The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 06, 1956, Image 2

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    The Battalion
Page 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1956
Students Can Help
The Arts and Sciences Council has taken a step forward
in helping the committee set up by the A&M Board of Direc
tors to study segregation policy at A&M and other colleges
of the System.
Despite an individual’s opinion of the rightness or wrong
ness of the resolution passed by the Council, the passage of
such an opinion will indicate fit least some of the students’
This expression of opinion, whatsoever it be, would be
a great help, we think, to the Board’s committee. And it
would be a good idea for other groups, the other school coun
cils, various groups, the Student Senate above all, the Civil
ian Student Council, hometown clubs, and others, also to make
known their opinions.
For surely student opinion will be taken in consideration
by the Board’s committee, since it is students who will be
most closely associated with any action taken by the Board.
And, thus, it appears to us that the Board would be very ap
preciative of any help students can provide in studying the
important issue of segregation.
The aims of the Board committee is to study the prob
lem of integration with a view of determining what changes
are justified pursuant to the rulings on this question by the
U.S. Supreme Court and the Texas State Court.
Students, do your duty. This campus is too big for in
dividual conferences by the committee with each student, so
help them out by expressing your opinion through the groups
which represent you.
If in doubt about just what is the System’s policy, pend
ing the findings on the Board’s study on integration, talk to
your dean or head of your department, or to a qualified mem
ber of the staff. The Battalion will be glad to help in any way
possible, in helping to get or providing a speaker.
looking for a Spot
to Begin a Career?
TThe Bell Telephone System offers a wide
variety of opportunities for graduates who
can qualify.
Next Thursday and Friday, March 8 and
9, officials of these five Bell companies will
be at the Placement Office to talk to Texas
A&M men about a career when they
• Western Electric . . . manufacturing
unit of the Bell System. Also develops,
makes, and services electronic products
for the armed forces.
• Southwestern Bell . . . builds, main
tains, and operates the Southwest’s
vast communications system.
• Bell Laboratories . . . largest indus
trial research organization in the world.
Electronics and communications
research is fascinating.
• Sandia Corporation . . . applied
research, development, and design on
ordnance phases of atomic weapons.
• A.T.&.T. Company . . . builds, main
tains, and operates the nation’s inter
state communications system.
ow about dropping by the Placement
Office and arranging to talk to these officials?
Letters To The Editor
CADET SLOUCH by James Earle
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Prof Awarded
For Studies
Dr. John A. Kincannon of
the Department of Agricul
tural Economics and Sociology
has been awarded a scholar
ship for post-doctoral study
in advanced Agricultural Mathe
matics and Econometrics.
Dr. Tyrus R. Timm, head of the
Department of Agricultural Eco-
namics and Sociology, said the
scholarship was awarded by the
National Social Science Research
The Research Training Institute
will be held on the campus of
North Carolina State College June
11-20. Emphasis will be placed on
t4 Lucy Gallant”
Charlton Heston
linear equations, estimation and
analysis of production functions,
scientific methods in social re
search, sample survey designs, eco
nometric methods, theory of linear
programming, and statistical the
At present, Dr. Kincannon is
engaged in research in price poli
cies for agricultural commodities,
and is being installed in the depart.-
ment as chief resource person in
agricultural statistics and mathe
matics, Dr. Timm said.
Editor, The Battalion:
In your March 1 editorial, “An
‘A’ for History,” you write that
Hodding Carter, in his Great Issues
speech, said many things “without
expressing an opinion.” I disagree
with you. I feel that you have de
liberately held back his ideas from
publication. If this is not so, then
it is logical to assume that you are
incapable of interpreting daily,
English speech.
That Mr. Carter did not express
an opinion is a gross misrepresen
tation of fact.
Wednesday evening’s speaker be
gan by giving us a revue (review?
—Webster defines revue as “a form
of burlesque in which recent events
are reviewed by imitation of their
salient features and chief actors,
Ed.) of the history of southern
culture, the contradictions to that
culture, and the contributing fac
tors to those contradictions. This
first part of his speech was intend
ed to bring to the audience a reali
zation of a fundamental fact: the
majority of the white population
of the south has not and does not
want integration.
The second point presented: prior
to the Federal Supreme Court’s de
cision on integration in public
schools, the South, in general, was
slowly achieving better relations
between the races. Mr. Carter’s
third point was that since the Su
preme Court’s order, the South lias
witnessed a very vapid deteriora
tion of racial relations. Through
out his talk, Mr. Carter expressed
his disapprobation of the Supreme
Court’s ruling.
Served with your
f Favorite Beverage
Old Hrdlika Place
On Claypit Road
Mr. Carter is a genuine courag
eous man. He has the audacity to
suggest in this day and age that
the determination of with whom a
person will associate is to be made
by the individual. He has shown
that he feels that it is not right
for the government to render this
decision. Since segregation is more
of a moral issue, Mr. Carter prob
ably feels that it is the duty of
churches, individuals, and other
groups to PERSUADE our fellow
men to practice the Judeo-Christian
concept of the brotherhood of man. 1
The new dot® is made to give
maximum distance for the long-
hitting golfer. And its dura-
thin* cover keeps the dot un
cut, unscuffed and perfectly
round far longer. Priced at $14.75
a dozen, 3 for $3.75.
The popular-priced PAR-flite®
gives an unbeatable combination
of playability and durability. Its
tough, resilient cover makes it an
outstanding long-service ball.
Priced at $11.40 a dozen, 3 for
He would not have the federal gov
ernment dictate this to us.
Mr. Carter has the courage to
believe in the right of the individ
ual to learn to love his fellow man
by his own free will—not to be
forced to pretend to do so, as Karl
Marx and other Neo-Liberals would
have it.
I am very strongly opposed to
segregation. I am, however, aware
that there are those people who do
not share my views, and that their
views have resulted in a way of
(See LETTERS, Page 6)
New tough Spalding top-flite®
has an extra-strong cover that
takes far more punishment than
any ordinary ball . . . yet gives
the maximum in long-distance
performance. Priced at $2475 a
dozen, 3 for $3.75.
Spalding’s economy-priced tru-
flite®, like all other popular
Spalding golf balls, is made with
True-Tension winding for a long
er, more active game, tru-flites
are priced at $9.00 a dozen or
3 for $2.25.
Sold only through golf professionals.
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The Battalion
The Editorial Policy of The Battalion
Represents the Views of the Student Editors
The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in^the Office of Student
Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications
is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College
of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist,
Chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn. Student members
a week during t
are Derrell H. Guiles, Paul Holladay, and W'ayne Moore. Ex-officio members are
and Ross Strader. Secretary. The Battalion is published four times
ng the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation
and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the
regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination
tion periods. The Battalion
on request.
ring the summer terms and during
and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately
preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00
per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished
Entered as second-class
matter at Post Office at
College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1870.
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Ralph Cole Managing Editor
Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor
Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds News Editors
Welton Jones City Editor
Barbara Paige Woman’s Editor
Barry Hart Assistant Sports Editor
Jim Neighbors, John West, Joe Tindel, Leland Boyd Reporters
Maurice Olian CHS Sports Correspondent
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