The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 01, 1956, Image 2
1) The Battalion THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1956 An ‘A ? for History Hodding- Carter said a lot of things last night—and proved that it could be done without expressing an opinion. We’ll have to take our hats off to Mr. Carter; he is an excellent historian, and knows how to put the historic back grounds of Southern problems into perspective. But he ap parently has decided that to put out the historical facts is as far as he should take things; no opinions can invade the sacred facts. People, even the majority, cannot vote on facts; they can vote only on policy based on facts. On policy Carter is a self-admitted “middle-of-the- roader”—what is described as a “mugwump”: his mug on one side of the fence and his wump on the other. No doubt what the famed editor said last night would be controversial in his home state and city. But we were disappointed, which might prove nothing except that the State of Texas has paid more attention to the problems of segregation than has other parts of the “Deep South.” The best part of his speech was the emphasis on the freedom of both sides to hold and proclaim their beliefs. He said, “The strait-jacket of conformity is a menace to every aspect of American life.” How true, but as was the rest of the speech, how often said before. Of course, we realize and endorse the view that freedom of speech should be brought home to everyone. So no real condemnation on that point. But still we were disappointed, for we had expected more out of a man with the reputation of Hodding Carter. He said nothing, not even his jokes, that was not old news, which makes it strictly history. Independence can be carried to an extreme, as can the middle-of-the-road. It’s better to have an opinion, plus an open mind that can adjust the opinion to fit the facts. So, Mr. Carter; you made an “A” in history, but failed your problems course last night. Well, Mr. Smarty, who knows a good way to clean clothes with gasoline. . . . Maybe next time you’ll send them to — CAMPUS CLEANERS New Guinea matrons along- the Sepik River sometimes use lime and ashes for makeup. s A V E ON ... . ® Washing • Greasing • Service Plus S&H Green Stamps, at L. E. WADE’S Aggie Station North Gate SPECIAL SALE ON GOODYEAR TIRES We Highly Recommend To You SPRED SATIN—100% Latex Paint SPRED SATIN is the most beau tiful, most washable, easiest-to- use paint we’ve ever seen. Do It Yourself and get beautiful results on walls and woodwork. CHAPMAN’S PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. Next to Post Office Mexican Dishes 45c each SPECIALS — Thursday thru Sunday MEXICAN DINNER, ONLY 45c CHAPULTEPEC Enchiladas (3) Beef Tacos (3) Beef Enchiladas . . (3) Tostados (3) Chile Con Questo . (3) Tamales - Chile . . (3) Guacamole - Salad . . . FREE! Crispy Tostaditas with Each Order. Y r our Host, TONY MANRIQUEZ The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist, Chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn. Student members are Derrell H. Guiles. Paul Holladay, and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader. Secretary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during Examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are $3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class 1 matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, , under the Act of Con- , gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor (ft CADET SLOUCH by James Earle WANE A SEE-GkB. SIMP? AT LA'oT W/EVE AR-R-WEDf TM 'TEXAS RAA4GER.’’ WAS GIVE US A WOlPTE-UP? 1KAAG1ME SUC (4 A GREAT MAGAXiklE WAVUT TU’ TikAE TO WRITE-UP OS ROWIN’ A.QG t ES / CHEERS FORTH SIPS. LETS REJOICE/ fr V rt wT' Art Gallery Group Features Art Show Paintings by Mrs. Jessie Petty of. San Antonio and Mrs. Mary Lea of San Angelo are featured in the Memorial Student Center’s Art Gallery Show beginning today and continuing through March 19. There are 30 paintings in all, 16 by Mrs. Petty and 14 by Mrs. Lea. They are of various subjects and several medias were used. Both women are prominent Tex as painters and both served as judges in the Art Gallery Group show held in . the MSC last May. Mrs. Ralph Terry, MSC art in structor, is to have a one-man show of her paintings in Austin March 4-19. The show will open with a tea at 3 p.m. Sunday, March Hurley Wins First : Charles Hurley of the English Department, has been awarded first place in a poetry contest spon sored by the Poetry Society of Tex as, Dallas. Title of his winning poem was “My Dog and I”. 4. It will be held at the Texas Fed eration, of Womens Clubs building. Some 25 paintings with medias of casein, India ink and water color will be shown. THRU SATURDAY “Too Young For Love” Marina Vlady — Also “Green Magic” • v’.'Tbv'/..- V >•: CIRCLE THRU FRIDAY “Girl In The Red Velvet Swing” Joan Collins — Also — “It’s A Woman’s World” Clifton Webb PALACE Bryan Z‘SS79 TODAY thru SATURDAY TV’s “I LOVE LUCY” NOW ON OUR SCREEN! "first big comedy HIT OF 1956! ■.'ferj Lucille BALL-DesiARNAZ Janies MASON in mgm s mmiRMmm IN costarring Color • LOUIS CALHERN h John John Natalie EMERY • HOYT . SCHAFER QUEEN TODAY thru SATURDAY — DOUBLE FEATURE — ^Betrayed Women’ ^ A N D “Devil’s Canyon"" THRU FRIDAY “PETE KELLY’S BLUES” With Jack Webb — Plus — “ISLAND IN THE SKY” With John Wayne flM THEATRE / THRU FRIDAY GLENN FORD, AMERICANO FRANK LOW-CESAR ROMERO % URSiM THIESS-ABDE LANE I .yTECHMICOft-OR/^^*^ Job Interviews The following interviews will be held Friday in the Placement Of fice: The TEXAS ELECTRIC SERV ICE COMPANY will interview electrical, mechanical, and civil en gineering, industrial technology, accounting, and finance majors. CHANCE VOUGHT AIRCRAFT will interview mechanical, aero nautical, architectural, civil and electrical engineering majors for oppoi’tunities in research, design, and development of military air craft and missiles. BOEING AIRPLANE C O M- PANY, Seattle and Wichita Divis ions, will interview aeronatuical, civil, electrical and mechanical en gineering, industrial education, en gineering-business, applied math and physics majors for various op enings. E. I. DUPONT COMPANY will interview chemical, mechanical, electrical and industrial engineer ing, chemistry and physics majors interested in that company. CONVAIR, San Diego, Califor nia will interview aeronautical, civ il, electrical and mechanical engi neering, physics and math majors. The NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUT ICS will interview mechanical, aer onautical, civil and electrical engi neering, physics and math majors for openings at the Ames Aero nautical Lab, High-Speed Flight Station and Langley Aeronautical Lab. COLLINS RADIO COMPANY, Cedar Rapids, Iowa will'interview electrical engineers interested in the position of “Publications En gineer.” Top Entertainers Will Appear Here Student Activities has just sign ed a contract bringing six top en tertainment stars to A&M April 4. The six stars to appear are Nat “King” Cole, June Christy, The Four Freshman, Ted Heath’s Or chestra, Dancer Patty Thomas and Gary Morton, comedian and master of ceremonies for the show. Tickets for the show go on sale March 14. Prices are $2.50, $2 for reserved seats and $1.25 for gener al admission. OPEN FOR ALL BANQUETS, DINNERS RECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL TA 2-5089 “The Oaks” — TA 3-4375 BRYAN NORTH AMERICAN HAS BUILT MORE AIRPLANES THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE WORLD ' * I m - ’ - m y : 11 itl flffi 11 i lllif; iip ■■■ 'll* iiip i i sV 1 HI If! / r %. / engineers, scientists, physicists, mathematicians... CAN YOU THINK BEYOND MACH 2? Designing Airborne Vehicles of the Future travel ling at speeds so great that thin air becomes a blazing, solid the challenge that North. American offers to aeronautical engineers and to specialists in most other sciences. Join North American's engineering operations at Los Angeles. Here’s where the F-100 SUPER SABRE —holder of the world's first supersonic speed record—was designed and built. Share the knowledge and experience that has led to North American’s supersonic supremacy. Be a part of a compact team of top engineers and scientists. Work on the most advanced projects right from the start. Enjoy personal rewards and recognition from challenging assignments. See your Placement Office for an appointment with the North American Representative, or Write: Bill Nance, Dept. 56C0L, Engineering Personnel Office, North American Aviation, Inc., Los Angeles 45, Calif. Engineering Ahead for a Better Tomorrow NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC. LI’L ABNER By A1 Capp /n 4v* ^ fi N-NO MATTER ah turns - TH' FIRE'S RIGHT BEHIND MET/ £ mre®? j Ik if(i[ iW e>uT CajCL —’ P O G O By Walt Kelly I<5 YGJ/, A 6T2ANS52, pon't you necoome J you? i v in mv ca<s sattszp ATJ?U0 CITIZEN WHgN I 20MT SVEN YOJ Onef / Ain't \ MOW J1 Ain't no ‘Stranger 1 \e HOlVLANQh'L It m \)iT ■»'*t liA.. &VME>««TX. Mb I HQWiAH'QWi,?! LAN'KNOW* YCT5- UQLE SNOUSW" /WZ.OWU. YOU CAUSUT YO’^LP A CA-rg OP UGlieS V/WATi£ Pit TO CURDLE \ A WWOI/S Ug2P OP CATTt/g. If I A!N'T T WU5N I WA6 A GAL Wg LOOMg, 1LL COMIN'OUTOP A CAlCg - / WAg A H!<5H-TSME 5WRT / g-UT AO MQJZ£‘" unbowep waiver NON m fa © l<)5S WdwrT