The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1956, Image 5
Girl Scouts Will Hostess U.N. Club Meeting Friday The United Nations Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the YMCA with Girl Scout Troop 36 of Consolidated School serving- as hostesseg. The U.N. club will present a pan el discussion led by Dr. C. C. Doak on “America’s Own Revolution” as the first part of the program. A film will also be shown to high light the subject. The Girl Scouts wvill present folk dances from three different coun tries. Dancing will be directed by ^51 Well, Mr. Smarty, who knows a good way to clean clothes with gasoline. . . . Maybe next time you’ll send them to — CAMPUS CLEANERS Mrs. Heni'y Thigpen and music provided by Mrs. Phillip Goode. Members 'of Troop 36 are Kay Andrews, Nancy Beamer, Susan Biiles, Carla Denison, Janet Durst, Eileen Floeek, Marcy Goode, Robin James. Barbara Kackley, Virginia Mc Afee, Mary McNeely, Judy Mills, Susan Minor, Allyn Roth, Jeanette Sperry, Joy Thigpen, and Kathy Walker. Troop leaders, Mrs. J. G. Mc Neely and Mrs. W. E. Briles, would like to invite anyone interested to attend the program. Jobs (Continued from Page 4) ture. BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS— DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY, Washington, D.C. Opportunities in research, design and development are open for majors in mechanical, civil and aeronautical engineering. TEXAS EASTMAN COMPANY will interview for openings with Tennessee Eastman and Eastman Kodak Company in New York. Ma jors in the following fields are in vited to attend: chemistry, physics, mechanical, chemical, electrical and industrial engineers. TEXAS GAS CORPORATION will interview mechanical and chemicali engineers for various op portunities with the main field of operation in the Beaumont area. “Roy Henry’s clearing his used car lot all the way from the latest to the oldest models. Here’s a chance for you to pick up a good clean used car, with plenty of miles left in it at a very low cost. Look at this: , 1949 FORD TUDOR—excellent condition, paint in perfect condition 1951 PONTIAC CATALINA—beautiful interior, fully equipped, just like a new one 1953 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN-unbelievably clean, one car owner, extra low mileage 1950 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN—many good miles left in it Roy Henry Pontiac Co. Hearne, Texas $425 $795 $1250 $295 ^J^cuviiiu 3c,voriteS Thursday, February 16, 1956 TH]£ BATTALION Page 5 By Mrs. J. Gordon Gay Emma R. Gay, reared in Bay Springs, Miss., received her B.A. degree from Mississippi Womans College. The wife of J. Gordon Gay, secretary of the YMCA, the coujUe have been with the College since 1928. Mrs. Gay’s hobbies include metal work, rug making and working with house plants. The Gay’s, who are Methodist, have four sons. 2 cups milk % cup sugar % cup shortening 1 yeast cake ICE BOX ROLLS % t. soda, Vz t. baking- powder 1 t. salt 5% cups flour Boil together, milk, sugar and shortening, then cool to luke warm. Crumble yeast cake in warm water to cover and let set while milk mixture cools. Then add to mixture and stir. Add soda, baking pow der, salt and about 314 cups of the flour for soft batter. Let j-ise until double in bulk. Add remaining flour and let rise again until double in bulk. You may use a little more or less flour but use as little as possible. Grease hands and make out rolls by pinching off small portions, shaping into parkerhouse or clover leaf rolls. Grease thoroughly with melted butter. Let rise until very light and bake at 350 degrees about 15 min. (do not pre-heat oven). Grease left over dough and cover tightly in refrigerator. They are really better the second day. ONIONS AND LIVER CASSEROLE This is a favorite with my family since it does away with the strong liver taste that most liver recipes have. 2 cups sliced onions Salt, pepper 1 lb. calf liver’ Bacon grease Cook sliced onions slowly in bacon grease until soft (not brown) and place in casserole. Remove skin from liver and cut into l 1 /^ or 2 inch cubes. Dredge in flour and brown in bacon grease in whiclr on ions were cooked. . . . sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place lightly browned liver over onions in casserole, cover tightly and bake at 300 degrees about Y>ne hour. BANANA NUT BREAD Vz- cup butter 1 t. soda 2 cups flour 2 eggs 1 cup sugar % cup nuts 3 bananas First crush bananas and whip until light. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, flour, soda and nuts. Add bananas—turn into bread pan lined with wax paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. This makes one loaf. CABBAGE AND PINEAPPLE SALAD 2 cups finely shredded Juice of 1 lemon raw cabbage Dash of salt Vz No. 2 can crushed pine- X A cup mayonnaise apple, well drained 2 T. sugar 1/3 cup chopped marsh mallows Toss lightly together. " This is very popular with men and boys. I serve it often to students. COCO AN UT CRUNCH PIE Combine: Add: 3 egg yolks, well beaten % cup milk 114 cups sugar . 2 T. soft oleo 1 t. salt—mix well Vz t. Almond extract 14 t. lemon extract After the two above lists of ingredients have been combined, beat then fold in 1 cup chopped cocoanut; beat 3 egg whites until stiff (not dry), fold into egg yolk mixture. Pour into unbaked pastry shell. Bake at 350 degrees about 40 minutes or until inserted knife comes out clear. Council of Church Women Plans Services Friday The Council of Church Women of College Station will hold ser vices at 10 a.m. Friday at A&M Presbyterian Church in unison with the World Day of Prayer. All denominations are invited to this program. Music will be provided by Har mony Choral Club under the direc tion of Mrs. Grace Krug. Mrs. C. W. Simmons will accompany the choral group while Mrs. Charles Moore, church organist” will also play. Nelson To Falk Dr. Ellis Nelson, Professor of Christian Education at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, will be the third preacher at the First Meth odist Church in Bryan for their series entitled “The Great Preach ers of Texas.” Dr. Nelson is one of the leading preachers and teachers of the Pres byterian church and will also lead the Faculty Forums at A&M Col lege during Religious Emphasis week which begins Sunday. The program has been planned by Mrs. C. J. Keese with assistance from Mesdames J. B. Baty, Harvey Oakes, Harlin Smith, Clarence Ketch and M. L. Tashion. “All persons — particularly the women of the area-r-are invited to attend the program,” stated Mrs. Smith. Hoffman Diamond Cuffing Co. |) A LOW OVERHEAD 1 OFFICE OPERATION 1 Saved tytut typ. '40 J ana Fine Diamond J ew °l r y^—rfiSr • - ' 't U" ; '• c • .r E■ . IT JTJTjS. VALENTINE TEA-Chem- ical Engineering- Wives club recently honored the facul ty wives of that department with a social in the YMCA> with approximately 33 per sons present. Chatting around the punchbowl are, left, Barbara Mullins, Mrs. W. D. Harris, Mrs. J. D. Lidsay, Mrs. T. W. Bishop and Shirley Arnette. Mes dames Mullins and Arnette are club members. Used Sewing Machines— $5.95 & up New Sewing Machines— $59.95 & up Used Wringer Type Washing Machines— $10.00 & up Used Automatics— $49.95 & up WE REPAIR & SERVICE ALL MAKES Free Estimate Bryan Sewing Machine Co. Authorized Necchi-Elna Dealers Authorized Maytag Dealer Ph. VI 6-6723 Ridgecrest Addition C&Sfe&f THE TASTE IS GREAT! the ACTIVATE6 C H ARC O A L FT'LfW ©A.T. CO. - V-r \N IT Xllere you have the best in filtered smoking — Filter Tip Tareyton, the filter cigarette that smokes milder, smokes smoother, draws easier . . . the only one that gives you Activated Charcoal filtration. All the pleasure comes thru... the taste is great! gggoSMOKlN6 FILTER Tl pTAREYTON product of AMERICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES ^ GROCERIES ^ Duncan’s Admiration—1 Pound Bag C O F F F E E 87c Nabisco Ritz—8 Oz. Pkg. CRACKERS 20c Tea Garden Seedless—20 Oz. Jar BLACKBERRY PRESERVES, 39c Armour’s Star—16 Oz. Can CHILI WITH BEANS .... 25c Armour’s Star—16 Oz. Can TAMALES 18c Libby’s—46 Oz. Can TOMATO JUICE .... can 29c Stockton—1 2 Oz. Bottles—Tomato CATSUP ..... 2 bottles 31c ^ FROZEN FOODS ^ — PICTSWEET — 6 Oz. Cans ORANGE JUICE . . . PEAS PEAS & CARROTS MIXED VEGETABLES CUT CORN CHOPPED SPINACH TURNIP GREENS . . 2 cans 33c * PRODUCE 146 Size Florida ORAN GES . Size 4 LETTUCE Green CABBAGE BANANAS doz. 35c . 2 heads 19c . . 3 lbs. 10c . . 2 lbs. 25c ^ GROCERIES ^ Kimbell’s Pitted—303 Cans PIE CHERRIES . Kimbell’s Whole—303 Cans GREEN BEANS . 3 Pound Can C R I S C O . . Libby’s Sliced—No. 2 Can PINEAPPLE . . Nelda Brand—303 Cans TOMATOES Niblets Whole Kernel GOLDEN CORN Woodbury’s Bath Size TOILET SOAP . 2 cans 49c . 2 cans 41c . , . 87c .... 29c . 2 cans 25c . 2 cans 33c . 4 cakes 39c MARKET ★ — PEN FED BABY BEEF CUTS — LOIN STEAK lb. 69c T-BONE STEAK lb. 69c PORTER HOUSE STEAK . lb. 49c 7-BONE STEAK . . SHORT RIBS . . Square Cut SHOULDER ROAST ’decker’s Tall Korn GLIDED BACON . frmour’s Star ;v i e n e r s . . A rmour’s LARGE BOLOGNA .lb. 59c . lb. 33c .lb. 39c . lb. 37c . lb. 45c . lb. 39c CHARLIE’S FOOD MARKET NORTH GATE — WE DELIVER — COLLEGE STATION SPECIALS FOR THUR. AFTERNOON, FRI. & SAT. — FEB. 16 - 17 - 18