The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1956, Image 1

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The Battalion
Number 87: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
A&M Receives
Facsimile Unit
For E.E. Dept
Western Union’s newest elec
tronic marvel, a desk-comer facsi
mile machine called Desk-Fax, was
presented as a gift from the tele
graph company to the Engineer
ing Department of A&M.
The Desk-Fax equipment, con
sisting of two transmitter-receiv
ers, was installed in theengineer-
ing laboratory for use by the stu
dents in their study of the new
and growing field of facsimile tele
Dr. John Paul Abbott, Dean of
the College, accepted the gift for
A&M in a brief ceremony in Hol
ton Hall. The presentation was
made by J. C. Dowda, Western
Union District Superintendent.
“We are delighted that Western
Union has presented us with their
new Desk-Fax,” said Dean Abbott.
“It represents a valuable addition
to our present laboratory equip
ment and will be of special interest
to graduate students and under
graduates who wil take their elec
tives in the field of electronics.”
Operation of the Desk-Fax is
simple. It transmits written, typ
ed or printed matter fast and effi
ciently. The businessman simply
places the message on the facsimile
machine and pushes a button. The
machine does the rest.
Instantly and automatically the
message revolves before an electric
eye which flashes an exact picture
of the message to the central tele
graph office.
TELEGRAPH EQUIPMENT—J. P. Abbott, Dean of the College, left, receives a Desk-
Fax unit as a gift from Western Union Telegraph Co. for use by the Electrical Engi
neering Department. J. C. Dowda, district superintendent for Western Union, right,
made the formal presentation of the unit yesterday afternoon as M. C. Hughes, head
of the department, looks on. The machine is designed to transmit written, typed or
printed matter fast and efficiently.
Student Activities
Needs Senior List
Hometown club president are
being urged by the Department of
Student Activities to bring in lists
of high school seniors who are in
terested in coming to A&M for the
annual High School Day March 3.
The purpose of this program is
to give outstanding high school
seniors a preview of life on our
campus. Housing and other needs
are taken care of by A&M stu
dents fi'om hometowns of the high
school students. The Former Stu
dents clubs in the different towns
provide transportation for those
needing it.
Activities will include a color
movie of A&M life; group tours
of the campus; Sports Day, with
the students being guests of the
A&M ‘T” Association, which will
feature a baseball game, a tennis
match, a golf match and an intra-
squad football game at Kyle Field.
Two Dormitories
Will Get Blinds
Venetian blinds wil be installed
in Mitchell and Puryear halls this
summer due to a recommendation
by Dr. Robert B. Kamm, dean of
Student Personnel Services.
More dormitories will h a v e
blinds in the future, but due to
the high cost it will be some time
before it is possible to equip them.
Each set of blinds costs on an
average of $7 and it is estimated
that it would cost around $40,000
to put up blinds on all dormitory
windows. At the present time,
there is only enough money to
equip two dormitories with blinds.
Annual Clinic
For Newspapers
Op ens Friday
The seventh annual A&M Me
chanical Conference and Texas
Newspaper Clinic will be held to
morrow and Saturday in the Me
morial Student Center. Approxi
mately 200 representatives from
more than 600 Texas newspapers
are expected to attend.
The conference will begin Fri
day at 1 p.m. with discussions on
different phases of the uses of
photography in journalism, follow
ed by a tour of the new darkroom
in the YMCA.
The A&M Press will hold an
open house Friday afternoon.
Saturday’s sessions will begin
with talks on printing equipment
and reports on more profits from
better use of advertising.
President David H. Morgan will
welcome conference delegates to
the campus at an informal luncheon
Edmond C. Arnold, nationally
known expert on newspaper typo
graphy, will conduct the Saturday
afternoon session on newspaper
Up Over
Last Year
College enrollment for the
spring semester this year has
increased 172 students from
the same time last year.
Enrollment at this time last
year was 5,869 while it has
increased to 6,041 this semes
The number includes 3,001
military students and 3,040
civilian students. Of the to
tal enrollment 5,228 are in
four-year curriculums.
The enrollment for the first
semester of this year was
News of the World
WASHINGTON—Harry S. Truman accused President
Eisenhower yesterday of knowingly lending himself to “a
campaign of distortion and vilification” in 1952. He declared
Eisenhower even took the “politically and morally intolerable”
step of exploiting the Korean War “for political advantage,”
and he declared Eisenhower damaged this country’s cease
fire efforts by his campaign promise to visit Korea himself,
[n the final installment of his memoirs, published in Life mag
azine, Truman gives high praise to the integrity and elo
quence of Adlai E. Stevenson, but declared Stevenson made
five major mistakes that lost him millions of votes as the
Democratic candidate against Eisenhower.
★ ★ ★
PARIS—Poujadist and Leftist deputies broke up a
session of the French National Assembly last night with
a hard-slugging floor battle for possession of the speak
er’s rostrum. At least three noses were bloodied. Offic
ials said later six deputies were treated at the Assem
bly’s first aid station for minor injuries.
★ ★ ★
LONDON—Unrelenting cold still gripped much of Eur
ope yesterday and only Britain, Spain and Portugal were
given any hope of relief. Forecasters said those countries
could expect thaws but more cold is in store for the rest. The
death toll from the three-week-old cold wave, the most se
vere the Continent has known in the 20th Century, rose to
★ ★ ★
NICOSIA, Cyprus—Informed sources said yester
day that Britain has offered complete internal self-gov
ernment to Cyprus with defense and foreign affairs re
maining under Britain’s Control. They said Archbishop
Makarios, leader of the enosis—union with Greece
movement—and Gov. Sir John Harding have agreed on
the conditions set by Britain but are withholding official
announcements until next Tuesday.
Ann ual Rel igious W eek
To Begin Monday at 11
Donated To
Eng. Library
The family of Dr. Frederick
Giesecke, a graduate of A&M
and formerly one of the na
tions leading authorities on
radiant and hot water heat
ing, has presented to the Texas
Engineering Library an extensive
and valuable private library, ac
cording to librarian Robert E.
Included in the collection are
books on engineering drawing, air
conditioning, ventilation, hydraul
ics, architecture, radiant heating,
sanitary engineering and numer
ous magazines and bulletins on
various technical subjects.
Dr. Giesecke received his M.E.
degree from Texas A&M in 1890
and later, at the University of Ill
inois, was awarded his Ph.D. He
also attended the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cornell
University and the Technische Ho-
chule at Charlottenburg, Germany.
For more than 50 years Dr.
Giescke was a member of the fac
ulty at A&M and the University
of Texas. While at A&M he serv
ed as head of the Department of
Architecture, college architect, and
director of the Engineering Exper
iment Station before his retire
ment in 1945.
Before his death in 1954 at the
age of 84, Dr. Giesecke had been
a former pi'esident of the Ameri
can Society of Heating and Venti
lating Engineers and was a recip
ient of one of foui 1 gold medals
awarded by the Society to its most
distinguished members. He was
also a charter member of the
American Society for Engineering-
Education and belonged to sevei-al
other societies including A.S.C.E.,
Fees Now Payable
Second installment fees are
now payable at the Fiscal Of
fice and must be paid before
Feb. 23 to avoid penalty. Total
payable is $50.60, which in
cludes board, $36.45; room
rent, $11.25 and laundry $2.90.
Mesquite Controls
Grants Aid Ag Research
Three grants-in-aid, a gift and
a loan have recently been made to
the Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station to further research
work in several different fields.
Station Director R. D. Lewis, an
nounced that the Dodge Jones
Foundation of Abilene, through
Mrs. Percy Jones, president, has
made available a grant-in-aid for
$25,000 to support research on the
control of mesquite and other
Design Problem
Winners Named
Vernon G. Henry, David B. Mor
ris and William P. Kelley were re
cently named winners of a third
year design problem in architec
ture. *
The winners were presented a
$50 prize for the best plans and
model of a house drawn to speci
fications set up by W. D. (Pete)
Hardesty, Student Activities Bus
iness Manager, who furnished the
prize money.
First prize of $25 went to Henry,
Morris was second for $15 and
Kelley was third to qualify for a
$10 award.
The students were interviewed
by Hardesty under the same con
ditions that the students would
find at hand upon graduation.
They then had six weeks to com
plete their plans and build a scale
model of the house.
P. Kelley Jr. and David B. Morris, left to right, have been
named winners of a third year design problem in archi
tecture. First prize of $25 went to Henry, second prize of
$15 to Morris and $10 for third place to Kelley.'The prizes
were awarded for the best plans and model of a house
drawn to specifications set up by W. D. (Pete) Hardesty,
Student Activities Business Manager.
brush. The money is to be paid in
equal installments over a five-year
period and will be used at the
Spur Sub-station with C. E. Fish
er, superintendent, supervising the
Also to be used at the Spur sta
tion is a gift of approximately
eight tons of specially prepared
cottonseed pellets from the Plains
Cooperative Oil Mill of Lubbock.
The gift was made through Roy
B. Davis and will be used in assist
ing livestock and feeding research.
The Marco Chemical Company
of Fort Worth, through Melvin
Rosenthal, has made available a
grant of $3,000 to support research
on the feeding value of a modified
vegetable fat upon the growth and
feed efficiency of broilers. Dr. J.
R. Couch, Department of Poultry
Husbandry, is directing the stud
The International Minerals and
Chemical Corporation of Skokie,
Ill., has made available $2,500 to
be used in establishing a research
assistantship for research on the
Weather Today
A cold front is expected to move
into College Station sometime to
morrow morning. Possible light
showers are forecasted for today.
Yesterday’s high of 82 degrees
.dropped to 53 degrees early this
morning. Temperature at 10:30
a.m. was 63 degrees.
nutritional requirements of se
same. The assistantship is to be
set up in the Department of
Agronomy under the supervision
of Dr. J. B. Page, department head.
6 The World Day of Prayer’’
Observed Tomorrow at 10
Battalion Staff Writer
A&M’s annual Religious Emphasis Week, the fourteenth,
will be observed next week on the campus, with convocation
services each morning in Guion Hall. Special forums and
discussion groups will be in the afternoons and evenings.
Dr. Morris Wee, pastor of the Bethal Lutheran Church,
Madison, Wis., will be the main convocation speaker for the
week. He has had a distinguished career as a minister, hav
ing served as pastor of several leading churches of his de
nomination and having been a frequent speaker on college
campuses. )
The morning services will be open to faculty and stu
dents, and classes will be suspended for these programs ac
cording to the following
Monday — 11 a.m. to 12
Tuesday, Wednesday —
a.m. to 11 a.m.
Thursday, Friday—9 a.m. to
IN ADDITION to the morning
services with Dr. Wee, 14 religious
counselors, one for each dormitory,
will be here to direct student for
ums and discussion groups. Dr.
Sidney Hamilton, chairman, De-
pai-tment of Sociology, Noidh Tex
as State College, will serve as lead
er for married students.
Faculty members, their wives,
members of the staff and friends
are invited to attend the facility
Rains Could
Cause Brazos
Recent rains in this area
could easily cause additional
landslides and dangerous mud
banks on the Brazos River,
acording to Dr. Clifton C.
Doak, head of the Biology Depart
“The Bi-azos is continuously
changing course,” Doak said. “In
this county alone, there are two
distinct river beds besides the one
presently filled with water.”
There is no quicksand into which
a person might fall, Doak assured.
He said that one must understand
exactly what quicksand is in order
to undei-stand its presence. There
is quicksand in the channel itself,
but the only real danger is from
the muddy banks and the evei'-
present possibility of landslides
from up above the river’s edge.
Dams on the upper Brazos Rivei*
today prevent serious floods in this
area. Doak said that this has not
always been the case since the
people of Brazos County ai’e still
paying on bonds to build a levy
that washed out 30 yeai’s ago.
Regimental Ball
Set For Saturday
The First Regimental Ball, first
since 1951, will be held in Sbisa
Hall Saturday. The Aggieland Or
chestra will provide music.
The dance starts at 9 p.m. and
ends at 12 p.m. A First Regi
mental Sweetheart will be selected
from entiles submitted by students
in that regiment only.
Committees and their heads are
Chairman of the Ball, Don Bur
ton; decorations, C. M. Crawford;
Dance, Jimmy Weeks; Program,
Vince Giardina; Sweetheart, Nath
an Boardman; and Tickets, George
forums, which will again be led
by Dr. Ellis Nelson, professor at
the Austin Presbyterian Theologi
cal Seminary. These meetings will
be held nightly at 7:30 in the
Tomorrow the college will join
with College Station in recognizing
this day as “The World Day of
Prayer.” At 10 a.m. there will be
one minute of silence in accord with
people throughout the country and
in more than 100 other countries
around the world in observance of
this day.
BEGINNING at 9:45 tomorrow
morning, hymns will be played
over the public address system of
the Memorial Student Center.
Stalling shortly before 10 a.m., the
college whistle will blow until 3 0,
then at 10:01 the whistle will blow
again signifying the end of the
minute of silence. It has been sug
gested for classes meeting at this
time that everyone stand with
heads bowed for the pei’iod.
The following is a continuation
of biographical sketches of the men
who will be here for Religious Em
phasis Week.
fessor, North Texas State College,
will live in the Board of Directors
Rooms and lead the forums and
discussion groups for married stu
dents in the YMCA Chapel. He
will be available for counseling
during the week.
He teaches courses at North Tex-
FLEECE EXPERTS—A&M’s Wool Judging - Team, which missed top honors in the Na
tional Western Livestock Show at Denver by only seven points recently, is pictured with
coach T. D. Watkins, left. Members of the team are, left to right, Glynn R. Chand
ler, J. M. Auld Jr., Cecil Skaggs Jr. and Jimmy Carpenter. It was the first time the
team ever competed in the Denver show, and the first wool team the college has fielded in
several years.