The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1956, Image 1

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    Number 89 : Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
The Battalion
Dr. Overman
To Speak Here
Thursday Night
Dr. Ralph T. Overman,
chairman of the Special Train
ing Section of the Oak Ridge
Institute of Nuclear Studies,
will address the local section
of the American Chemical Society
at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in the lec
ture room of the Chemistry Build
Dr. Overman’s topic will be
"Chemical Problems and Nuclear
Reactors.” He will include in his
talk a short description of the
reactors and their properties which
make them useful in chemical
An informal dinner with the
speaker for section members and
their wives, will be held at G:15
p.m. in the Memorial Student Cen
ter. The social hour after the
talk will be at the home of Mr. and
Mis. Fred W. Jensen, 200 Suffolk,
South Oakwood, College Station.
Dr. Overman received his bach-
elor - ’s degree and his master’s at
Kansas State Teachers College in
Pittsburgh, and his doctor’s de
gree at Luisiana State University.
He has been at the' Oak Ridge In
stitute for more than 10 years,
and took over as chairman of the
Special Training Division in 1948.
More than 2,000 research workers
have been trained in the techniques
of using radioisotopes in research
under the direction of Dr. Over
man during the past seven years.
The speaker is listed in the cur
rent edition of "American Men of
Science,” as well as “Who’s Who
in Chemistry.” He is also listed in
the current "Who Knows — and
What,” a guide to men in all fields.
’mi ^ ''I'lMiwwi'iwBif mmrnk M1 -u." Hi
DORMITORY DISCUSSION—Rev. George Hopper, pastor. First Presbyterian Church,
Huntsville, leads a discussion group in Dormitory 2 for the students of that dorm and for
Dormitory 4. Rev. Hopper, as are all the other dormitory forum and discussion group
leaders, is available for conferences during the week. The discussions are held each
afternoon and evening in each of the dorms having a lounge.
Mess Hall Worker
In Fair Condition
Felix Ramirez, Duncan Mess Hall
worker, was reportedly resting in
a “fair” condition today after be
ing knifed -by a fellow worker last
Marguerite Ramirez is free on
a $500 bond after being charged
with “assault with intent to mur
der” by the Brazos County Sher
iff’s Office.
Details of the encounter were
not known but according to re
ports, the trouble started during
a baseball game being played on
the field south of Duncan Hall.
The two men ate not related but
are both employed by the College
mess hall. Both were off duty at
the time of the incident.
MSC Directorates
Meeting Tonight
The Directorate assistants of the
Memorial Student Center will meet
tonight at 7:15 in the Directorate
office of the MSC.
Plans for "South of the Border
Week” will be discussed. All as
sistants and anyone else interested
in work in this program are ask
ed to be present.
A&M Polio Victim
Moved To Gonzales
Thomas W. Taylor, senior
Aggie who contacted polio in
January, has been moved to
the polio foundation hospital
in Gonzales, Texas, for reha
Taylor was stricken with
paralytic and bulbar polio Jan.
10, and was the first case in
Brazos County for 1956. He
was in Breckenridge Hospital
in Austin until last Saturday,
when he was moved to Gon
zales. Taylor has regained par
tial movement of his left leg
and arm, but his right side is
still almost completely para
The Academic Council voted
in January to grant Taylor his
degree in building products
marketing since he had missed
only ten days of classes.
Armistead Chosen
‘Vet of the Year’
Dr. W. W. Armistead, dean of
the School of Veterinary Medicine
at A&M, was recently chosen as
“Veterinarian of the Year” by the
Gaines Dog Research Center in its
annual poll.
Dr. Armistead was chosen "for
his administrative and profound
surgical contribution to veterinary
medicine and his great services to
the profession as a teacher, writer
and speaker before veterinary
groups in various areas of the
The poll winners were selected
by the balloting of colleagues in
their respective fields of dog ac
tivities from nominations submit
ted by a committee of leading dog
editors, writers and dog show su-
Job Interviews
The following job interviews will
be held at the Placement Office
this week:
interview chemical, mechanical and
petroleum engineering- majors for
engineering trainees. They will
interview interested people hold
ing Ph.D. degree in inorganic
chemistry or chemical engineering
for pilot plant or research assign
ments in connection with the nick
el-cobalt project.
will interview interested juniors
and seniors in industrial, chemical,
mechanical, electrical, civil engi
neering and accounting. There will
be a group meeting for all those
interested at 5 p.m. Tuesday in
the Assembly Room of the MSC.
Youth GroupMeets
Tonight In Bryan
The first annual open meeting
of the Brazos County Youth De
velopment Service will be held to
morrow night in the Maggie Par
ker Dining Hall in Bryan at 7:30,
according to Vic Ehlers, County
Youth Counselor.
"We want everyone in the county
interested in youth to make these
annual meetings a must,” said Ehl
ers. "The one tonight will give a
report of our first year of opera
The Youth Development Service
was established a little over a year
ago, and since then it has perform
ed many valuable services in coun-
ciling, probation and general as
sistance to county youth.
will interview majors in mechan-
ican, electrical, industrial and civil
engineering for opportunities in
engineering, desig-n, development,
mechanical department planning,
supervisory staff or operations.
Wednesday and Thursday
PANY will interview students in
all levels in chemistry. B.S. and
M. S. degrees in electrical, me
chanical and chemical engineering
fd>r openings in production develop
ment, research and development,
design engineering and analytical
chemistry. •
will interview electrical, civil, me
chanical and chemical engineering-
majors for various opportunities.
This company serves the industrial
process industries; oil-refining,
natural gas, chemical processing,
ore-processing and power genera
CONVAIR—Fort Worth, Texas,
will interview aeronautical, civil,
chemical, electrical and mechani
cal engineering majors; also phy
sics and mathematics majors for
various openings.
RE Week Continues
A&M May Get
Faculty Club
If Wanted
FIRST SERVICE—A near-capacity audience gathered in
Guion Hall Monday at 11 a.m. to hear Dr. Morris Wee give
the first sermon of the 13th annual Religious Emphasis
Week at A&M. Dr. Wee spoke on “Is Christianity Neces
sary,” telling the audience that Christianity can answer
the basic questions of life that provide the key to pur
poseful living. The services were continued this morning
and another will be held tomorrow at 10 in Guion.
Debate Team Wins
Third In Tourney
John Wilson and Dave Bowers
won third place in the Senior Di
vision of the Tulane Invitational
Debate Meet held at Tulane Thurs
Wilson and Bowers won three
out of five rounds in the prelimi
naries to take third place. Bill
Heard and Ray Finch failed to
place in the tournament. E. M.
Huitt, sophomore student, went on
the trip as an observer.
Debate Coach Lee Martin of the
English Department accompanied
team members on the three day
What’s Cooking
The following is the schedule for
tonight’s meetings:
Pre-Med, Pre-Dent Society; 107
Biology Bldg.; film and refresh
Fish and Game Club; wildlife
lab.; panel on wildlife and fisheries
biology; refreshments.
Institute of Aeronautical Sci
ences; new Engineering Bldg.
A&M Student Weather Club;
room 23, Old Science Hall; two
color films on fronts.
Marketing Society; room 3B of
MSC; Dr. Benson will speak.
Fees Now Payable
Second installment fees are
now payable at the Fiscal Of
fice and must be paid before
5 p.m. Thursday to avoid pen
alty. Total payable is $50.60,
which includes board, $36.45;
room rent, $11.25; and laundry,
Possibility of organizing a
faculty club for Texas A&M
College staff members is be
ing explored by a special com
mittee of the local chapter of
the American Association of Uni
versity Professors.
Questionnaires to determine the
degree of interest in a faculty club
are being prepared and will be dis
tributed soon to all faculty and
staff members. Extent to which
the club would be used, amount of
financial support staff members
would be willing to pay, and pre
ferred locations and types of sei-v-
ice are among the questions asked.
AAUP President J. T. Kent has
appointed the following' special
faculty club committee: Donald D.
Burchai'd, chairman, Michael V.
Krenitsky, M. C. Hughes, O. E.
Sperry, John Quisenbei'ry, Dan
Davis and W. J. Saucier.
In 1948 a similar study was pre
pared and recommendations made
for the establishment of a club.
Imminent completion of the Me
morial Student Center brought de
ferment of action, to determine
whether the MSC would serve the
needs of the staff. Because of the
many changes in personnel in the
past eight years, the AAUP felt
a new survey desirable, Kent said.
Man Of The Year
Will Be Chosen
The "Man and Woman of the
Year” will be chosen by the Col
lege Station Development Associa
tion and Chamber of Commerce
this year, from nominations sub
mitted by citizens pf College Sta
tion, according- to W. H. Delaplane,
president of the Association.
"Nominations and supporting-
material should be submitted to
me not later than Feb. 28,” Dela
plane said. "I will submit them to
an anonymous screening* commit
tee which will pick several to be
voted on by the Association.”
Among other action at their re
cent meeting, the board voted to
hold an evening- meeting for all
members of the Association and
interested citizens Monday, March
19. Place and hour of the meeting-
will be announced later.
Committee chairmen for 1956 in
clude L. G. Jones, Finance; N. M.
McGinnis, Membership; Gibb Gil
christ, civic committee; and R. L.
Hunt, education.
Tomorrow’s Talk To Be
At 10 A.M. in Guion Hall
Qualified Students Can
File for Editorships
Deadline for applying for top
editorships of the five student pub
lications is 5 p.m. March 1, said
Ross Strader, dii'ector of student
The Battalion, Aggieland, Engi
neer, Southwestern Veterinarian,
Agriculturist and Commentator edi
tors for 1956-57 will be appointed
by the Student Publications Board
March 6.
Battalion and Aggieland editors
are appointed after certification of
eligibility and recommendation by
the director of student publica
Editors of the four magazines
are appointed the same way but
must have the concurrence of the
student council of the school serv
ed by the publication.
Minimum requirements are as
• One year’s experience on the
staff of a student publication and
proved capacity to carry on the
• Junior or senior classification.
• Free of academic probation or
disciplinary action.
• Grade-point average of at
least 1.5 thi-ough the fall semes
Interested students are asked to
file written applications with the
director of student publications.
Applications should include qual
ifications, past experience and an
indication of how the experience
as an editor is expected to bene
fit the student in his chosen field
of endeavor.
The present editors of the publi
cations are on the lookout for
freshmen who will get their exper
ience and training early, so that
they can qualify with a full year
of experience before their junior
or senior year.
Journalism courses are helpful
but they are not a prerequisite; a
good grounding in English plus na
tive ability can be sufficient quali
fication. An early start in student
publications work should make
later English and Journalism cour
ses more meaningful.
The A&M student publications
program offers many opportunities
for wx-iters, editors, circulation
men and advertising salesir.»3n. The
office is now on the second floox-
of Goodwin Hall, but will be relo
cated in the basement of the YMCA
building as soon as the new quar-
tex’s there axe finished, px-obably
next month.
Religious Emphasis Week continues in full swing at
A&M, with morning services being held yesterday and today
in Guion Hall. The convocation speaker for these services
is Dr. Morris Wee, pastor of the Bethel Lutheran Church,
University of Wisconsin.
Tomorrow’s services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday
and Friday, services will be at 9.
In addition to the morning services, other religious
leaders are holding dormitory councils and also groups for
faculty and staff members and married students.
Dr. Ellis Nelson, Austin Presbyterian Theological Semi
nary, is leader for the faculty group and Dr. Sidney Hamil-
♦ton, professor at North Texas
State College, is leader for
married Aggies and their
Dormitory speakers are
Rev. Cax-los Davis, Fix-st Metho
dist Church, Atlanta, Texas; Rev.
John Paul Cai'ter, The Canterbury
Association, Dallas; Rev. William
H. Dickenson, associate minister.
Highland Park Methodist Chinch,
Dallas; Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Vernon
O. Rogers, headquarters, AFROTC,
Montgomery, Ala.; Homer P.
Reeves, minister, Central Church
of Christ, Houston; Rev. Geox-ge
Hopper, pastor, First Presbytex*-
ian Chux-ch, Huntsville; Chaplain
(Lt. Col.) Gregory J. Lock, Fouxth
Ax-mored Division, Foxt Hood;
Rev. S. L. Harris, director, Bap
tist Student Union, Sam Houston
State College, Huntsville; Dr. Foy
Valentine, Baptist Boaxd of Edu
cation, Dallas; Dr. Kenneth L.
Mauldin, St. Andi'ew’s Px-esbyter-
ian Church, Dallas; Rev. Carl E.
Hackex-, Lutheran Student Foun
dation, Univei’sity of Texas; Rev.
Chai'les Lutrick, executive secre-
tax-y, Northwest Texas Confex-ence,
Lubbock; and Dr. Robext I. Kahn,
Rabbi, Temple Emanu El, Hous
The religious leadei’s are living
in dormitories with the students
and attempt, in gx-oup discussions,
to answer questions which stu
dents have asked be brought to dis
At non in Sbisa Hall, the gx’oup
eats with various student leaders
and members of the staff.
Radio Station WTAW is bi'oad-
casting the sexvices each day
from 5:30 to 6:15 ;p.m.
Eagle Writer
Attacked After
Printing Story
Paschal Price, Bryan Daily
Eagle Sports Editor, suffered
a cut lip and several loose
teeth yesterday when attack
ed after printing an article
against the automobile racing track
in Bryan.
Frank (Doc) Kalinec was fined
$25 in city court and H. L. Whitley
Ji\ was x'eleased in $50 bail after
the fracas, which occux-red in the
Eagle office eai'ly Monday monx-
ing. The two men ai’e the chief
promoters of the automobilq racing
The Sunday ai'ticle stated, "pi'op-
ei'ly conducted auto racing is a
good spoi't and usually safe for its
drivers and spectators. Improperly
conducted, it is suicide.
"For the local auto racex's thei'e
ai'e ti'acks at neighbox-ing cities
which have met and passed all
safety regulations. Until a local
group can supply such fox- local
racers, it appeal’s that our racers
should do their racing elsewhex - e.”
To this, Kalinec told Judge W. C.
Davis that “Bx-yan has only one
newspaper and it’s ci'ooked. Pas
chal’s got a newspaper to wxite in.
I’ve only got my fist.”
Whitley said the two men had
visited a lawyer eaidiei* in the
morning and were advised to talk
to the Eagle befoi’e suing for libel.
The convei'sation with Pi’ice lasted
for only about 30 seconds as Whit
ley snatched Px-ice’s glasses off his
nose and Kalinec swung a right to
the jaw.
Price, a one-time bantam boxer,
weighs only 125 pounds while the
other two men weighed-in at well
over 200 pounds each.
Whitley pleaded not guilty to a
charge of distuxbing the peace and
ti’ial was set for 9 a.m. Satuxday.
Hey, Fish Jones!
All freshmen wanting to en
ter their girlfriend’s'picture in
the competition for Freshman
Sweetheart should turn in the
picture as soon as possible at
the Office of Student Activi
ties, second floor, Goodwin
Weather Today
Continued cloudy with no change
in weather conditions is foi'ecasted
for College Station. Yestexday’s
high of 68 degi’ees dxopped to a
low of 48 degrees eai'ly this moi-n-
ing. Tempex-atuxe at 10:30 a.m.
was 59 degi'ees.
son, left, from Athens, was named Sweetheart of the First
Regimental Ball Saturday night. She was chosen from
five finalists. Don Burton, regimental commander, plant
ed the congratulatory kiss on Miss Richardson. She was
escorted by C. M. Crawford, senior from Athens.