k Page 4 THE BATTALION Tuesday, February 7, 1956 In Intramurals Sqcl. 24 Nudges El-Armor Quintet By JOE DAN BOYD Intramural Writer Tom Neumann’s 12 points kept Squadron 24 on the unbeaten trek as it squeezed past ups^t-minded B-Armor, 23-20, in freshman bas ketball yesterday. Jack Smith was outstanding for the winless Armor quintet. Chai'les Paradowski racked up two baskets to nail down second place in Sqd. 24 scoring and Cliff Tuttle was third with three points. Fast-breaking John Moon paced Squadron 19 cagers with 14 points to help hand A-Infantry its third straight loss, 29-10, in another bas ketball contest. Ronald Stallings followed his teammate with two baskets and one free throw. Phil Vance and Leroy BergetOn each chalked up thi'ee points. James Bethel and Bob Ratcliff completed scoring with two each. Randy Curtis was top man for the Infantry team with four baskets. Sqd. 19 now has a 2-1 record. Grady Barr and Gary Hipps sank ten points each as A-AAA edged A-Athletics 34-32. Wayne Schaper proved A-Athletics biggest gun, scoring 16 of its 32 markers. Both teams now have 1-1 standings for the season. Sqd. 13 crushed Sqd. 21, 26-11, with Donald Graves taking top scoring honors with six baskets. Harvey Haas was second with two baskets and two free throws. Mike Brawner and George Stansell added four points each. The win gave Sqd. 13 a 2-1 record and di-opped Sqd. 21 to a 1-2 standing. Sqd. 16 blasted Sqd. 8, 26-17, i-e- sulting in a 2-1 record for both teams in freshman standings. Bill Boyd spai*ked C-Infantry gridders to a 20-0 shutout over B- Engineers in upperclassman intra murals. This was the third loss for the Engineers in as many con tests and marked C-Infan try’s third mark on the undefeated road. Two A&M Boxers Seek State Titles A&M’s hopes for its first state Golden Gloves championship will rest on the shoulders of light- heavyweight Jack Fowler and lightweight Paul Adams in Ft. Worth February 16-19. The other Aggie champion in the recent Waco meet, Don Earle, will concentrate mi track and will not make the trip. Coach Andy York will accompany the two A&M boxers to Ft. Worth. The Duke University football team of 1938 was not scored against in regular season play. But the Blue Devils lost the Rose Bowl game to the University of South- ern California, 7-3 on a pass in the final 40 seconds. DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS DIAL TA 2-1585 Students . . . Use Our Convenient Pick Up Stations At Taylor’s Variety Store — North Gate Why Chancellor Adenauer reads The Reader’s Digest In my country more than 500,000 people read the Digest in German each month. And they read not only about the people of the United States, hut about the people of all nations. The Reader's Digest has forged a new instrument for understanding among men." —KONRAD ADENAUER, Chancellor of West Germany In February Reader’s Digest don’t miss: LEARN TO LIVE WITH YOUR WORRIES. Some anxie ties spur you to greater effort. But many simply distort your judgment, wear ■ you down. Ardis Whitman tells the kind of worry you should learn to overcome, how to put sensible anxieties to good use. THE ONE AND ONLY BENCHLEY. When told his drink was slow poison, Benchley quipped, “So who’s in a hurry?”. . . Chuckles from the life of one of America’s best-loved humorists. BOOK CONDENSATION: I WAS SLAVE IE-241 IN THE SOVIET UNION. Seized without cause, John Noble (a U.S. citizen) was sent to a Russian concentra tion camp to work in a coal mine. In episodes from his forthcoming book, “Slave IE-241 ” Noble tells of Red brutality . . . and how the “slaves” rebelled in 1853—a revolt he’s sure can occur again. PRIVATE LiFE OF ADOLF HITLER. Was the Fuehrer insane? Bid he really marry his mistress Eva Braun the very night before they planned to kill themselves? Is his body secretly buried? Hitler’s personal valet reveals hitherto unknown facts. Get February Reader’s Digest at your newsstand today—ow/y 25& 45 articles of lasting interest, including the best from leading magazines and current books, condensed to save your time. A&M’s BOXING TEAM lines up behind 11 trophies won at the recent Waco Golden Gloves Tourney. On front row (1. to r.) are Jim Robbins, Bill Goode, A1 Browning, Jack Fowler, Tony Garza, Frank Cinatl and Jim Vandermeer. Back row: ^Connie Eckard, Le roy Bergeton, Don Earle, Mike Henderson, John Warren, Jackie Schmidt, E. B. Gray, Paul Adams, Don Willis, Don Weeks, Sonny Ellen, Don Hollister, Tommy Carter, Don Garner and Coach Andy York. Not shown are Bubba Hulke and Ernest Reesing. CHS Hosts Waller; Can Cinch Title Tie By MAURICE OLIAN Riding high on tbp of District 25-A with a 5-0 I’ecord, the Con solidated High Tigers can cinch at least a tie for the title tonight by downing Waller in Tiger gym. Game time for the “B” squads is 7 p.m. while the “A” teams battle at 8. Winners of nine of their last 12 games, the Tigers have pulled their season record to 11-9, but Consol idated must beat Waller and win in Katy Friday night to sew up the championship. Coach Larry Hayes’ crew bested Waller in their only other meeting to date, 46-29, in Waller, leading all the way. In their last outing the Tigers took a small lead and held it when it counted to edge Scaly, 53-51, last Tuesday. cCALL’S Humble Service Station “Where Service Is First” East Gate VI 6-4922 Hy 6 The regularly-scheduled Tomball affair was postponed because of the bad weather last Friday and will be played next Monday in Tomball. Season Scoring Leaders Player fg ft Pf tp avg Floeck 97 103 35 297 15.6 Garcia 95 45 41 235 11.8 Perryman 38 49 43 125 6.3 Hickman 27 14 37 68 3.4 Avera 13 5 14 31 3.1 Potts 13 11 25 37 2.1 _ Hall 10 6 32 26 1.3 Dr. Win. Gottlieb CHIROPODIST Foot Specialist will be in Bryan this Wednesday, Feb. 8 at the LaSalle Hotel for the treatment of foot conditions. OFFICE HOURS 9 to 4 :30 EASY DOES IT—An unidentified Squadron 4 gridder, in white shirt, hauls in a perfect pass for an extra point against Squadron 9. It all went for nought, however, as a penalty rubbed out the play in one of the football headliners from yesterday’s intramural action. SEE OUR . . . Complete Line of Rawling’s Baseball Equipment STUDENT CO-OP <><=><>< y Fish Baseballers To Have Meeting AIT students interested in coining out for the Fish baseball team should attend a meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday on the -West side of DeWare Field House. Coach Les Palmer urges anyone who wants to try for the team to make the meeting. Ag 4 7” Association To Meet Tonight The Aggie “T” Association will meet tonight in room 2D of the MSC. Final arrangements for the Sports Day ticket sales will be made. 7:30 p.m. is the meeting time. Coach Jerry Claiborne, the new sponsor, will speak on club membership. Saddle and Sirloin The Saddle and Sirloin Club will hold election of. officers tonight at 7:30 in the A&I Building. This is a very important meeting and all members are requested to be pres ent. Hayes To Speak Col. Albert T. Hayes, staff judge advocate of Flying Training Air Force, Waco, will address the Jun ior Air Force ROTC students Thursday in the Chemistry lecture room. His topic, scheduled for 3 p.m., will be “Military Justice.” That “new suit” I “bought” for Dad is really an old one I had rejuvenated at . . . CAMPUS CLEANERS 1. SUPERIOR TASTE So good to your taste because of superior tobaccos. Richer, tastier — especially selected for filter smoking. For the flavor you want, here’s the filter you need. RELAX WITH © Uoorrr & Mysis Tobacco Co. So quick on the draw! Yes, the flavor comes clean—through L&M’s exclusive Miracle Tip. Pure white inside, pure white outside, as a filter should he for cleaner, belter smoking. f= i l-t e r s Liggett & myers tobacco co. m lir BIG RED LETTER DAY!