The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 15, 1956, Image 1

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    The Battali
Number 86: Volume 55
Price 5 Cents
ADDITIONS—Workmen lay bricks on the A&M laundry as part of a new $60,000 im
provement plan, to be financed out of laundry profits, which will go to give better and
speedier service at the laundry. Plans call for a warehouse and sub-station addition to
the present plant. More details on the improvements will be given in a story in a later
edition of The Battalion.
Religious Emphasis, ITT
Three More Leaders
This is the third article in the
series on Religious Emphasis
leaders who will be here Feb.
tor of the First Presbyterian
Church, Huntsville, will live in
dormitory 2 and lead the forums
and discussion g;roups for dormi
tories 2 and 4. He will be available
for conferences during- the week.
After working- six months as a
bacteriology lab technician, Hop
per entered Union Theological
Seminary in Richmond, Va. He
graduated in 1949 and was minis-
ter of students for two years at
U.S.U., and for three and one-half
years at the University of Ten
Hopper came to Huntsville at the
beginning of last year. He is the
immediate past president of the
Presbyteidan U.S. Student Workers
Freshmen Asked
To Pay Class Dues
Civilian freshmen are asked to
pay their class fee of $1 to the
Student Activities Office on the
second floor of Goodin Hall this
week, according to John G. Thom
as, freshman class president.
Tickets to the Freshman Ball,
to be held March 3, will not be sold
to students who have not paid
their class dues.
Pictures for the Fish sweetheart
should be turned in to the Office
of Student Activities in Goodwin
Hall this week. These pictures
should be 5" by 7". The pictui-es
will be returned.
REV. S. L. HARRIS, director of
the Baptist Student Union, Sam
Houston State College, Huntsville,
will live in dormitory 11 and will
lead the forums
and discussion
groups in the
dormitory and be
available for con
ferences during
the week.
Rev. Harris
received his B.A.
■ijk degree from
Rev. Harris Howard Payne
College, and his B.D. degree at
Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary. At present he is BSU
director and associate professor of
Bible at Sam Houston State. He
is also BSU director on State Coun
cil of Texas for 1955-56.
During his college years Rev.
Harris held various honors and
positions: Greater Baptist Student
Union President, Ministerial Coun
cil, rural Baptist pastor, Alpha
Chi, Pi Gamma Mu, and Vinson
Award for scholarship.
Board of Education, Dallas, will
live in dormitory 10 and lead the
forums and dis
cussion groups
for dormitory 10
and 12 and be
available for con-
ferences during
the week.
D r. Valentine
received his B.A.
degree fx*om Bay-
1 o r University, Dr. Valentine
his Th.M. and Th.D. degrees from
Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary. He has published ser
mons in “Youth Speaks”, a Broad-
man Book of Merit. At present he
is director of the Christian Life
Commission of the Baptist General
Convention of Texas.
A native of Edgewood, Texas,
Dr. Valentine has served as student
pastor at Jonah, Texas, and at
Golden, Texas. He was a special
representative in race relations to
the General Convention of Texas
in 1947-48.
Tight Year For Salaries Ahead
Student’s Wife
Praises Hospital
More praise has been ac
corded A&M and the College
Hospital. The following letter
was received Feb. 6 by Dr.
Robert B. Kamm, Dean of Stu
dent Personnel Services from
the wife of John I.. Barkley.
Barkley, veteran prepara
tory veterinary medicine stu
dent from Midlothian, was ad
mitted to the College hospital
January 27 with internal hem
orrhages and a collapsed lung.
He remained in the hospital for
12 days and was transferred
to the McCloskey Hospital in
Temple Feb. 7.
“I would like to express,
through you, my sincere ap
preciation for the excellent
care my husband received while
in the College Hospital. I, to
gether with the rest of his
family, feel he could not have
gotten better care anywhere
and we would especially like
to mention the services ren
dered by Dr. Marsh and Mrs.
“My husband is very much
improved and we hope he’ll
soon be back in school.”
Mrs. John L. Barkley
Indian Counselor To Speak
On His Country Tomorrow
Zingaro Completes
Research Writing
Dr. Ralph Zingaro of the Chem-
^ptry Department has completed a
writing on research he carried on
at the Oak Ridge National Labo-
ratory where he was a summer
participant. He spent several
days there recently.
He plans an extensive biblio
graphy on the extraction of urani
um from its ores.
Weather Today
M. S. Sundaram will deliver a
lecture here Thursday at 8 p.m. in
the lecture room of the Biological
Sciences Building. Sundaram is
educational and cultural counselor,
embassy of India, in Washington,
D. C.
He will talk on “India Old and
New—a Revolution in Progress.”
Staff Members
Attend Meeting
Several staff members of the
Chemistry Department attended
the Louisiana State University
Symposium on Modern Methods of
Analytical Chemistry, held recently
at Baton Rouge.
Dr. T. S. Burkhalter piesided at
one of the round-table conferences.
Others attending were I. F. Collier,
Cecil Dickson and Robei't F. Wales.
The public has been invited to hear
the lecture.
Sundaram was for many years
associated with the teaching pro
fession in India at three different
universities where he was profes
sor and head of the Department
of English Studies. He was edu
cated at Madras and, subsequently
at Oxford, England. In 1942 he
entered the Ministry of Education
as assistant education advisor and
worked on a plan for the educa
tional reconstruction of India.
In 1945 he came to the United
States as educational liaison offi
cer to the Indian government.
From 1947 to 1950 was the head
of the Educational Department in
the office of the high commissioner
for India, in London. In 1950 he
returned to the United States.
Debate Team
To Compete In
Tulane Contest
The Ag-g-ie Debate Team,
consisting- of John Wilson, Da
vid Bowers, Ray Finch and
Bill Heard, will compete in
the Tulane Invitational De
bate Tournament to be held in New
Orleans Thursday. They will be
accompanied on the three-day trip
by Debate Coach Lee Martin, of the
English Department.
Feb. 3-4, Wilson, Bowers, Finch
and Heai-d entered Senior Division
at the Baylor Speech Tournament
in Waco. Junior division entries
were Sophomore E. M. Huitt and
freshmen Ernest Heard and Glenn
Jackson. Bowers and Finch were
stopped in the initial elimination
round; Wilson and Heard went to
Tom Newman, junior; Daryll
Fawcett, freshman; Huitt and
Heard, accompanied by Barry Tar-
gan of the English Department,
entered the Abilene Christian Col
lege tourney Feb. 10-11.
A&M will be represented at the
Texas Round-up Tournament at the
University of Texas, March 9-10;
Piney Woods Debate Tournament
at Stephen F. Austin College in
Nacogdoches, March 23-24; and the
Southwest Conference tourney to
be held at Rice April 7.
Continued cloudy with occasional
light rain is forecasted for College
Station. A cold front is expected
tonight, but it will not be severe.
Yesterday’s high was 82 degrees;
low, 66. Temperature at 10:30 a.
m. was 71 degrees.
Job Calls
Scientists and engineers repre
senting the Naval Ordnance Test
Station, China Lake and Pasadena,
and the Naval Ordnance Labora
tory, Corona, will be here tomorrow
and Friday to interview and select
seniors and graduate students for
research, development, test and
evaluation work.
What’s Cooking
5 p.m.
San Antonio Hometown Club
meets today in front of the MSC
to have club picture taken.
Amarillo A&M Club meets to
day at the MSC for club picture.
Newman Club meets in the
Catholic Student Center for a bus
iness meeting followed by a movie.
Dr. Morgan Gives Report
At A&M Faculty Meeting
A&M is going to be tight on money for salaries again
next year, Dr. David H. Morgan, president of the College,
told the faculty at yesterday’s spring faculty meeting in
Guion Hall.
The Legislature gave the school less money for this
year than was spent last year, Dr. Morgan said. “We have
the same amount for next year plus an addition as a result
of the Fall increase in enrollment, but not enough to pay for
new teachers necessary for next fall.”
Dr. Morgan also pointed out the salary difference here
compared with salaries for last year at 31 other state insti
tutions with enrollments of 5,000 or more. The comparison
— ♦showed that A&M was “$!,-
200 below the average salary
for deans, $1,400 for profes
sors, $900 for associate pro
fessors, $640 for assistant
professors, and $200 for instruc-
Airport Gets Grant
Easterwood Airport is to receive
an $85,000 federal matching grant
according to E. L. Angell, assistant
Chancellor of the A&M System.
The money will be used to con
struct an Administration Building,
parking ramps, sidewalks and gut
News of the World
MOSCOW—Nikita S. Khruschev rewrote two major
points of the Communist creed yesterday. He said war is
not inevitable and that Red revolutions may be achieved in
some cases by parliamentary means. The stocky Communist
party boss made these revisions of traditional Marxist-Len-
inist theory in a confident, six-hour speech before the 20th
Congress of the Soviet Communist party in the Kremlin’s
Grand Palace.
★ ★ ★
LONDON—Fierce arctic weather still howled over
Europe last night, raising the cold wave death toll to 452
and bringing misery to millions.
★ ★ ★
NEW DELHI, India—Premier Tianka Prasad of Nepal
will send an official committee to Red China shortly to ne
gotiate the entire range of relations between the two coun
tries including the 500-mile Himalayan border, reports
reaching here said last night.
★ ★ ★
JERUSALEM, Israel Sector—Israel has considerab
ly increased her stockpiles of food, fuel and raw mater
ials in case of war. Finance Minister Levi Eshkol said
yesterday. He presented to Parliament a budget of 434
million dollars for the year beginning April 1.
School Series
To Be Held At
The A&M Consolidated Ed
ucation Commission will spon
sor a “Know Your School” se
ries at the Consolidated
Schools from Feb. 16 to March
22, according to Charles LaMotte,
president of the Commission.
“The purpose of this series of
meetings is to interest the citizens
of the community in their schools
by giving them a better chance to
observe the schools in action,” said
LaMotte. “Similar programs have
been tried in many of the nation’s
larger cities, and have met with
large degrees of success.”
Letters have been mailed to citi
zens of College Station, outlining
the program, and those interested
are asked to contact Mrs. Milton
A. Huggett, secretary of the Com
mission. Membership is limited to
two sections of 15 persons each in
this first course. The course will
be repeated each semester if
enough interest is shown.
“At present we still have room
for 18 more students,” LaMotte
said. “If anyone is interested, they
should contact Mrs. Huggett before
the first meeting tomorrow.”
The classes, which will meet from
1 to 3 p.m. each Thursday of the
six weeks, will follow this schedule:
first and second meetings, curri
culum; third meeting, extra-curric
ular, (physical education, clubs, in
terscholastic competition, music,
and other activities); fourth meet
ing, a look at the future, (physical
plant, effect of population growth,
and similar subjects); fifth meet
ing, proposed legislation; and sixth
meeting, Lincoln School.
The superintendent and the prin
cipals of the Consolidated School
System will conduct the course.
Dr. Les Richardson is superinten
dent, J. J. Skrivanek, high school
principal; Taylor Riedel, junior
high school; Mrs. H. S. Creswell,
elementary school; and W. A. Tar-
roAV, Lincoln School.
The Education Commission will
charge $2 to cover the cost of ma
terials, certificates, refreshments,
and any other necessities for the
The A&M Consolidated Educa
tion Commission is made up of all
interested citizens in the commu
nity, with an aim to promote in
terest in schools. In addition to
LaMotte and Mrs. Huggett, the
other officer is Raymond Rogers,
“This year we are going to be
even lower because we have not
been able to meet the raises grant
ed in other institutions,” he said.
“Tidal Wave”
The coming “tidal wave” of stu
dents to our colleges “are really a
blessing in disguise,” Dr. Morgan
said, “in that the institutions of
higher education! will be forced to
examine all of their practices in
order to prove productivity. . . .
Within the next five years I be
lieve that we shall see a rapid
change in the educational policies
and practices from those which we
now have and have had for genera
tions—if the people of the country
are willing to devote the small
percentage of the national income
that will be necessary to develop
this superior type of education.”
The main hope for a correlated
and integrated program for higher
education for all of Texas, Dr.
Morgan told the group, is the re
cently created Texas Commission
on Higher Education.
The president also reminded the
faculty that they should not fall
into routine in conducting their
classes, and asked them individual
ly—as departments and as schools
—to study grading this semester
and next year.
Evaluate Grades
“The most significant moment
in a course for any student is the
decision on his final grade. It is
to become part of his permanent
[record. He has been evaluated and
here is his measm’e.
“Is it valid? Does it actually
represent his true standing? Has
the evaluation been in terms of the
objectives of the course ? Has the
teaching been in terms of those ob
jectives ?”
Dr. Morgan emphasized that he
was not advocating easy grades,
but was merely asking that serious
study be made of grading policies
and practices.
Mudie Has Left
A&M For New Job
John H. Mudie, acting assistant
professor of economics, has left
A&M to work in Puerto Rico as a
research economist with the Gov
ernmental Development Bank there.
Mudie is working under Dr. Wil
liam deBeers who was formerly
with the Interaational Finance Di
vision of the U.S. Treasury Depart
Mudie came to A&M in the
spring of 1955 and taught here dur
ing the spring semester and the
fall semester of 1955. He received
his B.A. degree in economics from
Dartmouth College, his masteris
degree from the University of
Pennsylvania, and is working on
his doctor’s thesis at the University
of Texas.
Town Hall Set
For Symphony
Tonight At 8
Sir Thomas Beech am Bart,
conductor of the Royal Phil
harmonic Orchestra of London
and one of the great figures
in the music world, will guest
conduct the Houston Symphony at
Town Hall tonight at 8.
Scheduled for the program are
Mozart’s Symphony No. 41 in C
major, “Jupiter”, Beethoven’s
Third Symphony, “Eroica” a n d
“The Legend of the Fair Mesulina”
by Mendelssohn.
Within the past two weeks, he
has conducted the Philadelphia or
chestra in Carnegie Hall where,
according to press notices, he was
enthusiastically received. Of Bee-
cham’s interpretation of Mozart,
Howard Taubman wrote in the
New York Times that “there was
glowing vitality in Sir Thomas’
approach to what is probably his
favorite composer.”
Sir Thomas is well known to the
Houston orchestra having first con
ducted it in 1949 when he called it
“one of the finest orchestras in
the United States.”
The Houston Symphony has
been in operation since 1913 when
it started with 35 members. A typi
cal season for the symphony in
cludes 16 student concerts, 5 pop
concerts, 20 subscription concerts,
24 broadcasts, 21 summer park
concerts and 20-24 out-of-town
Prices for the concert are 1
and $1.50 for students, $2 and
$2.50 for non-students and Town
Hall season tickets may be used.
Ag. Eng. Dept.
Adds Professor
Charles Moran Hohn has joined
the staff of the Department of
Agricultural Engineering as an as
sistant professor, according to
Prof. Fred R. Jones, head of the
He comes to A. and M. from
Brenham, where he was design en
gineer and construction superin
tendent for Robei't Lange, contrac
Hohn is a native of Independ
ence, and attended Stephen F. Aus
tin high school in Bryan 1940-43,
He entered the navy in March of
1944 as an apprentice seaman,
completed V-12 training, served
six months ashore and seven
months afloat as an officer of the
line, and was discharged in Au
gust of 1946 as an ensign.
He holds a bachelor’s and a mas
ter’s degree from Texas A. and M.
in agricultural engineering.
VERY PRETTY—Miss Shirley Cannon, program consult
ant for the MSC, examines an Oriental Kesham rug which
has been given to the Center by J. Harold Dunn of Amar
illo, a member of the A&M System Board of Directors.
The rug, which has a dark rose outside border surrounding
a flowery and dark blue inside, is 13V2 feet by 24 feet,
and cost $12,000. It has been placed in the social room of
the MSC.