn Monical, Elo Zatopek, Toby Newton and Paul Lang. Munday went seven innings against the Kats in Huntsville, giving up three runs and seven hits, all scattered. Mullins, stocky righthander and letterman, turned in a sterling re lief job against the Bearkats, fac ing only seven batters in two in nings and fanning four. Another reliefer, Paul Lang, a junior col lege transfer from Arlington State, succeeded starter Wendell Baker and Toby Newton Saturday and took credit for the win. All-conference centerfielder John Stockton smashed one of Billy Led better’s offerings over the left-cen ter field wall in the last of the 10th to break up a 6-6 tie and beat Houston Saturday. The pitch came on a 3-2 count with two outs. Righthander Baker started for A&M against the Cougars, and gave up only one run before retir ing after the fifth inning. Second sacker Dick Blecknei’, socked two singles in four trips to the plate to lead the Cadet batsmen Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Tennis Shoes R A C K ET RESTRINGING STUDENT CO-OP against Houston. Dick batted .409 in seve'h SWC games last season before being injured. Left fielder Phil Newport made three nans against the Cougai’s to lead the Aggies in that department. OPEN FOR ALL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL TA 2-5089 “The Oaks” — TA 3-4375 BRYAN Four of Bryant’s split-T opera tors, Don Watson, Jimmy Wright and Roddy Osborne of the Maroon team and Luther Hall of the Whites, showed leadership at times with Watson having the better re cord for the night. Watson was the game’s top ground gainer with 94 yards picked GAME AT A GEANCE Maroons Whiles 19.. . . First Downs . ,. 7 341.. .. Yards Rushing ........ 110 29.. ..Yards Passing 67 370.. . . Total Yardage 177 13.. ..Passes Attempted 8 2. ,. .Passes Completed 4 2... . Fumbles 5 O... . Passes Intercepted 2 15.. .. Penalties 35 up on only six carries. Next in line was fullback Pardee, who had a brilliant night, as he smashed his way for 93 yards. Halfback John Crow amassed 62 yards on six spurts and scored the last Maroon TD in the final minute of play. Luther Hall led his White team Ag Fencing Team Downs UH, Texas A&M’s fencing team swept past the Universities of Houston and Texas last weekend in meets held here in the MSC. The Cadets trounced the team from Houston, 20-7, Saturday and turned back a Longhorn aggregation, 15-12, Sun day. An Amateur Fencers League of America match highlighted Satur day’s action and saw the Aggies completely dominate the prep epee division of the meet. Gus Baker of A&M was the top fencer in the epee class with a peiTect 5-0 mark. A&M’s John Quigley was second, while Cecil Hill and Arlon Scott placed fourth and sixth respectively in the epee. In the prep sabre division A&M’s only place in the top five went to Len Layne, a freshman who has been consistently good this year. That “new suit” I “bought” for Dad is really an old one I had rejuvenated at . . . CAMPUS CLEANERS What’s doing at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft R. P. I. Dedicates mmm Graduate Study Center Near Main Plant Engineers participating in graduate study program comple ment their classroom training with laboratory experience gained through their daily employment. 'Engineers from Pratt & Whitney Aircraft waiting for classes to begin at R.P.I.’s new graduate study center. Courses, leading to advanced degrees in specialized fields, include Aeronautical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Higher Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Nuclear Technology. t The dedication last month of a full-fledged graduate center near the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft plant, in East Hartford, Connecticut, set a precedent in relationships between industry and education. At a cost of $600,000, P & W A’s parent company purchased and equipped the building that was pre sented outright to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for its Hartford Graduate Center. Moreover, an additional grant by this industry leader to R.P.I. was used to establish a liberal fellowship fund. Since last fall, when classes first began, this tuition-assis tance plan has functioned to assure advanced educa tion for Pratt and Whitney Aircraft’s applied sci entists and engineers. The new graduate study center, 115 miles away from its home campus in upper New York State, is staffed by a resident, full-time faculty. Engineers at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and other companies in the vicinity are able now to continue their educa tion without interrupting their normal employment. Designed to raise the level of knowledge and to broaden the base from which research can be ap proached, this unique new concept of education will lead enrolled engineers to greater achievement in their careers through pursuit of advanced degrees in specialized fields from the nation’s oldest engi neering college. The vast facilities required for practical application of advanced technical knowledge to the R. P. I.’s Hartford Graduate Center, a modern, one-story development of future aircraft engines are boused in P & W A’s Willgoos Laboratory — building in a suburban location, is just a few minutes’ the world’s most complete, privately owned turbine laboratory. drive from the P & W A plant. Student facilities include a large lecture room, a library, classrooms, seminar rooms, •a cafeteria, and parking areas. World’s foremost designer and builder of aircraft engines PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION EAST HARTFORD 8, CONNE C T I CUT