The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 24, 1956, Image 2
THE BATTALION Friday, February 24, 1956 Pa Page 2 UT Day at Balt c The ‘Why’, ‘What’ ari 2 Of Pag® Three fif We’ve often wondered what went on over at the Uni- °t versity. Now we have an idea. And we’ve often wondered what goes on at other schools te of the Southwest Confei’ence. t>i We may send a correspondent to them some time to find te out. et te te se cl ol p V a b t< c ti I c c t t r ( T X t t ( 1 J But Texas drew our attention this time. And on page three, which you will find right across from this page, we have tried to show some of what goes on. And how they think. And how they think of us. But one question still bothers us. What is that mad infatuation that all (well, almost all) Texas University coeds have for Aggies. Not ridiculous at all; just look at the picture below for proof. Miss Shirley Cannon, program consultant for the Memorial Student Cen ter—an ex-UT girl, helps Battalion Managing Editor Ralph (Culo) Cole fix his tie. And another question. What is Cole backing up for? Well, it’s all in fun and we gave both sides of the ques tion, so we can’t be accused of not observing the ethics of the newspaper code. Or can we ? Ralph Cole and Miss Shirley Cannon JUNIORS... don’t forget to remember her with a CORSAGE from J. COULTER SMITH. $1.00 up! Order Orchids Early j. Coulter " '' Florist 1800 S. College Ph: TA 2-3727 The Battalion The Editorial Policy of The Battalion Represents the Views of the Student Editors The Battalion, daily newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published by students in the Office of Student Publications as a non-profit educational service. The Director of Student Publications is Ross Strader. The governing body of all student publications of the A.&M. College of Texas is the Student Publications Board. Faculty members are Karl E. Elmquist, Chairman; Donald D. Burchard, Tom Leland and Bennie Zinn. Student members are Derrell H. Guiles, Paul Holladay, and Wayne Moore. Ex-officio members are Charles Roeber, and Ross Strader, Secretary. The Battalion is published four times a week during the regular school year and once a week during the summer and vacation and examination periods. Days of publication are Tuesday through Friday for the regular school year and on Thursday during the summer terms and during examination and vacation periods. The Battalion is not published on the Wednesday immediately preceding Easter or Thanksgiving. Subscription rates are S3.50 per semester, $6.00 per school year, $6.50 per full year, or $1.00 per month. Advertising rates furnished on request. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Services, Inc., a t New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Fran cisco. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republi cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910) or at the editorial office room, 202 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (VI 6-6415) or at the Student Publica- " tion Office, Room 207 Goodwin Hall. BILL FULLERTON Editor Ralph Cole - Managing Editor Ronnie Greathouse Sports Editor Jim Bower, Dave McReynolds ■ News Editors Welton Jones - City Editor Barbara Paige - — Woman’s Editor Barry Hart Assistant Sports Editor Jim Neighbors, John West, Joe Tindel, Leland Boyd Reporters Maurice Olian ; 1 CHS Sports Correspondent F. W. Young .... Circulation Manager James Schubert, Mike Keen, Guy Fernandez....— 22-.; ....Photographers CADET SLOUCH by James Earle Job Interviews Letters To The Editor The following job interviews are scheduled for next week: Monday LINDE AIR PRODUCTS CO. will interview chemistry, physics, mechanical, chemical, electrical, in dustrial and civil engineering ma jors for opportunities in research and development, design, gas plant operation, manufacturing, and en gineering sales and service. HOUSTON LIGHTING £ POW ER CO. will interview mechanical, electrical, industrial and chemical engineering majors for openings in power generation, transmission and distribution, engineering, commer cial departments. Business admin istration majors for residential sales and civil engineers for struc tural work. . TEXAS EMPLOYERS’ INSUR ANCE ASSOCIATION of Dallas will interview majors in industrial education and industrial technology for the job of safety engineer with a casualty insurance company. Ap plicants must be between the ages of 25 and 35. CLARK BROS. CO. (division of Dresser) of Olean, N.Y. will inter view chemical, mechanical, petro leum and industrial engineering majors for positions in application, design, development, production and service. THOMPSON PRODUCTS, INC. will interview for two majoi 1 cate gories: direct job opportunities in engineering, sales, sales engineer ing and for their business intern ship program. Majors in aeronau tical, electrical, mechanical and in dustrial engineering and business administration. MONSANTO CHEMICAL CORP. of Texas City, Texas will interview majors in chemistry, chemical, me chanical, and electrical engineering on all degree levels. LION OIL COMPANY of El Dorado, Ark. will interview majors in petroleum, mechanical and chem ical engineering who are interested in their company. CARBIDE & CARBON CHEMI CALS CO. will hold a group meet ing at 7:30 p.m. in room 140 of the BARBECUE... Served with your Favorite Beverage Old Hrdlika Place FRITZ & JOE'S CAFE On Claypit Road Petroleum Building for majors in mechanical and chemical engineer ing and chemistry. Interviews will be held in the Placement Office Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday TAYLOR INSTRUMENT COM PANIES of Tulsa, Okla. will inter view majors in chemical, mechani cal, petroleum and electrical engi neering for openings in engineer ing, sales, research and manufac turing. HUMBLE OIL & REFINING CO. will interview accounting ma jors. Editor Battalion: There have been many, many words written through the years describing the great Aggie Spirit. If all of these words were to be boiled down to one short definition, we would find that the Aggie Spirit can best be described as the love of all Aggies for their school and its traditions. There are many ways in which this Spiiit can be represented and shown to the pub lic. Recently it seems that quite a few Aggies have had wrong ideas about how the Spirit should be shown. Is it a proper manifestation of the Spirit for an Aggie to yell “boo” or hiss in public at musical programs or to throw paper air planes during basketball games ? Perhaps these actions are spirited, but it is the “junior-high-school” type of spirit, not the Aggie Spirit, that is being shown to the public. Having the Aggie Spirit means that we love our school, are proud of it, and want the public to respect it, and us. A true representation of the Spirit, then, occurs when Aggies act like responsible, self- respecting, mature men. Most Ag gies act this way. There are some, however, who don’t. Unfortunately it is these few that give the school a bad name. Consider the basketball game with SMU last Saturday night, jj How many times have you seen paper airplanes thrown by an adult audience? The Dallas News, in their account of the game, spoke of us as a bunch of “indignant Aggies” and implied much more than that. Does publicity such as this add to the prestige of our school ? What about the Town Hall pro gram during which Charlie Spivak was hissed because he wouldn’t stop playing before his time was up and allow the Hilltoppers to come on? Do you think this will make him want to come back to A&M ? During another Town Hall program with Stan Kenton as the attraction, at least half the audience got up and walked out, not during the in termission, but while his orchestra was still playing! What do you think his opinion of Aggies is now? A few more misrepresentations of the Aggie Spirit occurred during the Houston Symphony concert and were justly criticized in the Bat talion by Aggies who seem to fee' as we do. These Aggies were then criticized by others who seemed to think that an Aggie’s cute remark, whistle or hiss gives everyone pres ent a thrill or makes them admire his low brand of humor. Several Aggies made their pres ence known in rather an obnoxious way at a formal dance in Houston last week, by continuously voicing “cute” remarks. It is entirely pos sible that several high school boys at that dance decided against com ing to A&M because of this dem onstration. Why do some Aggies act thi: way ? Do they feel as if they are becoming bigger men or better leaders because of it ? Probably not. Actually they are sacrificing A&M’s reputation as a builder o' men in order to attract attentior and have a few “kicks.” Some may criticize this lette with letters to the Battalion. These letters will probably be written by some of the ones we’ve bee? speaking of, the Aggies that wil not face up to the fact that thes' things are degrading for A&M. I an A&M student has the true Ag gie Spirit, he will take it upon himself to do his level best to mak< Texas A&M the very greatest in stitution of higher learning, by set ting an example of which an Aggie is worthy. It would be well fo? all of us to keep in mind that a chain (or our student body) is onl\ as strong as its weakest link. All Aggies are judged by the actions of a few. Harold Warnick ’57 J immy Calhoun ’57 Edward W. Wyatt ’57 William O. Fuller ’57 Warren B. Johnson ’57 Bob E. May ’57 Leroy Foerster, Jr. ’57 Editor, Battalion: I’ve been reading with great in terest your article and others which have of late been appearing in The Battalion. As a result, I’ve come to some of the following conclu sions: One thing which everybody seems to base his ideas on is that the Negro is equal. I believe in the sight of God and things of a relig ious nature this is entirely true and that the pigment of a man’s skin does not make a bit of differ ence. But, anyone will agree that heir ways and social ethics are “different” and I leave the deci sion of good or bad up to a person of greater intelligence than my self. However, this decision is of little importance because the prob lem is not an idealistic one in which right is an instantaneous winner but one of a present social nature. Going on the assumption -that the Negro’s social position is not as great as the whites, the question always comes that concerns educa tion and the answer is always that through education, the Negro’s po sition can be improved. This, I •tgree with, but not by foiving the Negro upon the whites who do not want him yet because it merely stirs up resentment which other wise would not have been there. I know many old Southerners, who by reason should be strongest against the Negro, helping him and giving him chances that might olease even the most radical fa natic. I don’t believe I know of hardly anyone who wouldn’t give a Negro a good job as well as any body else if he could qualify. I’ve heard lots of people telling what Christ would or would not do. Well, as anyone who knows me will affirm, 1 am not much of a theologian, but I can tell you one thing — I never heard''of Christ walking around making people ac cept him or any of his ideas. As I remember, for a person to really accept him, he had to feel that way in his heart and that is the only way this problem is ever going to work out. That and the Negro helping himself, not with threats of court orders because any politi cian would back up an order of that kind, but by actually showing himself equal. There are enough oeople as well as universities who are willing to help the Negro that, as far as 1 can see, a court order is more of a detriment than a help. What has happened to the Negroes with the guts of Ralph Bundle and George Washington Carver? A few men like that would do more good for the Negro than a million court orders. Another thing that I can’t sec is every time there is a riot against the Negro, it is an awful, terrible thing and just let one Negro get hurt and a terrible thing has oc curred. However, it is all righ for a union mob on strike to bomb a person’s home, prevent anyone from working and even murder; that’s just another story. Let a man not work for a while because of strikes and see how well 'his wife and kids eat, yet that’s all right. I don’t by any means con done mob rule, but if we are going to clean one mob up, let’s not just clean up mobs we do not agree (See LETTERS, Page 6) Get a record-breaking run for your money ! Only Chevrolet puts you in charge of the dynamite action and sure-fire handling qualities it takes to break the Pikes Peak record! Better try it before you buy any car at any price. Almost everybody likes a real road car. And nowadays you no longer have to pay a king’s ransom to own one. They’re going at Chevrolet prices! For the new Chevrolet is one of the few truly great road cars being built today! It has to be to hold the stock car record for the Pikes Peak climb. It has to have cannonball accelera tion (horsepower now ranges up to 225!) and nailed-down stability on turns—plus lots of other built-in qualities that make for more driv ing pleasure and safety on the road. Come on in and try a record- breaking Chevrolet! The Bel Air Sport Sedan—one of 19 new Chevrolet beauties. All have directional signals as standard equipment. See Your Chevrolet Dealer