« Page 8 THE BATTALION Thursday, January 26, 1956 Social Club Party Hosts 200 Ladies Approximately 200 members and guests of the A&M Social Club at tended a Games Party in the Me morial Student Center Friday. There were 46 tables of bridge, crazy bridge and canasta. Door prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. H. Dunlap and Mrs. George Potter. Mrs. F. E. Weick received the high score in bridge; Mrs. S'. S. Morgan, second high, and Mrs. C. C. Todd, low score. Mrs. G. G. Gibson was high score winner in crazy bridge and Mrs. W. D. Nuckols received the prize for canasta. The ladies of the School of Mili tary Science were hostesses for the affair with Mrs. Joe E. Davis as chairman. MINI RATH'S CANNED MEAT SPECIALS Dr. Wilson Elected Dr. Basil W. Wilson, elected president of the Oceanographic So ciety in December, took over - his offices at a recent meeting of the Society. Assisting him ai-e Robert O. Reid, first vice-president; Peter Kelly, second vice-president; Palle Hansen, secretary and Robert Dean, treasurer. Members heard a talk by Herbert Curl on “Harvesting Planketon foi Human Use.” Curl, here from Flo rida State University, is a National Science Foundation Fellow study ing in the depai’tment. Kiker Elected Sam Kiker has been elected pres ident of the A&M Industrial Edu cation Club. Other officers art Rod Pittman, vice-president; Jim mie Newman, secretary; Bob Mc- Carn, treasurer; Bill Swann, im porter; Gordon DeMarrais, social chairman; Dick McMillian, pro gram chairman; Carl Livesay, par liamentarian; and Pat Kerr and Joe Prior, co-financial chairmen. Revival Schedule Five BSU members from A&M will conduct a three-day Youth Re vival in Navasota beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Those attending are Glen Wis- trand, BSU Missions Director; Gene Buie, Skipper Connor, Dub Bailey and Morris Johnston. Seiwices are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Social Whirl AGGIE WIVES BRIDGE Club will meet at 7:30 tonight in the YMCA instead of the MSG. Host esses will be Wanda Wieland and Marilyn Dixon, regulars; Jackie Hungerford and Jeanie Crist, in termediates; and Jann Hall and Kay Cunningham, beginners. Prizes were won last week by Mary Dannenburg, high; Debbie Avei'y, traveling slam; and Cloma Burk, low, all in regulars. Inter mediate awards went to Janie John son, high and Clara Dokos, second high. * * * ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Wives Club will hold a social at 7:30 to night in the Aggie Wives Lounge, YMCA. New members wishing to join are particularly invited. * * * ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Wives Club will meet at 8 p.m Monday in the Memorial Student Center social center for a social program. Gene King of the Animal Hus bandry Department will lecture on “Meat” and illustrate his talk with slides. “All faculty wives are invited,” stated Bobby Dean, reporter for the club. “Anyone needing a i-ide may call Gardner Osborn, VI G-6064 or Patti McAlexander, VI G-4008.” * * * GEOLOGY WIVES CLUB out going president, Eleanor Paseman, was honored with a party Thursday night by Mis. S. A. Lynch, wife of the head of that department. Held at Mrs. Lynch’s home, approxi mately 23 members attended. Mem bers played bridge and scrabble following refreshments which had a Valentine theme. SAUSAGE .C?" 37c RATH’S BLACK HAWK VIENNA SAUSAGE 2 4 C °‘; 33c RATH'S SLICED DRIED BEEF RATH’S SLICED DRIED BEEF 53c Rath's Black Hawk LUNCH MEAT . ,2 c°-' 33c IMPERIAL CANE SUGAR ; ft 46* BROOKFIELD CHEESE 2 w 69c NORTHERN NAPKINS 4m 80 Count jLi Pkgs. ORR’S GOLD SEAL POT ROAST ib. :;.v ORR’S GOLD SEAL ROUND STEAK lb. 59c ARMOUR’S STAR-ROLL SAUSAGE . . lb. 23c FRESH SELECT OYSTERS . pt. 79c FRESH DRESSED HENS pound 39c cans Del Monte Monte 229c 2(-a" 3 s 45c 25c 303 Cans Roll. SPINACH GREEN BEANS c D ;: DEL MONTE PEARS DEL MONTE PEAS 2^ 39c • 2 Can* 29C PEACHES ( Swift Premium Pick of the Flock Fancy fat v^iVr -11.1 i Cream Style Del Monte Sliced or Halves—2'/2 Cans 29c Dentler Maid POTATO CHIPS 23c 2r>c Bag Maryland Club COFFEE Admiration COFFEE Bright & Early COFFEE Lb. Can Lb. Pkg. Lb 88c 81c Lb. rjrk Pkg. 4 ?>C n'iV I' CASH for your . . . BOOKS L G U P O T ’ S Del Monte CATSUP 2 Bottles 39c THE POAMtHG* CLEANSER pUUY ©RESSiO « ©RAVSfN GAN & isoj*. : .. . ... .... . • “* Colgate—49c Tubes TOOTH PASTE ... 2 for 59c Gillette—Pkg. of 5 BLUE BLADES 19c FROZEN FOODS Morton’s Frozen FRUIT PIES 3 n "tr 69c (Your Choice of: APPLE, CHERRY, PEACH) Morton’s Frozen POT PIES 3 tr 69c (Your Choice of: CHICKEN, BEEF or TURKEY) Pasco Fresh Frozen ORANGE JUICE 2r Sweet Frost . . . Fresh Frozen BUTTER BEANS 10-Oz. MIXED VEGETABLES Your Choice GREEN PEAS . . 10-Oz. ^ Pkgs. 0(^C Ra+h's Black Hav/k Sliced Breakfast BACON C Lb. 39 Rath's Black Hawk 29c FRANKS ~ 39 Rath's Black Hawk THE CHOICE Q£ MILLIONS EGGS GOLD IJS iHAL LEAF SPINACH 12-Oz. < MAYFIELD’S GRADE “A” LARGE—DOZ. for SMOKIES £ 39 Rath's Black Hawk Canned PICNICS 4‘/j -Lb. Each 69 Fresh Valley SPINACH Cello Bag 23c RUSSETT POTATOES WHITE GRAPEFRUIT For All Purposes lO Lb. Bag Seedless (Size 80) EACH 35 4 California Black Ribier ★ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ★ GRAPES ^ lO c SUPER MARKETS Sweet Yellow ONIONS Lb. 5 200 £ 24