Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1956)
E ige 4 THE BATTALION Thursday, February 23, 1956 ( ^est Point Nabs Usry p* ant Increases 3 Tempo Of Drills /ith A •r n he )US By LUTHER HALL and BOB CLENDENNEN t suOur squad was reduced by ake° yesterday after Don Usry, vho^ - P° un d end, and Doyle Al- ander, 235-pound fullback, ; he t for different pastures. bru’ n was a promising freshman ’OnV° was an all-American at Cle- rne High School. hatt J SRY HAD ALREADY taken .jg gi examination to enter West , int, and received his appointment XS 3^he Military Academy yesterday, exander had played two years football in the Navy. Doyle lei'gin’t say why he left, but he had Dtheen complaining of flat feet. The tempo of Spring drills pllinked up yesterday as we got our "st taste of real work—a short ■■it rugged scrimmage under I emi-game” conditions. The de- k^ise was not allowed to tackle mrs ballcarrier, although everything Hpe was at full speed. LINEMEN AND backs are di- ded into teams now and we’re concentrating on team effort rather than individual work. Most of the backs work on timing of offensive plays and sharpening defensive maneuvex-s, especially pass defense, while linemen woi’k on blocking. Thex-e ai - e six full teams working out at pi’esent. We’i’e pi'obably the most patid- otic team you’ll* see anywhei’e. Coach Bx-yant has us divided into three main groups, and each one wears a diffei'ent coloi'ed jersey, red, white and blue. “LITTLE” CHARLIE Krueger, 220-pound “A” team tackle, is spox-ting a “squirx*el cage,” which is our name for the big rubber and plastic-covexed mask he wox*e yestexday to px-otect his face. His high cheek bones axe a fine target for blockex*s and after two days his face was px*etty bx-uised. He’s xxot the only one who weax’S some kind of face pi-otection I though. We all wear a slender, but stx-ong, plastic bar acx*oss the front of our helmets to keep out any sti*ay fists and feet. | gjjgjjj! '' : Wimmm ■ v - ' *'i - ^ ^ ' r? *' ’ Ilk BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AJD RATJKS »e day 2^ per word per word each additional day Minimum charge— DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 8(>£ per column inch each insertion PHUNE VI 6-6415 For Sale One 1953 Chevrolet Business >upe. This motor vehicle may be spected by contacting the Texas )rest Service, System Adminis- ation Building, A.&M. College of :xas campus. Sealed bids will be ceived in the office of the Texas !>rest Service, Texas A.&M. Col- ge System, College Station, Tex- , until 10 a.m., Eriday, March 2, •56, on foi-ms available upon x*e- lest. Addi’ess the Director, Tex- Foi’est Service, College Station, ;xas, or telephone Victor 6-4771 r fui’ther information. 90t2 Pets Dogs, cats boarded—low daily, weekly, monthly rates. Grooming, Puppies. Free pickup, delivery. 3AiARD KENNELS, Highway 6 South, College. VI 6-5535. 70tf Special Notice Persons interested in obtaining an A&M European Tour should contact Di\ Bxeitenkamp, Room 1U1A Academic Building 90t23 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE RE PAIR on all types of small appli ances. Vacuum cleanei's, mixers, irons, lamps, toasters, etc. Also electx-ic motor re-winding and re paying. Satisfaction assured. Lee’s Electx-xc Service, 2219 South Col lege, Bryan, Phone TA 2-3536. 89t5 MARRIED STUDENTS — 1955 •ailette Mobile Home, air con- tioned, Duothei’m heater, 7-foot iling, bedroom, tub and shower, tchenette, living room . Finance i*u C.I.T. Coi'poration. Payments 8.00 month. Room 20 or 22 Mil- r. 89t4 One Fi’igidaix’e, 7 foot, $60; One layer baby carx-iage, $10, and two xnmore heatex*s, $8 each. All in :cellent condition. VI 6-6491. 89t3 For Rent Make reservations eaidy » for xek end guest. Three bedi’ooms ch with adjoining bath, private txance. Also very desirable lo tion fox* graduate students. Phone 4 2-2716. before 9 and after 6. 89t3 One - day service on Rubber Stamps. We make them at Marion Mangxum’s Brazos Printing Co. VI 6-5280. 86tf DOGS BOARDED: Clean com fortable quarters. Caucasian Boarding Kennels. Special rate to “Aggies”. 49tf *IIL. UOSS AiOIXOE HO. X300 A.F. & A.M. 4JoU«Ke Station Called meeting Thursday, February 23, 7 p.m. Work in the E. A. Degree. Movies. Members and visiting breth ren cordially invited to at tend. N. M. McGinnis, Secy. L. S. Paine, W.M. 90t2 Bedroom for rent; Adjoins bath, raduate student preferred. TA- 6598 after 4 p.m. 89t3 Work Wanted Typing woi’k wanted. Call Ruth iggins, VI 6-7139. 84t8 Guax-anteed x’adio and appliance pair. C-13-D College View. 81tf Typing wanted to do in my >me. Mrs. C. E. Carlson, Ji\ hone TA 2-3532 after 5 p.m. lOOtf Help Wanted Beauty opexatoi’. Pruitt’s Beau- Shop. Above average opportun- y. VI 6-5212. 91tf Room For Rent Southeast upstaii’s bedi'oom, pri- xte bath. Meals. Mrs. Maggie arker. 75tf Lost Te Pu Girl’s high school ring in vicinity >s oungblood’s or campus. Initials °^ r .P. 7-b Puryear. 90tf ar< B Cli 1 a. ' an< ref air pr< pe: on Interested in Spring & Summer Slacks THE SLAXATORIUM has them Dacron-Orlon-Cotton 110 Main OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed, or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office of Student Publications (207 Goodwin, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceding publication. — Director of Student Publications. Identification cards which were made in connection with registration of Feb ruary 3, 4, for the curent semester are now ready for distribution in the Regis trar’s Office, College Administration Build ing. They should be claimed in person immediately. H. L. Heaton Registrar 91t6 CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. March 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. The deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton Registrar 82114 ADD DEPARTMENTS: Copies of the 19o5-56 Student Directory are available 175 cents each) at the Office of Student PubiicaDons, 207 Goodwin Hall. 72tf In order that students and faculty may attend the morning services during Relig ious Emphasis Week, February 19-24, classes will be dismissed by Executive Committee action according to the follow ing schedule: Monday, February 20—11-12 a.m. Tuesday, February 21—10-11 a.m. Wednesday, February 22—10-11 a.m. Thursday, February 23— 9-10 a.m. Friday, February 24—- 9-10 a.m. J. P. Abbott 84t9 Dean of the College Er rri;| Co. un # ENGINEERING AND AKCHITECTURAI, SUPPEIEa — • MEUE DINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS fa SCOATES INDUSTRIES th 803 Old Sulphur Springs Road Of BRIAN, TEXAS 6- a< ti PROMPT RADIO SERVICE — Call — SOSOLIK’S RADIO AND B TV SERVICE K 713 S. Main St. R' (Across from Railroad Tower) JiPHONE TA 2-1941 BRIAN w [ Used Sewing Machines— $5.95 & up New Sewing Machines— $59.95 & up Used Wringer Type Washing Machines— $10.00 & up Used Automatics— $49.95 & up WE REPAIR & SERVICE ALL MAKES Free Estimate Bryan Sewing Machine Co. Authorized Necchi-Elna Dealers Authorized Maytag Dealer Ph. VI 6-6723 Ridgecrest Addition WHO’S GOT IT?—Quarterback Jimmy Wright (center) fakes a hand-off to fullback Jack Pardee (left) and gives to John Crow, who is plunging toward the line at right. The action took place during yesterday’s Spring football workouts. The Cadets now have 15 more days in which to complete their drills. til * Tracksters Boast Top U.S. Weightmen By BARRY HART Assistant Sports Editor Picked as strong contenders for the Southwest Conference track title, Coach Frank Anderson’s 1955 runner-up team places its hopes squarely in the hands of perhaps the strongest weight aggregation in NCAA history. “WE HAVE FOUR men that probably can put the shot a com bined distance farther than any four in the world on the same team at the same time,” said Coach An derson. Anderson was speaking of his prize behemoths, Bobby Jack Gx*oss, Tom Bonorden, Herman Johnson and Harry Cox. All except Cox have heaved the iron ball over 54 feet. Cox has thrown 49 feet and should break 50 this season. The Aggies lost 20 valuable points when Jim Hollingsworth, winner of the SWC high hurdles and second in the lows, Harley Har- tung, low hurdles champion who took second behind Hollingsworth in the highs, and Jimmy Synder, who captui’ed fourth in the 120- yard hurdles, completed their eli gibility. REPLACING THEM are Sam Nave, Barney Treadway, Homer Smith and Edward Weeren. They Lennie Rosenbluth tied a Noi’th Carolina basketball recoi’d when he made 45 points against Clemson on Jan. 14. The Tar Heel star tied the record set by George Glamack against Clemson in 1941. will be joined in the 220-lows by the Galena Park speedsters, Em mett Smallwood, who has already run the distance in 23.0 this sea son. All five are sophomores. Bill Holloway, Johnny Roberts and Robert McKnight return from the 1955 mile relay team that plac ed third last year. Replacing Wally Kleb will be Baytown’s Ed Busse, thix-d finisher in the freshmen 440. Winton Thomas leads a fine group of pole vaulters over the high bar. Behind Thomas are James Clark and Lonnie Jackson. All three have cleai’ed well over 13 feet this year. Ponies Can Cinch Crown Saturday OP)—Perennial fii’st-division fin ishers in Southwest Confei’ence basketball, the Arkansas Razoi’- backs could cap one of the finest comebacks in the school’s history by beating Southern Methodist at Dallas Saturday night. Two-time winners over Axkansas already this season, each time by five points, SMU needs to beat the Razorbacks to sew up its sec ond sti’aight conference crown. Arkansas helped SMU win the title last year by beating Texas Chris tian. • Seven escalators ax-e in opei’a- tion at Hialeah race ti-ack this wintei'. JUNIORS... don’t forget to remember her with a CORSAGE from J. COULTER SMITH. $1.00 up! Order Orchids Early J. Con Her " ‘' Florist 1800 S. College Ph: TA 2-3727 DIRECTORS OF GREAT SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY R. S. ALLISON, R. E. Allison Drilling Co., Shreveport A. M. CAMERON, Vice President & Controller J. A. ELKINS Chairman of the Board City Natl. Bank, Houston F. JACK GREENWOOD, Vice President & Secretary PAT M. GREENWOOD, President W. S. HORNE, Retired, Houston J. S. HUDSON, Hudson & Hudson, Dallas A. F. MITCHELL, Vice President & Actuary W. R. AAOORE Munger & Moore, Dallas s. s. McClendon, jr„ Vinson, Elkins, Weems & Searls, Houston- g. h. McDaniels, Vice President & Treasurer . A. C. NICHOLSON, Rancher, Dallas H. LEWIS RIETZ, Executive Vice President WILLIAM SEXTON, Vice President & Director of Public Relations WE ARE PROUD THAT IN YOUR HOME TOWN "GREAT SOUTHERN" STILL STANDS FOR SURE AND CERTAIfJ LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION . . . knowing that now more than ever before you ore interested in your company's Strength, Security and Pro gressiveness, we present the following rom our ANNUAL REPORT SERVICE To new policyowners in 1955 21,379 contracts for $112,420,876 To reach a total of 258,787 policies for protection to policyowners of $785,265,495 Payments to policyowners and beneficiaries During 1 955 $8,390,272 During our 47 years $146,065,020 STRENGTH Admitted Assets^ ..$168,932,128 Principal Asset Items are Real Estate, at cost less depreciation $1,410,579 Government Bonds $18,925,013 Municipal and Corporate Bonds $9,502,389 Selected First Mortgages on Real Estate $105,408,166 Corporate Stocks, at Market $15,797,358 Policy Loans $11,470,448 These Assets are Pledged For Fulfillment of Policy Obligations $142,927,121 Additional Protection to Policyowners in excess of our ascertained liabilities ..< ....$22,447,064 W. DEE KUTACH Agency Leader, January Great Souths 1\TV hire Insurance dampanj Founded 1909 Home O/Ijce • Houston # Texas W. DEE KUTACH 302 Varisco Bldg., Bryan — Phone: TA 2-1968 — TA 2-1235