The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 02, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Number 96: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
Planned Tonight
For Consolidated
A community supper in the Con
solidated Schools gymnasium at
; 5:30 tonight, will begin Texas Pub
lic Schools Week (March 5-10) in
“1 the Consolidated Schools, accord-
| ' ing to Dr. Les Richardson, Consol-
|v idated school superintendent.
“After the supper and beginning
'' S at 7:30, the school will hold open
house,” Richardson said. “Each
S parent may accompany his child
i through an abbreviated schedule of
4 the child’s classes. Each class will
. be conducted as an ordinary period,
5 except it will be only ten minutes
| long.”
Open house will be held in the
junior and senior high schools,
j grades five ttn-ough twelve only.
Tickets for the supper, which is
^ sponsored by the Mothers and Dads
[• Club, are 85 cents for adults, and
70 cents for children. They ai-e
being sold by children in grades
| three through eight, and will also
be available at the door, according
; to Mrs. Walter Metzen, general
■ chairman.
“Money earned by the supper
j will be used to provide equipment
i; and services for the school for
| which there is no available tax
I money,” said C. D. Laverty, pub-
! licity chairman for the supper,
i “Several local businessmen are do-
H nating goods and seiwices for the
r supper.”
The first annual Consolidated
| School Science Fair will be pre-
a sented in the school’s science wing
tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
according to K. C. Morgan, Con
solidated science teacher.
“There will be exhibits from such
organizations as the Photography
: Club and the geometry classes, as
\vell as from the biology and chem-
| istry classes,” Morgan said. “Stu-
Cafe Rue Pinalle
.Will Be Tonight
Rue Pinalle will open tonight at
8:30 with an all-girl floor show
.composed of 12 Lamar High School
(Houston) girls. Music for the
dance will be provided by the Ca
per’s Combo.
Tickets for the dance, which
ends at midnight, are 75 cents per
person and may be purchased at
the door or at the bowling alley
In the Memorial Student Center.
Stags may see the floor show
and the remainder of the dance af
ter intermission, according to Miss
Shirley Cannon, Center program
dent’s individual projects will be
judged, and the winners sent to the
district Science Fair in Galveston
March 16.”
There will be no admission
charge for the program.
R. L. Boone’s Consolidated choir
will be featured on radio station
WTAW from 6 to 6:39 Monday
night and Tuesday night at the
same time, the Lincoln School
choir will pi'esent a pi-ogram over
Mrs. Eugene Rush’s public
speaking class will present a pro
gram for the College Station Ki-
wanis club at their weekly noon
meeting in the MSC, to be held
“This year we especially want to
invite all tax-paying citizens who
do not have children in school to
visit in the schools during the
week,” said superintendent Rich
ardson. “The official Public School
Week only lasts from March 5 to
March 10, but we are happy to
have visitors at any time.”
THE OUTLAW—Bob Cline, senior architecture major from
San Benito, and Carl Maynard, senior architecture major
from Nacogdoches, look over the Film Society advertising
of their movie to be shown tonight. The movie will begin
at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center ballroom, and
is titled “The Outlaw” starring Jane Russell.
April 15 Deadline
Tour Europe For Credit
A&M students now have a chance
to tour Europe for college credit,
according to Dr. Edward C. Br.ei-
tenkamp, assistant professor of
Modern Languages.
The tour will take two months
and will include trips to Paris, Lon
don, Versailles, Florence, Rome,
Venice, Geneva and Pompeii.
Dr. Breitenkamp said that if
ten students signed up before the
April 15 deadline, he would ask
the Academic Council to give three
credit hours to those taking the
tour. If less than ten students
make the trip, they can receive
credit through the State Univer
sity of New York.
The two-month tour is not re
stricted to college students; resi
dents of College Station and Bry
an can also join the party.
Included in the 59 days spent in
Europe will be a four-week stay
in Geneva, Switzerland, or in Salz
burg, Austria. French courses will
be taught at the University of
Geneva; courses in German will be
offered at the University of Salz
burg. Those taking the tour will
stay in private homes while at
tending classes and will be able
to practice “at home” what they
learn at school.
“Four weeks of intensive study
in Europe will be equal to a year
of classes here,” Dr. Breitenkamp
The tour will start in Paris July
2, and will travel as far south as
Capri, Italy. July 21 the group
will leave Capri for Geneva, Swit
zerland, where those desiring 1 to
study German will go to Salzburg,
Austria. Students wishing to learn
French will stay in Geneva.
Little League
Will Hold
First Meeting
All persons interested in the
Little League are asked to at
tend a meeting at 7 p.m. March
8 in the Consolidated School
cafeteria. This will be a mass
orientation program.
J. Wayne Stark, president
for the Little League in Col
lege Station, said the foi’mal
meeting will last about an hour
and then will be thrown open
for discussion. Rules of major
and minor leagues of the Little
League will be explained.
Sunday Television Program
Oceanography Has Radar
August 25 the group will reas
semble and go to London, return
ing to the United States August
Some of the high spots of the
trip will be the Arc de Triomphe,
the Bastille, the Champs Elysees,
and the Eiffel Tower in Paris; the
Casino at Monte Carlo; the Colli-
seum and Pantheon in Rome; the
ruins at Pompeii; the Sistine
Chapel and the Vatican in Rome;
and London’s Buckingham Palace,
Windsor Castle and London Bridge.
Total cost for the University
Study Tour, said Dr. Breitenkamp,
is $845 from Paris, the starting
point. Fares to Europe range from
$330 to $560 for boat passage from
New York.
Those wishing to leave from
Houston may fly directly to Eu
rope for $696. All prices are
round trip, and the plane fare
from Houston may be paid in
monthly installments with a ten
per cent down payment.
The tour is directed by the In-
stitue of Academic Travel, Inc.
This will be its eighth year, but
the first year that A&M students
have been able to receive ci-edit
for the trip. Dr. Breitenkamp is
Texas representative for the tour.
Anyone wishing more informa
tion about the tour may write to:
Dr. E. C. Breitenkamp, F.E. Box
237, College Station. Or he may
be seen at his office, room 101-A
in the Academic Building.
More Than 1,200 Seniors
Expected For Activities
Registration begins at 2 this af
ternoon for high school seniors at
tending A&M’s annual High School
Day events. More than 1,200 are
expected to attend.
Program of events for the week
end include an orientation period
in Guion Hall from 8-10 tomorrow
morning. At 10, the group will
split and go on guided tours of the
different departments and schools
of the college. Tours will be guid
ed by student njembers of various
departmental clubs and societies.
Those still undecided on a course
of study will meet briefly with A.
E. Denton, Basic Division counsel
or, and then take the tour of their
choice. R. G. Perryman, assistant
registrar, will be available at the
orientation period to answer ques
tions concerning admission to
A&M. All tours will start from
Guion Hall.
At 12:15, the honored guests will
be fed in either Duncan or Sbisa
Dining Halls, for 75 cents per per
Sports dominate tomorrow after
noon activities with a golf match
taking the leading spot at 1. Chas
ing the little white ball over the
golf course will be Lamar Tech
Joe DeLatte Gives
First Place Talk
O. J. “Joe” DeLatte was chosen
the best speaker for the night at
the first meeting of the A&M
Speechmasters Group Wednesday
night in rooms 2A and 2B of the
Memorial Student Center.
DeLatte spoke of the subject,
“The Pride of the Great John L.
Sullivan” and a sub-title “Loving
People” in a five minute talk.
Other talks given during the
meeting were by Dick Wall, J. T.
Belzner and John Partridge.
Those on the program for the
meeting were Frank Jagger, chair
man; Bill Yates, toastmaster; Don
McGinty, topicmaster; Bob Ring,
general evaluater; Joe Tindel,
grammarian; and Bob Turner, sear-
geant-at-arms. Faculty advisor for
the group is Dr. C. D. Laverty,
English professor.
and A&M. A triangular track
meet between the University of
Houston, University of Texas and
A&M will start at 1:30 and the
Aggie Tennis Team takes on the
UH netters at 2.
A&M baseball prospects can be
viewed in a game between the UH
and A&M, starting at 3. Fol
lowing the baseball game, supper
will be served in either of the two
mess halls for 75 cents per person.
High School Day activities will
end tomorrow night when A&M’s
football team chooses up sides for
its annual inter-squad game on
Kyle Field, starting at 7:30.
Guests are being feted by the
“T” Association.
Freshman Ball
Takes Spotlight
In Sbisa Hall
Freshmen will kick up their
heels tomorrow night as the
annual Freshman Ball takes
the spotlight in Sbisa Hall
from 9-12. Music will be pro
vided by Bill Turner’s Aggieland
Freshman Class Sweetheart will
be chosen during intermission at
the dance from five finalists chos
en last week. The finalists and
their escorts are:
Barbara Moody, from Dallas, es
corted by Bob Williams; Camille
Pratt, Dallas, escorted by Fred
Hunter; Lana Moore, Wichita
Falls, escorted by Marvin Maberry;
Robin McQuarter, Dallas, escorted
by Freddy Schuster; and Barbara
Anne Allen, student at Mary Hard
in Baylor College, Belton, escort
ed by Albert Klopfenstein.
Committees for the Ball are
Program Guests, Charles Robison
and Bill Myers; Dance, Ronald
Stallings; Ticket and Finance, Ben
Trotter and Gary Hipps; Sweet
heart, John Thomas; and Decora
tions, James Fallin and Tommy
Tickets for the event went off
sale yester’day at 5 p.m.
Corps Students
Invited To
Civilian Day
The Civilian Student Coun
cil has issued a special invita
tion to Corps students to at
tend the Civilian Student Day
barbecue and dance March 10.
The council met last night to dis
cuss plans.
Corps students may wear civ
ilian clothes, beginning at 5 p.m.
March 10, to the affair, according
to Lt. Col. Taylor Wilkins, assist
ant commandant.
All students who want to attend
the barbecue have been urged by
Jack Quinn, ticket chairman, to
buy tickets before 10 p.m. Wed
nesday, when sales for the baibe-
cue end. Barbecue tickets are $1.
Tickets for the dance are $2, sin
gle or couple for students and $3
for non-students, single or couple.
Dance tickets go off sale at noon
March 10.
Quinn said that ticket sales are
slow, and urged early buying to
avoid a last-minute rush. He said
he was very pleased with the sales
in College View.
Barbecue ticket salesmen are to
turn in tickets Wednesday morning
between 11 and 12 at 105 Bizzell
Hall. Dance tickets are to be turn
ed in at the Office of Student Ac
tivities between 1 and 2 p.m. March
Ray Carroll, chairman for the
Civilian Day, has asked that all
students able to do so contact him
at once in 47 Milner about serving
as waiters during the barbecue.
About 30 men are needed.
The barbecue will be held in
Sbisa Hall from 6-7:30 p.m. Fol
lowing 1 the barbecue will be two
dances, hillbilly and a combination
popular, and rock-and-roll, and the
judging of beards.
June Graduates
June graduates may now place
their orders for graduation an
nouncements in the Student Activ
ities Office, second floor Goodwin
Hall. Orders must be placed be
fore March 15, according to C. G.
(Spike) White, business manager
of Student Activities.
Dairy, Riocliemistry
New Buildings Underway
Battalion Staff Writer
On May 25, 1955, the lives of
several persons were saved when
a tornado struck the northwest
end of the small town of Black-
well, Oklo. The reason they were
saved was because of a warning
sent by the Texas Tornado Net-
,work radar detection station in
Oklahoma City.
Work of the Texas Tornado Net-
woi'k and other information about
.tornadoes and their detection will
be presented Sunday at 11:30 a.m.
over KGUL-TV in Galveston. The
program is produced each week
under the auspices of the Depart
ment of Oceanography and Mete
orology here. This Week’s program
will be devoted to meteorology and
UN Club Will
Meet Tonight
The United Nations Club will
hold a meeting tonight at 7:30
in the YMCA.
Rev. Lee C. Phillip, Dean of the
Chapel, Prairie View A&M College
will speak of his experiences from
% his visit to Paris, France, to at
tend the World’s Centennial Cele
bration of the YMCA.
e Refreshments will be served fol
lowing the talk.
will be on the use of radar for tor
nado warnings.
Moderator for the show will be
Roy Gaul, graduate student in
oceanography. Stuart Bigler of
the department will be special
guest for the show.
The 30 minute program this week
will include information about the
Texas Tornado Network, the char-
Weather Today
■ Scattered clouds with no drastic
change in temperatures is fore
casted for College Station. Yes-
tei'day’s high was 76 degrees;
low, 63 degrees. Tempei'atui’e at
10:30 this morning was 74 degx-ees.
acter of toimadoes, the life of a
tornado and the use of x’adar for
detecting toimadoes.
The program will give viewers
information on what a tornado
looks like, where and when it is
most likely to occur, and how it
looks on imdar. This includes how
the tornado looks when its origi
nates and how it looks when it
breaks up.
Radar detection of toimadoes be
gan at A&M in the last two years.
Chief among researchers on the
project wei'e Dr. Myron G. H. Lig-
da, head of radar meteorology,
and Archie Kahan, head of the re-
seai’ch foundation. Interest has
grown in the project until now
there ai*e 31 toxmado detection sta 1
tions in the Texas Tornado Net-
work. The network has contact
with stations in Nebraska, Kansas,
Ax-kansas, Oklahoma and parts of
Louisiana as well as in Texas.
Tornadoes are ti’acked by sta
tions in their vicinity and infoi'ma-
tion is given to the area into which
they are moving. Inforcnation is
relayed from one ai’ea to another
so that the tornado may be track
ed as far as it goes.
Radar equipment in each area
has a x'ange of 0-100 miles. A&M’s
equipment is located in the Elec
trical Engineering Building and
sei’ves this ai’ea.
Battalion Staff Writer
Contract for construction of a
$1,079,496 Dairy and Biochemistry
Building was awarded Saturday by
the Board of Directors, calling of
completion in 330 working days.
The building is expected to be
ready for use in September, 1957.
The building, which will house
the Dairy and Biochemistry De
partments, will have three stories
in the main building and will have
a wing housing the A&M creamery,
which is now located across the
railroad tracks west of the campus.
The building is to be located
south of the Animal Pavilion on
the corner of Lamar and Spence
streets. In it will be the class
rooms for dairying, laboratories
for dairy manufacturing, class
rooms and laboratories for bio
chemistry, the A&M creamery, and
an electronic microscope labora
New equipment valued at
$130,936 will be added to the Bio
chemistry department. When this
department moves into the new
quarters it will have advantage of
having classes in one building, in
stead of having classes scattered
widely over the campus, under the
present setup.
HERE SHE IS—Dr. I. W. Rupel, head of the Dairy Hus
bandry Department, takes a look at the new site now being
layed off for the Dairy and Biochemistry Building. The
new building will be located south of the Animal Pavilion
on the corner of Lamar and Spence streets. Contract for
construction was let by the Board of Directors at their
recent meeting, calling for 330 working days. It is ex
pected to be in use by September, 1957.
Butler Will Speak
At Convention
Dr. O. D. Butler, of the Animal
Husbandry Department, will travel
to Dallas March 12, to speak to
the Texas Frozen Food Locker
Convention on “Consumer Prefer
ence for Meat and Trends in Pro
cessing Frozen Retail Cuts.”
He spoke recently to the contes
tants of Dry Lot Steer Feeding
Contest sponsored by the Houston
Packing Co., at an awards dinner
at the Rice Hotel in Houston.
New equipment, which will go to
the Creamery will enable it to han
dle the milk produced by the A&M
College dairy and the experiment
station, that are the suppliers for
the college dining halls and the
Included in the new- creamery
equipment, which will be added to
the usable equipment now in use,
is a research size powdered milk
drier, a vacuum pan for condensing
milk, and two refrigerated storage
vats for handling bulk milk.
The creamery will also have sep
arate facilities for processing milk,
cream, cheese, and ice cream.
M. T. Harrington
Takes World Trip
Chancellor and Mrs. M. T. Har
rington will leave College Station
Sunday on a trip that will take
them around the world. They will
go by plane, leaving San Francisco
March 7, stopping in Honolulu,
Tokyo and Hong Kong enroute to
Dacca, Pakistan.
While in Pakistan, Dr. Harring
ton will consult with A&M system
staff members at the University of
Dacca who are engaged in the co
operative program, sponsored by
the Foreign Operations Adminis
tration of the United States gov-
After leaving Pakistan the Har
ringtons will visit Cairo, Athens,
Rome, Geneva, Frankfort, Copen
hagen, Stockholm, Glasgow 1 , Lon
don and will arrive in New 1 York
City April 15.
They plan to return to College
Station April 17.