The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 29, 1956, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION Wednesday, February 29, 1956 Church Briefs Mid-Week Services Held Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Lenten worship service will be held tonigtit at 7:30 at the church. The sermon will be based on the Third Word from the Cross, “Wo man, Behold Thy Son! Son, Be hold Thy Mother.” B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation A Purim Paidy will be held to night in the YMCA. The dinner, which is sponsored by the A&M Hillel Mothers of Houston, will be gin at 6:45 tonight following the business meeting at 6:15. Wesley Foundation The Rev. Cecil McKee, chaplain at the state prison in Huntsville, will be guest speaker at the Foun dation tonight at 7. The public is invited to hear Rev. McKee tell about his work in the prison, ac cording to Rev. Bob Monk, Foun dation Director. Christian Science Society Services will be held tonight at 8 at the church. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Services will be held tonight at 5:15 ai the chapel. Stations of the Cross and Benediction will be held at 7:15 p.m. Friday. St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel Edward Sterling, III, will be the guest speaker at the special Lenten Kathy Neinast Elected President of Council MEAL TIME—Miss Louise Mason, right, foods and nutri tion specialist with the Extension Service, spoke on “Pre paration of Inexpensive Meals’’ at last night’s meeting of The A&M Dames Club. At left is club president, Mrs. Bev erly Humphries, and by the sign is Mrs. Ovida Capps, secretary. BATTALION CLASSIFIED Kathy Neinast, representing the Aggie Wives Bridge Club, was elected president of the Aggie Wives Council, now in it§ second semester on the campus. Other officers elected were Vei’- a Mounce, geology, vice-presi dent; Patti Me Alexander, electrical engineering-, secretary; Joy Churchill, business administration, treasurer; Nancy McCarty, geol ogy, parliamentarian and Betty Keith, animal husbandry, reporter. WANT AD RATES One day 2^ per word per word each additional day Minimum chartre—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80^ per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Model 12 Winchester shotgun, $70 or will trade for set of golf clubs of equal value. Phone aftei’ 5, VI 6-5164. 93t4 Two bedroom home on lot 75x 173 feet fenced in backyard close to campus» Available June 1. See by appointment only. Phone VI 6-6376. 93t4 MARRIED STUDENTS — 1955 Trailette Mobile Home, air con ditioned, Duothei-m heater, 7-foot ceiling, bedroom, tub and shower, kitchenette, living room . Finance thru C.I.T. Corporation. Payments $48.00 month. Room 20 or 22 Mil ner. • 93t4 For Rent Pets Tropical Fish Hobbyist: Tropi cal Fish, aquatic plants and sup plies C-15-X College View. Phone VI 6-5683 week days after 5 p.m. 9413 Puppies to be given away. VI 6-6765. Phone 94t5 Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Special Notice ROSS I.OPC,lE NO. 1300 A.F. A A.M. College Station Called meeting Thursday, March 1, 6:30 p.m. Work in the M M degree. Mem bers and visiting brethren are gordially invited. L. S. Paine. W.M. 90t2 N. M. McGinnis, Secy. AES Wives Elect Barbara Young Barbara Young was recently elected president of the newly formed Agricultural Economics and Sociology Wives Club. Assisting her are Betty Jen nings, vice-president; Maxine Stansberry, secretary; Karen Ted der, corresponding secretary; Au gusta Sasser, treasurer; Jackie Decker, parliamentarian and Billie Jean McDonald, reporter. The club will meet the first and third Mondays. Members of the council discussed a four point schedule for consider ation of the various clubs repre sented. These four points were 1) baby sitting project; (2) charm course for all Aggie wives; (3) group graduation of PhT degrees; (4) compose list of speakers from the wives clubs. Club representatives will dis cuss the above plan with their re spective clubs, and the matter will then be brought before the council at the next meeting, March 12. The council will meet in the YMCA on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 8 p.m. Last semester the newly formed club, with the help of Bennie Zinn, head of student affairs, composed a list of mai-ried students and their majors as prospective members of the clubs and they sponsored the married student dance, “Autumn Nocturne” that was held in No vember. Service tonight at 7:15. The serv ice will be preceded by a covered dish supper to be held in the Par ish Hall beginning at 6:15. Sterling, a student at the Epis copal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, graduated from A&M in 1942. Bethel Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) “In the Shadows with Jesus by Lamplight” is the sermon topic for Lenten Worship tonight at 7:45. A&M Presbyterian Church “Finding your Life’s Work” is the film that will be shown the Presbyterian Student League to night at 7. Church of the Nazarene Services will be held at 7:30 to night at the church. Church of Christ Mid-week services will be held at 7:15 tonight. A&M Christian Church Disciples Student Fellowship will meet at 7:15 tonight at the YMCA. The group will complete plans for the Brownwood trip this weekend. First Baptist Church Supper and teachei’s meeting will begin at 6 tonight, followed at 7:30 by prayer meeting. Men’s Prayer service will be held at 7:30 a.m. Thursday. College Heights Assembly of God Prayer meeting will be held to night at 7:30. Read Battalion Classifieds Daily OPEN FOE ALL BANQUETS, DINNEES EECEPTIONS, WEDDINGS AND LUNCHEONS MAGGIE PARKER DINING HALL TA 2-5089 “The Oaks” — TA 3-4375 B E Y A N ENROLL NOW Spring Term Opens Monday, March 5th DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL HY-SPEED LONGHAND will be offered for the first time in a special ten-week course at night. This is an ideal system for taking notes in college and for taking light office dictation. Typing will be given with this special course. Phone TA 3-6655 for information or call at 702 South Washington Avenue, Bryan, Texas McKenzie-Baldwin Business College Four-hour service on cleaning and pressing on request. Aggie Cleaners. North Gate. 93tl8 Office building at North Gate— College Station. 500 square feet of space. Contact W. S. Edmonds. VI 6-7003. 94t3 Room For Rent Southeast unstairs bedroom, pri vate bath. Meals. Mrs. Magsrie Parker. 75tf Apartments for Rent Small furnished apartment near campus. Suitable for student and wife. $30.00 per month. Utilities paid. VI 6-4447. 94tf Persons interested in joining an A&M Em’opean Tour should con tact Dr. Breitenkamp, Room 101A Academic Building. 90t23 Four room, tile Call VI 6-5915. bath, garage. 93tf Work Wanted Will baby sit any day or night in my home. North Gate area. VI 6-5238. 94t2 Guaranteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf Help Wanted Beauty operator. Pruitt’s Beau ty Shop. Above average oppoi-tun- ity. VI 6-5212. 91tf One - day service on Rubber Stamps. We make them at Marion Mangrum’s Brazos Printing Co. VI 6-5280. 86tf DOCS BOARDED: Clean com- Fortahle quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate tr “Aggies”. 49tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be broueht, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications <207 Goodwin. VI 6-6415. hours 8-12. 1-5. daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding puhlicaiton. — Director of Student Publications. Col. Adams Speaks Before A&M Clubs Lt. Col. E. V. Adams, A&M band director, has currently been appear ing as guest speaker for several of the A&M former students clubs over the state. At each of his appearances, he has shown motion pictures of the half-time drills performed by this year’s Band. Also shown were films of the Band’s trip to Califor nia earlier this year. Each of the former students clubs in the state contributed to help raise the money required to send the Band to Cali- foi’nia. Lt. Col. Adams is appearing be fore the Coi'pus Christi A&M club today where he will be interviewed on radio and television. In addi tion to his interviews, he will show the Band drill films to the A&M club there. Identification cards which were made in connection with registration of Feb ruary 3, 4, for the curent semester are now ready for distribution in the Regis trar’s Office. College Administration Build ing. They should be claimed in person immediately. H. L. Heaton Registrar 91t6 CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. The deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton Registrar 82tl4 ALB DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the 1955-56 Student Directory are available >75 cents each) at the Office of Studen' Publications, 207 Goodwin Hall. 72tf • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL, SUPPLIES • BI.UE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 803 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRVAN. TEXAS PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Main St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1941 BRYAN ★ FINE FOOD ★ Z A R A P E Mexican-American 4 blks. E. of Hwy. 6 Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST SOSA East 26th )all TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) K & B DRIVING RANGE Will Open March 1st 10 A.M. til? Finfeather Road BRYAN , Used Sewing Machines— $5.95 & up New Sewing Machines— $59.95 & up Used Wringer Type Washing Machines— $10.00 & up Used Automatics— $49.95 & up WE REPAIR & SERVICE ALL MAKES Free Estimate Bryan Sewing Machine Co. Authorized Necchi-Elna Dealers Authorized Maytag Dealer Ph. VI 6-6723 Ridgecrest Addition The water system of the Missis sippi River with its tributaries (and their tributaries) exceeds 12,00 miles. Social Whirl AERO Wives will meet tonight at 8 in room 3C of the Memorial Student Center to form an Aero nautical Engineering Wives Club. All Aero wives are urged to at tend this meeting. l On Engagement Sets ' ftf .’gL ar| d Fine Diamond 'Jc w elry DIAMOND CUTTING CO. • 3rd Floor Banker's Mortgage Building "Next to the Gulf Building" 708 Main Street Houston Knox Furniture Co. — featuring — > WHIRLPOOL ► CROSLEY » O’KEEFE & MERRITT “Furniture to suit any taste” BRYAN Dial TA 2-3581 26th & Bryan Mr. W. B. Knox - COPLEY S/lOO.OO Also $350 to 1803 Wedding Ring $100.00 Perfect diamond quality is determined by excellence in Color, Cut and Clarity* Every Keepsake Engagement Dia mond is permanently regis tered and guaranteed perfect in these “three C’s” of dia mond quality. Rings enlarged to show details Prices include Federal Tax CONVAIR (SAN DIEGO) Representatives will be here March 1 and 2 TO INTERVIEW ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERS ABOUT TO GRADUATE At Convair, in beautiful, smog-free San Diego, California, you will find the diversity of challenging, far-reaching projects that offers you the unlimited career opportunity you seek. This is young country, beautiful, exciting country — the very heart of the busy, vital aircraft and missile industries. And good, young engineers are needed now to grow with new, long-range aircraft and missile programs. You will find the Convair Engineering Department a genuine "engi neer’s” engineering department — imaginative, energetic, explorative. You will discover the very latest engineering equipment, excellent working conditions, salary, personal job advantages, and opportunities for continuing education. Remember these facts about Convair: Convair was awarded the Nation’s first production missile contract and the first production contract for supersonic all-weather interceptors. Convair has the greatest diversity of aircraft engineering projects in the country, including high performance fighters, heavy bombers, large flying boats, transports, trainers, seaplane fighters, vertical take off aircraft and guided missiles. Convair has a completely integrated electronic development pro gram devoted to advanced development and design on missile guid ance, avionic projects, radar systems and special cathode ray tubes. Notv you are invited to get full information about your career at Convair. Talk it over with our Convair Engineers on your campus soon. GRADUATING CIVIL ENGINEERS interested in the field of aircraft struemre are also invited to apply. Graduate degree candidates in Engineering, Mathematics or Physics are invited to discuss Convair opportunities in the general field of advanced engineering analysis and design. CONVAIR ENGINEERS WILL INTERVIEW ON YOUR CAMPUS MARCH 1 AND 2 Please arrange appointment now! CONVAIR A Division of General Dynamics Corporation Sunny, smog-free San Diego on the coast of Southern California offers you a way of life judged by most as the Nation’s finest for year-round climate, beauty and indoor-outdoor living. Sailing, fishing, swimming, golf, skiing, mountain and desert resorts, Hollywood and Old Mexico are all within minutes.