Page 4 THE BATTALION Wednesday, February 22, 1956 1 Church Briefs Lenten Services Scheduled St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel 1 will be the speaker at the Lenten The Rt. Rev. Joseph M. Harte, service tonight at 7:15. D.D., Suffragan Bishop of Dallas, | Covered dish supper will be HIT PARADE OF FOODS . . . Fit For A King Full Course Meals For Noon & Evening 85c Lunches Served From 11-1—Fast Service TRIANGLE DRIVE-IN & DINING ROOM ENROLL NOW Spring Term Opens Monday, March 5th DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL HY-SPEED LONGHAND will be offered for the first time in a special ten-week course at night. This is an ideal system for taking notes in college and for taking light office dictation. Typing will be given with this special course. Phone TA 3-6655 for information or call at 702 South Washington Avenue, Bryan, Texas McKenzie-Baldwin Business College “Roy Henry’s clearing his used car lot all the way from the latest to the oldest models. Here’s a chance for you to pick up a good clean used car, with plenty of miles left in it at a very low cost. Look at this: 1949 FORD TUDOR—excellent condition, paint in perfect condition 1951 PONTIAC CATALINA—beautiful interior, fully equipped, just like a new one 1953 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN-unbelievably clean, one car owner, extra low mileage 1950 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN—many good miles left in it $425 $295 Roy Henry Pontiac Co. Hearne, Texas served at 6:15 preceding the serv ices, as the first of a series of Lenten dinners to be held on Wed nesdays through Lent. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Mid-week Lenten service will be held tonight at 7:30. The sermon, “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise”, will be based on the second word of Jesus from His cross. Church of the Nazarene Services will be held tonight at 7:30 at the church. Christian Science Society Services will be held at 8 tonight at the church. The A&M Chris tian Science Organization will meet in room 2C of the Memorial Stu dent Center at 7:10 tonight for Ag- gieland pictures. Class A uniform will be worn. St. Mary’s Catholic Chapel Mass will be offered today at 5:15 at the chapel. There will be Stations of the Cross and Bene diction Friday at 7:15 p.m. Wesley Foundation There will be no vesper services this week due to Religious Emphas is Week. First Baptist Church Supper and teacher’s meeting will begin at 6 tonig-ht at the church. Prayer meeting will fol low at 7:30. Church of Christ Mid-week services will be held tonight at 7:15. A&M Christian Church Disciples Student Fellowship will not meet this week. A pie social has been planned for 6:30 p.m. Friday at the church. Women of the church will furnish the pie while the boys will furnish the ap petite. Coffee, tea and soda water will be served. A movie has been planned following the social. College Heights Assembly of God Prayer meeting will begin at 7:30 tonight at the church. Bethel Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) At 7:45 tonight another portion of Christ’s Passion will be read, illustrated by pictures. The ser mon topic will be “In the shadows with Jesus by torchlight,” for the Lenten worship program. CHS Juniors Hold Play at 8 Friday Junior Class of Consolidated High School is presenting a three--act play entitled “Papa Was a Preacher” scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday. The play, which is under the direction of Mrs. Eugene Rush and Robert L. Boone, will be held in the school auditorium. Participating in the play are Charles Delaplane, Mary Francis Malik, James Couch, Larry Leigh ton, Deanne Skrivanek, David Lloyd, Mary Lou Ergle, Sylvia Williams, Lucy Rogers, Betty Ruth Felty, Mike Luther, Patsy Williams, Margaret Mantagi, and Bill Dorrington. Tickets, which are 50 cents for adults and 35 cents for children, may be obtained from members of the junior class. High School Soph Uncovers Fossils Fossiles from two turtles and an elephant have been unearthed near Bitu bridge on the Brazos River, west of College Station. The fossils were found by Con solidated High School sophomore Mike Walton, son of Dr. E. V. Walton, head of the Agricultural Education Department at A&M. The young 1 discoverer says he of ten finds specimens of fossils when he goes to that area. Mike contacted Dr. Clifton C. Doak, head of the. Biology Depart ment at A&M, who identified the fossils. Dr. Doak said the turtle fossiles came from two different turtles that weighed about 500 pounds each. Ages of the fossils were not de termined. Football (Continued from Page 3) centers Loyd Hale and John Gil bert in the line.. Backfield members were quarter backs Don Watson and Jimmy Wright; halfbacks John Crow, Bill Dendy and Bobby Conrad and full back Jack Pardee. Social Whirl ARCHITECT WIVES CLUB will meet at 7:30 tonight in the YMCA. It is most urgent that everyone attend, since final plans for the cake bake Saturday will be dis cussed, according to Wanda Greer, president. Afterwards members will go in group to the Campus Theatre to see “Diane” stan-ing Lana Turner. He He ^ CIVIL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet tonight at 8 in the Memorial Student Center social room to hear a book review by Mrs. E. L. Angell. This will be a special meeting, the annual get together, according to Carolyn Lo Caste, re porter. He He * AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Memorial Student Center. Hostesses for this week will be Lillian Powers and Sylvia Teague, regulars; Janie Perkins and Yvonne Lawis, intermediates and Sandra Aim and Yvonne Sheppard, begin ners. # * * Development of a new strain of cotton — Acala 4-42 — has made California the second cotton-grow ing state in the Union. Captive kangaroos are easily taught to biotx men in exhibitions. Used Setwing Machines— $5.95 & up New Serving Machines— $59.95 & up Used W.ringer Type Washing Machines— $10.00 & up Used Aliitomatics— $49.95 & up WE REPAIR & SERVICE AiLL MAKES Fi?ee Estimate Bryan Sewing Machine Co. Authorised Necchi-Elna Dealers Authorized Maytag Dealer Ph„ VI 6-6723 Ridgearest Addition REVIVAL ANIMAL HUSBANDRY WIVES Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thurs day in the Animal Industry Libra ry instead of the YMCA due to Religious Emphasis Week. SELL YOUR BOOKS . . . TO LOU 30 day period to re-purchase for the same amount received. Trade With Lou — He’s Right With You McCALL’S Humble Service Station DR. GRADY METCALF PaStor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Temple Will Preach — SUNDAY — 10:50 A. .M — 7:30 P.M. — DAILY — 10:00 A.M. — 7:30 P.M. Feb. 26 - March 4 “Vyhere Service Is First” East Gate VI 6-4922 Hy 6 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH East 27th & Washington In Bryan A Campus-to-Career Case History Cliff Downer (right), A.B. in Mathematics, ’49, M.S. in Civil Engineering, ’50, Harvard, on the site of a building construction project. “Projects you can sink your teeth into” Clifford J. Downer started his tele phone career in the building engineering department of The Southern New Eng land Telephone Company. At present he is working with the Bell System’s manu facturing unit. Western Electric, helping to build facilities for housing a Conti nental Air Defense project. His assign ment: a key liaison job in supervising a subcontractor’s work on a several million dollar construction operation. “One of the most interesting features of my present job,” says Cliff, “is making decisions on the spot. For example, draw ings showed where bedrock for footings would be reached. Excavations revealed a poor grade of rock. How much further Interesting career opportunities of all kinds are also offered by other Bell Telephone Companies and Western Electric Company, Bell Telephone Laboratories and Sandia Corporation. Your placement officer has more information about these companies. L Bell Telephone System down do we go? A hundred workers and tons of equipment are waiting for the decision. “There’s a lot of future for a civil en gineer in the telephone business. New and smaller types of telephone equipment will probably change our ideas about how telephone buildings should be built. It’s fascinating work, all right. And broaden ing, too, because it’s leading me to other engineering fields. “It looks to me as if there are real challenges ahead — projects you can sink your teeth into. Besides, I’m convinced the telephone business recognizes and regards personal industriousness and drive.” CONVAIR (SAN DIEGO) — Representatives will be here March 1 and 2 TO INTERVIEW ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERS ABOUT TO GRADUATE At Convair, in beautiful, smog-free San Diego, California, you will find the diversity of challenging, far-reaching projects that offers you the unlimited career opportunity you seek. This is young country, beautiful, exciting country — the very heart of the busy, vital aircraft and missile industries. And good, young engineers are needed now to grow with new, long-range aircraft and missile programs. You will find the Convair Engineering Department a genuine "engi neer’s” engineering department — imaginative, energetic, explorative. You will discover the very latest engineering equipment, excellent working conditions, salary, personal job advantages, and opportunities for continuing education. Remember these facts about Convair: Convair was awarded the Nation’s first production missile contract and the first production contract for supersonic all-weather interceptors. Convair has the greatest diversity of aircraft engineering projects in the country, including high performance fighters, heavy bombers, large flying boats, transports, trainers, seaplane fighters, vertical take off aircraft and guided missiles. Convair has a completely integrated electronic development pro gram devoted to advanced development and design on missile guid ance, avionic projects, radar systems and special cathode ray tubes. Now you are invited to get full information about your career at Convair. Talk it over with our Convair Engineers on your campus soon. GRADUATING CIVIL ENGINEERS interested in the field of aircraft structure are also invited to apply. Graduate degree candidates in Engineering, Mathematics or Physics are invited to discuss Convair opportunities in the general field of advanced engineering analysis and design. CONVAIR ENGINEERS WILL INTERVIEW ON YOUR CAMPUS MARCH 1 AND 2 Please arrange appointment now! CONVAIR A Division of General Dynamics Corporation Sunny, smog-free San Diego on the coast of Southern California offers you a way of life judged by most as the Nation's finest for year-round climate, beauty and indoor-outdoor living. Sailing, fishing, swimming, golf, skiing, mountain and desert resorts, Hollywood and Old Mexico are all within minutes.