The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 29, 1956, Image 4

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    Page 4
Wednesday, February 29, 1996
News of the World
AUSTIN—The Daily Texan, student publication at the
University of Texas was ordered to withhold from yester
day’s publication an editorial on political consequences of the
veto of the Natural Gas Harris Bill.
The editorial was ordered withheld by Harrell Lee, ed
itorial director of Texas Student Publications, and Dr. De-
Witt Reddick, acting director of the School of Journalism.
Yesterday’s development was the latest in a growing
controversy between Willie Morris, student editor, and the
University Board of Regents over Morris’ presentation of
editorial views. Morris has accused the regents of trying to
impose censorship.
A section of the editorial page was left blank.
Dr. Reddick said yesterday that the editorial “was a
continuation of a practice that the Board of Student Publi
cations in its policies had said should not be followed. It was
a presentation of sweeping statements that were not sub
stantiated by a basis of fact and a continuation of one par
ticular point of view the Texan has been following without
the presentation of any diverse points of view.”
In the editorial Morris wrote that by the veto of the
Harris bill the President “served the best interest of the
The bill sought to exempt independent gas producers
from federal price fixing authority and had strong support
in Texas.
The following activities are
scheduled for tonight:
5:15 p.m.—MSC Speakei’s Group
will meet in room 2A and 2B.
6 p.m.—MSC Great Issues Din
ner will be held in rooms 2C and
9 p.m.—MSC Great Issues Recep
tion in rooms 2C and 2D.
MSC Great Issues Committee
will pi'esent Hodding Carter, a
noted authority on segregation,
who will speak on “The New South-
ern Rebellion.” The speech will be
at 8 p.m. in the MSC Ballroom.
Great Issues season tickets will be
honored and tickets will be sold at
the desk.
The Self Improvement Speech
Committee meets in rooms 2C and
3C at 5:15 today. Reservations for
each meeting should be made be
fore 2 p.m. the preceding day.
★ ★ ★
Short Courses
Held Here
The Civil Engineering Depart
ment will sponsor a Water and
Sewage Short Course March 4-9
with Joe H. Sorrels serving as
chairman. Six-hundred and eighty
persons are expected to attend the
meetings which will be held in the
available rooms of the Center, with
luncheons and banquets scheduled
throughout the week. Registration
will be held in the Serpentine
Lounge of the MSC beginning at
3 p.m. March 4, and will continue
until 8 a.m. March 5. There will
be a registration fee of $2 per
A Dairy Manufacturers Course
is scheduled for March 14-15. The
course is to be sponsored by the
Dairy Husbandi'y Department with
A. V. Mooi'e chaiianan. Meetings
will be in the assembly room of the
Memoi’ial Student Center. A ban
quet will be held in the balli'oom
at 7 p.m. on Max-ch 14. Registx-a-
tion will be held in the Sex-peptine
Lounge on the second flooi' of the
MSC from 8 to 10 a.m. Mai*ch 14.
A i-egisti’ation fee of $5 per pei’son
will be chax-ged the approximately
85 dairymen who ax-e expected to
register for the short coux*se.
Unlicensed Dogs
Being Picked Up
City authorities are now picking
up unlicensed dogs found in the
city limits, according to Ran Bos
well, city managei\
“We have picked up 21 dogs
since last Friday,” Boswell said.
“We keep a dog for 48 hours be-
fox-e we destroy it.”
Licenses have been issued to 215
dogs so far, a drop from 239 at
this time last year, Boswell added.
“Anyone wishing to reclaim a
dog ox- get one may do so by pay
ing the city dog tax at the City
Hall, and having him vaccinated.
If you’re like most Americans, you’re
earning more now than ever before. But
if you’re like a lot of us, you’re having a
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freely and going a little too far into debt
may be tempting, but it certainly isn’t
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What most of us need is a simple, sys
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'Why don’t you join them? Sign up for U. S.
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ularly where you bank. As little as $18.75 a
month invested in Savings Bonds will give you
a cash backlog of $1,182.60 in just 5 years—
$2,456.70 in 9 years and 8 months.
There are three good reasons why U. S.
Savings Bonds should be part of every
investment program. They're safe—your
principal is never subject to market
fluctuation. They're sure—Bonds pay an
average of 3% per year, compounded
semiannually when held to maturity.
They're liquid—you can always cash them,
if you have to, after you’ve held them
for 2 months.
Treasury Secretary Humphrey recently
said, “The continued success of our econ
omy depends not only upon the Govern
ment, but upon the efforts of all the
people trying to do a little more for them
selves and their loved ones. It is the sum
total of all these individual efforts that
makes our system superior to anything
known in this world before.”
Let’s apply his words to our private
affairs. And the best thing that you can do
for your loved ones is to buy wisely—save
sensibly—and preserve our American pros-;
perity for them!
Branson Attends
Di\ R. E. Bx-anson, of the Agri-
cultux-al Economics and Sociology
Depai'tment, x-epx-esented the Texas
Agx-icultural Experiment Station
at a meeting of the Southern Re
gion Poultx-y Marketing Research
Committee x-ecently at Fayetteville,
Ax-k. The Committee made plans
for fux-ther studies ixx the improve
ment of mai-keting of poultx-y and
egg px-oducts.
Upper Michigan’s iron mines
pi-oduced approximately 13 million
tons of ox-e in 1950. But in 1915
they pi-oduced more than 19 mil
lion tons.
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For the big things in your life, be ready
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The BattaLion
By AI Capp
By Walt Kelly
Ag Players Holding
Final Rehearsals
The Aggie Players are moving
into final x-ehearsals of “Family
Portrait”, a px-e-Easter play to be
presented March 23, through 27 in
co-ordination with the College Sta
tion Council of Church Women.
Costuming and distribution of tick
ets are being handled by the Coun
cil of Chui*ch Women, headed by
Mis. J. B. Baty.
“The play is not an attempt to
tell the entire Easter story,” Di-
x-ector C. K. Esten said. “It relates
the feelings of Christ’s family and
neighboi-s towax-ds his ministry.
•The story is timeless.”
For these reasons the costuming
will not be dated but will consist
of present day appai - el. The de
signing of the sets will stress sim
plicity, to high-light the portrayals
of the charactex-s.
Several of the local churches are
Naval Enlistments
Now Being Taken
Naval Security Group Division
8-19S with headquartex-s on the
A&M campus is now taking enlist
ments, accoi'ding to Lt. Thomas E.
Comfort, commanding officer.
“We ax-e now tx-aining recruits
in i-adio code,” Lt. Comfox-t said.
“The detachment meets each Wed
nesday night from Y to 9:30 in
room 125 of the Academic Build
All civilian students, former
navy, and other interested men are
eligible to join, but ROT.C students
under contx-act c&li riot participate.
planning to use a night’s perform
ance as their pre-Easter service
during the week. Each church has
been allotted a block of 200 tick
ets for each pei'fox-mance.
The cast will feature Florence
Delaplane as Mary, the mother
of Jesus. Also in the cast are Lane
and Allan Coulter, Don Fisher, Bill
Swann, Chris Pavelka, Ardith Mel-
loh, Gene Logan, Toby Hughes,
Roy Cline, Joe Dannenbaum,
Helen Page, Lari Wester, Roger
Clark, Clint White, Connie Eekard,
Bill Fink, Iris Bullard, Charles
Ware, Helen Brady, Ronald Rxith,
Shirley Smith, Evelyn King, Dan
Ellington, Barbara Johnson, Pat
Huebner, Jim Leissnei- and Phil
Foreign Grads
From 51 Countries
Fifty-one students, from 21 for
eign countries, are currently en
rolled in the graduate school at
Fourteen of these stxidents are
fx-om India, eight from Peru, five
from Mexico, three fx-om both Nox--
way and Pakistan, and two from
Egypt and Argentina. Brazil, Can
ada, Ceylon, Columbia, Denmark,
Gi'eece, Japan, Korea, Holland,
Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Phil
ippines and Puerto Rico have one
student each.
The names and home addresses
of the students are available at
the office of the dean of the grad
uate school.
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Next to Post Office
A&M Students
Practice Teach
Nine education and three physi-
cal education majoi’s will practice
teach this semester at Stephen
F. Austin High School and Lamar
Junior High School.
The pi’actice teaching is for Ed
ucation 212 which is now required
for a teaching certificate. It is
a six-hour credit course for sen
“The students will observe for
two or three weeks before actually
starting to teach,” said H. W.
Cook, principal of Austin. “They
will teach the whole semester or
a major portion of it.”
Steve Love, fifth-year student,
Rodolfo Hernandez and Gerald R.
Andexson, seniors, ax-e teaching
biology at Austin. Senioi's Gary
Palmer and Kerry Whitton are
teaching a course in American his
tory while James Braeutigam, sen
ior, is an algebxa instinxctor.
At Lamar seniors John Forten
berry and Lawrence Layman are
teaching math. Sixth-year student
Charles Gabriel and senior Tommy
Sawyer are instructing world his
tory class. Jake Hinson and
Geoxge Johnston, seniors, are
working with the Physical Educa
tion Department.
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