The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 28, 1956, Image 5
Tuesday, February 28, 1956 THE BATTALION Page 5 Board Approves Appointments For A&M The Board of Directors of the Texas A&M College System, meet ing here Saturday, approved the following appointments: Texas A. and M. College [ Agronomy, Eli L. Whiteley; Ani- . mal Husbandry, Paul Louis Curtis; plunge and Forestry, Charles An drew Davis Jr. [ Chemistry, Herman Reese ■Brown, Albert Ray Hilton; Busi ness Administration, G. W. Carlyle; ■English, R. C. Sherrill; Mathemat- ■ics, Scott T. Poage; Modern Lan- High Fives’ Will Appear In Baylor Show The “High Five”, Texas |A & M instrumental combo, [will appear on the Baylor In- [tercollegiate Talent Show in [Waco March 9. The combo, which won the A&M || Intercollegiate Talent Show audi- Btion Feb. 7, will perform at 8:15 gp.m. in the Baylor Student Union. The group is made up entirely of .: members of the Texas A&M band. ,, “We are trying for a new musi- || cal sound,” said Tommy Short, band head drum major and leader I' of the combo,” by using a combi- p nation of stringed instruments t* with high-fidelity sound projec- i tion.” The “High Five” has performed | for the Industrial Technology Con- I vention Banquet, the Band Sweet- * heart Ball and the MSC “Center I Sounds.” Members of the group and their i instruments include Morris Partain, 'guitar; Tommy Adams, guitar; 1 Charles Voelter, bass; Dwight Al- f len, drums; and Short, guitar. guages, Mrs. Ann E. Blewster; Oceanography, J. G. Denison; Mrs. Nancy S. Flores, Mrs. Nina L. Johnson; Physical Education, Louis J. Dominik. Office of the dean, School of En gineering, Mrs. Marjorie A. Stubbe- man; Civil Engineering, Mrs. Jean E. Moehlman; Electrical Engineer ing, James R. Baird, George P. Burrill, Mrs. Marlene J. Gentry, Ahmad Ullah; Geology, Eldon Ray Baker, Robert A. Noble. Veterinary Medicine and Surg ery, Mrs. Lourez Royall. Athletic Department, John - U. DeWitt; Building and College Util ities, Miss Frances Kapchinskie; Development Fund, Mrs. Joy S. Brown and Mrs. Gerry Long; Dean of Graduate School, Mrs. Dorothy Sue Cox; Health and Mosquito Con trol, Mi - s. Billie Marie Bisett; Li brary, Mrs. Elaine Alsup, Mrs. Kathleen M. Rowin; Memorial Stu dent Center, Mrs. Wilma Jane Adams, Miss Shirley M. Cannon, Mrs. Nayrue R. Pridgeon; Regis trar’s Office, Mrs. Sandra S. Grim, Mrs. Erna Nitsch, Mrs. Barbara L. Robison. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Administration, Annie L. Mc- Minn; Agricultural Economics and Sociology, Harley Bebout, R. A. Dietrich, J. R. Martin, Calvin C. Boykin Jr., W. G. Covey, Evelyn M. Bippert, Jeanne D. Evans; Ag ricultural Engineering, C. M. Hohn; Agricultural Information, Elsie Dieckman; Agronomy, R. D. Sta ten, Eunice Y. Nichols, Lena L. Holmes; Marilyn J. Love, Maria M. Garza, S. F. Abbott, R. H. Hawkins; Animal Husbandry, Paul L. Cui-- tis; Biochemistry and Nutrition, Roberta G. Smith; Helen M. Tiller, Ruth I. Werner; Dairy Husbandry, Marlene S. Berryman; Feed Con trol Service, Martha Y. Dorrell; Plant Physiology and Pathology, Norman D. Flados; N. L. McCar ter; Poultry Husbandry, W. O. Cawley; W. H. Cummings and W. Mack. Also, Rural Home Research, Joy A. Wilson; Statistical Laboratory, Feme L. Snow, Barbara J. Ledbet ter', Elsie L. Lynch, Patricia A. Burke; Bettie D. Bickley, Barbara J. Rohret; Veterinary Medicine, O. Shulak, Nancy S. Osborne, Mary Smith; Wildlife Management, J. F. Vallentine; Substation No. 1, Bee- ville, S. S. Rodriguez; Substation No. 3, Angleton, B. E. Jeter Jr., Maxie S. Gandy; Substation No. 4, Beaumont, T. Grannis, M. M. Gar cia, Willie S. McCarty; Substation No. 8, Lubbock, A. D. Hill; Substation No. 11, Nacogdoches, J. J. Barnhart; Substation No. 14, Sonora, J. M. Shelton, E. B. Gar cia, L. Flores; Substation No. 15, Weslaco, John O. Parker; Substa tion No. 17, Ysleta, R. Telles; Sub station No. 18, Prairie View, H. M. White; Substation No. 20, Stephen- ville, Henry J. Rogers and R. L. Bolling; Substation No. 23, Mc Gregor, E. A. Culpepper Sr.; Ama rillo Experiment Station, A. Pope; Blackland Watershed Project, Rie- sel, Oscar L. Choate; Poultry Dis ease Investigation, Center, Carl Hale. Texas Agricultural Extension Service Lillian Yvonne Allen, E. A. An derson, G. L. Black, D. A. Boenig, Mrs. Shirley K. Burnette, Edwin H. Cooper, Don Dee Cowan, Mrs. Evelyn P. Cowsert, Waymon D. Davis, Mrs. Janet Dowse, Roy B. England, Patsy Sue Gilmore, Al bert H. Karcher Jr., R. B. McCor mick, G. O. Meador, Dorthey Joan Moye, Vivian Ruth Pittman, Mrs. Dorotha C. Prc^well, Mrs. Dorothy J. Rambo, Mrs. Dorothy W. Red man, George L. Roberts, Mrs. Ce- lestine D. Taylor, Mrs. Harriet D. Vaughan, F. L. Weiss, J. S. Wil liams Sr. Texas Engineering Experiment Station Jack P. CoVan and R. H. Thomp son. Texas Forest Service Research and Education Depart ment, M. Parsons; Forest Manage ment, Eva G. Greenwood; Fire Control Dept., Sara Lou Rowin; Dist. No. 2, Hendei’san, C. W. Jackson; Dist. No. 3, Lufkin, Elza Oates; Dist. No. 5, Kirbyville, V. Franklin, C. Eaves, J. M. Smith, C. C. Henly; Dist. No. 6, Conroe; M. L. Collins, R. C. Morrow. Dunn To Replace Finney On Fund Harold Dunn, member of the A&M Board of Directors, was named to replace R. H. Finney Jr., another board member, as a member of the Special Gifts and Bequests board of the De velopment Fund. Finney’s term on the board is expiring. WhaVs Cooking Schedule for tonight is as fol lows: 7:15 Collegiate FFA Chapter, Agri cultural Engineering lecture room, important business meeting. 7:30 Accounting Society, YMCA, film on electronics, refreshments will be served. Pre-Law, 3B, MSC. Texas Aggie Rodeo Club, A&I Building, room 203, plans will be considered for the A&M Intercol legiate Rodeo to be held April 19- 21. American Chemical Society, Elec trical Engineering lecture room, demonstration of electronic com puter. Student Chapter of AVMA, am phitheatre of Veterinary Hospital, Dr. Don Price will speak on oppor tunities for vets in the ranching areas of Texas. Agricultural Economics meeting, Agricultural Building, room 307. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS DIAL TA 2-1585 Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD KATES One day 2d per word Id per word each additional day Minimum charge—40d DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80d per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 For Sale Help Wanted Beauty operator. Pruitt’s Beau ty Shop. Above average opportun ity. VI 6-5212. 91tf Special Notice Four-hour service on cleaning and pressing on request. Aggie Cleaners. North Gate. 93tl8 Model 12 Winchester shotgun, $70 or will trade for set of golf clubs of equal value. Phone after 5, VI 6r5164. 93t4 Two bedroom home on lot 75x 173 feet fenced in backyard close to campus. Available June 1. See by appointment only. Phone VI 6-6376, 93t4 ’53 Chevrolet 150, tudor sedan I with heater. Very clean. Good E condition, $675. Call VI 6-7291 before 9 a.m. or after 7:30 p.m. 93t2 MARRIED STUDENTS — 1955 Trailette Mobile Home, air con ditioned, Duotherm heater, 7-foot | ceiling, bedroom, tub and shower, kitchenette, living room . Finance ! thru C.I.T. Corporation. Payments ; $48.00 month. Room 20 or 22 Mil- i ner. 93t4 Koom For Kent Southeast upstairs bedroom, pri vate bath. Meals. Mrs. Maggie Parker. 75tf Apartments for Kent Four room, tile bath, garage. Call VI 6-5915. 93tf ■' ■■■ —— Work Wanted Guai’anteed radio and appliance repair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my home. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Jr. Phone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf JLost A&M ring, class ’54, Carl M. Pearcy, ir. If found contact me at Room 9, YMCA. 93tf Girl’s high school ring in vicinity Youngblood’s or campus. Initials M.P. 7-b Puryear. 90tf Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. PYee pickup, delivery. BAYARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf ★ FINE FOOD ★ Z A R A I* E Mexican-American 4 blks. E. of Hwy. 6 Dr. Carlton R. Lee ■ ■ OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th 1 • Sail TA 2-1662 for Appointment (Across from Court House) Persons interested in joining an A&M European Tour should con tact Dr. Breitenkamp, Room 101A Academic Building. 90t23 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE RE PAIR on all types of small appli ances. Vacuum cleaners, mixers, irons, lamps, toasters, etc. Also electric motor re-winding - and re pairing - . Satisfaction assured. Lee’s Electric Service, 2219 South Col lege, Bryan, Phone TA 2-3536. 89t5 One - day service on Rubber Stamps. We make them at Marion Mangrum’s Brazos Printing Co. VI 6-5280. 86tf DOGS BOARDED: Clean com fortable quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate to “Aggies”. 49tf OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications <207 Goodwin, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding pubiicaiton. — .Director of Student Publications. GRADUATE SCHOOF William H. Burns, candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agri cultural Economics will present his dis sertation, “The Role of Fiber Property Testing in the Operations of American Cot ton Mills’’, Wednasday, February 29, 1956, at 1: p.m. in the Agriculture Seminar Room, Agriculture Building. Interested members of the faculty of the Graduate School are invited to attend. IDE P. TROTTER Dean 93tl Identification cards which were made in connection with registration of Feb ruary 3, 4, for the curent semester are now ready for distribution in the Regis trar’s Office, College Administration Build ing. They should be claimed in person immediately. H. L. Heaton Registrar 91t6 CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. The deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton Registrar 82tl4 ADD DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the [955-56 Student Directory are available (75 cents each) at the Office of Student Publications, 207 Goodwin Hall. 72tf • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL, SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES 603 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN. TEXAS PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND TV SERVICE 713 S. Mal* St. (Across from Railroad Tower) PHONE TA 2-1941 BRYAN fJIHE development of a new airplane such as the Crusader, the World’s Fastest Navy Fighter, cannot be credited to any one engineer. Each engineer, how ever, is invaluable because this truly new high-performance airplane is only the final result of the creative thought and teamwork of a large number of engineers. The individual ideas of each engineer are most important. In aircraft design, the time lag between discovery and the utilization of knowledge is extremely short, shorter perhaps than in any other major industry. The solutions to the most stimu lating problems which arise in the industry are frequently dependent upon the daily utilization of new ideas and new knowledge. The graduating engineer considering his first career decision may choose whether he will enter this field of work — the design of airplanes and missiles — that progresses hand in hand with new discoveries in all facets of science and engineering, or choose a less aggressive industry. Of course, it follows logically that greater and more rapid ad vancement opportunities lie in a field that does not stagnate, in a field that is bounded by the creative imagination of man alone. At Chance Vought, air craft design draws capable engineers to positions of greater responsibility in developing new ideas and supervising the additional technical manpower needed to “practicalize” the ideas. Starting sala ries are commensurate with education and expe rience for particular specialization and are also competitive with other industries as well as other companies. Advancement, as one would expect, is based upon demonstrated performance, not seniority. The future of the aircraft industry is equal to, if not brighter than, that of other industries. The complexity of modern aircraft and missiles, the investigation of new fields of knowledge as air craft fly higher and faster, the possibilities of man’s further use of science and engineering for conquest of the air in the second half of the 20th century, all emphasize the challenge and oppor tunity to the young graduate. We urge the graduating engineer to investigate these opportunities at Chance Vought. He will find a stable, 38-year-old aircraft designer and builder with young ideas, a designer and builder noted for advancing the state-of-the-art of air craft and guided missile design. He will discover that Chance Vought offers career opportunities, not merely impressive titles, and that he will join an engineering organization that thinks and operates as a team rather than as a random collection of individual engineers. We have the usual fringe benefits including an ex cellent graduate study program, group insurance, retirement income plan, paid vacation, sick leave, moving allowance, and numerous paid holidays. We invite you to discuss your opportunities at Chance Vought with W. C. Schoolfield who will interview P, O. Box 5907 • Dallas. Texas